Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 203 You know nothing about Li Zhan’s energy

After three days of training, Li Zhan was about to usher in his solo career, and Ying Wanjun suddenly proposed to return to school early. They started school on September 3rd, and there was still a week left. They originally planned to go back to school when the time came.

Despite Li Zhan's reluctance, he felt really reluctant to let Ying Wanjun leave, even though he couldn't do anything. Ying Wanjun had been standing there for a week, and Li Zhan was almost used to having a drag bottle next to him. How could he let go if he was suddenly separated from her? How can a person be ruthless like a human being?

Letting Pei Lei drive, Li Zhan sent Ying Wanjun to Beiku Airport early in the morning, bought a ticket, and took her to the security checkpoint to watch her pass through the security check before returning miserably.

While waiting for the flight, Ying Wanjun made a phone call to book an afternoon flight from Chang'an Airport to Gangcheng Airport. From Beiku to Chang'an, and from Chang'an to Gangcheng, everything went smoothly. It was already nine o'clock in the evening when she landed in Gangcheng. Always frugal, she immediately took a taxi to Xixian Machinery Factory.

All this was hidden from Li Zhan.

She was leaving early not to go back to school, but to receive a call from Li Zhan's home. Something urgent had come up. Li Jianguo's original intention was to let Li Zhan go home, but Ying Wanjun knew about Li Zhan's training mission. She was very important and responsible for the research of important topics, so she discussed with Li Jianguo that she would return to Xixian County to handle it.

Li Jianguo also knew about this future daughter-in-law. Despite her small size, she was very particular about how she dealt with people, was courageous and courageous in doing things, and was a student of a prestigious university. It was very suitable for her to come back to deal with her. If they didn't understand the relevant laws and regulations, Li Jianguo and his wife would never have troubled their children based on their personalities.

Ying Wanjun rushed to Li's house after a long journey. As soon as she entered the door, she saw her eldest sister Li Ling and her eldest brother-in-law Qiu Guohao.

"Wanjun is back. Have you eaten? Huihua should heat up the food." Li Jianguo said hurriedly.

The whole family stood up.

Ying Wanjun was dressed lightly and only had a backpack that looked like a schoolbag. After she took it from Ye Huihua, she said, "Auntie, I've eaten. I ate on the way and I'm not hungry."

Although there were smiles on everyone's faces, the atmosphere was quite solemn. They must have been waiting for her.

"Eldest sister, eldest brother-in-law." Ying Wanjun said hello.

"It's better to eat something. You must be hungry and tired after running so far." Li Ling said.

Ying Wanjun said quickly, "I'm really not hungry or tired. The whole flight was very fast and I wasn't tired at all."

In the morning we were still in Beiku, in the northern part of the west, and in the evening we arrived at the coastal city in the far south of the mainland. It’s no wonder I’m not tired.

"Uncle, what is the specific matter? I haven't told Li Zhan yet. I need to understand the situation clearly first, and then tell him if it's really difficult. The army's current training mission is very heavy, and he has to fly every day." Ying Wanjun sat down and got straight to the point. explain.

Li Jianguo sighed softly and said, "It's just about tearing down the bridge. I didn't buy the property back then. It was a welfare house of the work unit. I charged 500 yuan in rent a year. Calculated every ten years, I paid the rent twice. A total of 10,000 yuan, and it will be twenty years this year.”

Thinking about this now, Li Jianguo and his wife regretted each other and blamed each other. If they had gritted their teeth and bought it directly, they would not have the current problem. But twenty years ago, in 1990, five hundred yuan was not a small amount. At that time, the monthly salary of high-paid workers was only seven to eight hundred yuan. And after ten years, a one-time payment of 5,000 yuan was required, which was definitely a huge sum of money at the time.

Spend 5,000 yuan to rent for ten years, and you can renew it when it expires. With the same rent, living for 40 or 50 years only costs more than 20,000 yuan, so why spend 50,000 to 60,000 yuan to buy it?

Another thing is that at that time, Li Jianguo and his wife had to save money for several years to pay for the rent of 5,000 yuan, let alone 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

Society is developing too fast, and it would be foolish to look at things more than ten or twenty years ago with today's eyes, but it was indeed the choice of most people at that time.

"Now the factory is going to be sold for real estate development. The demolition office said that if you have a real estate certificate, you will be compensated or compensated for the house according to the regulations. If you don't have a real estate certificate, you have nothing and you have to move out within a time limit. There is no such thing! This is the welfare house of the unit. I am Factory employees." Li Jianguo said excitedly.

Last month, Ying Wanjun lived here, and Li Ling was there with her children. She also talked a lot about this house, and she knew it quite clearly. At first glance, it seems that Li Jianguo is being unreasonable. You have no property rights. Since you are renting, I will cancel the rent. At most, I will compensate you for some rent and give you time to find a house.

But in fact, this is not the case. Li Jianguo was an employee of a machinery factory. When he was laid off, he lost his job with nothing. He bought out more than ten years of service for several thousand yuan, and lost all his medical insurance and other miscellaneous benefits overnight.

This house was their only shelter from wind and rain, and it was already extremely miserable. The farmers had fields anyway, but they had nothing. During that time, they became a group that no one cared about, and they happened to be a generation with faith and dedication. Worker.

It makes sense why Li Jianguo is called the Iron Rooster. If he doesn't even have enough to eat, no one can be generous. He still has three children to raise.

Everyone looked at Ying Wanjun expectantly. Brothers Li Zhan were not at home, so she, the daughter-in-law of a famous college student, was the most knowledgeable person.

"Uncle, what did they say?" Ying Wanjun asked.

Ye Huihua started crying when she said, "Tell me to move out tomorrow. If you don't move, I'll call someone to throw all the things downstairs and drive them away."

"How dare they!" Ying Wanjun stood up suddenly, furious.

This little girl has never suffered anything that no one has ever seen. How courageous must she be to fight her way out despite the pressure from her family to get married? The things in front of her are really nothing to her!

The most important thing is that she knows the status of her fiancé.

"Auntie, don't worry, don't worry, they will never dare to touch a brick in our house!" Ying Wanjun said loudly.

Li Jianguo scolded, "Look, you just started crying after saying a few words. Is crying useful?"

"Dad, please stop saying a few words. Aren't you worried about Mom?" Li Ling glared at Li Jianguo.

Qiu Guohao said in a low voice, "Dad, I think if we don't move to the new house first, the people responsible for the demolition are not good people, and we can't afford to offend them."

"No! The new house belongs to Li Zhan and Wan Jun. What's the matter with us, the old couple?" Li Jianguo flatly refused.

There were tears in Ying Wanjun's eyes, and she felt even more emotional when she thought of her parents. She said, "Uncle, that's not what you said. You and aunt should move to a new house. You see, Li Zhan has been in the army for a long time, and he never lives at home for a few days throughout the year. And if I marry him in the future, Now, I will follow him as a team. I will go wherever he goes, and I won’t have time at home. Maybe you will have to follow the team when things stabilize in the future. So if you don’t live in the new house now, it will be a waste to leave it empty. You can’t leave it empty. Let’s rent out the house we haven’t lived in before, right?”

Li Ling secretly gave Ying Wanjun a thumbs up. Educated people are different. They persuade people with reason and evidence that cannot be refuted.

"Then, what should we do with this house? We have lived here for decades. How can we do it without compensation? Li Zhan's father has worked for the factory for more than ten years and got nothing." Ye Huihua said.

Qiu Guohao whispered, "Mom, I won't give it if you don't give it. We don't lack that. My seafood business is doing very well this year. I will give you tens of thousands of yuan to buy furniture and appliances for your new house. You can live in a big house." Isn't the house more comfortable? Besides, life here is not as convenient as Xiangjiang Garden."

"How can it be the same?" Li Jianguo glared, "I want your money, so buy the house quickly. Don't regret it after you spend all your money."

Qiu Guohao shrank his head and did not dare to speak anymore, smiling awkwardly. He is honest and easily satisfied. He would consider himself rich if he had over 100,000 yuan in his hand. However, he is also generous, especially to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, who would really spend 90 cents on a dollar.

"Buy, buy, aren't you watching this? Dad, please don't worry about me." Li Ling said.

Waving his hand, Li Jianguo said, "This family cannot be moved, and even if it is to be moved, it cannot be moved now. I, Li Jianguo, have been an upright man for decades, and I must not leave in despair. Everything must be reasoned with and what should be done after it is explained clearly. No matter what, as long as things are done in accordance with the law, I will have no problem with it. If there is some shady business involved, I will never let anyone take advantage of it!"

"What are you doing! Didn't you listen to what Guohao said, the demolition officials are not good people!" Ye Huihua knew that her wife had a bad temper, and she was extremely nervous.

Ying Wanjun said, "Auntie, that's not the demolition office, it should be the demolition company. As far as I know, the unsigned contract between the developer and the government does not include the government being responsible for the demolition."

"What do you mean?" Li Ling frowned, "Oh, it means that after the government sells the land, it doesn't take care of anything else?"

"It can't be said that we don't care. There are standards for demolition compensation. The relevant regulations are clearly written. The government will implement them according to the developers." Ying Wanjun said with a smile, "But in actual operation, it is difficult to say. Businessmen are all profit-seeking. They will definitely try their best to keep the demolition costs down."

"Then what should we do? What's wrong with the demolition company? They can't dare to take action, right?" Li Ling asked with raised eyebrows.

Qiu Guohao said coldly, "You have forgotten that village in the west of the city. The developers later started fighting with the villagers. One of them was trying to lower the price to death, and the other was asking for the price from the sky. It would be weird if he didn't take action. Really, those people are not good people. Cutting off water and power is considered a minor issue, but just bringing in an excavator to start demolition is not impossible."

"They certainly wouldn't dare!"

Ying Wanjun smiled lightly and was full of confidence. Facing everyone's expectant and doubtful eyes, she said, "Uncle, aunt, didn't Li Zhan get five first-class merits? Every time, didn't the leaders of relevant departments in the city and county Did the organizers beat gongs and drums to send a big plaque to the house?"

"Yes, there is no place to hang it. I wrapped the other four pairs and hid them." Li Jianguo said.

Ying Wanjun smiled and said, "Take them all out tomorrow and place them in the living room. Also take out all the good news sent by the army and place them neatly on the coffee table."

"Forget about the county, even if the mayor comes, he won't touch our house at all."

Li Jianguo and his wife, and Li Ling and his wife, are completely unaware of what five first-class meritorious officials mean. They could never imagine how high their son (brother)'s social status was, even in 2010, a year when soldiers were not very respected.

Ying Wanjun knew it, and she knew it even better after staying at Beikuchang Station for a week.

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