Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 168 Full Ammunition Attack

"Dongsanguai, break away! Break away! You are almost crossing the line!"

Xue Xiangdong called Li Zhan loudly. He saw the signal of fighter No. 037 on the radar quickly approaching the border.

"Beiku, I pulled up and broke away! The situation has changed! I didn't see the ground indicator light! Please confirm! It's over!" Li Zhan pulled up and turned around, and the No. 037 fighter jet drew a "U" shaped route before flying over the border. .

Li Zhan entered the attack route as planned, flew at a relative altitude of one thousand meters, and dived at a small angle at the prescribed position. However, the ground was pitch black and there were no indicator lights at all. This is abnormal. The plan is very clear. There are no lights around the target area, and the light in the target area is the most recognizable red light.

Nothing at all.

"Two crutches and eight, you come up and circle two thousand!" Xue Xiangdong ordered decisively.

The commanding ability of the veteran regiment leader was fully demonstrated at this time. The decision was made very quickly, the instructions were clear and accurate, and there was no sloppiness at all. There is no way to conduct live fire without seeing the target area. At this time, there is a possibility of a mid-air collision between the two fighters that have entered the mission area. Therefore, the first thing to do is to let Wu Zhen hover at a high altitude and wait for Li Zhan to complete the attack.

If Li Zhan can't handle it, Wu Zhen shouldn't try, and just return home.

After repeatedly confirming the location of the mission fighter, Xue Xiangdong immediately determined that something was wrong with the ground target team. He immediately took out a satellite phone and dialed. Nan Lianghong beside him stared at the satellite phone in surprise and opened his mouth.

Xue Xiangdong walked to the side and whispered something into his hands over the satellite phone. He spoke for about more than a minute. He hung up the phone and came back. He picked up the microphone and called Li Zhan, "Dong Sanguai, Beiku called. "

"Dong Sanguai received it!" Li Zhan had been waiting and replied immediately.

Xue Xiangdong said in a deep voice, "The cave has three turns, the plan has changed, the target area can only provide weak light indication, and the time is only one minute. Can you accurately throw the ammunition into the target circle?"

It's only one minute, and it's a weak light indication.

The difficulty level is no longer one or two, but as high as three or four floors.

"Beiku, cancel the height difference and let me play freely. I'm sure!" Li Zhiji thought for a moment and answered affirmatively.

It's nighttime!

Faint light is difficult to spot, even if the surroundings are pitch black. Don’t forget, the flight helmets used by Li Zhan and others are the most common second-generation helmets for the J-7E, which do not have night sighting functions. The J-7G is equipped with an improved flight helmet with a helmet sight. I even heard that there is a model with a visual aiming function. The difference is not as big as one or two points, but as big as three or four floors.

To attack the target area, you must first see the target area. It was originally said that there were obvious light indicators, but now the superiors have undoubtedly temporarily increased the difficulty level. I don't know what they think. But an order is an order. If there is no difficulty, you must do it. If there are difficulties, you must do it if you overcome them.

Xue Xiangdong said decisively, "Dong Sanguai allows you to freely choose the attack method, but please note that the two axes and eight are opposite to two thousand. Be ready to report, I will let the ground instructions start!"

"Understood, I am circling at a lower altitude. Please ask the radar to take a look at my specific location. It should be above the target area." Li Zhan replied.

The radar operator gave a thumbs up and couldn't help but praise, "Team Li's position is very precise, hovering at low altitude over the target area!"

This precise insight and operational skills are probably unmatched by anyone.

"Dongsanguai, you are above the target area! Get ready! Start indicating the target in one minute!" Xue Xiangdong decisively ordered Li Zhan.

"Understood! One-minute countdown!" Li Zhan was ready, his eyes widened, and he wished he could put on headlights like a car.

Xue Xiangdong once again took out the satellite phone and dialed a number. He said in a deep voice, "I'm ready. Please indicate the target immediately! Over!"

After receiving the reply, Xue Xiangdong notified Li Zhan while hanging up the phone: "Dong Sanguai, we have started to indicate the target!"

"Dong Sanguai understands and is searching!"

Li Zhan was hovering at a height of 500 meters, looking down with his eyes wide open. With only one minute left, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. This nighttime live-fire training was of great significance. There must be no mistakes. At least the problem must not be his fault. He could not afford to lose this person.

Hey, I saw it, but is it too damn weak?

Li Zhan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There was a slightly dancing red light on the ground, and the surrounding situation was completely invisible. He was not sure that it was a ground target at all, so he had to call Beiku Tower, "Beiku, I saw the light, but I'm not sure if it is a ground target, it's very faint!"

"Yes! The third corner of the cave! That's the target... the target! Pay attention! You must strike accurately!" Xue Xiangdong became excited and said loudly.

Li Zhan pulled up the fighter and replied, "Dong Sanguai understands! I'm pulling up and preparing to attack! Liangguaiba pay attention to my attack route and prepare for the second attack!"

"Two guai and eight received!" Wu Zhen was in high spirits.

Fighter No. 037 roared and climbed to a relative altitude of one thousand meters, then adjusted its course and aimed at the target. Li Zhan pressed the lever and entered the dive state, finely adjusted the nose of the aircraft to aim at the weak light, silently calculating the time in his mind, and quickly scanning the instrument panel.

Entering the attack point, Li Zhan shouted, "Dong Sanguai starts attacking! Attack with full ammunition!"

Pressing the launch button, the rocket launcher that had been powered on for a long time kept firing out 90mm rockets. Twenty-eight rockets connected into a line of fire, like meteors in the dark night. Go for the goal.

After the fighter plane stopped shaking, Li Zhan immediately pulled up and glanced at the altimeter: the relative altitude was 230 meters.

The fuselage suddenly trembled slightly, but it quickly disappeared.

Li Zhan knew it well, checked each system, and after confirming that it was safe, he continued to climb up and left the target area. At the same time, he decisively took over the command and ordered Wu Zhen, "Two turns and eight, start attacking! Pay attention, pull up to break away from the attack The altitude of the route must not be lower than five hundred meters!"

"Liangguaiba understands! Start entering the attack route!" Wu Zhen was excited and pressed the lever to enter.

Li Zhan climbed to a relative height of 1,000 and hovered, then turned to look at the target. There was already a flame in the sky, so there was no need to bother to confirm the target. Even if Wu Zhen was short-sighted, he could throw the ammunition on the target.

Immediately, he saw Fighter No. 278 firing all twenty-eight rockets at the flaming location, and then simply pulled up and broke away.

Li Zhan nodded with satisfaction, his face flushed by the fire on the ground.

"Beiku, we have completed the live-fire training as planned, please return!" Li Zhan called the Beiku tower.

Xue Xiangdong controlled his excitement and said, "You can return to the third turn of the hole! I will complete the target report before you land. I hope it will be a good result!"

"It's definitely not bad!" Li Zhan was very happy.

In a hidden place on the ground, several "target reporters" saluted the disappearing aircraft engine tail flames in the night sky - the brothers in the Air Force shot so damn accurately!

If they knew that the results were achieved by backward second-generation aircraft using unguided rockets, they would probably be even more awe-inspiring.

Full results were quickly reported to the Beikku Tower. The 101st Regiment perfectly completed the night live-fire training mission suddenly assigned by their superiors!

This night was unforgettable, even for Li Zhan.

The same is true for Han Hongjun and Li Zixin who are in Beikucheng District. When Li Zhan was conducting night-time live-fire training, Han Hongjun was also conducting it.

He and Cheng Mengxiao had communicated through phone calls and instant messaging tools for a long time. Although it was the first time they met tonight, they felt like old friends at first sight, and each felt that the other was a match for the person they had known before. After eating and drinking some wine, Han Hongjun plucked up the courage to open a room with Cheng Mengxiao and sleep together.

As a result, after the live ammunition shooting ended, Cheng Mengxiao became shy and had to go back to school before six o'clock. Han Hongjun had no choice but to ask the hotel manager on duty to find a car and take Cheng Mengxiao back. When he returned to the hotel, he saw Li Zixin sitting in the lobby in a daze.

"Why didn't you sleep?" Han Hongjun was surprised.

Li Zixin said, "Well, go to your room and talk."

They were all wealthy people, and they stayed in a relatively high-end tourist hotel in Beikucheng District. When they came to Han Hongjun's room, Han Hongjun quickly cleaned up the messy bed, but Li Zixin walked to the coffee table and sat down, distressed. Said, "Stop pretending, I was slept with by that woman."

"Ah?" Han Hongjun was so shocked that his jaw dropped.

Li Zixin took out a cigarette, lit it, took a few puffs on his scalp, and said, "Didn't you ask me to send her back? So I did. Then she invited me in for a cup of tea, and after she got in, she pounced on me. Me, me, him How the hell can I hold it back? Hey, that's all. Thinking about it now still feels like a dream. No, isn't she a teacher? Why is she so, so unrestrained? "

Finally, Han Hongjun came to his senses and burst into laughter.

"How many times are you laughing! She insists on sending her back! How can I explain now?" Li Zixin said angrily.

Han Hongjun finally stopped laughing and said, "You got the advantage and you still act like a good girl? Okay, that girl is pretty good. Meng Xiao told me that she is a pretty good girl, a local ethnic minority, and you can have two children." Woolen cloth!"

"I wasn't even prepared!" Li Zixin said angrily.

"Don't tell me you're a virgin!" Han Hongjun said angrily.

Li Zixin's face turned red.

Han Hongjun looked at Li Zixin in shock, and said in astonishment for a long time, "You, your boy is actually a virgin! I understand this, no wonder. That's not bad, really, that girl is very suitable for you. You are introverted to begin with, That girl is outgoing and complementary!”

Seeing the painful look on Li Zixin's face, Han Hongjun patted his chest and said, "Don't tell me, I'm the same, it's nothing like that. But if you look at it this way, only people like us have the time to do long-distance running. Are you in love? In the final analysis, it’s all about finding someone who matches your eyes. If you don’t find someone now, it will be even harder for you to accept it if the captain finds one for you in the future! He is still a bachelor, what kind of person do you think he will find for you? It’s nothing more than Liaise with some local units.”

When Li Zixin heard that this seemed to be the case, she immediately felt better. She shook her head and sighed, "The main reason is that I am not ready to get married so soon."

"Hey, it's better to get married early. In our industry, you never know when you will fall off. I am an only child and you are the same. It is safest to pass on the incense to the family as soon as possible." Han Hongjun said.

Li Zixin thought about it seriously and thought of the captain's fierce training. He immediately accepted this statement and nodded slightly, "That's right."

"Go to school tomorrow and go together. We will confirm the relationship in person. After returning to the team, we will report to the team leader and then file a report to apply for marriage." Han Hongjun waved his hand and said.

Li Zixin hesitated, "Is it too fast?"

"Everything is indestructible only if it's fast. Then it's fine if you're not fast." Han Hongjun said scornfully, "Let's go back to your room and sleep. After a few hours of sleep, we'll go to school after breakfast."

With that said, he drove Li Zixin away.

Third update!

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