Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 170 Another Height Difference (Additional update for the New Alliance Flying Speaker)

In the Beiku Mountains in early June, the mountains were still covered with snow, and the people below the mountains could not wait to change into green clothes. Many flowers that were not afraid of the cold also emerged, swaying in the morning sun.

The snow on the mountains continues to melt and flow downwards to form a river, zigzagging down the mountains and into the distance. The red deer that came from nowhere walked slowly from the woods to the river in small groups, looked around leisurely and then lowered their heads to drink water.

There was a sound of the air being violently pierced from the sky, followed by a rolling roar. The red deer did not panic, as if they were already very familiar with the sound. They looked up boldly.

A gray J-6 Plus transonic fighter jet flew in the air about a few hundred meters above the river. Its figure was hidden in the background of the mountain. It had an old aerodynamic structure and a fashionable paint job. It seems particularly emotional.

Red Deer looked at the J-6 Plus numbered 95533 like a fool, snorted coldly, and continued to drink water.

This is not the first time.

After adapting to the low-altitude skimming feeling of a 95533, Li Zhan raised the lever and continued to climb at a large angle. At the same time, he gave the order to the troops, "95533 calls each confrontation team to launch a free air battle according to the plan, over!"

"One group received!"

"Group 2 received it!"

Suddenly, eighteen J-7E fighter jets suddenly appeared over the river along the route of fighter No. 95533. The mighty team rushed towards them, and the continuous roars came like rolling thunder. The red deer were finally frightened. , fled away.

Pei Xiaoshuai, the new pilot who joined the Kuangmo Brigade, was in a very excited mood. Such large-scale training was rare in the entire army, but it gradually became the norm in the 101st Regiment. The training model of the 101st Regiment has also gradually become an attempt by the Air Force to explore a new model of actual combat training.

"Two-hole team, you follow me. The other teams are deployed as planned, over!" After Li Zhan gave the order, he turned east and climbed up.

"Two holes received!" Pei Xiaoshuai and Han Hongjun broke away from the formation, followed by the old J-6 Plus and turned left to gain altitude.

Other groups disbanded their formations and rushed to their respective training airspaces as planned.

The sun shines on the earth, and the sky is as clear as water. Li Zhan flew towards the rising sun, looked back at Pei Xiaoshuai and Han Hongjun, and ordered, "Two holes, two holes, turn, disband the formation and start training! Over!"

"Two holes received!"

"Liangdongguai understands!"

The two of them turned and separated, increased their speed and altitude, and flew in the north and south directions respectively. They threw away the auxiliary fuel tanks in unison and quickly entered combat mode.

Li Zhan turned the plane back and looked at the sun. Pei Xiaoshuai and Han Hongjun actually maintained the height difference in a tacit understanding. He laughed angrily and cursed, "Two holes and two holes, what are you doing! You are playing house." ! How about playing double act? Let's fight! Let's fight! Look at your posture after two holes! You are waiting to be a target! I, the J-6 Plus, can hit three like you!"

Even Xue Xiangdong, who was in command at the tower, was startled. He could not see the situation in the sky and could only judge the specific situation through the dialogue on the radio. Li Zhan is responsible for the air command. He will not interfere easily and has to hold back whatever he says.

Pei Xiaoshuai is a new member of the Kuangmo Brigade. He was originally in the Second Flying Brigade. Among this batch of new pilots, his level is above average. He was the last one in the Kuangmo Brigade to complete the modification of the J-7E. Naturally, he was very familiar with the name of Beiku Demon Li Zhan. When he heard the demon scolding him on the radio, he suddenly became a little nervous.

"Two holes, got it!" Pei Xiaoshuai agreed quickly, subconsciously turned on the afterburner and rushed towards Han Hongjun.

Han Hongjun smiled softly and turned on the afterburner. A skillful U-shaped maneuver not only got rid of Pei Xiaoshuai's tail biting, but also turned the nose of the aircraft and placed Pei Xiaoshuai in his front hemisphere, followed by a clean lock and aim.

"Dong Sanguai, I've completed the attack! It's over!" Han Hongjun reported happily.

When he was reporting, he happened to pass by Pei Xiaoshuai. The height difference between the two planes was only a hundred meters. It looked like they were about to collide, which shocked Pei Xiaoshuai.

Li Zhan had been hovering in the sky for observation, and he saw everything clearly. He said with hatred, "Why are you in such a daze? You have been shot down!"

"Report, report, captain, I, I didn't pay attention." Pei Xiaoshuai was so nervous that he even forgot his call sign.

Li Zhan said, "The two holes are hovering at a high altitude. Pay attention to my demonstration!"

"Yes, I understand!" Pei Xiaoshuai climbed to Li Zhan's level and immediately began to hover.

Li Zhan pressed the lever and turned on the afterburner, urging the J-6 Plus to run wildly. The sound of the huge swept wings breaking through the air was very scary. However, no matter how you fly, it is difficult to exceed the speed of sound by much, unless you are diving at a large angle, and the strength of the fuselage may not be able to withstand high supersonic flight. This is probably the only dissatisfaction he has with the J-6 Plus. It's just that it would be nice to be able to fly, but I don't dare to expect too much.

Therefore, although Li Zhan turned on the afterburner dive, when the speed approached the speed of sound, he turned off the pressure and pulled the lever slightly. The fighter jet suddenly dropped to a height of several hundred meters, hidden in the background color of the Beiku Mountains.

"Huh? Where is the captain?" Han Hongjun was frightened. He had just seen him diving, but suddenly he disappeared.

Pei Xiaoshuai saw it clearly, and thought to himself, the captain's action was wrong. Losing altitude in an air battle basically equals failure. Shouldn't he quickly climb to gain altitude?

"Don't be distracted, Liangdongguai! I'm coming!" Li Zhan shouted.

Han Hongjun looked left and right, back and forth, up and down. Above his head was Pei Xiaoshuai, and Li Zhan was not seen at all. Can't it still beat the J-6? Even if it was Plath!

"You give me two holes, I want to go up!" Han Hongjun decisively decided to go up first. Height is everything. Only with height can you have the initiative!

"Understood! I will let...the captain be behind you now! He is behind you!" Pei Xiaoshuai suddenly raised the high pitch of his voice in the second half of his sentence, which was a conditioned reflex of being frightened.

Han Hongjun rolled, he rolled wildly, then dived at a large angle, and then launched a U-shaped maneuver. He struggled wildly while piloting the fighter plane, showing his strong desire to survive.

However, the voice that made him despair still appeared.

"Two holes, you were shot down by me." Li Zhan's voice was steady without any fluctuation.

"Me! Me!" Han Hongjun was too ashamed to speak and was not convinced.

Li Zhan ignored him and asked Pei Xiaoshuai, "Two holes, do you see clearly? We must make full use of the terrain to attack unexpectedly! You all must remember that just being able to maneuver is not enough. Historically, people who have won in air battles have Many of the combat examples make full use of the terrain and the direction of the sun. Another point is to have a full understanding of the performance of each other's fighter planes, and use your own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses!"

Pei Xiaoshuai saw clearly that the purpose of the captain's descent was to use the background of the Beiku Mountains as cover, and then quietly climbed to the same height as the top of the mountain, always in the rear hemisphere of Han Red Army. In this case, Han Of course the Red Army couldn't see him!

The performance of the J-6 Plus is obviously not as good as the J-7E, and everything such as climb rate lags behind the latter. Theoretically speaking, the J-6 Plus will never be able to defeat the J-7E, just as the J-7 series has had to fight against hundreds of advanced F-16s, F-18s, and F-15s in East Asia for decades. Third-generation aircraft can only exist but cannot destroy the enemy.

"Two holes and two holes, you continue! Keep a safe distance!" Li Zhan gave the order, "Let go and fight! The height difference has been cancelled, but the height difference in your minds is still there! Let go and fight!"

Li Zhan turned around and headed to guide the next confrontation group.

He spent an hour going over the confrontation situations of all the confrontation groups, and his heart was heavy. Before running out of fuel, he returned first and ordered all fighters to return.

Xue Xiangdong took over the command and directed the seventeen fighter planes in the sky to land one after another. He turned to Ma Feng and asked, "Where is Li Zhan?"

"It's on the apron, look, captain." Ma Feng pointed to the apron.

Xue Xiangdong picked up the binoculars and looked over. Li Zhan was standing next to fighter No. 95533 with his flight helmet behind his back, looking at the fighters lining up along the taxiway towards the apron.

"I'll go take a look. You take over the tower." Xue Xiangdong put down the telescope.

Ma Feng wanted to say that I also wanted to hear what Captain Li had to say, but he swallowed his words when he thought that the tower could not be left unattended.

All the fighters returned to their respective aprons. The pilots hurriedly got down and ran towards Li Zhan with their flight helmets in hand. I saw it just now when I was on the plane. The captain's expression was very bad.

Nan Lianghong organized the team and reported to Li Zhan, "Report to the captain! The madman's team has been assembled! Please give instructions!"

"Take a break!" Li Zhan returned the salute, handed the flying helmet to Miao Yu, who was walking over, and walked to the front of the team.

He glanced at the pilots with a very sharp look, which made everyone feel the chill of early spring.

"Stand still!" Li Zhan's serious expression had a hint of anger.

After spending more than half a year together, everyone knows the captain's character. When he is on the ground, he is very talkative and kind, especially to the soldiers. As long as it does not involve work, he can be said to have a very relaxed attitude towards the soldiers. But once you go to heaven, you have no role to speak or give opinions. You must carry out his orders completely without any compromise. The polarization in personality is very obvious.

At this time, the captain was clearly standing on the ground, but his anger was clearly visible.

Stand still, this is a standard sign of anger.

It is even more embarrassing for Nan Lianghong, who has a higher position than Li Zhan. He is the deputy chief of staff at the battalion level, and Li Zhan is the flight captain at the deputy battalion level and enjoys battalion-level treatment. Standing in front of Li Zhan and being trained is not easy to accept mentally and in terms of face.

Li Zhan will not consider this. As long as you are in the establishment of the Mad Demon Brigade, you must absolutely obey the regiment's orders. The Mad Demon Brigade does not even have an instructor. It is a veritable one-acre land for Li Zhan. . This is what he strongly requested. What the Mad Demon Brigade is doing is to explore the unknown. If there are a few voices, the work can easily get messed up.

"I've been thinking about a question after landing. Did you guys eat too much? Cancel the altitude difference. Cancel the altitude difference. Cancel the altitude difference! You use the drawbar fee that is 75 yuan higher than other teams to make air combat training like this. ?You just show me this?"

Li Zhan stared, and it could be said that he was very angry.

"The altitude difference has been cancelled, but the altitude difference in your hearts and minds is still there! What are you afraid of! I ask you what exactly are you afraid of! Afraid of collision? Afraid of stalling? Free air combat! You are fighter pilots of a combat force, not a performance Team!"

"Han Hongjun!"


"Is it useful for you to do so many tricks? Why are you playing when you can't even find me?"

Han Hongjun: You are a master who can defeat Yao Dongming, the ace of the Three Hundred Divisions, to the point of conquering him. Can you compare with him?

Li Zhan said angrily, "Practical! Practical actions are good actions! What is the purpose of doing so many maneuvers? Doing maneuvers is not the purpose! Your purpose is to annihilate the enemy! It is to knock the enemy down!"

"And you, Lin Fei and Lei Yiming!"


Li Zhan narrowed his eyes, "You are all veterans, don't you know how to deal with air combat? What are you doing? Just treat each other as guests and live your life! There is no murderous intention at all, ah, there is a tacit understanding of cooperation, the enemy will cooperate You? You old guys, please listen to me, don’t think that everything will be fine after joining the Mad Demon Brigade. I said that if anyone dissatisfied me, I will tell you to get out immediately! Nan Lianghong, you will do the same!"

Nan Lianghong was shocked, and her face turned red.

The more Li Zhan thought about it, the angrier he became. He paced back and forth and reprimanded, "What's the point of canceling the altitude difference? It's to untie the shackles that bind pilots! I don't need you to dance in shackles! I don't need you to perform flying moves for me!" Fighting, fighting, what is fighting? Are there any of you like you when enemies meet? Everyone is extremely polite. If one person gets higher, the other will also get higher. They cooperate very well!"

He stood still, pointed to his temples, and said excitedly, "I just realized now that the height difference in your thinking is even more serious than the height difference in air combat training! You all know that I have been in the Second Division, and you all know that Why was I transferred here? Although I don't agree with the way some leaders of the Second Division do things, the Second Division left a deep impression on me. The reason why the Second Division is called Nan Batian is because of its ability. of!"

"In the Second Division, everyone strives for innovation and change. Although they were not the first to propose canceling altitude difference free air combat training, each of them dared to think and they had the courage to break through the old thinking! Instead of holding on to the old ideas Damn it! Our 73rd Division is a veteran force with a glorious history. For decades, equipment updates have been stagnant due to objective reasons. However, our ideas cannot stay in the past! Let alone be immersed in the glory of the past. I can’t extricate myself from it!”

Li Zhan took a deep breath and said earnestly, "Comrades, the 73rd Division has ushered in a turnaround. Whether we can win this battle well depends on the 101st Regiment and us. We are already standing on the tide of the new era, and we must Do everything possible to move forward and move forward! The first thing to do is to eliminate the height difference in operational thinking, liberate tactical thinking, and have the courage to explore the unknown!"

"I always think it's inappropriate to call us pilots. We are combat pilots, not civil aviation pilots, performance team pilots, or test pilots! We are going to fight! When we take off into the sky, you have already stepped on it with one foot. You have entered the gate of hell! Are you afraid of death? I believe those who are afraid of death would have gone back to their hometowns long ago. The fact that you can still stand here and listen to my lectures shows that you have enough courage to hold up the sky of the motherland!"

"You must have endless courage! Even if I am driving an old J-6, I must have the courage to fire at the enemy!"

Xue Xiangdong, who had been standing silently behind Li Zhan, sighed and thought to himself, OK, this kid can do political work when he reaches a certain age.

The leader of the alliance will start with extra updates. The basic updates that are owed will be made up at home tomorrow. I have graduated. Brother Gun will leave Beijing tomorrow.

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