Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 188 The Glory of J-7

The red and blue sides were 200 kilometers apart. As soon as the order to start was given, both sides showed their magical powers. The largest air combat confrontation of the Chinese Air Force since the 21st century began.

In the air, Qi Hong personally took command. He sent two SU-27UBKs forward as a reconnaissance team, advancing westward from high altitude at high speed in a horizontal formation thirty kilometers apart, quickly closing the distance. The remaining fighter planes formed a "V"-shaped battle formation, opening up a flanking wall of fourteen heavy fighter planes, and pushed westward under the leadership of the reconnaissance team.

Objectively speaking, the entire air force of 90% of the countries in the world cannot stop the flanking wall led by Qi Hong. This wall is worth more than 3 billion yuan, which is more than the annual military expenditure of the entire national defense force of many countries; this wall sweeps everything forward, but is impregnable when it retreats; this wall once comprised a quarter of the elite of the Chinese Air Force, and now it is It is old equipment that has entered the end of its service life.

But what they faced were mad demons who were older and more backward than them.

Two SU-27UBK two-seat fighter jets are responsible for the reconnaissance mission. After continuously closing the distance, the fire control radar is turned on for combat search, and then the target information is notified to the wingman in the silent state, and the wingman is directed to approach the target and launch a sudden attack.

This is the tactical plan formulated by Qi Hong.

He even precisely specified the distance between the main force and the reconnaissance group - thirty kilometers - based on the performance characteristics of the J-7E.

The J-7E, which has been modified once, is equipped with a domestically produced small Doppler radar, which has a variety of combat modes, but its performance is average. The actual effective detection range is only 30 kilometers, and it only has nominal beyond-visual-range combat capabilities.

In other words, when the mad demons discover the Red Army's reconnaissance team, they may be being lined up and shot by the main force of the Red Army hidden behind the reconnaissance team, just like the frogs in Shaolin football are shot in turn by the devil team, but they don't know that the mad demons Can we withstand the Red Army's bullets?

The Red Army reconnaissance team was led by Luo Hecheng, who was the captain, and the weapons operator was in the rear cabin. The captain of the other SU-27UBK was Liu Xiao, who used to be Zhang Xueyang's weapons operator. These two crews can be said to be the best among the two-seater aircraft in the Second Division.

After decisively using afterburner to close the distance at high altitude, Luohe City immediately asked for instructions: "Dong Yao, I have arrived at the designated position, please turn on the radar!"

"Turn on the radar and start the search!" Qi Hong ordered decisively.

Luohe City immediately warmed up the radar and quickly turned it on. The radar beams went out one by one, scanning the front hemisphere for 80 kilometers. Any aircraft with a radar reflection area of ​​more than three meters would be unable to hide. At the same time, Liu Xiao continued to descend, flying level at an altitude of two thousand meters, and also turned on the radar. The two fighters formed a horizontal push search pattern of one high and one low, and only chose one direction to move forward.

This also reflects that the fighting style of the Second Division is very bold and reflects the commander's command style of taking risks in order to win victory.

What Qi Hong weaves is a net of destruction, and no fish or shrimp, no matter how small, can escape death. Although the SU-27 is old, its radar search range is still as high as 80 kilometers, and it can even exceed 200 kilometers for large air targets. It has downward search capabilities and target guidance capabilities. None of these performances can be matched by the J-7E of the Kuangmo Brigade.

There is no suspense in such a battle, or there is no room for suspense at all.

The Kuangmo Brigade mainly relies on ground commanders, but Li Zhan can only obtain limited information through station radars to guide pilots closer to the target. Although he knew he would be shot down soon, Li Zhan still tried his best to use all the tactics he thought would be effective.

Some of them rushed at low altitude, some of them detoured to the left and right wings, and some of them flew at supersonic speeds to an altitude of 18,000 meters to attract the target. They did everything they could.

"Each unit is free to engage in firefights according to the assigned targets!" After Qi Hong issued the first combat order, he turned on the afterburner and ran towards his target.

Turn on the radar, capture the signal, lock it, and complete the missile launch procedure at a distance of thirty kilometers. The simulated air combat system automatically simulates shooting and transmits the signal. The simulated air combat system mounted on the target aircraft receives the signal. Soon, The ground terminal made a judgment - the target was shot down.

The melee started from the beginning, and it started after the first missile was fired. The Red Army pilots were surprised that the Blue Army pilots were so brave and fearless - they all rushed over at a speed exceeding Mach 1.5!

In particular, the several J-7Es that rushed at low altitude and high speed really caught the Red Army by surprise. When Liu Xiao saw the target on the HUD, the target was accelerating towards him from a low altitude, with a distance of only a dozen kilometers. If he hadn't decisively turned and dived to gain kinetic energy and then use afterburner to climb, he would have been dragged into a close combat state by the J-7E piloted by Pei Xiaoshuai.

Pei Xiaoshuai, who had previously been reprimanded by Li Zhan for his poor air combat skills, performed exceptionally. He actually quietly found a position more than ten kilometers below Liu Xiao's plane, which was acting as a small early warning aircraft, before launching an attack. Although Liu Xiao, an experienced veteran, avoided it, the relatively complete formation of the Red Army was also destroyed.

However, at this time, the Red Army no longer needs brother fighters to serve as small early warning aircraft to guide targets. The mission of the reconnaissance team is to detect the enemy first so that it can fire first. In an air battle beyond visual range, firing first before the enemy lays the foundation for victory. No matter how low the hit rate is, it can at least force the enemy aircraft group to turn and form a strict formation in the urban area.

What Qi Hong didn't expect was that the Blue Army's dozen or so fighter planes neither turned nor dispersed from their formation. Fighters from three directions were like kamikazes and rushed towards them at a high speed of Mach 1.5, not caring at all. The radar warning buzzer didn't stop until the ground informed that it had been shot down.

He understood instantly that this was definitely Li Zhan's style.

With the huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, the hope of victory is very slim. Since we are all about to die, why not give it a try and count as many as we can. Only by rushing into the formation of the Red Army and engaging in aerial combat will the Blue Army gain a point. Odds.

He is sought after by so many people from top to bottom not because of his looks, but because of his strength!

Li Zhan no longer needs to command, and there is no need for him to command. He stood behind the radar operator and the operator of the simulated air combat confrontation system. Next to him stood Deputy Minister Liang, Chen Hualin and Xue Xiangdong. They were all staring at the display screen, with real-time reports in their ears.

"The Blue Army was shot down in two holes!"

"The Blues' two-hole hook was shot down!"

"The Blue Army was shot down two by two!"

Li Zhan seemed to see his soldiers being executed one by one in the sky, but the communication channel call came from the loudspeaker, which made him proud again.

"Brothers, let's go down first! Avenge me!"

"Wu Zhen! Watch what's behind you! I'll hit him! You turn around and hit him on the left!"

"Rush! Rush into their circle! Only by rushing into the ten-kilometer radius will we have a chance!"

"Forward, forward, forward! Our team is facing the sun! Charge!"

"Come on! Mad Demon!"

"Fly! Fly! Fly! We fly proudly! We fly without pulling a card in our mouth! We will turn all monsters and monsters into fireballs!"

"Two holes! Come on! Come on! You did a damn good job! Span his ass! Poke his asshole, Pei Xiaoshuai!"

"The Red Army's two crutches were shot down!"

"Hahaha! Pei Xiaoshuai, you are so awesome! You are so awesome! You knocked him down!"

After losing more than ten fighter planes in succession, news was finally heard that the Red Army fighter plane had been shot down. Li Zhan's nose was sore, he held back the tears that were about to burst out, and raised his arms and shouted, "Well done, Xiaoshuai Pei! Well done to the Mad Demon Brigade!"

Xue Xiangdong's face flushed with excitement and he waved his fist vigorously in the air.

"Two holes of the Blue Army were shot down. Well, the system prompts that they were attacked by three Red Army fighter jets at the same time. It was determined that they exploded in the air, and the pilots had no chance of survival."

Li Zhan suddenly became furious - this is too much!

This is Chi Guoguo's revenge!

I just shot down one of your fighter planes, but you actually mobilized three fighter planes to focus on my troops! You clearly know that the No. 201 J-7E fighter jet, which has lost most of its kinetic energy after completing the attack, has little ability to resist, but you still deliberately mobilized three fighter jets to focus fire on it!

"Qi Hong went a little too far." Vice Minister Liang said coldly with an expressionless face.

Chen Hualin snorted and said, "He has never been an easy person to get along with. He lost someone in the drill the day before yesterday. He will definitely get it back today. He will not be satisfied with a simple victory."

"That's too much!" Xue Xiangdong gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Captain! I am Nan Lianghong! My brothers have been shot down, but I am still there! Captain! I will never embarrass the Mad Demon Brigade! I will never embarrass the 101st Regiment or the 73rd Division! I am Nan Lianghong! Fight with you!"

The farewell confession of Nan Lianghong, deputy chief of staff of the regiment, came from the loudspeaker. Then he saw the blue dot representing him rush into a pile of red dots at high speed, like a brave knight, and finally faded away and fell. But his spirit will last forever in the blue sky of the motherland!

"Li Zhan, where is Li Zhan? Where are the others?"

When Chen Hualin came to his senses, he found that Li Zhan was missing and asked loudly.

Vice Minister Liang didn't speak, and Xue Xiangdong didn't speak either. They both had extremely tragic expressions. Although it is just a competition, and although there will be no casualties, everyone can feel from the passionate and heroic conversations of the pilots of the Kuangmo Brigade their heart to serve the country, their deep feelings for the people of the motherland, and their incomparable devotion to this army. of devotion.

The pilots of the Kuangmo Brigade flew the J-7E fighter jets that were a whole generation behind. After two rounds of interception and shooting outside the visual range, they fearlessly rushed towards the enemy aircraft group and tried their best to shoot down one of the air commanders. SU-27UBK.

Who dares to deny that this is an achievement?

The era of the J-7E will eventually pass, but its glory and past will forever remain in the history of the Chinese Air Force and be remembered by the world.

The last fighter plane of the Blue Army was shot down, and the fighter planes of the Red Army patrolled the battlefield proudly, like a lion king leading a group of lions to patrol the territory. All of this seemed to be about to come true.

But, where did Li Zhan go?

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