Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 180 Cheating openly

If the responsibility must be investigated, the Miaoyu maintenance team cannot be separated. Why is it not found that the engine is frequently in a state of scrapping? If the investigation goes further, Han Bo, who is in charge of aircraft maintenance, will not be able to escape.

However, everyone knows that Li Zhan is different from others. His flying style is too rough. Moreover, the maintenance staff are not gods, and it is impossible to remove the engine for inspection every time they fly.

There is no problem with the maintenance of the maintenance team. What is problematic is Li Zhan's flying style, and because problems arise at the end of the service life, there will be no accountability.

For the same car, some people have a smooth driving style and the engine is fine even after driving it for more than ten or two hundred thousand kilometers. They just need to change the oil on time. Some people's driving style is rough and they often accelerate and brake suddenly. The engine often works at full load or even beyond working conditions. It is certain that the service life will be sharply reduced, and the probability of problems will be greater.

If you count carefully, J-7E No. 037 is now replaced with the third engine. You must know that her military age is only seven years.

Li Zhan had no choice but to set his sights on J-6 Plus No. 95533. He stared at Lao Liuye, who was even older than him in the military, and was filled with emotion in his heart.

"Captain, the captain asked you to go to a meeting." Pei Xiaoshuai ran over to report.

Seeing Li Zhan still staring at Mr. Liu in a daze, Pei Xiaoshuai felt strange. After taking a few steps closer, he cautiously reported, "Captain, the team leader asked you to go to the small conference room for a meeting. The director will also come over." .”

For a while, Li Zhan sighed and said, "This old guy is the only one left, but I can't drive it for low-altitude penetration, and it can't do low-altitude penetration."

Pei Xiaoshuai couldn't help but grin, thinking in his heart, Captain, you haven't given up yet, and said, "Captain, don't worry, we will definitely complete the mission successfully, and we will never let you down."

If Li Zhan insists on participating in the confrontation drill, he has only one choice: "blow up" J-6 Plus No. 95533. This is in compliance with the regulations of the director's department. J-6 Plus No. 95533 was originally the backup aircraft of the Mad Demon Brigade. To be precise, it was prepared for Li Zhan so that he could rest without rest.

But the J-6 Plus is completely unsuitable. This thing was born for dog fighting, and it has lagged behind for at least thirty years. It's okay to accumulate flight hours by paying for drawbars. As for fighting, forget it, unless there is a chance to get close to a third-generation aircraft.

"Give up." Li Zhan shook his head and sighed, then turned around and jumped on the commuter bus to the infield office building.

Pei Xiaoshuai froze on the spot and stared - Captain, I haven't even gotten in the car yet!

In the small conference room in the infield office building, Vice Minister Liang, Yang Heng, and Xue Xiangdong had already arrived. They were drinking tea, smoking and talking. There was also a big shot who had just arrived - Chen Hualin, the commander of the 73rd Division.

As soon as Li Zhan entered the door, he was quite surprised when he looked up and saw Chen Hualin, "Sir, you are here too."

"The fight is about to begin. I can't sit still at the division headquarters. Come and take a look." Chen Hualin pointed to the position and motioned for Li Zhan to sit down.

After Li Zhan sat down, Xue Xiangdong poured him a cup of tea, asked the orderly to go out, closed the door, and went straight to the meeting.

"Li Zhan, the work of the director's department has basically been completed. How are the preparations of your mad team doing?" Vice Minister Liang asked directly.

Li Zhan replied, "The Mad Demon Brigade can attack at any time."

"After careful consideration, the director department has decided to adopt your suggestion." Vice Minister Liang said solemnly, "Now you can tell me the time of attack."

A few days ago, Li Zhan laid out the entire battle plan, but he did not mention the most critical time of attack.

This was what Li Zhan was waiting for. The director decided to adopt his suggestion, and the timing of his attack became very critical, and could even be said to be an important prerequisite for victory.

"Tomorrow dawns." Li Zhan said.

Yang Heng frowned and said, "But the director's department informed me that the confrontation drill will start on the 15th, and tomorrow is the 14th."

"It's not up to the director to decide when the war will start." Li Zhan said, "Actually, it is very generous to let the Red Army conduct adaptive training at Dongku Station. According to my opinion, they will transfer to Dongku Station We should attack on the same day and level the Dongkuchang station with aerial bombs when they land."

Yang Heng smiled bitterly, "What kind of fighting style are you talking about? We don't practice like this in drills."

Li Zhan said, "In the actual combat style, soldiers should practice how they fight in battle. Aren't drills and drills based on actual combat situations?"

"Xiao Li, we all understand what you mean, but if you do this, the Second Division will have objections, and Guangkong will definitely be dissatisfied. You want to attack at the beginning of the drill and catch the Second Division off guard, no wonder you dare Establish a military order." Chen Hualin smiled and waved his hand.

Li Zhan smiled honestly and said, "I plan to arrive at Dongku after the attack, and then let the director department notify the second division of the start of the drill, and give them a few minutes, which will make it easier for them to accept psychologically."

Isn't this too shameless?

Who can beat you if your blue team and the director team work together?

Looking at the chiefs with black lines on their heads, Li Zhan explained, "Dear heads, I have two purposes. The first is to weaken the role of the director's department. Since there is no script, there will be no time for the story to begin. On the contrary, Come here and say that the Red Army can launch an attack on our Beiku now, but it is a pity that their commander's thinking is too rigid. The second point is that as a grindstone, our Blue Army must form certain aspects of the Red Army at all costs The absolute dominant position. Battlefield initiative, one-way transparency on the battlefield, etc. Only in this way can it play a role in sharpening the Red Army troops."

"If we continue to write a script like before, everyone will fly a few circles step by step to burn dozens of tons of aviation fuel and fire dozens of tons of ammunition. I personally think that the effect of improving combat effectiveness will be limited, and it will not achieve the purpose of fully testing the training situation of the troops. "

The three of them were lost in thought. However, Xue Xiangdong, who often communicated with Li Zhan, did not realize that there was anything inappropriate in his remarks. Without an asymmetric advantage, how can the Blues hone the Reds? Li Zhan was right. If it were a war, the Red Army would land and even be on the way, and the Blue Army, waiting for work, would attack.

The best defense is offense, and the best way to shoot down enemy aircraft is to destroy them on the airport ground.

"Over there in Guangkong..."

"No matter what Guangkong thinks, if you have any objections, bring them to the headquarters to raise them with the flight attendant. We are not afraid of lawsuits reaching the high command. I have never heard of being criticized if you win a war." Li Zhan said unceremoniously. Vice Minister Duanliang’s words continue to deceive, “In the long history, countless wars have shown that there is never fairness or reciprocity in battle. Those with poor equipment can make up for it with tactics, and those with poor tactics can make up for it with superior equipment. Everything is bad. They lost their capitals in a few days, such as France's Gallic Chicken. Back then on the Korean Peninsula, our troops surrounded a US military regiment. Why couldn't they annihilate them all? They had huge equipment advantages and used countless ammunition to open the way and break out of the encirclement. Some people. This is a typical example of equipment advantages making up for tactical disadvantages."

"Commanders, the Second Division has an equipment advantage, a huge equipment advantage. Just the twenty J-11Bs in their hands can defeat our entire 73rd Division. We can indeed simulate F/A -18E/F, the director can make judgments based on this parameter, but in actual operation this scale is very difficult to grasp, I believe you are aware of it."

Exercises and drills also require high technology, and how to judge the results is not easy. It is very difficult to accurately define the gap in performance parameters between using second-generation aircraft to simulate third-generation aircraft and the gap in combat capabilities shown in actual use.

To put it bluntly, it's just bullshit.

"It's all nonsense anyway, so let's keep it simple and just talk about the start time, so we don't have to worry." Li Zhan said.

Hey, what this guy said makes sense.

Vice Minister Liang is in charge of military training, and Yang Heng organizes and coordinates troop exercises all year round, so he knows the situation very well. In every review, the focus of the dispute between the red and blue parties is that they have different opinions on the judgment and evaluation of the director's department. In the final analysis, there is no complete drill judgment system.

To sum up, Li Zhan's suggestions are two points. You must favor your own people. In this case, be generous. Anyway, the purpose is to increase the difficulty of the Red Army's operations. The higher-level leadership will only think that you have done a good job. The second thing is that It is to concentrate all disputes and contradictions on one point, and even rely on the principle of "increasing the difficulty of the Red Army's operations in order to better temper the troops."

You stupid cheater!

I'm doing this for your own good!

What a fool you are!

I'm doing this for your own good!

Li Zhan was extremely happy when he thought about the scene where Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe were furious but did not dare to kill him. The disappointment of not being able to participate in the drill in person has dissipated a lot. As long as you can vent your anger fiercely, any method can be used.

The person who knows Li Zhan best is Xue Xiangdong. He has already seen it. Don't look at how lightly Li Zhan said it, as if he waved his hand and it really disappeared. Don't look at the matter. For seven or eight months, with Li Zhan's belly as big as chicken intestines, it would be strange for him not to hold grudges.

I gave up the opportunity to live with the J-10 and traveled thousands of kilometers home just to be closer to home and be called handsome every time I went out. You actually sent me to the barren area of ​​the west.

I'm doing this for your own good!

Li Zhan had long wanted to return this sentence to Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe intact!

A full eight months. Do you know how he spent these eight months? When driving the J-6 Plus and driving the J-7 B model, I even pedaled on the rudder until my calves went numb! If he were still in the Second Division, he would have driven the J-10 Villain long ago, and he would have earned nine hundred yuan an hour in lever fees!

When Li Zhan's small universe exploded, some people felt a little uncomfortable.

After careful consideration, Vice Minister Liang said in an inquiring tone, "Then, will we start at dawn tomorrow?"

"Chief, the key is that the director must wait until my troops enter the attack route before notifying the Red Army to start the drill." Li Zhan said sharply.

Vice Minister Liang took a deep breath and decided, "Okay! Let's do it! I will take full responsibility if the superior blames it! Mr. Chen, you are a witness."

"Chief, I not only have to be a witness, but also a responsible person. Li Zhan is a soldier of our 73rd Division, and the suggestions he made are the suggestions of our 73rd Division. If something goes wrong, I, the division commander, It is natural that he should bear the main responsibility." Chen Hualin did not hesitate at all, and immediately stood up to support his soldiers, and at the same time expressed his attitude on behalf of the 73rd Division.

Such a division commander deserves to have such an outstanding and perfect subordinate as Li Zhan.

"The Mad Demon Brigade is ready!"

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