Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 163 Special and Major Contribution

"Comrade Li Zhan's Special and Major Contribution Commendation Conference"

When the troops walked into the station auditorium, they looked up and saw the red background and white letters hanging horizontally above the stage saying this.

Thousands of officers and soldiers were all shocked. It is extremely rare for a commendation meeting to be held specifically for an individual and attended by all units in the entire station except those on combat readiness duty.

Not only did they not wait until the half-year summary in June for commendation, but they also held a large-scale military meeting. Such an honor can be said to be unprecedented among military region troops.

However, the leadership level present was not high. A familiar face, Vice Minister Liang, attended on behalf of the military region. He was only a deputy military level cadre. The higher-level leadership may have considered the special nature of the incident, may have other considerations that are difficult to guess, or may have other reasons.

Some veteran non-commissioned officers and middle-level cadres noticed the language of the banner.

Not an "outstanding contribution", not an "important contribution", not a "special contribution", nor a "particularly important contribution", but a "special and significant contribution".

First of all, generally speaking, "major" is often used for bad things, such as major accidents and major dangers. Secondly, the word "special" is worth pondering. Although it is only one word different from "special", the meaning is completely different. "Special" refers to something unique, difficult to imitate and learn, and has a strong meaning of referring to people. "Special" is often used to distinguish and emphasize something, and has a strong meaning of strengthening.

The six words "special and significant contribution" completely summed up the nature of the "4-1" actual combat. It not only admitted that it was an accident, but also affirmed the positive side of the incident, which was very impartial and objective. At the same time, it also means that the higher-level leadership agencies have finalized the matter. No one knows what the situation of the other parties is, but Li Zhan wants to be commended. Not only must he be commended, but he must be commended severely!

Following the general commendation meeting process, Chen Hualin presided over the meeting. He spoke first, and then Vice Minister Liang, who was in charge of the investigation team, introduced the investigation situation and reported the investigation results as well as the reward and punishment decisions for relevant personnel.

"There are serious problems with the work attitude of Radar Station No. 27. Deputy Station Director Wang Dongyang will be given one demerit, and a collective serious warning will be given. Qu Hongbo will be demoted and demoted, and he will be transferred from Radar Station No. 27; Battalion Commander Doyle will be given a warning , a collective notice of criticism was given once; the team of the military chronicle column was given third-class collective merit, the main direction cameraman was given second-class individual merit, and the reporter in charge of the column was given second-class personal merit..."

Everyone was well aware of the previous punishments for Radar Station No. 27 and Camp Doyle. It was neither serious nor light, which was appropriate. This was because there were no casualties or damage to equipment. Otherwise, it would have been more severe. Not to mention anything else, if Li Zhan died or the fighter plane was disabled, everyone directly related to Radar Station 27 and Doyle Camp from top to bottom would have to deal with it.

Some people may think that the punishment given to the main responsible person, Qu Hongbo, is light. In fact, looking at it from another direction, the punishment of demotion and demotion is very appropriate.

What is more serious than demotion is dismissal, and the most serious is expulsion from the military. So, which disciplinary decision applies to Qu Hongbo's violation of disciplinary regulations?

Li Zhan encountered many major dangers when he was in the Second Division. The first time he hit a bird, he parachuted below a safe height and pulled a pole to save the people on the ground before ejecting. Therefore, he received first-class merit. Note that he was alive. If he parachuted above a safe height and pulled the rod to save the people on the ground, but he died, it would definitely be a first-class merit. If there is no sacrifice, then at most it will be a second-class merit.

A brief summary of the conditions for being awarded first-class merit: Objectively, if you perform meritorious service, you will die, and you will be recorded with first-class merit.

Digression: Not long ago, a non-commissioned officer of the old First Group Army in the Eastern Theater Command was awarded first-class merit. He is alive and well. If you carefully study the circumstances of his meritorious service, it far exceeds the requirements for recording first-class merit.

Therefore, there is a saying that first-class merit records are basically hung on the wall, which shows how difficult it is to win first-class merit.

On the other hand, if there were no casualties or equipment damage, Qu Hongbo could not be dismissed from his post, let alone the conditions for dismissal from the military. The most important thing is that the investigation showed that he had no selfish motives and was just trying to bring glory to the collective. His starting point was not wrong.

But just being demoted or demoted seems a bit light, so what should I do?

A leader must have real ability to be a leader. It is particularly appropriate to be demoted and demoted, neither serious nor light!

To sum up, it can be seen that Li Zhan spent a lot of effort to save himself and the No. 037 fighter plane, and also saved a large number of people. Based on this alone, he has shed a lot of life-saving grace.

What is surprising is that the military chronicle column team actually received meritorious service commendation.

Only a few people know that imaging data exists, so many people don't understand it. Why did a military chronicle column group suddenly appear? Moreover, two people recorded the second-class merit and the third-class merit was collectively recorded!

This reward is not light!

If they knew that the photographer who committed the crime captured the overall picture and close-up details, and if they knew that the reporters organized and arranged several cameras to capture the scene in all directions, they would not think it was so abrupt.

Because of Li Zhan, those few journalists who spent all day in various troops shooting indifferent documentaries were hit squarely on the head by a big pie. They were more confused than anyone else.

Especially the two photographers and reporters in charge who were awarded second-class merit. Even if they make lifelong documentary films, they will never get a chance to achieve second-class merit. The significance of the material they inadvertently photographed far exceeds the standard for second-class merit. From this perspective, recording second-class merit is not excessive at all.

So some people really can’t stop their luck.

Immediately, everyone quickly thought of a question - even the marginal and insignificant figures received second-class merit, so what kind of credit should Comrade Li Zhan, the central figure and absolute protagonist of all this, be remembered for?

Special merit has been canceled a long time ago. So, first-class merit will be recorded?

Does it seem like the reward is lighter?

Regarding what kind of reward to give Li Zhan, the higher-level leadership organization spent a week holding three meetings to conduct full and heated discussions, and then came up with a reward result that was approved by all parties.

Discipline and punishment are always the most serious and prudent matters in the army, and the same is true for merit and awards. The higher you go, the more serious and prudent you are.

After carefully studying Li Zhan's situation, many leaders found it very difficult - that boy actually had four first-class merits, one second-class merit and two third-class merit! And he also won the title of "Patriotic Military Model" in the army!

This is difficult to handle.

First of all, it is absolutely inappropriate to record first-class merit. It can even be said that even if Li Zhan does nothing, at the end of the year or next year, the army will make him a model model or something. According to regulations, two first-class merits are the conditions for evaluating a model model. He has already won the title of a model model, and he is a very valuable "Pacemaker of the All-Army Loves the Army", so he must be given a model model or model. title, then it must be given a higher honorary title than "The All-Army Loves the Army's Jingwu Model".

This is clearly stated!

If you give him a first-class merit, how can you give him an honorary title? At this point, no one would think that there are any obstacles to granting Li Zhan a personal honorary title. The question is what kind of personal honorary title should be given to him?

Three first-class merits are consistent with the title of first-class heroic model. Therefore, Li Zhan's contribution directly promoted the development of the entire army's aviation force and filled some gaps!

However, that is a first-level hero model!

How many first-class heroes and models have appeared in the army during non-war years? That is not comparable to the first-level heroes and models in the public security system!

It's inappropriate. It's inappropriate to give first-class merit, but first-class merit is the highest reward medal. We can only start with the details. First of all, we must consider the future development that is beneficial to Li Zhan. After all, he is still young. Therefore, after many studies and careful discussions, it was decided to give Li Zhanji a personal first-class merit, but this first-class merit was different from the previous four first-class merits.

Vice Minister Liang directly read out the reward given to Li Zhan, "Comrade Li Zhan will be given first-class personal merit, and the approval authority will be the Supreme Command."

When they heard the first half of the sentence, the officers and soldiers who knew that Li Zhan already had four first-class merits felt disappointed. The first-class merits could not match Li Zhan's contribution and influence. After the second half of the sentence came out, everyone chewed it for a while and slowly came back to it.

The key lies in the approval authority.

Li Zhan is a battalion cadre. According to the requirements for reward authority, the military region authorities have the right to record merit for him. What does it mean to specially promote him to a higher level?

The higher-ups know you, but now is not the time to give you a higher reward. You are still young and work hard.

Old comrades like Xue Xiangdong even noticed one detail - the superior leadership agency did not award Li Zhan a personal honorary title. This shows that the higher-ups believe that Li Zhan is likely to perform even better in the future. At this time, according to the first-class honorary title awarded Awarding individual honorary titles based on the number of merits is neither comprehensive nor of the highest value. In short, all aspects are considered out of love for Li Zhan, a young cadre.

On the other hand, three of Li Zhan's four first-class merits were awarded by the Air Force organization of the Second Division, because he was a company-level cadre at the time, and the fourth was awarded by Guangkong in recognition of his outstanding performance in fighting floods in Sanhe. Those who were awarded based on their performance were already deputy battalion cadres at that time.

The gold content awarded to different units is also different. Generally speaking, the higher the level, the fewer opportunities to make great contributions. Our army’s rewards are sinking to the bottom, so you can see a large number of soldiers and grassroots cadres who have made meritorious services, but no one has seen them. A senior general who has made great achievements.

If cadres or technical staff who have reached the military level or above have achieved first-class merit, they must hold a special meeting on the Bayi floor and be personally awarded by the top commander.

Therefore, after figuring out all the joints, everyone was convinced of the superior's operation, which not only took into account the actual situation, but also left more room for Li Zhan's future development.

After reading out the merit-recording order, Vice Minister Liang presented the award to Li Zhan and then spoke briefly. The conference ended without any sloppiness.

This is undoubtedly a reminder to the officers and soldiers - talk less and do more!

The next chapter will be updated around three o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be two chapters in a row. Brothers, get up the flying hours. You must fly at least 5,000 hours this month, right?

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