Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 167 The Seventh Man with a Bullet in the Night Sky

"Can we only fly this route?"

"Yes, it must be exactly the same!"

After Xue Xiangdong answered decisively, Li Zhan stopped asking questions. He probably understood what was going on, but if Xue Xiangdong didn't explain, he absolutely couldn't ask. This is discipline.

Xue Xiangdong knew that Li Zhan had figured it out in a few seconds, but there was also a rookie Wu Zhen. He emphasized again, "The target area is in an uninhabited mountainous area near the border. There will be light indicators. You must be careful not to cross the line. You must not cross the line! You must ensure that the rocket hits the target area."

"Who is in command? Is there a command post on the ground?" Li Zhan asked.

Xue Xiangdong said, "No, the Beikut tower directs the command. The specified time and route are fixed target areas. You strictly follow the plan and return after firing the rockets. Remember, the return route is also fixed. You don't have much time, so get familiar with it immediately. If you don’t understand the plan, please bring it up.”

"Understood." Li Zhan looked serious, and he and Wu Zhen quickly studied the night-time live-fire shooting training plan.

No matter how dull Wu Zhen was, he was still thoughtful at this time. He controlled his strong curiosity and excitement, and concentrated all his energy on studying the entire plan with the rapid secretion of adrenaline.

"This is the first time our regiment has conducted such a night-time live-fire shooting training on the ground. You must do it well. Later, we will summarize the experience and promote it to the whole regiment. The night-time live-fire shooting training will begin in May, and both empty and ground targets will be used. Fight, you mad team must make a good start." Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan suddenly smiled and said, "Commander, don't worry, this time I will definitely contribute a lot of ammunition to the construction of the great People's Air Force."

Wu Zhen grinned excitedly. He secretly guessed that if he got it right this time, he might be able to get third-class merit, or even second-class merit. Han Hongjun and Li Zixin are Li Zhan's wingmen. Han Hongjun was on duty tonight. He was going out on a blind date, but Wu Zhen took over his shift. So sometimes luck is important.

The maintenance team received the order first and was loading ammunition on the two fighter planes on duty. The ammunition configuration is exactly the same as the 4-1 combat example-four groups of 90mm caliber rockets and an auxiliary fuel tank. Han Bo was on the tarmac, personally checking the loading status of the ammunition and signing the task list.

At 3:45 in the morning, Li Zhan and Wu Zhen came to the tarmac. There are several aprons next to the tower, and fighter aircraft on duty are usually parked here, and are driven by ground power vehicles throughout the entire process. Li Zhan and Wu Zhen checked the condition of the fighter planes respectively, focusing on the ammunition, and signed after confirming that it was correct.

At 3:47 in the morning, the tower gave the order and the two fighter planes slid out one after another.

At 3:50 in the morning, the tower gave the order and the two-plane formation took off.

"Hey, make three turns in the cave, adjust course to 270, altitude 7,000, cruising speed." Xue Xiangdong gave the order in a deep voice, his words were very clear and his tone was very calm.

Li Zhan glanced at the instrument panel and repeated the command, "Course 270, altitude 7,000, cruising speed, understand."

He made adjustments first, and then Wu Zhen followed closely. The wingman must follow the actions of the lead aircraft, otherwise a mid-air collision may easily occur. Night flights impose stricter requirements on the distance between fighters, changes in flight direction and altitude of fighter planes, etc.

In the dark night sky, pilots can only confirm the position of their leader through visual navigation lights most of the time. On a starry night, it takes very sharp eyesight to distinguish the tail flames of fighter jets at a certain distance.

"Three turns of the cave, adjust the frequency to 38325 points 11." Xue Xiangdong called again.

Li Zhan had already been mentally prepared. This was a confidential communication with frequency hopping function. With our own technology, even old guys like the J-6 have already completed the installation of combat communication channels. Confidential communication channels are generally used for military operations carrying live ammunition, such as live-fire shooting training, combat readiness patrols with ammunition, and take-off and landing flight training with ammunition.

"Understood, adjust the frequency to 38325:11." Li Zhan quickly adjusted the communication frequency, and then called, "Dongsanguai, call the tower, radio test, Dongsanguai, Dongsanguai, completed."

Wu Zhen then called, "Langguaiba radio test, Liangguaiba, Liangguaiba, over."

"The cave has three turns, two turns and eight, and the radio is clear, very clear." Xue Xiangdong replied.

Li Zhan turned his head and looked behind the right wing, followed closely by Wu Zhen, the fighter's posture was very stable. When I looked up, I happened to see a passenger plane flying in the opposite direction with red and blue lights flashing. Above my head are international air routes, and below my butt are the Beikku Mountains.

The fixed route given by superiors runs through the Beiku Mountains from east to west. The most important thing to note is that the main peak of Beiku is a landmark halfway along the route. To fly from east to west, you need to go from the back of the main peak of Beiku. When you return, you need to fly from Walk south of the main peak of Beiku.

Another requirement that needs attention is that after passing the main peak of Beiku, you need to continue descending and always maintain a relative altitude of 500 meters. This is the only difficult part. Li Zhan analyzed that the reason why the superiors specified the height of 500 meters was for safety reasons.

The objective environment of night flights is harsh, and flying in the dark is more dangerous than flying in low-visibility weather. If it were daytime, Li Zhan would dare to fly at an altitude of fifty meters.

They have gone too far. They use the J-7E without terrain-matching radar to fly at low altitude at night. Where do they put the face of the brother troops equipped with third-generation aircraft? In the dark night, at an altitude of several hundred meters, and at a cruising speed of more than 900 kilometers per hour, if you are not careful, you will hit the ground.

With four groups of rockets and a ground-based live-fire shooting training in an unfamiliar area, Li Zhan did not dare to take it lightly and constantly reminded Wu Zhen to keep checking the aircraft's attitude and flight data. Radar Station No. 27 continued to track and illuminate them, and notified the real-time data of the two fighters to Beikku Tower as quickly as possible. Beikku Tower compared the data from Radar Station No. 27 and the Beikku Meteorological Observatory to obtain more accurate data. , the commander issues the next instruction based on the final data.

Unfortunately, in the absence of a tactical data link, this process is quite cumbersome to implement, is completely ineffective in combat operations, and often cannot provide pilots with timely support.

Since being fucked by Li Zhan once, Radar Station No. 27 has become much more obedient and humble. Facing the 101st Regiment, the stupid eldest son of the shabby Wang family, they no longer dare to behave like they did before. If you continue to work hard, maybe everyone will replace you. Anyway, the name of Beikou Demon made the officers and soldiers at Radar Station No. 27 change their expressions upon hearing it.

"Beiku, I'm going down." After Li Zhan confirmed that he had flown over the main peak of Beiku, he took the initiative to report the application without waiting for the position on the ground to be reported.

Xue Xiangdong was very relieved. Wu Zhen is a rookie, but with a veteran like Li Zhan taking care of him, there will be no problem at all. If Li Zhan hadn't been on duty tonight, he would have gone to Li Zhan to carry out this task. He wouldn't trust anyone else doing this.

"The cave has three turns, go down according to the plan and pay attention to your speed." Xue Xiangdong replied.


Li Zhan pressed the lever, and the No. 037 fighter jet slowly descended. Wu Zhen followed and descended close to the top of the mountains. Maintaining a relative altitude of five hundred meters at all times means changing with changes in terrain height. If the terrain altitude is 2,000 meters, the aircraft must fly at an altitude of 2,500 meters.

Glancing in the direction of the moon, a dark shadow appeared. Li Zhan reminded Wu Zhen, "Two turns and eight, pay attention to your two directions!"

"I saw it, prepare to evade!" Wu Zhen was very calm.

Li Zhan gave up his position to the left wing, and Wu Zhen immediately evaded to the left wing, avoiding a mountain peak in front of him. Li Zhan quickly checked the instrument data and called the tower, "Beiku, please confirm the position with the radar. The route should have deviated."

"Confirm immediately!" Xue Xiangdong said immediately.

Not long after, Xue Xiangdong called, "Dong Sangui, your course has shifted ten degrees to the north, adjust it immediately!"

"Understood, move fifteen degrees to the north." Li Zhan immediately made adjustments.

It is impossible to achieve 100% accuracy in flying, especially when flying in mountainous areas. The complex magnetic field environment will affect the aircraft's sensors. The deviation is only ten degrees after crossing the Beiku Mountains, which is a small error value. Moreover, they will soon pass an obvious landmark - a certain town, and use the town with dense lights as a reference to correct their course.

The colors around him suddenly became consistent, and there was a faint light in front and below. Li Zhan could finally breathe a sigh of relief. We have already flown out of the Beikushan Mountain Area, and ahead is the last landmark town, a certain town.

"Dong Sanguai reports, I saw the last landmark." Li Zhan reported.

Xue Xiangdong's heart suddenly lifted, and everyone else in the tower also sat upright and stared at their posts. At the same time, their hearing was focused on the loudspeaker, and they entered a mode of nervously waiting for the progress of the mission.

Passing the last landmark means entering the attack lane.

The target area of ​​the 101st Regiment is in the Gobi desert southeast of the Beiku Mountains. They have never been to the uninhabited mountainous area near the border more than 500 kilometers away for shooting. On the one hand, it is due to the distance, and on the other hand, it is related to other factors.

This sudden appearance at this early morning, could it be a spot check by the flight attendant?

Xue Xiangdong didn't say anything, and no one dared to ask.

The last thing the army needs is curiosity. If you know what you should know, a meeting will be held to report it. If you deliberately inquire about what you should not know, it is a violation of discipline.

Li Zhan's eyes followed the town below for a while. When the town was far behind and could no longer be seen, he steadily pulled up the fighter plane and immediately reported, "Beiku, I'm starting Enter the attack route, reach an altitude of 1,000, and it’s over.”

"Beiku received it, proceed as planned!" Xue Xiangdong was very excited inside but calm on the outside.

Entering the attack route requires raising the altitude, but it is not too high, only a relative altitude of one thousand meters, which puts relatively strict requirements on the pilot. To fire rockets, you need to enter a dive attitude, and the relative altitude of one thousand meters actually leaves little room.

For safety reasons, Wu Zhen needed to go up to a height of 1,500 meters. After Li Zhan completed the attack and escaped, he would attack again.

Everything is progressing according to plan.

Updated by sudden attack, haha, the plots of these chapters are not allowed to be discussed, hurry up and get the ammunition (monthly tickets)!

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