Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 165 Give Master Qi new clothes

First, he calculated his rod fee. Looking at the impressive figures, Li Zhan rubbed his hands in excitement.

He couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and call home. Li Jianguo answered the phone, but Li Zhan said, "Dad, let mom answer the phone."

"Okay, okay, Huihua, it's Azhan, I want you to answer the phone!"

"Come on, come on, don't you train during the day? Make a call now."

"They also have services on Saturdays and Sundays! Pick up quickly and say a few words. I have something to ask him!"

Ye Huihua's voice came clearly, "Son, are you on vacation?"

"Mom, yes, we have Saturdays and Sundays off. Let me tell you, I have a bonus of 21,000 yuan this month! 21,125 yuan!" Li Zhan said excitedly with a smile from ear to ear.

Ye Huihua was shocked, "So many! Why so many!"

"Based on time, one hour of flying costs 325 yuan. I flew 65 hours this month! That's more than 20,000 yuan! I looked at the training plan. If the weather is not bad in June, With the change, I should be able to fly forty to fifty hours and only have a small amount of twenty thousand yuan. Plus June, I can pay off the mortgage in the first half of the year!" Li Zhan calculated quickly.

With the salary subsidy plus the tie-rod fee, June was the ninth month since he was transferred to Beiku. His total income was less than 200,000 yuan. Plus the urgent needs in the previous few months, it was enough to pay off the mortgage in advance. , how can he not be excited or excited!

Ye Huihua was so excited that she couldn't speak. To her, it was a huge amount of money that she had no idea about. A mother really cares about her son. It doesn't matter how much money she makes. She only cares about whether her son can have enough to eat and whether he works hard and is well clothed. Be careful not to get sick with your clothes and so on.

Until Li Jianguo impatiently drove her away and grabbed the microphone.

"Azhan, let me ask you, why didn't you tell your family that you were transferred?" Li Jianguo asked seriously.

Li Zhan asked, "Dad, who told you that I was transferred?"

In the past few months, Li Zhan did not reveal the news of his transfer to his family. Before, he only mentioned that he would be training here for a period of time, but he did not explain it clearly.

Li Jianguo said seriously, "You're still hiding it from me. Wanjun came to visit us at home before going to school. She said you were transferred long ago, and you said it was for training. Transferred to the west, what kind of bullshit is that? You are What's going on? Did you make a mistake?"

"Ying Wanjun?" Li Zhan's head got bigger, "Don't listen to her nonsense, what mistake did I make? I was promoted! I am now the captain of the battalion, and the deputy battalion cadre enjoys the treatment of the full battalion level! I just gave my mother Say my income has increased, can I increase my income if I make a mistake?”

"Also, the west side is pretty good. The scenery is picturesque. You don't even know how good it is here. Anyway, don't worry. Your son and I are now a high-level talent."

"Stop bragging, I don't know you yet? As soon as the college entrance examination was over, you ran out to work without saying a word and didn't come back for two years. If the school hadn't told me that it was a work-study program sent by the school, I would have beaten you to death! I tell you! Get along well with your leaders, humility makes people progress, be cautious in doing things, be kind to others, and change your temper!" Li Jianguo scolded.

Li Zhan smiled bitterly and said, "I know, okay, okay, I'm working overtime, so that's it for now. Yes, I'll remit the money back tomorrow, and you can go to the bank to verify it tomorrow afternoon!"

Hurry up and hang up the phone.

Li Zhan felt distressed when he thought that there was another oil bottle in Chang'an. I couldn't think of a solution for a while, so I simply gave up. I continued to calculate the drawbar fees of the other people in the brigade, and then I found that the person second only to him was Nan Lianghong. I immediately laughed - the deputy chief of staff was so desperate for money that he actually flew for forty hours. , 13,000 yuan in rod fees were obtained.

The reason why Li Zhan has so many flying hours is because he has to stay in the air for a long time to command. He hung up three auxiliary fuel tanks at once, and once he got up, he waited until the fuel level was almost at an alarm before getting down, which was basically twice as long as others. Everyone else’s flying hours are around thirty-five hours, an average of twelve hours a week, which is absolutely high-intensity.

Some people even suspect that Li Zhan's real purpose in requesting to conduct training from the sky instead of squatting in the tower was to pay for the rod. This suspicion is reasonable and well-founded. At least take off by car, whether you are maneuvering or flying normally, the lever fee is the same. Who wouldn’t want to make money flying a plane?

But it's just a joke. Li Zhan really doesn't value the rod fee, but the most intuitive and effective command in the air. He could correct the pilot's movements on the spot, almost hand-in-hand. Of course, he is also brave. To conduct air command at visual distance means to be very close, and the risk of mid-air collision is very high.

Don't forget, the training of the Mad Demon Brigade has eliminated altitude differences. Pilots can fly freely when they are in the sky. They are much more free than before. Of course, the risks are also much higher.

When Han Bo, the deputy commander in charge of machine maintenance, walked in, he happened to see Li Zhan smiling and clicking his calculator. He asked strangely, "Team Li, are you busy?"

Li Zhan quickly stopped his smile and said, "Oh, then the regiment didn't assign me an instructor. I'm checking the comrades' rod fees for this month. There should be no problem."

"Oh, there can't be any mistake. The finance department will definitely make no mistake." Han Bo smiled. Everyone knew Li Zhan's nickname as the Little Prince of Tie Rods, and he didn't tell him.

Li Zhan asked, "Deputy Commander Han, what's the matter?"

That tone is just to drive people away - bother me to settle accounts!

"Yes. I've prepared it here. It's all prepared according to your requirements. You have to tell me what kind of painting you want to change, or give me a sample." Han Bo said without sitting down.

Li Zhan frowned, and then he suddenly realized, "The painting of the aircraft! Look at my memory, I have it all, I have the sample ready and I have sketched it out, I'll get it for you."

Then he opened the drawer and took out a stack of photos and handed them to Han Bo.

Han Bo took it with a smile and thought to himself, you can't remember anything after seeing the money, right? It was you who proposed to change the livery of the Crazy Demon Brigade's fighter planes. You wanted to treat it as a big deal. I hurriedly and slowly prepared it as required, but now you have completely forgotten about it?

Damn you, you are a little money addict!

"Eh, VFA-115? NK? These code names are very familiar!" Han Bo said with a frown.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "No need to guess. The battle squadron of the powerful enemy navy is nicknamed the Eagle Squadron. However, we don't use the eagle head. We have a devil head painted on the side of the vertical tail. It is in the photo. The rest can be copied."

He reached out and found the sketch he had drawn, and said, "Follow this pattern, with gray low-visibility paint, the Blue Devil logo, and the fighter code name painted on the side of the nose. For example, I am Dong Sanguai, and then that's it."

"This!" Han Bo said in surprise, "This, is this okay? Will the superiors approve it?"

Li Zhan waved his hand and said, "I have reported it before. Just brush it up boldly. I will be responsible for any problems. If you want to simulate the Blue Army, you must simulate it as much as possible. The more similar the better. Is it just the appearance? Identification of friend or foe has not changed. Ah, wouldn't it be good to give the Red Army brothers some visible pressure? At least it can help them get into the mood as quickly as possible. They are always playing tricks, what do you want the Mad Demon Brigade to do? "

"This..." Han Bo was still hesitant, "Even if everything else is fine, but for this devil, isn't this not suitable?"

Li Zhan said, "The Mad Demon Brigade doesn't need a demon. Since the code name has been approved, the logo must be OK. Deputy Commander Han, I'll go with you and I'll sign."

"Okay." Han Bo felt relieved now. When he walked out of the door, he came to his senses and said, "You don't need to sign. I am in charge of the maintenance, so of course I will sign."

The whole team is working hard to prepare for a turnaround, and he cannot fail to take responsibility.

The two came to the tarmac. The maintenance team was ready. Each maintenance team was working at the same time. The station sent some employees to help. Obviously, this kind of painting done in the open air cannot be very fine, but Li Zhan meant that as long as the paint does not peel off like that, there is no need to go to the maintenance shop for spraying.

They are all old guys, and if they are too detailed, they will look awkward.

Li Zhan had been watching the maintenance team begin to replace all eighteen J-7Es with new clothes. Miao Yu took it upon himself to paint five red stars on both sides of his nose near the cockpit. He just laughed. laughed. In the future, he can even let pilots paint their own fighter planes in a personalized way, which is a good way to mobilize the enthusiasm of officers and soldiers for training.

"Captain, the five red stars represent five first-class merits." Miao Yu said to Li Zhan as if he was asking for credit.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "I can see it. This is a good idea. Give a verbal praise once. When our team has more than ten red stars, we can give first-class collective merit."

"It will definitely be fast!" Miao Yu didn't know where her confidence came from.

When it was almost time to have lunch, Han Bo came over in an open-top commuter car and said loudly, "Team Li, it's all done, please check and accept it!"

Li Zhan walked over and jumped onto the station. He looked up and saw a neat row of J-7Es that had changed a lot. They were painted in gray. The huge blue devil logo on the vertical tail was particularly eye-catching, and then there were huge Arabic numerals on the side of the nose. The code name, the five red stars on his No. 037 fighter plane is like the five stripes of the Young Pioneers, and also like the armband worn by the old man of Chaoyang Mass.

The lineup of eighteen fighter planes is shocking. At first glance, I thought a powerful enemy was stationed!

"Great! It's so similar! So beautiful!"

Li Zhan praised the team and then told Han Bo, "Deputy leader Han, the management of the outfield must be stricter. No one is allowed to take pictures. If these liveries are spread, the masses will misunderstand."

"Understood. I'll talk to the webmaster Zheng Kaiyun about this immediately. I can definitely control it." Han Bo nodded.

Unknowingly, many deputy regiment-level cadres are accustomed to talking to Li Zhan from the perspective of subordinates. If Li Zhan hadn't always kept in mind the terminology standards for his position level, I'm afraid they would have thought that they were Li Zhan's subordinates. .

Li Zhan was about to leave the tarmac when he suddenly saw the J-6 Plus parked behind him. The fuselage number was 95533. It was the backup aircraft he had used. This old guy has been assigned to the Kuangmo Brigade to prevent Li Zhan from flying the aircraft when No. 037 is undergoing maintenance.

After thinking about it, Li Zhan said to Miao Yu, "Refresh the number 95533. There is no need to change the code name. Well, the rest will be the same as number 037. Let the old guy wear new clothes."


Miao Yu answered excitedly, just like a child who can graffiti on the walls at home with the permission of his parents, and immediately led the soldiers to take action.

"Don't be anxious, have lunch first, and then continue in the afternoon." Li Zhan shook his head helplessly and said, "Cong Dawei! Gather the troops and bring them back!"

"Yes!" Cong Dawei blew the whistle over there to gather the troops.

Li Zhan and Han Bo took the commuter bus to the canteen. Han Bo said, "Why is the sixth man painting him? He is waiting for the old guy to retire."

Since Li Zhan's blockbuster alarmed the Air Force and the Supreme Command, the officers and soldiers of the 101st Regiment and even the 73rd Division have gained confidence and have great hopes in quickly renovating third-generation aircraft.

"Then we have to wait for the conversion or continue to receive second-hand goods from other units to replace the old ones from the Third Brigade, otherwise this old guy will have to continue to exert its residual heat." Li Zhan said.

Han Bo smiled and said, "With the quality of the No. 037 fighter, you probably won't have much chance to use the backup machine."

"That's true."

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