Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 186 They are all movie kings

After a whole cigarette, Fang Chenghe saw that Qi Hong was still thinking about it, and then said to Vice Minister Liang, "Chief, let's discuss it. This matter is not a trivial matter."

"Okay, in this case, Mr. Chen and I will wait for you two in the office." Vice Minister Liang stood up and left the reception room with Chen Hualin.

Yang Heng had already left to organize and plan the air combat competition the day after tomorrow.

After Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe were left in the reception room, the atmosphere became even more solemn. Fang Chenghe whispered, "Commander, I mean to agree. The higher-level leadership will definitely know about today's drill, and they will definitely know it in detail. It's just a matter of time. If you lose, you lose. The worst is possible." There’s no shame in winning back again.”

"Listen to me first." Fang Chenghe saw Qi Hong about to speak, shook his head and said, "It's not because I'm worried that we can't win. Our equipment is a whole generation ahead of theirs, and our training intensity and experience in handling airborne situations are all far away. Far ahead. If Luohe City loses again, the party committee will have to hold a meeting to study whether his regiment leader is qualified. I mainly consider the actual situation. Chen Hualin is right about one thing. They are indeed under greater pressure now, and they are under great pressure. As for the aviation department, we have to build a whetstone force. We haven’t ordered the aircraft yet and there are no conditions for many things to be implemented. From the overall perspective, we should support it.”

Qi Hong snorted coldly and said, "After all, you are still afraid of that boy Li Zhan causing trouble, right?"

"I'm really not afraid of him. On the contrary, I hope they will use all their strength. The Second Division needs a complete victory rather than a reciprocal victory. Otherwise, it will be difficult to remove the shadow of today's defeat from the hearts of the officers and soldiers." Fang Chenghe said in a deep voice.

There was another moment of silence.

Qi Hong finally sighed and said, "Yes, I mainly consider the mood of the troops. My personal face is worthless, but if the morale of the troops cannot be improved, the team will be difficult to lead, and it happens to be six When the regiment refits the J-11B, I have a lot to worry about."

"I understand." Fang Chenghe said, "Victories that come from others' humility are tasteless. I'm even worried that the 73rd Division will say to everyone in the future that our Second Division won the game because they didn't try their best to avoid embarrassment to their brother troops. .This possibility does not exist.”

Qi Hong nodded solemnly, "Yes, some people are indeed likely to do this. In this way, not only can we not let them treat the air combat competition the day after tomorrow with a coping attitude, but we must require them to go all out, Only in this way can we truly reflect the strength of our second division!”

"Yes, making such a request is a way to undermine their morale!" Fang Chenghe said seriously.

The two agreed and immediately came to the office next door. After sitting down, Qi Hong said directly, "Mr. Chen, I can agree to your request and write a report for the 73rd Division to detail today's drill and make it clear. I think it is more urgent for the 73rd Division to obtain third-generation aircraft. But I have a condition."

Chen Hualin was overjoyed, "Okay, great, don't say one, I promise you a hundred, as long as you don't want Li Zhan."

Hey, yes, there should be an additional condition: transfer Li Zhan to the Second Division.

Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe looked at each other regretfully, but they had no choice but to push away the water.

"In the air combat competition the day after tomorrow, your Blue Army team must go all out." Qi Hong said seriously.

Chen Hualin was stunned. Isn't this the opposite of his original intention?

Vice Minister Liang quickly understood and gave Qi Hong a thumbs up sincerely, "The Second Division is worthy of being the world-famous Nan Batian, and its momentum alone is extraordinary. To be fair, today's Exercise Two The division was caught off guard. Although there were many problems, the Second Division has always been the top main force of our air force aviation force. There is no doubt about this."

"The Second Division is very brilliant, and it will not be worse than before in my hands, Qi Hong." Qi Hong said in a deep voice, "Mr. Chen, the Blue Army team must go all out. If we don't play to our true level, I will not be alone. Write a report for the 73rd Division’s application for modification of third-generation aircraft.”

Everyone knows that Qi Hong's words are more effective than Deputy Minister Liang's on this matter, especially since Qi Hong is also the military commander of the first-class main division of other military regions.

No matter how slow his reaction was, Chen Hualin understood and said with conviction, "Commander Qi, Political Commissar Fang, I, Chen Hualin, admire you, I really admire you very much. Without a doubt, the Mad Demon Brigade will go all out, and I will personally mobilize them. From now on. If the Second Division needs help from me, please just ask, I won’t hesitate!”

If you can afford it, you can let it go; if you can afford to lose, you can win with openness.

The reason why the Second Division is the Second Division is absolutely well-founded. Qi Hong and Fang Chenghe can become the chief officers of this unit because they have great ambition and strategy. Being able to command nearly a hundred fighter planes worth more than 200 billion yuan is definitely not something that a small cadre or officer like Li Zhan can manipulate and figure out - this person's awareness is probably at the level of a lever fee.

However, if Li Zhan had been present at this time, he would have shouted bitterly: "Sir, you have been deceived by these two movie kings! Have you forgotten what kind of plane we are flying and what kind of plane they are flying! You use all your strength to fly There is no difference between going and not going all out! Because even if you go all out, you will find that the result is the same! It just makes it more interesting!"

Different conclusions can be drawn from different angles. With Li Zhan's awareness and pattern of "leverage fees", he can only draw such a conclusion.

Li Zhan received the results reported by Chen Hualin in Xue Xiangdong's office, and then said to Xue Xiangdong, "Captain, do you know what I am thinking now?"

"Well, tell me, do you feel a little bit underestimated?" Xue Xiangdong probably feels the same way. You obviously wanted to send a favor, but they said you don't need to send it. You can be strict as much as you want. I Get it yourself.

Li Zhan said, "Captain, let me tell you a story."

"There once was a public security chief who was very courageous and capable. He once again rounded up a criminal suspect. The police officers arrested the person in a rental house. When they were leading him outside the building, the police officer The chief arrived and brought a group of reporters with him. When he saw that the battle was over, he felt that this was not going to work, so he asked the police officers to put the suspect back..."


"Well, put it back and grab it again. He held up a submachine gun, put one foot on the footrest of the off-road vehicle, held the door with one hand, and held up the loudspeaker with the other hand and started shouting, tell me what's inside He shot something in the air and ordered the arrests to begin. The heavily armed police officers rushed in to arrest the people, and the reporters rushed in to film the whole process. He looked at the scene and felt that it was not enough, so he asked the suspects to go back. I came to the rental house for the second time..."

"It is said that when the criminal suspect was finally escorted into the police car later, he had a smile on his face that looked like relief, and he almost had a mental breakdown."

Xue Xiangdong was stunned. "Is there really such a person?"

"I don't know, it's a story I heard from hearsay." Li Zhan shook his head with a wry smile, "I'm now afraid that the Kuangmo Brigade will become a suspect in the hands of the Public Security Director of the Second Division. Are you making it? I bet that several major Reporters from the military media will definitely arrive tomorrow, maybe they are on their way here now!"

Xue Xiangdong was shocked, "I'm going to punch you in the gut, Qi Hong is so good at playing?"

He was so angry that he shouted out all the dialects he learned from Li Zhan - Li Zhan told him "I'm going to beat your lungs out" meant to praise people for being so awesome.

"Xixian County is a coastal economically developed area. Although it is not very developed, many cadres of the Second Division have a strong sense of propaganda and will not miss any opportunity to promote themselves. Sometimes it is not enough to just do it, but also to speak. I The planning is still not in place, I should have made an appointment with reporters to film the entire dawn attack today." Li Zhan said regretfully.

After a long sigh, Li Zhan said, "We mountain bumpkins will definitely be killed if we play tricks with others, so I won't think about it anymore. Let's do it. The results will be visible and tangible." . The most important thing is that the implication of Commander Qi Hong is very clear. The Kuangmo Brigade must fight hard, otherwise he will not mention our division's modified third-generation aircraft. This is forcing me to exert ten percent of my power."

Xue Xiangdong shook his head, "You can't get out. The repair shop called before you came here. The engine of your plane has not been replaced. Without an airplane, you cannot participate in the air combat competition the day after tomorrow."

"It's not fixed yet? This is all..."

"It's only been a few days, didn't Wu Shaoqing tell you, it will take at least half a month." Xue Xiangdong sighed and said, "I want you to participate more than you do. Without you, the Mad Demon Brigade will lose an absolute main force. But There is no way, there are principled rules, no one can be exempted."

Li Zhan stared and couldn't say anything, and his breath was stuck in his throat.

Xue Xiangdong comforted, "Since you have let the soldiers fight, stick to it to the end. You must have confidence in your soldiers. After these few months of training, you know their combat effectiveness."

"Of course I know in my heart that I have some chance of winning if I get close to them, but I really don't know how many people can escape their long-range attacks." Li Zhan said with a deep sigh.

He found that he sighed more times today than in the past few years combined, which showed how torturous and rough the situation was.

Xue Xiangdong said, "Didn't you say that Su Liangqi is 20% sure of beating them? This is not low. All in all, if everyone does their best, there is nothing to regret."

"Now it's only one percent." Li Zhan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Xue Xiangdong raised his eyebrows, "You mean you have the other 10% chance of winning?"

"Ang." Li Zhan said.


Li Zhan said to the speechless Xue Xiangdong, "Captain, the main reason is that the current commander Qi Hong is so crazy that he still wants us to go all out. This is really unbearable. I really want to teach him a profound lesson!" "

"How are you talking? That's the teacher, be polite!" Xue Xiangdong scolded, "Stop pretending, are you just for the rod fee? Damn it, your acting skills are so good, you can judge the best actor."

"Captain, I have absolutely no intention of doing this!"

I’m asking for a monthly ticket if I’m sick, it’s the end of the month, let’s get started!

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