Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 166 Sudden Night Live Fire Shooting

At three o'clock in the morning, Li Zhan and Wu Zhen were chatting wordlessly in the flight briefing room below the tower. The new paint job for all the fighters of the Mad Demon Brigade had met the usage standards a few hours ago, so they took over the combat readiness duty from the Third Brigade as planned.

One of the reasons why the Crazy Demon Brigade will have heavier flight missions in May is that it also takes on combat readiness duties, but the flight time may be less because there is no need to dispatch fighter planes if there is no air condition. The 101st Regiment had no combat readiness patrol missions in the first half of the year.

According to the mix of old and new, Li Zhan and new pilot Wu Zhen form a two-plane formation. There is a camp bed in the flight briefing room where you can sleep, but you will be dispatched immediately when the alarm comes.

Li Zhan was half-lying while holding "Analysis of Design Characteristics and Technical Performance of Carrier-Based Aircraft" while Wu Zhen sat and stood for a while, looking towards the warning lights from time to time. He was very energetic. He was in the same batch as Han Hongjun's new pilots. He had been flying solo for almost a year. He also did well in the 4-1 subject, but he had never failed a single flight. It was inevitable to be excited.

After the 4-1 battle, Li Zhan named the subjects of the "228" major issue as the 4 series of subjects. Low-altitude penetration strike was the first, so the code name was 4-1. It is also colloquially called the four-bar-one exercise. .

"Captain, do you think there will be no love today? It's the Double Ninth Festival soon. Didn't you say that there will always be something happening during major holidays?" Wu Zhen couldn't help but ask Li Zhan.

Li Zhan didn't even raise his eyelids and said, "I'm talking about the troops in the coastal areas. What's wrong here? Besides, foreigners don't celebrate the Double Ninth Festival."

"That, that's too boring." Wu Zhen said disappointedly.

"Once you have been in the sky, you will hope for world peace." Li Zhan said, "Stop wandering around and sit down, or go to sleep. It's still early before dawn."

Wu Zhen sat down and said, "I can't sleep."

Hearing this, Li Zhan simply sat up, put the book aside, and said, "You can't sleep, right? OK, let me ask you, what is the most critical operation for low-altitude flight in a slow train?"

"Flap three!" Wu Zhen replied without thinking.

Li Zhan is very satisfied with Wu Zhen's conditioned reflexes, which shows that the training in the past three weeks has been very effective. He continued to ask, "What is the first operation after coming out of the mountain?"

"Turn on the afterburner!" Wu Zhen continued to answer quickly.

The second problem is that there is a trap. It is Li Zhan's style to turn on afterburner at every turn. The training that other members of the Mad Demon Brigade received before has clearly defined the circumstances under which to turn on afterburner. Such as seizing attack positions, aerial combat, emergency support, etc. Turning on the afterburner right out of the mountain is just the psychological shadow left by the 4-1 battle example on Li Zhan.

He has been reflecting on the operations in the 4-1 battle example. Although there are 301 of them, he remembers them all accurately and in sequence. In the end, he found that the most critical operation was to turn on the afterburner immediately, so that the engine could maintain sufficient speed and reserve enough power for subsequent maneuvers.

In fact, to sum up some very complex evasive actions, the key operation often lies in one or two very common actions, as long as you perform the operation at the most appropriate time.

"Well, the response is pretty fast." Li Zhan nodded slightly, "But do you know where your shortcomings are? Your flying movements are unnatural. When traveling through the mountains, you are forced by the mountains, not by yourself. It was calculated and bypassed in advance. Do you know the reason?"

Wu Zhen shook his head blankly.

Li Zhan pointed to his temple, "You have memorized the entire operation process and the handling plans for various dangers, but you have not been able to fully integrate into it naturally. Looking back on the way you learned to walk in unison at the beginning, you are that person now. Looks like. The essentials of the movements are correct, but the walking is very stiff."

"Natural integration..." Wu Zhen obviously failed to understand the joints, "Captain, my movements are not natural enough?"

Li Zhan shook his head slightly, "Your operation movements should be natural, but when combined with the fighter's reaction, it always seems stiff. You have to think about this carefully, slowly and carefully."

It is up to oneself to be led in by the master and to understand.

If there was something wrong with Wu Zhen's operation, Li Zhan would have corrected it or given him some trouble. It was precisely because he realized that Wu Zhen's problem did not fall into the category of technical actions that Li Zhan did not mention it. Now if there is nothing to do, just give me some advice, although the effect will definitely be limited.

Flying is not only a technology but also an art. Li Zhan’s consistent view is that pilots should have both the skills of science students and the artistic imagination of liberal arts students. For the same maneuver, a thousand pilots can fly it in a thousand styles. Some of them look awkward, even though the order and essentials of the operation are correct, while others are pleasing to the eye and give people the feeling of flowing smoothly. The reason is that the latter has entered the realm of artistic flight. In layman's terms, it is the integration of man and machine.

Li Zhan didn't dare to expect everyone in the Mad Demon Brigade to reach this level, but wouldn't the more the better?

Seeing Wu Zhen lost in thought and slightly simulating operating movements with his hands and feet, Li Zhan smiled with satisfaction, picked up the book and continued to chew.

In the 4-1 subject, most of the Kuangmo team reached a level of good or above, and Li Zhan was quite satisfied with this result. The standards he set are inherently high and can reach a good level, basically achieving a 70% penetration success rate. However, his ultimate goal is to have every pilot have a penetration success rate of more than 90% within this year, and those who cannot achieve this will be transferred from the Mad Demon Brigade.

In theory, it is more than 90%, and in practice, it is 100%. Only on the battlefield can most people successfully penetrate the defense.

This is easy to understand - in theory, pilots with a success rate of more than 90% will not survive the low-altitude penetration stage. Therefore, the battlefield is either 100% or 0%, and there is never the second percentage.

A rush of footsteps came from outside. Wu Zhen's meditation was interrupted and he stood up subconsciously. Li Zhan also put down his book and looked at the door, his muscles slowly entering a fighting state. The sound of footsteps in such a hurry meant that something was urgent, but the alarm was not thought of, which meant that it was not an empty sign.

Could it be that something happened to those two boys who spent the night in Beiku?

After staying in a quiet place for so long, I suddenly arrived in a big city - Beikucheng is not a big city compared to the surrounding small towns. It is inevitable that my eyes will be fascinated by the colorful world, and the string will be slightly loosened. Some, if someone can’t control himself and can’t do something, then that’s not a big deal!

Fearing what might happen, Xue Xiangdong walked in quickly with a serious face, staring at Li Zhan as if he wanted to eat someone.

"Captain, why didn't you rest? Deputy Chief of Staff Nan Lianghong was on duty at the tower at night." Li Zhan asked guiltily.

Xue Xiangdong stared at Li Zhan, then at Wu Zhen, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you confident that you can do a two-machine-to-ground live-fire shooting?"

"Now?" Li Zhan looked out the window subconsciously. He could see stars and the weather was good.

"Stop talking nonsense, is there any problem?" Xue Xiangdong asked in a deep voice.

Li Zhan reacted suddenly, "Of course it's no problem! It's just live ammunition shooting at night! Wu Zhen is also completely fine, I'll take him with me."

"Okay! Come out to the meeting!"

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