Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 208 Solo Day

After discussion with Zhang Yuan, the date for the solo flight was set for September 3rd, which was the day after Lin Haodong told Li Zhan that all pilots in the Destruction King Brigade had met the standards for solo flight.

In addition to the two aspects of piloting and maintenance, Zhang Yuan's consent must be obtained whether he can fly solo. There is no doubt that all aircraft taking off and landing at Beiku Station must obtain his approval. Flying solo is a big deal and you have to choose the best weather.

Only after Zhang Yuan signed the contract and started his solo career could he enter the execution stage.

When it was dark early in the morning, Xue Xiangdong, Lin Haodong, Liu Xiao, Nie Jianfeng, Tang Leilei and others all arrived at the tower. Whoever led the students would direct them. Two command groups were divided into two groups and took turns taking turns. Xue Xiangdong took charge of the situation.

The twenty-four pilots of the Destruction King Brigade have assembled in the flight briefing room to familiarize themselves with the weather, takeoff and landing procedures, flight routes, and emergency response plans. Some people closed their eyes and kept reviewing in their heads the theoretical knowledge and operational actions they had mastered in the past month or so. Some people stared at the key operating specifications on the blackboard that needed attention and continued to familiarize themselves with them over and over again. They talked in low voices about some unfamiliar points.

They have all completed blind exercises in the simulated cockpit and are already familiar with all the control panels of the SU-27 cockpit. The next step is to move towards mastery, which cannot be taught by instructors.

Flying is not easy, but it is definitely not difficult. It can be summed up in eight words: control of two bars and two rudders. However, some people can be very good at playing, and some people can only fly in a mediocre way throughout their lives. The factors that form this difference are so complex and diverse that it requires a paper analysis of millions of words to explain.

This is not the first time for the 18 old crazy pilots and the six new pilots to fly solo. Some even have multiple modification experiences, such as Yang Jinshan, Ma Feng and Nan Lianghong. All three of them have been flying alone. Coming from the J-6 era, Ma Feng has even flown the J-8, so he is a veteran.

So the overall atmosphere is relatively relaxed, which is a good sign.

Li Zhan stood next to the command podium in front of the blackboard. His white flight helmet was placed on the table. He held white labor protection gloves in his hands and walked slowly with his hands behind his back, glancing at the pilots who were making final preparations from time to time.

At 8:30 a.m., the warning lights flashed yellow.

Li Zhan immediately walked to the middle and said, "Okay."

Everyone immediately sat upright and stopped talking.

"Let's talk about the procedure again. Take off and climb to 3,000, maintain a speed of 600 and turn left for a circle. Descend to 2,000 and fly four turns to simulate landing. After entering the fourth turn, pass through the field once, simulate takeoff, repeat the above procedure again, and then Flying four turns and landing, completed within twenty minutes. Very simple route, I wish everyone good luck. The first group is ready." Li Zhan said.

Each group of four fighters takes off continuously and conducts the first solo flight training at the same time. Li Zhan originally hoped that all eight fighters would go up. Eight sorties at once would double the time utilization. However, they were decisively rejected by Xue Xiangdong and Lin Haodong. Flying solo is a matter of caution and caution. Everything is based on safety. Eight novices are flying around in eight fighter planes. If something happens, the ground cannot control it at all. After repeated discussions, each side gave in and the four were carried out at the same time.

The first group is Yang Jinshan, Ma Feng, Nan Lianghong and Lin Fei. They are also the best group. They are all experienced veterans. Lin Fei had been a teacher of the third brigade (instruction team) before, but he drove the J-6 and J-6. Later, he was selected by Li Zhan to join the Kuangmo Brigade and flew the J-7. He performed very well. With his rich flying experience, he became an advanced player when modifying the SU-27, and was included in the first group at this time.

Li Zhan hopes that the veterans in the first group will give today’s solo day a good start and inspire other young comrades.

The warning light turns from yellow to red, but there is no buzzer.

Li Zhan immediately ordered, "The first group sets off!"

He rushed out with the first group, jumped into a commuter car, and rushed to the tarmac. Eight SU-27SK heavy fighter jets were ready for departure. The maintenance team had already completed all preparations and was waiting in a neat queue on the right side of the nose.

The four people quickly went to their respective planes and immediately handed over the fighter planes with the maintenance team.

It was now 8:45 in the morning.

Li Zhan came to the small slope platform behind the tarmac, with a telescope hanging around his neck, a flight helmet in one hand and a handheld radio in the other, and his white labor protection gloves were put into his pocket. He doesn’t put on the white work gloves he relies on for a living unless he’s preparing to hold a pole.

He would not return to the flight briefing room, and he could not go to the tower. He could only observe the flight conditions of his subordinates here.

The four fighter planes lined up and taxied to the take-off position. The fighter planes that had not been allowed to take off were all waiting on the taxiway, just like organizing take-off and landing at a civil aviation airport.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Yang Jinshan received the takeoff order. He increased the engine speed to 60%, then released the brakes. The huge body of the SU-27 began to slide. After the speed reached 260, he decisively slowed down. Pull the lever, raise the nose of the aircraft, lift the front and rear landing gear off the ground one after another, and take off steadily, with a very standard attitude.

Li Zhan followed the fighter plane to the sky. The sky was clear and cloudless, and the temperature, humidity, air pressure, and wind speed were very suitable for flying.

It wasn't until the fighter plane piloted by Yang Jinshan became a dot that the second fighter plane piloted by Ma Feng received the order to take off. At large intervals, four fighter planes took off in succession.

The handheld radio intercom in Li Zhan's hand was connected to the communication channel between the tower and the fighter plane. He could hear the conversation and use the emergency call function to intervene in the conversation when necessary. However, under normal circumstances, the ground commander cannot intervene in the conversation at will until he is disabled.

The command of fighter aircraft is the absolute power of the ground commander. Even if the commander is a major, the senior officers standing next to him cannot interfere with the command at will.

Watching the fighter planes take off one after another, Li Zhan was in a nervous mood. This was his first time, the first time he led troops to conduct modifications. Let's see what kind of answer sheet he could come up with in the end. Today.

The second group of pilots came over, and they lined up on the tarmac waiting for Li Zhan to give him a lecture. Li Zhan waved his hands from a distance to let each of them prepare. Then they all went to their respective War Eagles to conduct pre-flight handover inspections with the maintenance staff.

"Two hooks, steady your posture, don't be anxious when turning, it's okay if the radius is larger." Lin Haodong reminded Han Hongjun that the dialogue between land and air was very clear. The flying attitude of the first group can obviously be seen from the tower, otherwise Lin Haodong would not have given such a hint.

"Two hooks received." Han Hongjun's voice was steady and not anxious at all.

The SU-27 is much more sensitive than the J-7, and it will react even if you move the joystick slightly. Secondly, the SU-27 not only has twin engines, but also has extremely large thrust. A slight movement of the throttle lever will directly reflect the change in thrust and engine speed.

For Li Zhan and others who are accustomed to flying classic aircraft such as the J-7, the first thing to note is that the control movements can no longer be as rough as before. The wide-opening and large-closing style is not suitable for use on third-generation aircraft. This is particularly important for Li Zhan, who is constantly using afterburner and performing various large-overload maneuvers such as climbing and descending on steep slopes.

The first group successfully completed a solo landing. They could celebrate, but Li Zhan still had to worry about it.

Li Zhan stood there and watched until the last group successfully completed their solo flight, then he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

He was the only one left.

Handing the intercom to Miao Yu, Li Zhan climbed into his No. 01 fighter plane.

It was Xue Xiangdong's idea to let Li Zhan fly alone. He was always the factor that worried Xue Xiangdong the most, even though he was the captain. Everyone has experienced Li Zhan's flying style, including the flight instructors of the Second Division, especially the former commander Nie Jianfeng.

Taking over the command from Lin Haodong, Nie Jianfeng picked up the transmitter and said, "Dongyao, you follow my command, be ready to take off, pay attention to control the speed, over."

"Dongyao received, pre-flight inspection is in progress." Li Zhan checked each system in an orderly manner, muttering in a low voice, "Flight control system, atmospheric system, flap position, engine..."

"Dongyao requested to slide out." Li Zhan confirmed that all systems were normal and asked the tower for instructions.

Nie Jianfeng replied, "You can slide out of the cave and report to the runway."

"Dongyao understands."

The ground controller raised the red flag and pointed the green flag outside the apron. Li Zhan taxied out of the apron and followed the taxiway to the south end of the runway. The wind is blowing from the northeast today, so take off and land from south to north. He didn't feel much like flying alone. He flew like this when there was an instructor behind him, and he flew like this when he was flying his own plane alone. He flew how he wanted to fly.

The first time I flew solo was when I was in the fifth grade of junior high school. That old-fashioned propeller plane was just a treasure in the eyes of recruits like Li Zhan at that time. They dreamed of being able to fly it and fly into the blue sky every day. Later, when I went to JJ VI, and then JJ VII, everyone decisively abandoned the emotions of JJ V.

Now it is the same. With the SU-27SK, the J-7E is an eyesore and old partner in the eyes of people like Li Zhan. They wish they could all be retired as soon as possible.

Aiming at the runway, Li Zhan couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart, and the sun became even brighter. The so-called exchange of shotguns for cannons is generally the same.

"Dongyao, get ready to take off, pay attention to controlling the speed." Nie Jianfeng gave the order.

He took the trouble to remind Li Zhan to control his speed for a reason. Li Zhan's flying style is inherently fierce, and he often uses afterburner to climb and so on. In the past, it was older aircraft such as the J-7, so it is understandable that their movements would be larger. It's like driving a crappy car that's purely mechanical. The clutch pedal may be heavy, the accelerator may be heavy, and the brakes may be too heavy. If your arm strength is weak, you may not even be able to shift the gear lever. It is now a third-generation aircraft, and it is a world-famous aircraft. The flight control system has fast feedback and is sensitive. If the control is not good, it will be overloaded.

Li Zhan is a man who flew a J-7E and performed a suspected Cobra maneuver at a height of only ten meters above the ground. He is absolutely fine.

"Dongyao received it, I'm going to fly."

He stepped on the brakes and pushed the accelerator lever to the bottom. The two engines roared wildly, and the speed soared to 90%. The fuselage was shaking and began to slide slowly. The brakes were about to stop. Li Zhan released the brakes. No. 01 SU- 27SK started running wildly, and the speed reached 280 meters after sliding for more than 300 meters. Li Zhan lifted the wheel, and the fighter plane soared into the sky.

The most beautiful melody in the world is the roar of the aircraft engine running at full power, the best day is the flying day, and the most exciting scene is the full ammunition load.

As Li Zhan took off, the final ups and downs of the King of Destruction's solo flight day began.

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