Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 181 Li Zhan is shameless! Shameless! ! Shameless! ! !

At 6 o'clock in the morning on July 14, Qi Hong woke up under the influence of his biological clock. He simply got up, washed and dressed, put on a hat, and carried an armed belt out of the dormitory.

The Beikku area has entered daylight saving time, and the wake-up call was blown at 6:30 in the morning. For the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division who are accustomed to living in the standard time zone in coastal areas, it is not easy for them to adapt quickly.

Dongkuchang Station is much smaller than Beikuchang Station, and the buildings in the infield are better. However, because it is closer to the city, it is slightly more modern in style and has more green vegetation. The entire second floor of the infield is the training regiment of the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division, and the offices and accommodation of the division leaders are here.

Qi Hong stood in the corridor and looked at the outfield. It was empty and quiet. The width lights on both sides of the runway marked the specific location of the runway like two silver strips. Closer was the apron, with the tower as the center being full of parking on both sides. Thirty-six of the most advanced twin-engine heavy-duty fighter jets currently in service of the Chinese Air Force were acquired. These fighters are the greatest confidence of the Second Division and the main force group that Qi Hong is most proud of.

To ensure the training of thirty-six heavy fighter jets, the Second Division dispatched almost half of its ground support force, and the Dongku Field Station went all out to barely meet the ground support standards.

It can be said that the most powerful fighter group of the Chinese Air Force is stationed at Dongku Field at this time.

Qi Hong looked complacently at the outfield where heavy-duty war eagles would take off and land frequently tomorrow. He felt so passionate that he had the urge to recite a poem. Unfortunately, he knew nothing about poetry and could only let his emotions get stuck in his heart.

"Commander, you can't sleep either?" Fang Chenghe walked out of the room next to him, buckled his armed belt, took out a cigarette and lit one.

Qi Hong glanced at the cigarette in Fang Chenghe's hand and said, "Old Fang, smoke less."

Looking at the lit cigarette, Fang Chenghe took a heavy drag and said, "This is just my hobby. I can't sleep, and I'm about to have a confrontation. To be honest, I don't have much confidence in my heart."

Qi Hong crossed his arms and looked into the distance, saying, "It is undeniable that the 73rd Division has undergone some changes, but one person's power is limited after all. The director determined that the Mad Demon Brigade simulated an F/A-18E/F , To be honest, I am a little disappointed."

"Super Hornet is not weak either." Fang Chenghe said with a smile.

Qi Hong said, "But compared with our super flankers, they have no advantage."

"Li Zhan has a lot of experience. Don't forget, he is the only commander of the Blue Army. The 73rd Division gave him a lot of trust and gave him full command. After all, that kid's tactical thinking is the most advanced in the entire army. "Fang Chenghe sighed and said, "A 4-1 battle example shocked the entire army. Not only the aviation force, but also the Army field air defense force is reflecting on their combat capabilities."

Qi Hong sneered and said, "Two batches of four Tor missiles cannot defeat a J-7 with no height and speed. The Army's air defense force should reflect on it."

If they had fought well, wouldn't Li Zhan have become a martyr? Fang Chenghe secretly thought, shook his head with a wry smile, took a puff of cigarette, blew it out into the still chilly morning air, and said, "Commander, air cover and low-altitude penetration attack on the Blue Army's airport, this set of tactics Li Zhan It’s very familiar, how do you think he would respond?”

"The meteorological observatory at Beiku Station is also a warning radar station. There is a surface-to-air missile unit fifty kilometers away. It is estimated that they will invite the surface-to-air missile unit to strengthen the air defense of the airport." Qi Hong smiled confidently, "Blue Army, you are kidding There is nothing wrong with making small moves, and the director will turn a blind eye. However, our second division is no longer doing nothing, and we have not seen any scenes in so many years. Old Fang, your insomnia is unnecessary. "

Fang Chenghe smiled helplessly, "Who doesn't want to have a good night's sleep? That's what I say, but I'm always worried because I don't know what kind of trouble that boy Li Zhan will do."

"He can still stir up trouble. Don't worry, he only has those things in his hands, so he can't do any tricks if he wants to." Qi Hong said with confidence.

It slowly lights up in the east, and this period is called dawn.

Fang Chenghe said, "That kid has a habit of not following the routine, and he turns out... um, what's the sound?"

Halfway through speaking, Fang Chenghe heard some strange sounds keenly, quickly judged that the direction was west, and subconsciously listened and looked up.

Qi Hong frowned and looked to the dark west, listening attentively.

Fang Chenghe's heart trembled, "It sounds like the sound of an aircraft engine."

At this time, the phones in Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe's rooms rang almost at the same time, and the sudden ringing hit their hearts hard. They looked at each other quickly and rushed into their respective rooms to grab the microphones.

"Qi Hong!"

"Fang Chenghe!"

"The division commander and his subordinates have ordered the confrontation drill to begin now!"

"The political commissar and his subordinates have ordered the confrontation drill to begin now!"

"What? Say it again!" Qi Hong broke into a cold sweat.

The tower duty officer was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and he was even more nervous. Anyone who was about to wake up and suddenly received the order to officially start the confrontation drill would be frightened to the point of confusion.

"The director's department has officially given the order! The 715 real-force confrontation drill will begin at 6:05 on the 14th! Division commander, the battle has begun! The battle has begun!" the tower operator reported loudly.

Qi Hong immediately ordered, "Sound the alarm! Turn in as soon as possible!"

"Old Qi! It's too late! Inform the pilots to assemble on the tarmac and take off! We should have maintained level one combat readiness!" Fang Chenghe shouted, grabbing the door frame. At this time, he already had a flight helmet in his hand.

"Let's go!" Qi Hong grabbed his flying helmet and rushed out.

But it was too late.

Several navigation lights appeared in the sky on the west side of the station. They were very low in altitude and very fast, just like fighter planes returning to the field after training and landing. But in the eyes of Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe, those navigation lights were warning lights. If they couldn't guess that it was the Blue Army's assault fleet, they should leave their jobs and go home to coax their children as soon as possible.

Four J-7Es formed an attack column and entered the attack route, then dived to attack the runway. Han Hongjun was the first to attack. He accurately dropped the four mounted training bombs on the grass on the side of the runway, then pulled up the fighter plane to turn and climb at a steep slope. Li Zixin entered immediately, threw the training bomb on the grass on the other side of the runway, and also pulled up the fighter plane to turn and climb at a steep slope.

Pei Xiaoshuai and Su Pingguo were at a later position, first passing by the outfield at low altitude, which looked like flying across the field. Then he quickly turned back and threw the specially-made training bombs towards the thirty-six fighters neatly arranged on the tarmac.

Under the guidance of Li Zhan, the maintenance officers and soldiers of the Kuangmo Brigade rushed to make special training bombs - the bottom of the shell could be opened, and the ink inside the bomb spilled!

Pei Xiaoshuai and Su Pingguo spilled all the ink as easily as if they were shooting at fixed targets, forming a rain of ink that covered many fighter planes. These traces are irrefutable evidence! In order to rush to make these special training bombs, they used ten boxes of ink and spent a lot of money!

Fang Chenghe found that Qi Hong stopped running, and neither did he. In fact, they had just reached the stairs when they saw a desperate scene.

But the fun was not over yet. Not even a minute later, another wave of fighters came. You didn’t need to identify them carefully. You could tell they were J-7s just by looking at their outlines. They often flew over at low altitudes as if they were in uninhabited territory. They didn't give up after flying once, so they turned back and flew again.

In sharp contrast to their calmness and calmness were the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division who were in a chaotic mess amidst the piercing sirens and howling like wildfire. They even have people wearing clothes at the moment!

In less than five minutes, the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division was finished, along with the Dongkuchang Station.

From the time the confrontation drill officially started to the arrival of the Blue Army's strike fleet, it took only five minutes, only five minutes!

"Shameless! Shameless!! Shameless!!!"

Qi Hong stood in the corridor and roared angrily at the retreating madman brigade and cursed endlessly: "The Seventy-Third Division is shameless! Lan Kong is shameless!! Li Zhan is shameless!!!"

I had so many plans, so many preparations for aviation fuel and ammunition, and so many ambitions, but they are gone, all gone, I refuse to accept it!

"I don't accept it! The director's department is unfair! The director's department is shameless!" Qi Hong lost his temper and yelled.

When he realized that his troops were completely destroyed in just five minutes, his anger and unwillingness became more intense. He stared at Fang Chenghe with bloodshot eyes, "The 73rd Division is shameless! Lan Kong is shameless! That bastard Li Zhan is shameless!"

Fang Chenghe finally felt at ease. He finally knew the reason why he couldn't sleep, but it was already too late. Compared with Qi Hong's gaffe, he felt a sense of foreboding in his heart but it was easier for him to accept the bloody fact in front of him, oh no, it was the dark and sloppy fact.

"Commander, Commander! Calm down! Calm down!" Fang Chenghe grabbed Qi Hong's shoulders and shook him hard, trying his best to calm down. "The most important thing now is to count the losses and find a way to dispatch fighter planes. As long as our fighter planes take off, There is still a chance to save it! Let’s go! Go to the tower!”

He almost dragged Qi Hong downstairs and put him into the commuter car. He rushed to the tower and saw a bunch of stupid people on duty. They were all confused and didn't know what they should do or what they could do.

A call came from the director's department. When Fang Chenghe saw Qi Hong's look, he knew that the division commander's psychological defense was on the verge of collapse. He quickly answered the call, "Second Division Fang Chenghe!"

"Your runway was hit with precision, and most of your fighter planes were lost. Go to the grass on both sides of the runway and take a look. There are a total of sixteen blue training bombs. The guidance team will take pictures, fix them, and make detailed judgments. How are your fighter planes? Anyone with ink on them will be judged as battle damage. That’s it!”

Fang Chenghe was also confused.

What the hell is ink! And training bombs? You fucking threw it on my runway!

"Political commissar, the guidance team has passed, one group went to the runway and the other group went to the apron!" the staff officer on duty reported.

Fang Chenghe completely understood that the director department and the Blue Army were basically cooperating. Otherwise, how could they have communicated the situation in such a short period of time, without even having time to do something to the Red Army to reduce some battle losses!

He put down the microphone and looked up to the sky and sang with grief and anger: "Shameless! Li Zhan is shameless!! Lan Kong is shameless!!!"

The Sixth Regiment of the Second Division galloped across thousands of mountains and rivers and ran eight thousand miles to prepare for the battle. Five minutes after the battle started, everyone was dead.

I redrawn the timeline from Chapter 153 to this chapter in July, which is more reasonable. Another note: I enjoyed watching the pull-up bar fee. Can you be more conscious? Let me reveal a little bit about it. The plot behind it will be even more enjoyable. The third update is completed today.

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