Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 204 The grass on the grave is several meters high

Chapter 205 The grass on the grave is several meters high

Early in the morning, the old men and women from the machine shop moved chairs and sat in front of their homes, looking warily towards the intersection. When they heard the sound of the car, they stood up and looked ready to fight.

The machinery factory is very old, and there are tile-roofed bungalows everywhere, with a flat open space in front of it, where clothes are dried, chickens, ducks and geese are raised, and small vegetable plots are built. The six buildings in the south are barely modern, three of them are relatively new and were built in the 1980s, while the other three are also very old and were built in the late 1960s. Looking around, the entire machinery factory is a pile of buildings that are more than half a century old.

Since the local government sold the land of the machinery factory, the workers and residents of the machinery factory are both happy and sad. Some are happy and some are worried. In the past twenty years, some old workers have passed away, and those who were young and strong are now old. Some who cannot survive have returned to the countryside early. Of course, there are also some middle-level and above people who are quietly working in off-site areas. As soon as the building was built, it had eight or nine floors, and he became a tenant-in-law.

Times have changed, and the relationships within the machinery factory are so complicated and the entanglements of interests are so serious, the sins of some factory cadres are so profound that it is difficult to describe in words, and the suffering of the majority of workers is so profound that it is difficult to describe it in words.

The local government's one-size-fits-all approach is out of touch with reality and is doomed to fail.

This was the conclusion Ying Wanjun came to after studying and analyzing the situation in the machinery factory overnight, so she became even more calm. To put it bluntly, even if the Li family swallows everything and moves away, the machinery factory will not be demolished so easily.

Especially when Ying Wanjun and Ye Huihua went out to buy groceries in the morning, they walked around the factory area and saw many uncles, aunts and uncles who looked like enemies. Ying Wanjun was already relieved.

Although she looks confident, she is actually quite unsure inside.

There are two main reasons: it is difficult for her to tell her, and she is afraid that her parents-in-law will worry in the future. The first is that she is worried that the people in the demolition company will not realize the symbolic meaning of the five first-class merits and will make some impulsive actions. The second is that she is not sure whether doing so will affect Li Zhan.

Although she didn't get along with Li Zhan for a long time, Ying Wanjun could deeply feel the simplicity and strong principle of Li Zhan's thoughts. He was a firm revolutionary who would rather trouble himself than cause trouble to the organization. warrior.

Is it appropriate to use the name of a first-class hero, a beloved military model of the whole army, to scare the people of the demolition company? Then she thought, is this a scare? I am justified and I am not making trouble unreasonably. I am just asking for fair treatment and presenting the facts to make sense.

To be on the safe side, Ying Wanjun had a phone call with her high school teacher last night, and contacted one of her students, a reporter from the provincial TV station in Hong Kong, through the national special teacher who was about to retire.

Ying Wanjun and Ye Huihua went out on the front foot, and the people from the demolition company came on the back foot. Two vans and a small truck parked directly below the dormitory where the Li family lived. They are also "smart". Everyone is in a hurry to go to work in the morning and has no time to waste time with you. If you are lucky, you can "break" a few houses.

Their main task today is these two dormitory buildings. There are still several families of employees living here, all of whom have no property rights, exactly the same as the Li family. Most of the other tenants are outside tenants, so they don't need to say more. If the rent expires and the lease is not renewed, they can just leave. Demolition is a matter for the original employee landlord.

Once the two dormitory buildings with several households of employees who still live here are breached, they are considered to be captured. It is much easier to capture than the bungalow area.

They had also done reconnaissance work and knew that Li Jianguo had a small prestige in this area and was considered an influential figure among the employees who still lived in the factory, so they listed Li Jianguo as the main target. Of course, they also knew that Li Jianguo had a son who was a soldier and flew a fighter jet.

So what?

These days, it’s best for soldiers to speak up. If you don’t cooperate, you will be holding back the organization.

As soon as Lin Dingmao got out of the car, he waved his hand vigorously, "Go, read the policy to him, and see his attitude before deciding on the next step."

Since he left the public service and applied for a job as a manager in a demolition company, Lin Dingmao, who has rich experience in working at the grassroots level of the government, has prospered and demolished houses one after another. He found that he was not good at construction, but he was good at demolishing houses, and he found his right path in life.

Immediately, a middle-aged man in a white shirt who looked like a steward went upstairs with three or five evil-looking young people. Lin Dingmao lit up a cigarette and looked at the surrounding environment. Wherever there is a piece of soil, the residents here have opened up wasteland and planted vegetables. Chickens and ducks of all sizes are running all over the ground, giving it a rather pastoral atmosphere. Little do they know that for the people here, these are their helpless measures to take care of food.

When Lin Dingmao's cell phone rang, Lin Dingmao saw "Mr. Liu" written on the caller ID. He quickly answered the call and walked to the side, bending down and saying, "Mr. Liu, good morning."

"Good morning, Dingmao, how is the progress of the machinery factory?" Liu Haihan, who was sitting in front of the dressing table in the bedroom of a villa in the provincial capital, carefully adjusting her makeup, asked in a sweet voice.

Ever since Wang Gang entered, Liu Haihan had somehow transformed into the president of a powerful real estate company. With billions of assets in hand, he was rated as one of the richest women that year, which was shocking.

As soon as they took action, they acquired more than a thousand acres of land from the machinery factory, and all the industrial land within the scope was converted into commercial and residential land. Not to mention anything else, as long as the demolition is completed, the profit will be several times higher if it is resold.

"Don't worry, Director Liu, we will be able to win as planned. I have carefully analyzed and selected a few more influential employees. I will be polite first and then attack others. It will be easier to handle the rest after we take them down. Today is the first one. My home is a bit special, he doesn’t have a real estate certificate and can’t produce a property title certificate, but he is an employee and requires equal treatment. I’m downstairs at his house right now, and I’ve sent someone up to read out the policy.” Lin Dingmao thought of Liu Haihan’s words. The hot figure made her lower abdomen feel hot, and she secretly felt lustful, but she reported it respectfully and clearly.

Liu Haihan said lightly, "If you can't prove the property rights, how can you enjoy the demolition compensation as if you have the property rights? This gap cannot be opened. There are thousands of employees in the machinery factory, and more than half of them have no property rights certificates. Each household will be compensated an extra 10,000 yuan." It’s just tens of millions more expenditures. These people are scared of poverty and will never give up until they bite you hard. Can you spend tens of millions on these people? Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, I understand, old classmate, don't worry, I am quite experienced in this area, and I will do my best to save costs for the company." Lin Dingmao said confidently.

Liu Haihan smiled and said, "This kind of thing needs to be done quickly, cut the knot with a sharp knife, and find ways to let them move first. When the machinery factory starts to be demolished, the initiative will be in our hands. Dingmao, let's do this. You can use the original budget Whatever can be saved, I will give you a commission of 10%, and it is up to you to decide how to allocate it to your demolition company."

"Okay, okay! I understand! Thank you, Director Liu! I will try my best to complete the task ahead of schedule!" Lin Dingmao couldn't help but nodded and bowed.

"Please, old classmate." Liu Haihan said sweetly.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Dongmao felt a little regretful because he still hadn't finished his thoughts. What a charming woman, but it's a pity that she is not something that Lin Dingmao can expect. No, Huangtian has paid off. As long as he is willing to work hard, any woman will not be able to sleep with him!

I want to prove my worth, prove that I am indispensable!

As soon as he turned around, he strode away to get ready to play in person. As a result, the former steward ran downstairs in a mess, and the young men also drooped their heads and flashed their eyes. Obviously, this is a defeat. What's surprising is that there was no quarrel - if there was a quarrel on the third floor, there would be no sound.

Before he could ask a question, the steward shrank his head and reported, "Mr. Lin, this family is not easy to mess with. Why don't you go up and have a look?"

"It's not easy to mess with? Are we easy to mess with? He's making trouble for no reason and you still deal with him!" Lin Dingmao was not impulsive. After all, he had worked as a civil servant. Unlike some stupid young people who only rush forward, it was strategic to make a decision and then move on him. .

The little steward said with a smile, "It's really hard to mess with. Isn't his son a military pilot? He's not a simple pilot. When I went in and saw it, I was dumbfounded. Five first-class meritorious officials, five. First-class meritorious officials, five. He was awarded the title of first-class meritor for the first time, and also the title of the All-Army Patriotic Army Jingwu Model. I don’t know what this title of model means, but I know the title of first-class meritorious officer. There is an old man in my village who is a first-class meritorious official. The town doesn’t know about it. Due to the situation, hundreds of dollars in subsidies were deducted, and everyone involved in the matter was punished. The mayor was dumbfounded, and the next day he brought a group of people over to express condolences, and asked the old man to drive them away with a hoe. ”

At the end, a young man couldn't help but said, "What does this mean? I have never heard of a few people who have made first-class merit and still have to complete all the exams. Many of them are awarded posthumously. This son of Uncle Jianguo also has Being in the army means that you are a good person, and with five first-class merits, you will be a good army commander in the future. I really don’t dare to mess with this."

"How do you know you didn't graduate from junior high school?" Lin Dingmao asked with a frown.

The young man said, "I learned it from Chinese hunters."

Other young people nodded in agreement. If they hadn't been given 100 yuan a day to scare people, they wouldn't have done it. They were all in the same county and could not see each other when they looked up, and it was only in the older generation to do this kind of work. It seems like he is doing something immoral.

"Five first-class merit, is it possible?" Lin Dingmao worked in a government department and knew the weight of first-class merit. Even if some people sacrifice themselves, as long as the plot does not meet the standard, they will still not get first-class merit.

Li Jianguo's son was only 30 years old. How could he achieve five first-class merits? First-class merit, not third-class merit, even five third-class merit is still very powerful, okay!

"Mr. Lin, if you are familiar with people in the government, just ask the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Armed Forces to find out. By the way, there are a lot of good news, issued by the army, as well as certificates of commendation from the military division, the Ministry of Armed Forces, and the city and county levels. They are all glorious families." The young steward must be discerning, otherwise the grass on the grave would be several meters high.

Lin Dingmao made up his mind to find out the situation first and called his friends at the Civil Affairs Bureau to inquire about the situation.

After he briefly explained the situation, the other side shouted, "You're crazy and you're still awake. If you want to demolish it, just demolish it. Why are you demolishing Li Jianguo's house? You're impatient."

"Hey, hey, can you be polite? I don't want the wine and cigarettes anymore?" Lin Dingmao was unhappy.

The friend said, "I'm just warning you because I'm afraid that I won't have the chance to drink your good wine and smoke your good cigarettes in the future. Don't mess with me. Don't mess with me. You can't afford to mess with me. Let me tell you, five first-class merits are real." , the last one, do you know who sent it to their home in person? The leaders of the Provincial Military Region and the Provincial Civil Affairs Department sent it there together. That person has become a legend in the army. If you dare to talk to his old man and old lady, it will make his popularity worse. Come on, let’s not talk about you, you, Mr. Liu, can’t eat anything and walk around in circles.”

"Is it so serious? Even if it is really five first-class merits, it is not so unreasonable, right? I have policies, and he has no property rights certificate. Why should I compensate him?" Lin Dingmao said.

The friend smiled and said, "Hey, am I not clear about what you are doing? Don't pretend to be with me. Besides, the old man is an employee of a machinery factory, and the house was originally a welfare house allocated by the work unit. In those days, there were What kind of property rights certificate? Moreover, the machinery factory itself is a bad debt, and you want to settle it as a business?"

"We have to calculate even if we don't know. We have paid the money, but we must get the land!" Lin Dingmao said.

The friend said, "Okay, okay, you can make up your own mind. As a friend, I suggest you at least treat Li Jianguo differently and give him what he deserves. Isn't it just money? You still lack this?"

"You can't open this hole. There are thousands of people in the machinery factory!" Lin Dingmao said.

"That's your business. I still have a meeting, so let's do this for now." The friend said and hung up the phone. After thinking about it, he still felt uneasy, so he immediately reported it to the leader. When the leader heard about it, he felt that it was a little bit... It was serious, so I immediately reported it to the county leaders, and also quietly informed friends familiar with the situation at the Ministry of Armed Forces.

After several calls, Lin Dingmao finally lost the courage to even take a look at Li Jianguo on the third floor. He quickly led the team to evacuate and returned to the company. After thinking about it for a long time, he called Liu Haihan to report.

At this time, Ying Wanjun and Ye Huihua had just returned from shopping for groceries.

In the villa on the other side of the provincial capital, Liu Haihan, who was about to go out, walked to Alfa who was parked at the door. After hanging up the phone, Lin Dingmao stood there thinking for a long time and said to his secretary, "I'm not going to the company anymore. I'm going to the province." One prison.”


Alpha rushed towards the No. 1 Provincial Prison.

An hour later, Liu Haihan entered the reception room of the No. 1 Provincial Prison. It's different when you have money. You can see people when you want, and you can live a good life in prison.

Within a few minutes, the correctional police officers brought Wang Gang in, sat down and picked up the microphone. Through the glass, Liu Haihan picked up the microphone and said, "You are much better than last time. Are you okay inside?"

"It's okay, why are you in such a hurry?" Wang Gang changed a lot and became more serious. It was difficult to tell anything from his colorless expression.

Liu Haihan said in a deep voice, "There was an accident at the Xi County Machinery Factory. The demolition work on Lin Dingmao's side has just started. It's a big trouble and it's very difficult."

"Tell me about it." Wang Gang's expression did not change.

After experiencing a severe blow, there are not many things that can exceed his psychological tolerance. In other words, his ability to resist blows has soared, and it is more difficult to see obvious colors on his face.

"There is a house that is not easy to move. You should know it. It's Li Zhan's house."

Wang Gang's expression suddenly changed.

Continue with the big chapter

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