Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 169 The future is bright!

Miao Yu stared at the small holes in the rear belly of No. 037 J-7E for a long time. The mechanical sergeant came over and gently gestured and poked with a screwdriver. He asked strangely, "What happened?"

"It's just that the skin is torn, there should be no damage inside. But we still need to check it carefully to make sure there are no oversights." Miao Yu answered the question incorrectly.

Seeing that the mechanical sergeant was still asking, Miao Yu glared, "We're going to the maintenance shop. You and I are responsible. The others are asking them to go back to do internal affairs. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Mechanical sergeant Zhanger Monk was confused.

After thinking about it, the mechanical sergeant said, "The captain has to fly today, what should I do?"

Miao Yu sighed and said, "He knows how to drive 95533."

During the nighttime live-fire training three days ago, I could even smell the smell of gunpowder in the small hole. I wonder if it was the smoke from the rocket tail. The Kuangmo Brigade has resumed training. The J-7E No. 037 has been parked since it returned from the night live-fire training mission three days ago. It has undergone a comprehensive overhaul. Now only a few small holes in the belly of the aircraft have not been dealt with. .

He said no more and took the commuter bus to the repair shop east of the station facing the rising sun.

In the open space in front of the pilot building in the infield, the pilots of the Kuangma Brigade were lining up. Li Zhan stood in front of the team, wearing a flight suit, carrying a flight helmet in his left hand, and white labor protection gloves in his right hand, deploying today's training.

"Today's weather is normal. We originally planned to do low-altitude raid operations under complex weather conditions, which is subject 4-3, but it seems that we can't do it. We made a temporary adjustment and changed it to free air combat. I plan to do this subject last. , numbered as subject 4-2. It’s a pity that God doesn’t cooperate.”

Li Zhan was not in a high mood and glanced at everyone.

Everyone was muttering in their hearts, everyone else was happy when the weather was normal, but you, the devil, frowned in frustration as if you had been deducted the rod fee.

"We have done a lot of theoretical study in free air combat without altitude difference, and we have also done a lot of ground drills. Today is the first training class. Everyone should cheer up and recall the essentials of the movements." Li Zhan said, " I would like to emphasize flight safety. The minimum flight distance must be guaranteed. Anyone who violates this rule will be grounded! Do you understand?"


Li Zhan frowned, "Didn't you have breakfast?"


Li Zhan said angrily, "Women! Do you understand?"


The pilots raised their heads and roared wildly.

The pilots, who will be worth billions of yuan in the future market, were trained by Li Zhan as low-level cannon fodder infantry.

"Turn right! Get on the bus!" Li Zhan gave the command.

The troops are waiting for the bus.

Ma Feng, the regiment chief of staff who was standing aside just now, came over, put on the camouflage hat in his hand, and said, "All eighteen fighters took off at the same time to catch each other and fight. I don't understand why the superiors approved your training plan. "

Li Zhan said, "Chief of Staff, this is nothing. The Beikku Gobi and Beikku Desert are connected together. With such a large training area, our training airspace is probably the largest in the entire army. Eighteen fighters are just a drop in the ocean."

"Command is a problem." Ma Feng only saw the training plan yesterday and was quite worried.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "It depends on the commander's skill, but I am responsible for the command of the training airspace, so it is not a big problem."

"Eighteen fighter planes and nine confrontation groups, can you manage them? You can't even see them, right?" Ma Feng said.

In such a large airspace, Li Zhan obviously cannot take into account all the air combat situations. How he can take care of it is a big problem.

"Yes, it would be great if there were early warning aircraft." Li Zhan said with emotion, "We can only let them practice repeatedly, and I will guide and correct them one by one. After careful calculation, the onboard fuel is sufficient."

Ma Feng nodded slightly, "Let's go, I'll go to the tower to have a look too."

He followed Li Zhan into the Jeep 212 commuter bus and took the minibus carrying the seventeen pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade to the outfield.

Nowadays, in the 101st Regiment, Li Zhan basically has the final say on how operations and training are conducted, and Xue Xiangdong, the regiment leader, is more like the butler. If some matters require the leader's intervention, Xue Xiangdong will be pulled out. When he is no longer needed, Li Zhan will directly arrange it.

If the captain is so awesome, then the Mad Demon Brigade will naturally be awesome too. The Second Brigade and the Third Brigade have basically been reduced to auxiliaries. The Second Brigade is responsible for daily combat readiness duty, and the Third Brigade is using two J-7Es for modification training. Other troops are already modifying improved third-generation aircraft, and the troops of the 73rd Division are still modifying improved second-generation aircraft, which are not the latest models yet.

In the car, Ma Feng whispered to Li Zhan, "I have a classmate in the Air Force Equipment Division. He said that our 73rd Division has attracted the attention of the Chief of Air Force and may be refitted soon."

"Seriously?" Li Zhan said unexpectedly.

Ma Feng shook his head, "Rumors, it's impossible to be sure."

Li Zhan said, "Grapevine news is usually very accurate. What model of aircraft will be modified?"

"I don't know. There seems to be some disagreement about which model to modify." Ma Feng said.

Li Zhijiang thought for a moment and said, "Our teacher can make suggestions on this."

"The chief of the aviation department paid attention to our division because of you. You know this very well. After putting down such a big subject, you created another 4-1 battle example, which shocked the high command." Ma Feng said with a smile. , "The teacher's suggestion may not be considered. If it is yours, it will be different."

Li Zhan came back to his senses, looked at Ma Feng and asked, "Chief of Staff, do you have any ideas?"

Smiling slightly awkwardly, Ma Feng said, "I think it is best for our division to modify the J-11. We are stationed in Beiku, a vast and sparsely populated area, and a twin-engine heavy-range long-range fighter is suitable. We are both a front-line force and a Depth troops, if there is a war in the east and we want to provide support, it will be difficult for the J-10 to undertake such a long-distance mission."

He knew that the little prince's favorite aircraft was the J-10. I came here specifically to go to the outfield with Li Zhan today. The main purpose was to chat about this matter. Others don't know Li Zhan's status with the head of the aviation department, but Ma Feng's classmate knows it very well, so Ma Feng has a clearer understanding.

The division commander can't influence the target models of the unit's modifications, but a captain can. It seems like a fantasy no matter how you look at it. But when it comes to Li Zhan, no one would think it is a fantasy.

Ma Feng is a young and strong officer, and he is ambitious and wants to do something in his career.

"It is true that twin-engine aircraft have natural advantages. From a geographical point of view, twin-engine heavy-duty aircraft are the most suitable. However, Chief of Staff, you think that I can influence the decision of the aviation department. This is ridiculous." Li Zhan said.

When Ma Feng saw that there was something going on, he quickly said, "Absolutely, it will definitely affect it, really."

Suddenly grinning, Li Zhan said, "Chief of Staff, I am not attacking you, nor am I belittling myself, but we have to face the facts. Let's put it this way, even if my opinions can be used as a reference by the Air Force Commander, It is unlikely that our division will get the J-11."

"Huh?" Ma Feng didn't understand.

Li Zhan shook his head and said, "Until the third-generation construction of the troops in coastal areas is completed, our troops here don't even think about it. Their demand for long-range heavy fighters is also very strong. You know I have been in the Second Division, and the troops in coastal areas There is a strong desire and pressure to break through the island chain. In the past, the Second Division used J-7s and J-8s to patrol the South China Sea. They carried nothing except auxiliary fuel tanks, and the range was insufficient."

"Then according to what you say, the day when our division will change its uniforms is far away." Ma Feng felt disappointed, "But my classmate said for sure that the 73rd Division will soon change its uniforms."

Li Zhan sighed softly and said in a deep voice, "Chief of Staff, what is the nickname of our division? King of rags in the West. We are just rag pickers. Even if we can change, do you still expect to fly new aircraft? Just Shenyang Aircraft and Chengdu Aircraft every year How long does it take to produce such a large amount of minced chicken? So, I guess 80% of the time I still have to pick up other people’s second-hand goods.”

"J-11A type?" Ma Feng frowned.

Li Zhan snorted coldly, "I'm overthinking it. It's good to get some Su Liangqi among them, the earliest batch."


Ma Feng cursed.

Among the current fighters of the Air Force, the only SU-27 fighters are the original SK and UBK models introduced in the 1990s. The earliest ones have been in service for 17 years, and the latest ones have been in use for 14 years. The gap between this batch of SU-27s and the domestic J-11 is the gap between the J-7B and J-7G models. The shabby and backward avionics system is not even as good as the earliest batch of J-10s!

Li Zhan smiled and said, "We have been picking up aircraft that have been eliminated by the Second Division. If we want to modify the third-generation aircraft, we will probably accept them. The Su 27 they use is not bad, and the avionics have been improved."

"That happened ten years ago. I know this. Since the beginning of the 21st century, our country's avionics system has developed rapidly, and the improvements made by Su Liangqi of the Second Division were lagging behind." Ma Feng did not said angrily.

Li Zhan was surprised, "Is that so?"

"You don't know? Have you never seen it in the second division?" Ma Feng asked.

Li Zhan shook his head with a wry smile, "The Sixth Regiment treats them like treasures and has almost no chance to interact with them. When I was transferred here, the Sixth Regiment had already begun to modify the J-11B and J-11 BS. Based on the information you have obtained, they The eliminated Su Liangqi is estimated to have almost completed its overhaul and should be sent to us soon."

When he arrived at the outfield, when he saw the J-7 and J-7 with a strong classical style, Ma Feng suddenly felt that the SU-27 was not so backward, and his mood suddenly improved. He said expectantly, "Yes, yes, no matter how bad it is, it will be the same." It’s a third-generation machine, very good, very good.”

Li Zhan raised the corner of his mouth and said, "How about nine hundred yuan for the lever fee?"

Ma Feng looked at Li Zhan in surprise. He didn't follow this logic. Isn’t it necessary to modify the third-generation aircraft to better perform combat missions and better defend the airspace of the motherland?

"Whether it's a Su Liangqi or a J-11B, the drawbar fee is the same. They're all third-generation aircraft. Tell me, what's the difference?" Li Zhan said with a smile.

Ma Feng: "I..."

Li Zhan looked forward to the days when he could earn millions a year, but was shocked by such a high income. This ideal can be realized by flying seven to eight hundred hours a year. It’s really not that far away! He can now get more than 12,000 yuan in salary subsidies and other things every month, which is almost 160,000 yuan a year. The salary of the army is paid according to thirteen months every year. If you fly a third-generation aircraft, you don’t need to fly more than a thousand hours to pay 800,000 to 900,000 yuan!

"The future is bright!"

Today I have nothing to do but write. Brothers come to interact and encourage me.

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