Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 187 7-16 Air Combat Competition

Chapter 187 716 Air Combat Competition

July 16 at 8 a.m.

Two J-11Bs, eight SU-27SKs, and six SU-27UBKs, these are the final "remaining" fighters of the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division. It should be said that Li Zhan did not conduct continuous attacks from behind, leaving them with a gap. A pretty strong force.

However, if the results of the drill are strictly followed, it will be impossible for the Dongku Station to regain the ability to take off and land fighter jets within ten days and a half.

So the sixteen "remaining" fighters of the Sixth Regiment of the Second Division transferred to Beikuchang Station.

Since it is an air combat competition, it is not limited to the take-off area. If it had not been clearly stipulated that "battle-damaged" fighters and their pilots could no longer participate in subsequent confrontations, both sides might have turned out in full force, and Li Zhan would have been able to fly the J-7B model of the brothers' group to participate in the air combat competition.

This is a very distressing thing. When you see others enjoying spicy food, you can only hold your neck high and swallow. Whoever has experienced this knows the feeling.

Life must go on. After Chen Hualin gave a mobilization speech to the pilots of the Kuangmo Brigade, Li Zhan walked to the stage. What he wanted to talk about was the specific tactical deployment.

"Since we want to fight, we must find a way to win, even though the hope of winning is relatively slim." Li Zhan has always been pragmatic. He glanced at the seventeen crazy pilots with bright eyes and said, "Everyone is aware of the performance gap between fighter planes. To be clear, basically don’t put any hope in the equipment. We have and only one way to win - to avoid the Red Army’s long-distance shooting and get close to the enemy.”

He was in a heavy mood and even lit up a cigarette in public, saying, "We don't have any advantage in medium and long distances. How to force the Red Army to engage in close combat with us, when we cannot rely on the performance of fighter planes, we can only rely on the use of tactics." "

"I taught you how to use the terrain to force the enemy into close combat with us."

Everyone is confused - you have never taught me!

Li Zhan slammed his fist on the table with a cigarette in his mouth, "Low-altitude penetration can not only be used for ground strikes. Low-altitude and high-speed maneuvering is an effective way to quickly close the distance between the enemy and ourselves before being locked by the enemy!"

Everyone was suddenly surprised - so that's it!

"Put what you have learned into practice. I have said many times that the difference in thinking is more deadly than the difference in tactics. When fighting, you must not use rigid rules to fix your thinking, just like air-to-air missiles fighting fighter jets. , can they only be used as fighter planes? Can't they be used as anti-ground missiles in emergencies? Tanks and armored vehicles moving on the ground have such strong and obvious infrared signatures. Is it really impossible to use infrared-guided air-to-air missiles to attack them? I don’t believe it. I can even tell you responsibly that I have used rockets and aircraft cannons to shoot down incoming surface-to-air missiles!”

Li Zhan said loudly and with gleaming eyes. The cigarette in his mouth trembled with the frequency of his words. Before the ashes were shaken off, he took off the cigarette, flicked the ashes, and took another puff. He threw the cigarette butt under his feet and stamped it out, not caring about the frowns on Chen Hualin and Xue Xiangdong's faces.

"Comrades, war is never a personal stage for the party with equipment superiority. Having equipment superiority does not mean victory is guaranteed. Although this is just a competition, I ask you to treat it as a fight to the death. We completed Operation Dawn the day before yesterday very well. It's beautiful. Most of the Red Army was annihilated on the ground before they even moved, giving the famous Nan Batian a resounding slap in the ears. It is true that the air combat competition to be launched today objectively limits many of our advantages. But our understanding of the topography, landforms, and weather conditions is far better than that of the Red Army, and the right time, right place, and right people are still in our hands!"

Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "Close the distance between the enemy and us at low altitude and high speed as quickly as possible, then use afterburner to climb into the Red Army formation and fight. This is the battle plan I have formulated for you. There is nothing else. It can be summed up in one sentence. Words, just close the distance and do it! I have finished my words, I wish you all success!"

Salute after speaking.

Everyone was so excited by his passionate mobilization speech that they wanted to fly and die with the enemy immediately to prove the value of Chinese soldiers!

"Captain." Li Zhan looked at Xue Xiangdong.

Xue Xiangdong waved his hand, "Everyone, let's build up the morale of my Western powerhouse, that's all."

Li Zhan turned to the pilot who was sitting neatly below in a flight suit like a sculpture, and gave the command, "Get ready to board the plane!"

With a "swish", they stood up in unison and started running in a column.

Watching the passionate team set off, Chen Hualin asked Li Zhan, "Are you sure that a low-altitude, high-speed advance can avoid the Red Army's lock?"

Li Zhan lost his high spirits and became a little depressed. He shook his head and said, "It's difficult. Those Su Liangqi have undergone two major improvements. The most important one is the replacement of a new domestic radar, which has It has a strong downward-looking combat capability, with an effective combat range of 80 kilometers. No matter how low-altitude and high-speed, this distance can be shortened to 50 kilometers at most. Only if it is shortened to 30 kilometers, can our J-7E type Have the power to fight back.”

"No wonder the color of their radome is different from the one more than ten years ago." Chen Hualin suddenly realized.

Li Zhan asked, "Teacher, you remember it so clearly after more than ten years."

"It's impossible to forget. At that time, the whole army was so obsessed with third-generation aircraft. Every year, brother troops went to the Second Division to visit and study. I also went there at that time, and I was directly impressed by Su Liangqi's graceful appearance." Chen Hualin recalled briefly. With.

Sighing lightly, Li Zhan said, "Let's do everything we want to do, but there are benefits. If a war breaks out, this kind of competition can at least let us know the results of using second-generation aircraft against the enemy, and we can also find some things that can be used." Weaknesses. All in all, Su Liangqi is by no means perfect, and the third-generation aircraft of powerful enemies also have shortcomings. Our Lao Qi also has some relative advantages, such as being more flexible in close combat."

"You can comfort yourself." Chen Hualin smiled and strode out of the flight briefing room with his hands behind his back.

Li Zhan followed them to the tower command room. The main tower belonged to the Blue Army, and the second tower belonged to the Red Army. Only the Beikuchang Station could accommodate two ground command posts at the same time, and could even establish two independent and mutually exclusive command posts. Interfered communication line network.

The commander of the Red Army is Fang Chenghe, Qi Hong and Luo Hecheng, the leader of the Sixth Regiment, want to participate in the competition. This is determined by the loss of the fighter plane. Fang Chenghe's plane was "destroyed", so he could only command from the ground. The Second Division will not break the rules.

The two leaders of the referee team, Vice Minister Liang and Yang Heng, were supervising from two towers respectively. The former was on the main tower and the latter was on the Red Army side of the second tower. In fact, the most important positions are the technical officers who follow the equipment and are responsible for operating it. The ground terminal of the simulated air combat confrontation system requires professionals to operate and judge, and the results can be obtained in no more than one minute. Everything is judged by the system itself, eliminating the factor of human intervention. The supervision of Vice Minister Liang and Yang Heng was just a formality.

At 8:45, Vice Minister Liang gave the order to start the competition, and the Red Army took off first. They stayed in the air for a long time, so they took off first and opened up a distance to wait for the Blue Army to get in position. This is the battlefield advantage brought by the equipment advantage, which allows more time to arrange troops and familiarize themselves with the airspace conditions.

The SU-27 has a range of 4,000 kilometers without an auxiliary fuel tank. The aircraft can carry nearly ten tons of aviation fuel and can carry six or seven tons of weapons and ammunition. It is truly a heavy fighter. And the maximum takeoff weight of the J-7E is not as heavy as other people's internal aviation fuel... Even if it can carry a full auxiliary fuel tank, it can't fly this distance. The gap is so big.

Fang Chenghe from the second tower commanded all sixteen Red Army fighter planes to take off in pairs and leave the scene one after another. The airspace immediately cleared after takeoff and landing. The Red Army troops quickly distanced themselves as planned and flew 200 kilometers eastward to stand by.

The command was handed over to Li Zhan, and he ordered seventeen fighters of the Mad Demon Brigade to take off. What he adopted was the surprising method of multiple batches of twin planes taking off at the same time - dividing the runway into three parts, with each kilometer as a take-off distance, and three batches of twin planes taxiing to take off at the same time. Six fighters can take off at a time. It greatly shortens the take-off time, saves aviation fuel and increases the average flight time of the fleet.

This move surprised Vice Minister Liang. He looked at the spectacular scene of three two-plane formations taxiing to take-off positions at the same time, and asked Li Zhan, "How did you do this? We are so close, aren't you worried about a collision?"

"Chief, no, there is a margin of three to four hundred meters, and we have been trained many times. After leaving the land, we climb at different elevation angles, and then all arrive in the designated airspace and then form a formation. It is a very simple method, but it can Use every inch of runway." Li Zhan introduced.

Vice Minister Liang is an experienced pilot, and his eyes are definitely vicious. He immediately grasped the key point, "How much can the dispatch rate be increased? How to solve the problem of return landing?"

If you board so many fighters at the same time, it means that the fuel levels of so many fighters will approach the warning value at the same time. In theory, they must land at the same time, otherwise the purpose of extending the average airborne time will not be achieved.

Li Zhan replied, "I was forced to come up with this idea because of the situation. The training task was heavy. We had conducted ten days of high-intensity training, which required each brigade to consume a certain amount of aviation fuel. In order to improve the attendance rate, we We came up with this method to get more fighters into the air per unit of time. We have calculated that the daily attendance rate can be increased by 80%, leaving more time for maintenance and maintenance. Most of the fighters can carry out the second mission. flight. But there is still a lot of room for improvement.”

"As for the return landing, it is actually not difficult to deal with. It only needs to increase the landing frequency. Many large civil aviation airports can take off and land an aircraft every two minutes, no more than five minutes. We only need to meet the standards of civil aviation airports. It can very well resolve conflicts regarding takeoff and landing.”

Vice Minister Liang smiled bitterly and said in a deep voice, "You said it quite easily. Can we compare the efficiency of large civil aviation airports? They are also different in nature. But your idea is still relatively novel. At least this way of taking off is indeed It improves attendance, which is great.”

"Thank you for the compliment, chief."

Li Zhan was satisfied. It was just an ordinary trick he came up with when he was forced to increase the intensity of training. He didn't think it was so novel. He didn't expect that one of the important indicators for measuring the combat effectiveness of air force airports, bases, and stations in the future would be attendance rate, let alone Attendance rate is an important indicator that directly reflects the combat capability of an aircraft carrier.

It can be seen that his vision is still limited, and he still has a long way to go.

It only took more than six minutes for all seventeen fighter planes to take off. The ultra-high efficiency shocked Vice Minister Liang deeply. He had a vague feeling that the 101st Regiment might present surprises one after another. This regiment really was He is the explorer and pioneer of the military air force aviation unit!

Fighters from both sides were in place, and at 9:20, the order to start the competition was given.

The excitement continues, only you can’t imagine it, the little prince can’t do it without the lever!

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