Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 182 I just used two success powers

The sunrise on July 14th is the sunrise in the east. The cold air of dawn in the bright sunny morning quickly dissipates, the earth soon wakes up, and people start their day's work one after another.

A Mi-171 helicopter rushed over and stopped as close as possible to the tower under the command of the ground crew. Fang Chenghe dragged Qi Hong off the commuter bus. After seeing the helicopter, Qi Hong finally regained his consciousness, shook off Fang Chenghe's hand, walked over and jumped into the crew cabin.

All the control personnel at Dongkuchang Station boarded the plane, some of them carrying briefcases.

Fang Chenghe and Luohecheng quickly boarded the plane, and the Mi-171 took off and sped towards Beikuchang Station, 500 kilometers away.

This is the helicopter sent by the director department to pick up Dongku's directing team. The reason why it arrived so quickly is because they set off earlier than the Mad Demon Brigade. This means that the director department and the Blue Army have already been following the results of the Red Army's complete defeat. Follow-up arrangements are made.

"Shameless..." Fang Chenghe noticed this detail and closed his eyes in pain.

Luohecheng's face turned green and white, and his teeth chattered. It only took half an hour from the time the Blue Army appeared to carry out the attack to the time the director's department came to pick up the people and the helicopter arrived. Moreover, the coordinators had obviously been notified long ago. It only took them ten minutes to survey the battlefield and make a decision...

Even a blind man can figure it out.

"That's too much!" Luo Hecheng slapped his thigh heavily, furious.

He and his soldiers conducted repeated ground drills, reviewed the combat plan many times, and even confirmed the status of each fighter plane with the maintenance staff many times. He has long been prepared to educate the Seventy-Third Division in his best condition, so that the poor brothers who were once an established powerhouse will continue to worship him to the end.

For this reason, he made a promise. After defeating the Mad Demon Brigade, he treated the entire regiment to a feast and was already prepared to spend two months' salary. However, he did not say what would happen if he failed. Neither he nor the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Regiment thought about failure.

Qi Hong, the commander of the first division, did not even consider the possibility of failure, so his troops naturally did not think that they would lose.

Perhaps it should be said that the arrogant and arrogant person is the Second Division, and the arrogant person is Qi Hong.

The founder has already said that strategically, we should despise the enemy, but tactically we must pay attention to the enemy. Didn't the U.S. imperialists think that our equipment was backward and then arrogantly clamored to end the war before Christmas? What happened? The best-equipped army in the world was beaten to pieces.

The two-hour flight was unbearable. Qi Hong wanted to jump directly in front of the director's department and grab Deputy Director Liang's collar to protest strongly. Luohe City could not wait to tear that shameless man into pieces piece by piece with his own hands!

Beikuchang Station was in a state of joy, so all the fighter planes that had sortied were returning to the station. They were now gathering in the flight briefing room on the bottom floor of the tower, chatting and laughing to sum up their experiences. Li Zhanrang moved the sandbox in the war room to the briefing room, and now it is all completed.

The flight briefing room was large enough, so the director decided to conduct the review here.

Many people felt that it was unreal. There had never been such a drill before. The winner was determined within half an hour of the start of the game, and then a review was conducted immediately. What seems like child's play is actually very close to the mode of modern combat. The outstanding performance of the Mad Demon Team made some previous doubts disappear. Although the cheating device is turned on, the ability of the Mad Demon Brigade to penetrate defenses at long distances and at ultra-low altitudes is obvious to all.

The perfect dawn attack operation made Li Zhan, the ground commander, no longer regret that he could not go to the sky. It was also the first time that he tasted the sense of accomplishment of watching students grow from the perspective of a teacher.

Vice Minister Liang and Master Chen Hualin walked in, followed by staff from the directing department. Vice Minister Liang was in a good mood and said to Li Zhan, "Li Zhan, when the people from the Second Division arrive in a while, please be polite and take advantage of them to make others angry."

Li Zhan stood at attention and replied, "Chief, I will definitely explain it realistically and without any personal emotions."

"Okay, I'm relieved if you say that."

Vice Minister Liang sat down in the seat marked with the word "chief" in the center. Chen Hualin sat down on his left. Yang Heng sat down on Chen Hualin's left. The two seats on the right of Vice Minister Liang were empty. They were Qi Hong and Fang. The location of the river.

There were chairs arranged neatly on both sides. The pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade, the field representatives and the control personnel were sitting on both sides. Opposite the leaders across the sand table are the positions of the red and blue commanders. Li Zhan is already standing on the blue army's side, while the red army's side is still empty.

"Everyone, please take a seat." Vice Minister Liang said.

Xue Xiangdong, who was in charge of the on-site organization and command, gave the order, then walked to Li Zhan and whispered, "It seems that Vice Minister Liang does not intend to give face to the Second Division. Don't be affected by the leader's attitude. Speak truthfully." .”

Li Zhan nodded slightly and said with a smile, "I understand, they are my old chiefs after all."

"As long as you understand." After looking at the time, Xue Xiangdong hurriedly walked out.

It is impossible for Vice Minister Liang to greet Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe. Chen Hualin is sitting there as steady as a rock and obviously will not greet him. However, Xue Xiangdong and Zheng Kaiyun cannot sit still. They are landlords and must do their best. .

The Mi-171 landed, and the control personnel quickly lined up and boarded the vehicle to rush to the tower. Xue Xiangdong and Zheng Kaiyun quickly stepped forward to say hello to Qi Hong, but they were ignored and jumped on the vehicle and left. Fang Chenghe shook his head helplessly. He was polite and courteous in returning the gifts to Xue Xiangdong and Zheng Kaiyun, but he was unwilling to say anything more. He just got in the car, folded his arms and pursed his lips tightly.

Xue Xiangdong and Zheng Kaiyun knew that picking up people at this time would be a hard job, so they were mentally prepared. The attitudes of Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe were expected.

On the way to the tower, Luohecheng gritted his teeth and said to Xue Xiangdong, "You 73rd Division are so shameless! Treating the regulations as nothing if you don't call in advance to attack! The behavior of the Blue Army Brigade is too despicable and despicable!"

"Who are you scolding! Be polite and don't spit shit! Believe it or not, I will kick you out of the car!" Xue Xiangdong immediately exploded when he heard this, glaring at Luohe City and said angrily.

Luohe City was shocked by Xue Xiangdong's reaction. Shouldn't he humbly apologize? This script is wrong!

Zheng Kaiyun held back her laughter. This young flight commander was quite unlucky. It was hard to recruit Xue Dapao. He was someone that even the division commander dared to directly attack, let alone you, a colonel. Xue Dapao carries four stars on his shoulders, a proper deputy division level member, a member of the standing committee of the division party committee, and an accountant leader!

"Hecheng! Don't talk nonsense. How can you insult our brother troops like this?" Fang Chenghe was very upset. He scolded Luohecheng and cursed in his heart. They are all pig heads. Don't speak loudly when you are justified. Don't make personal attacks if you are justified. Besides, when you are on someone else's territory and you attack someone who is higher than you, isn't this a pig-headed thing?

Xue Xiangdong looked seriously at Fang Chenghe and said, "Political Commissar Fang, you can talk about any dissatisfaction you have, but you can't insult the troops. Who is despicable? I, the 73rd Air Force Aviation Division of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the people's army, the people's son, are despicable." ?”

When Luohe City heard this, he was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat, and he felt extremely aggrieved. I mean your Blue Army brigade is shameless, despicable and vile, not the 73rd Division!

For Xue Xiangdong to go so far as to insult and attack a veteran fighter pilot who came out of the war, Luohe City's small body must not be responsible for it, and his division commander and political commissar were duped.

"Captain Xue, calm down." Fang Chenghe quickly smoothed things over. If Xue Xiangdong went to the director's office, the chief officer of the second division would not be able to escape by apologizing in public.

Fang Chenghe glared at Luohe City fiercely, squeezed out a smile, and said, "Captain Xue, our mood is not very good or even very bad. Commander Luo can't speak but his brain is also anxious. Don't Just take it to your heart.”

Xue Xiangdong glared at Luohe City coldly and said to Fang Chenghe, "Political Commissar Fang, you are Li Zhan's old leader. I will not pursue the case this time. Otherwise, it will be a big trouble if all the officers and soldiers of the division know about it. Beat people." Why don’t you slap me in the face!”

Luohe City roared in his heart: But you slapped me in the face! You guys took turns slapping me backwards and forwards, and you slapped me all over my face! I have thirty-six of the most advanced fighter planes in the entire Air Force! I am the number one main regiment commander in the entire Air Force!

You guys rushed in before I even had time to take off my pants.

No one cares about Luohe City's mood and thoughts. After all, if he can't understand and learn from this blow, he will fail as the leader.

A group of people entered the flight briefing room. As the two chief officers of the second division entered, the atmosphere became solemn, and the atmosphere was even more chilly than zero.

Qi Hong did not sit down, but after glancing around, his eyes fell on Vice Minister Liang and asked word for word, "Vice Minister Liang, I have the following doubts. First, why is the drill on the 15th brought forward in advance?" As of today, the Second Division was not notified in advance. Second, why were the Blue Army troops able to arrive at our station five minutes after the start of the exercise. Third, why was the free air combat exercise not carried out according to the established plan. Please give me an answer!"

It is undeniable that this young man who was directly promoted as the political commissar of the division from the commander of the Haihang regiment and then served as the prestigious military officer of the Southern Tyrant is very powerful, he is also capable, and his questions are well-founded. .

Vice Minister Liang pressed his hands and said, "Mr. Qi, please be patient and sit down. All questions will be resolved and answered. Everyone can rest assured."

Seeing that both Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe were looking at Li Zhan who was sitting opposite, Chen Hualin sighed slightly and said to himself, I am afraid this kid can't escape, so he still has to face each other.

The initiator was Li Zhan. Besides him, who else could answer the questions raised by Qi Hong. Even if Vice Minister Liang answers, Qi Hong may not be convinced.

After all, if everyone is to be convinced, Li Zhan must stand up.

He has five first-class merits, is a member of the Air Force's talent pool, is a top flight attendant registration, is a member and specific executor of the "228" project leadership team, and is the promoter of bold exploration of this exercise model. The most important thing is that Li Zhan is only a flight captain at the deputy battalion level and enjoys the treatment of a full battalion level. His position and military rank are so small that all leaders will think that "young people must understand if they say something wrong or do something wrong."

They were all idiots. When they saw Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe setting their sights on Li Zhan, Vice Minister Liang, Chen Hualin, or Yang Heng, they all immediately realized that the two chief officers of the Second Division had figured out the key link - through Li Zhan Only then can we leave room for all parties.

Anyone who can be the commander of the second division is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

You may think that he is angry, but in fact he is very thoughtful and very clear-minded.

Vice Minister Liang glanced at it and said loudly, "Comrades, the July 15th exercise is over now. Let me announce the results first. The Blue Army launched a raid on the Red Army Airport at dawn. Judging from the on-site survey results, The runway of the Red Army's airport was destroyed, and twenty Red Army fighter planes were destroyed. Based on a comprehensive judgment, the Red Army lost its combat effectiveness. The Blue Army achieved absolute victory in this exercise without any damage to itself."

This is the official judgment. Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe's faces suddenly darkened, and they even felt that the scene in front of them was shaking slightly. Such a result is too difficult to accept. If you must fail, then the way of failure is the most embarrassing.

"Comrade Li Zhan is the proposer of this new model confrontation exercise, so it is up to Li Zhan to answer Commander Qi's three questions."

All eyes fell on Li Zhan's face. Luo Hecheng, who was sitting a few meters away to his right, stared at him with murderous eyes.

Li Zhan stood up and saluted, saying, "Report to the chief, I have no answer."

Everyone was shocked. Even Vice Minister Liang and Chen Hualin were shocked. They didn't know what kind of medicine Li Zhan was selling in his gourd.

"Li Zhan, what do you mean!" Luohe City couldn't help it, stood up suddenly and pointed at Li Zhan.

Li Zhan didn't squint his eyes and didn't even look at Luohe City.

Vice Minister Liang knocked on the table and said, "Commander Luohe City, it's Li Zhan's time to speak. Please don't disturb us and sit down."

Luohecheng sat down bitterly, furious.

"Li Zhan, speak truthfully and objectively, don't take it personally." Fang Chenghe still nodded vaguely to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan, the old leader of Fang Chenghe, still respected him very much. Even when Qi Hong was furious, Fang Chenghe still stood by him and interceded for him. This shows that Fang Chenghe cared deeply about him, Li Zhan. On the other hand, because of his master's relationship, Fang Chenghe was also one of the very few people who knew some of Li Zhan's secret situations in the past.

Li Zhan would not give Qi Hong face, but he had to give Fang Chenghe face.

"Old leader, I can guarantee that there is no personal emotion." Li Zhan looked at Qi Hong, "The three questions raised by Commander Qi are all untenable. I don't know how to answer them. The enemy will not tell the attack time. You will not tell you the configuration of the attack force, let alone agree with you to use a certain battle situation to determine the outcome."

Xue Xiangdong cursed in his heart. The brat was really holding back his energy to vent his anger. Well, it is not a bad thing to embarrass Nan Batian, the proud man of heaven. At least the 73rd Division can stand up on Nan Batian's "corpse" .

"If I remember correctly, the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division first transferred to the first class, and then transferred from the West County Station to the East Kuchang Station for training. In this process, there was no transfer of the first class to the second class. In other words, you From the moment we took off from the West County Station, we entered a state of war. You must maintain first-level combat readiness! But in fact, a total of thirty-six fighters of the Sixth Regiment are even covered with canvas!"

"Entering the Beiku area means entering a war zone. It can even be said that when you transfer from the Xixian Airport Station to this side, you are actually transferring to the front line. It is difficult to imagine that the troops at the front line airport can still maintain peace of mind. Covered with canvas. I originally planned to carry out a low-altitude penetration strike on the day you stationed at Dongkuchang Station, inflicting heavy damage on you before your footing was stable, and ending your expectations for the confrontation drill ahead of schedule. Later, after careful consideration, I thought it should be My old army, the Second Division, has some time and some opportunities..."


Li Zhan looked so heavy that he hated iron, which made Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe want to slap him with the uppers of their shoes. Chen Hualin and Xue Xiangdong's cheeks were shaking slightly, trying not to smile.

After sighing for a while, Li Zhan said sadly, "I originally arranged for an air cover unit. If the penetration went smoothly, those fighter planes could cover the return of the strike unit, and supplementary bombing could be carried out if necessary. Who knew it would go so smoothly, I could only let They came back early and stopped the subsequent actions abruptly."

The person who punched the opponent half to death and then said that he had withdrawn 80% of his power or he would have killed you with this punch, also made all the people involved look wonderful.

"The director department issued a drill plan to the red and blue sides, and the troops on both sides followed the script step by step. What should and should not be done at what time points, and even which side should win and which side loses in a battle have regulations. Leaders, please Ask yourself, can the troops trained in this way be able to fight? Can they win the war? Your second division blamed me for not following the routine and caught you off guard. Isn’t this unreasonable? As a commander of the Blue Army, what I think about every day is how to take you by surprise. I want to kill you Red Army and wipe it out. If I want to fuck you, I’ll say hello to you and say I’m ready to fuck you. Are you ready?”

"Comrades, leaders, this is not how soldiers are trained, and this is not how troops are trained. The people support us, our fighter planes, aviation fuel, our ammunition, everything we have, all come from the people. If we take these precious Playing house with resources has limited the improvement of the troops' combat capabilities, then we are sinners! We shouldn't be!"

Li Zhan looked like he was crying and speaking earnestly, making people want to slap him in the face.

He wiped away the non-existent tears with all his strength, and said in a deep voice with a tone of inferiority but not inferiority, grievance but not sinking, today you look down on me, and tomorrow I will annihilate you all, "It is true that the soldiers of our Seventy-third Division The equipment is the most backward, because it has not been equipped with new equipment in decades, and all the equipment is second-hand goods received from brother troops, so it is nicknamed the King of Rags in the West. Yes, our equipment is bad, but our tactical thinking is the latest, and we are ahead of the curve. We are at the forefront of the entire army. From the 228th project to the 4-1 combat example, these are our achievements! They are also a typical example of using old equipment to develop new combat capabilities!"

When he said the last sentence, Li Zhan's eyes fell on Qi Hong's face.

Qi Hong quickly remembered the day Li Zhan left the army. He was commanding from the tower. The deputy division commander said that Li Zhan was a little resentful because he could not fly third-generation aircraft. Qi Hong clearly remembered what he said at that time: If you have the ability, you can use the old aircraft. The flying model has new combat power.

Time has passed, Li Zhan did it, and everyone was amazed, but he has long had nothing to do with the Second Division.

Qi Hong sighed deeply in his heart, and the flowers fell helplessly.

"Finally, my conclusion is that this exercise does not have a director's department, only an adjudication team. The Mad Demon Brigade did not follow the script given by the director's department. Our enemies in the future will not be able to follow our script, and we will not follow the enemy's." The script has come. Destroying the enemy at all costs to preserve yourself is the only criterion. Commander Qi, Political Commissar Fang, you did not lose this battle unjustly because we destroyed the script in your mind."

Li Zhan saluted the leaders and comrades.

He thought to himself: Nine months! A full nine months! Do you know how I spent these nine months? Finally got a breath of hard fighting!

I have a cold, so I will update the basics today, a 5,500-word chapter.

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