Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 209 Earn credit again

Through the yellowed front windshield, he could see the sky and the earth. The spacious cockpit made Li Zhan feel relaxed and happy. The view from both sides was very good. Half of his upper body was exposed, but his crotch could almost be seen from the outside. Compared with the F-15 fighter, there are still some gaps.

The canopy should have been replaced, but the front windshield cannot be replaced, so the color of the canopy and the front windshield are obviously different.

Compared with the two-seater SU-27UBK, Li Zhan feels that the SU-27SK is lighter and responds more quickly to his control movements.

"Dongyao, your circling posture is very good, keep it up." Nie Jianfeng reminded Li Zhan while staring at the fighter planes in the sky with his binoculars.

Li Zhan smiled so much that his mouth split open, revealing his white teeth, and said, "Dong Yao understands, get ready to go downhill."

Hearing this, Nie Jianfeng couldn't help but smile, "Aren't you going to fly for a while?"

"You can't be special." Li Zhan said with a smile.

"Dongyao, you can return at any time." Nie Jianfeng said.

"Dongyao understands."

Li Zhan slowly descended, admiring the four-season beauty of the Beiku Mountains on the right. It is said that the local government is planning to develop the tourist landscape of Beiku Mountain, the main peak of the Beiku Mountains, and further improve the tourism industry in the Beiku area. Foreign trade distribution and tourism are the region's pillar industries, with the latter accounting for more than the former last year.

The increasing number of flight routes at Beiku Airport has fully demonstrated that the region's tourism resources are attracting more and more tourists from all over the country.

Before long, the tranquility of Beikuchang Station, which is alone under the Beikuku Mountains, may be broken.

A staff officer hurried in and handed Xue Xiangdong a message and reported in a low voice. Xue Xiangdong quickly confirmed the content of the message and then said, "I took over the command. Several instructors, I have an urgent mission here. The superiors requested that two fighter planes be dispatched to escort an incoming passenger plane. They clearly requested that the most advanced fighter planes be dispatched. Also, It’s Su Liangqi.”

"Tang Leilei and I will go on the two-seat plane." Nie Jianfeng said immediately, "Li Zhan doesn't need to come down. Let's go with him."

"Can he do it?" Xue Xiangdong asked.

Nie Jianfeng said with certainty, "Absolutely no problem. I even doubt that guy has driven Su Liangqi before. He is very skillful."

Xue Xiangdong picked up the transceiver and called Li Zhan, "Dong Yao, the plan has changed. You adjust the course to 270 and hover in airspace three to wait for the lead aircraft. You are going to perform a temporary escort mission. Is it clear?"

"Dong Yao understands, heading 270, circling in airspace three to wait for the lead aircraft, performing escort mission, completed." Li Zhan became energetic, having work is obviously much more interesting than dry flying.

Nie Jianfeng and Tang Leile immediately went to the tarmac to board the plane.

Mainly because the instructors were exhausted from the ultra-high-intensity flight training these days. Lin Haodong and Liu Xiao had no intention of competing with Nie Jianfeng for tasks. The past few days have been a nightmare for them, but also a special asset. I believe that in the future, they can hold their chins high and say that I am a man who flies eight hours a day for five consecutive days and has super endurance!

SU-27SK No. 01 turned to Airspace No. 3 and circled and waited. SU-27UBK No. 27 took off in an emergency and used afterburner to rush to Airspace No. 3. The two aircraft formed a formation and continued to fly westward into the airspace under the guidance of the ground. near the line and immediately entered the standby state.

The advantages of the Long-Legged Su are clearly demonstrated. If he changed to a different type of fighter, Li Zhan would have to land to refuel before taking off, or perform aerial refueling. When the R\u0026D personnel designed the SU-27, they did not think of installing a fuel receiving pipe. With the huge internal fuel capacity, even the auxiliary fuel tank was eliminated and no need for an aerial fuel receiving device was required. Later, when the SU-30 arrived, it was required to have longer airborne time, so a fuel receiving pipe was installed. The reason why the SU-33 carrier-based fighter is equipped with a fuel pipe is that the fighter cannot be fully fueled during ski jump, so aerial refueling is needed to extend the combat time in the air.

my country's J-11A and J-11B also do not have aerial refueling capabilities, while the J-15 and J-16 have complete refueling and receiving capabilities, and can even conduct partner-style aerial refueling.

About twenty minutes later, news came from the ground that the escorted plane had entered the country. It was a formation of four passenger and cargo planes, taking a dedicated route.

Li Zhan glanced at the fuselage number to confirm that the frequency had been adjusted, and started calling in Russian, "Moscow 1, I have been ordered to escort you. Please maintain the heading altitude. Over."

"Moscow No. 1 received it, thank you." The captain of Moscow No. 1 looked at the familiar appearance of the fighter plane, and felt a sense of kindness in his heart, as if he had returned to China. The smooth and huge fuselage and the iconic nose made the world realize for the first time the other side of the polar bear's rough style.

SU-27SK No. 01 is on the left wing of the passenger and cargo aircraft formation, and SU-27UBK No. 27 driven by Nie Jianfeng and Tang Leilei is on the right wing, guarding the Il-96-300 passenger plane at the front and continuing to fly. All flight parameters of the entire passenger and cargo formation remained unchanged. Li Zhan and others skillfully approached and joined the formation at the specified position.

The escort position is very particular, not too close nor too far away. If you lean too close, it will appear impolite and give people a sense of oppression. If you lean too far away, you will not look serious enough and give people a sense of alienation. Therefore, this distance position is very particular.

There was no dialogue throughout the whole process, but Xue Xiangdong on the tower would report the location information every once in a while, reminding the two fighters on the mission to pay attention.

After flying for a full hour and a half, Xue Xiangdong gave the order to leave the formation, "Dongyao, Liangguai, your mission is over, leave the formation and return. Brother troops will take over the follow-up escort. Over."

Li Zhan replied, "Dongyao understands."

Immediately, he called Moscow 1, "Moscow 1, please maintain the heading altitude. My comrades will continue to provide escort for you. Welcome, goodbye."

"Moscow One understands and is very grateful!"

Li Zhan and Nie Jianfeng simultaneously turned outward and lowered their altitude to leave the formation. The passenger and cargo formation maintained its heading altitude and continued moving forward. Two brand-new J-10B multi-purpose fighter jets appeared in front. There were also air-to-air missiles mounted under the wings, but there were not many, only four. This not only showed the determination to escort but also did not put pressure on the other side.

The two SU-27s turned around and returned.

Li Zhan said with a smile, "Liangguai, have you seen it? It's so simple to make meritorious service and receive awards in the 73rd Division. You never know when an important task will come, and they are all relatively simple tasks. As long as they are completed, third-class Gong starts."

"The land here is vast and sparsely populated, and it takes several tons of aviation fuel just to get out. There are important international routes, so there are many opportunities." Li Zhan added with a smile.

Nie Jianfeng and Tang Leilei both couldn't smile from ear to ear.

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