Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 171 Solve the core problem

"Abolition of ideological height differences" (Secret).

Internal issue

Author: Air Force Major Li Zhan, 101st Flying Regiment, 73rd Division of the Air Force

It took Li Zhan three days to write out the lesson plan for this course, and at the same time he wrote a paper based on Yang Jinshan's guidance. Li Zhan found that he could not write professional papers, but he could write ideological and fighting spirit papers easily.

Yang Jinshan said: Because you really have this thing.

The lesson plans have come out, and so have the papers. They are actually what Li Zhan uses to teach, and they are tools to solve the combat thinking of the pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade.

For this reason he decided to stop flight training for a week!

A whole week!

Just stop when he says!

How many flying hours will be lost?

But Li Zhan realized that if you don't eliminate the ideological altitude difference and if you don't change your combat thinking, even if you fly for 10,000 hours, it won't make much sense!

If the combat effectiveness cannot be improved, is it useful to pay so much for pulling rods?

Li Zhan's heart is bleeding, but he must do it!

Based on the speech on the tarmac that day, Li Zhan organized what he wanted to say and formed a complete paper. On this basis, he formed a lesson plan, which centered on the topic of how to eliminate the ideological gap and extended to the military. Lectures from the perspective of combat training spirit.

Regarding the spirit of combat training, Li Zhan clearly pointed out that troop training in non-war years must not only take into account the actual situation but also be infinitely close to actual combat. Therefore, under the general concept of combat spirit, he proposed the spirit of combat training, which can be summarized in one sentence ——Combat training is combat during non-war periods.

Breaking the shackles of thought is the first priority.

Others may not know what the concept was when this point of view was put forward in the first half of 2010, but among the grassroots officers and soldiers of the army who are at a crossroads for the first time since entering the 21st century, such a clear point of view is very surprising. shocking.

At present, the majority of grassroots commanders and fighters are full of confidence in the future, but they are also confused. Everyone believes that the future will get better and better, but the good thing is that few people can see it thoroughly, or in other words, few people can see the deep benefits.

The equipment will definitely get better and better, the wages and benefits will definitely get better and better, and all the tangible things will get better and better, but what about the things that cannot be tangible? In which direction is troop training heading? Practical training has been called for so many years, but how to do it?

Everyone is exploring and trying carefully. Some people try it for a little while and then quickly shrink back. Some people dare to think but dare not take action. There are also a very few people who dare to think and do it and have already done so. , such as Li Zhan.

Now, Li Zhan not only dares to think and do, he also wrote a paper to put forward clear and distinct opinions and called on everyone to work together!

The yoke of thought, what is yoke, is used to lock criminals. It has a strong meaning and is a critical adjective. It can even be said that Li Zhan made a conclusion for the current combat training method - that is the shackles that restrict the improvement of combat capabilities!

Combat training is combat during non-war periods.

This is a thought-provoking perspective.

While Li Zhan was concentrating five days on special ideological education for the pilots of the Kuangmo Brigade, Xue Xiangdong had been thinking about "Eliminating the Ideological Difference" on his desk for a long time. Finally, on the day when Li Zhan finished the special ideological education, he changed the topic to "Abolition of the Ideological Difference in Combat Training" and immediately submitted it to the division headquarters.

After reading it, Chen Hualin thought about it for three days, then changed the title to "Eliminating the Difference in Thinking in Combat Training" and submitted it to the Military Region Air Force Command.

After reading it, the head of the military region's air force held a small discussion meeting. With a stroke of his pen, the head of the military region changed the title to "Eliminating the Ideological Difference" and reported it to the headquarters and the air force at the same time. At this point, almost two months have passed. Of course, this is a story for another day.

Li Zhan didn't know these things. His original intention was to make a lesson plan. At the suggestion of Yang Jinshan, the deputy leader with a good theoretical level, he made another paper and handed it to Xue Xiangdong. It was like a student handing in homework. In other words, it feels like submitting for review.

He has one and only one purpose - to completely eliminate the differences in the combat and tactical thinking of the seventeen pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade!

After all, equipment comes second, and combat tactics are only means. The key lies in application, and in people's combat thoughts and tactical thinking.

Li Zhan is just a small captain. He does not have such a high-level view of the problem from the perspective of the entire army, nor does he have the ability to put forward arguments and arguments from a high position. Therefore, his paper is full of practical information and is very specific. These things are all real phenomena that exist in the grassroots troops. These phenomena are viewed from the perspective of grassroots cadres.

In this way, it can impress the higher-level leadership organs more.

Not to mention how his thesis was fermented, the fact that he actually dedicated a week to special education is enough to prove how much he values ​​​​the elimination of ideological differences. In the eyes of everyone, Li Zhan was the kind of person who would never come down to the ground if he could stay in the sky. He wished he could fly twenty-five hours a day. He insisted on flying even in such bad weather. You let him He volunteered his flight time to engage in ideological education? The whole world thinks that is more difficult than driving a 100G overload.

Under such circumstances, Li Zhan actually devoted a whole week to special ideological education. One can imagine how important and urgent it is to eliminate the ideological gap.

After unified understanding and then conducting free air combat training, the situation will be completely different. It's not that the pilots have no imagination, but they have developed habits under the long-term fixed training mode. Li Zhan used his modest political skills to break everyone's ideological shackles. Young pilots in their twenties and thirties will continue to surprise people.

The young pilots of the Chinese Air Force are extremely energetic and creative, but their hands and feet are often restricted due to institutional arrangements, resulting in their thoughts being imprisoned. Removing the shackles is tantamount to opening a hole in the barrier lake of thought. Not only does the lake of thought become more energetic, it will also gush out into a dry land with more moisture.

Li Zhan's contribution to the Air Force does not lie in the five first-class merits he won, but in the fact that the teaching and training opinions he once proposed were written into the training base textbooks. This time he proposed and wrote "Abolition of Ideological The article "Height Difference" has had a broader, far-reaching and profound impact on the Air Force, and the resulting contribution cannot be commended by a few specific first-class merits.

The pilots of the Crazy Demon Brigade finally discovered that the captain was serious, and he really wanted to let go of the fight. There were no restrictions except the minimum safe distance. Whether he was a dragon or an insect depended on his strength. In mid-June, they ushered in their second high-intensity training.

Li Zhan made a rude request—during the ten-day high-intensity free air combat training, each pilot must burn at least thirty tons of aviation fuel.

He arranged 600 tons of aviation fuel for these ten days of high-intensity free air combat training!

He was so stingy that he could kneel to Zheng Kaiyun for three more tons of aviation fuel, and he was willing to use 600 tons of aviation fuel in ten flying days. What kind of courage is this!

It is definitely a rumor to say that Mr. Li is a bitch, and it is self-defeating.

But his nickname of the Little Prince of Pulling Rods was once again ruthlessly affirmed.

At the mobilization meeting for the ten-day high-intensity flight training of the entire regiment, Li Zhan looked at all the officers and soldiers of the regiment, including pilots and maintenance officers and soldiers, with piercing eyes. He said categorically, "I will use the aviation fuel share from the 228 subject. One hundred tons of aviation fuel is used as additional aviation fuel for this high-intensity training! We do not need additional support from the station, we can afford the additional aviation fuel expenditure ourselves! It should be noted that this one hundred tons of unplanned aviation fuel All the aviation fuel will be used as a special quota for the second and third brigades! The Crazy Demon Brigade will not use these aviation fuels, I can guarantee this!"

"But! If your second and third brigades cannot use these one hundred tons of aviation fuel, I will cancel the future aviation fuel assistance to you. Everyone should know that your flight time will be greatly restricted. Flight time Less means pulling the lever... less opportunities to increase combat effectiveness! So your Second and Third Brigades should think carefully about how to increase the dispatch rate in the limited time! At the same time, I also welcome the Second and Third Brigades The brothers came over to discuss how to improve the dispatch rate."

Li Zhan looked at the regiment leaders sitting in the front row, scanned the entire regiment's officers and soldiers, and said sternly, "Finally, I want to give a positive response to some recent rumors! Some comrades said that our crazy brigade is being exploited. Money is the focus of attention, so if you spend a long time pulling the lever all day long, you will spend a short time on the lever.”

Pilots of the Crazy Demon Brigade: What they are clearly saying is that you have nothing to do with us!

Li Zhan said solemnly, "There are still some comrades who say that the Kuangmo Brigade has the best resources in the entire group and is biased in aviation fuel and spare parts, but it cannot achieve any good results. Some comrades even think that the Kuangmo Brigade can't produce any good results every hour." The high rod fee of three hundred and twenty-five yuan has not made a corresponding contribution. I am here to tell you some comrades, if you are not convinced, then see you on the training ground! I declare that from today on, all the crazy team members Everyone can accept the challenge, and each win will accumulate one point. If you accumulate ten points, you can enter the mad team and replace the last one! This competition mechanism is effective for a long time!"

This is breaking news!

No one in the Kuangmo Brigade knew this news. It was obvious that Li Zhan deliberately provoked the Kuangmo Brigade in front of the whole group. At the same time, it was also a path for the pilots of the other two brigades to rise!

Aren't you jealous of my high draw fee? Okay, don't say I won't give you a chance. Everyone makes a living based on their ability. If you have the ability to earn it, it's yours.

After digesting the news, the pilots of the second and third brigades all looked happy, while the pilots of the Crazy Demon Brigade looked more solemn than the last, suddenly feeling extremely stressed.

Li Zhan dropped another piece of bombshell news. He said in a deep voice, "The aviation commander instructed the military district to order that starting from July, our regiment will officially take on the task of simulating the Blue Army. The first unit to come to fight is the Guangkong Second Division! Time is tight and the tasks are heavy. I ask the brothers of the Kuangmo Brigade to work harder and harder. I hope the brothers of the Second Brigade and the Third Brigade will work hard to train and win the crucial first battle of our regiment!"

Wow! The devil's old troops are coming to fight. No wonder he is so generous and takes out the aviation fuel from the "228" major issue for everyone to use!

"I knew you weren't that kind!"

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