Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 213 “West-2010”④

Nankuchang Station is a small station, so small that the 73rd Division usually doesn't even take a look at it.

This airport also has a history. Before the Beikku Airport was built, it was the place where civil aircraft took off and landed in the Beikku area. However, it was not used for both military and civilian purposes. Instead, it was lent to civil aviation by the military to support local economic construction. The same is true for Foshan's Shadi Airport.

After the Beikou Airport was built, the civil aviation was completely moved away. People had a new home, and it was quite big. They couldn't look down on a small airport like Nanku. Another is that the troops have begun to cut off from the local area and prepare wholeheartedly to win the war. It is no longer possible to do business.

Then Nanku Airport was transformed back into Nanku Station, but it has been deserted since then. There are no aircraft taking off and landing during the year, and it is used as an alternate airport most of the time.

This station is only at the deputy battalion level, with a total of more than 60 people, which can barely support two or three fighter planes. If there are more, people will be transferred from other places.

There is only one runway of 2,300 meters, and the terminal building is on one floor, just like a factory warehouse. It is less than 500 meters away from the runway. It can be said that it is extremely small. Moreover, the runway is lengthened. It was originally extended by 800 meters to accommodate the takeoff and landing of civil aviation flights. Otherwise, it would only be able to take off and land fighter jets and small aircraft.

The Nanku Field Station will come in handy during the "Western" military exercise, and the level of confidentiality is very high, which should be the highest among all troops.

After landing, Li Zhan saw four fighter planes covered with cloth covers parked on the tarmac in front of the terminal. He recognized them at a glance. They were J-8F, and they must be J-8FR! It is impossible for an ordinary J-8F to cover up like this. It must be a tactical reconnaissance model.

Most of the J-8FRs in a squadron were sent by an independent tactical reconnaissance group. Moreover, their aircraft maintenance personnel must come from at least one squadron, and they will never let the people at the station and the maintenance personnel of the 73rd Division touch their aircraft.

Only electronic reconnaissance equipment can be so secretive. The electronic reconnaissance department has always been the most confidential unit in the military, including every piece of equipment they use.

Li Zhan couldn't help but smile, thinking of his No. 101 J-8FR that died young.

Maybe there is a chance to renew the relationship?

It's better to figure out what's going on with the missile first. If there is really a problem with his own operation, he probably won't be punished. Millions of dollars worth of missiles have made you look like this. Is it difficult to praise you without punishing you?

It is a fool-like operation process that is simpler than playing a game console. If you can make mistakes in this, you will definitely be severely punished. You are not good at learning, and you are only average in skills!

Li Zhan taxied to the far edge of the apron, which was a full 200 meters away from the four tightly covered J-8FRs. It seemed that the people of the Independent Tactical Reconnaissance Group were strictly following the regulations.

As soon as he got off the plane, the battalion-level station commander came over in a hurry, saluted Li Zhan, shook hands warmly, nodded and bowed, and said, "Welcome Captain Li to come and give guidance, welcome!"

"Oh, I am Shi Zezhong, the director of Nankuchang Station."

Li Zhan didn't dare to put on airs. He was just a deputy battalion-level cadre who enjoyed the treatment of a regular battalion. He quickly said, "Hello, stationmaster Shi, I don't dare to be one. I don't dare to be that. You're too polite."

"You don't mean to be polite, Captain Li. I've been waiting day and night for you to come to Nankuchang Station for inspection. Come on, come on, please come over here." Shi Zezhong kept his attitude very low and invited Li Zhan up. Car, tell the maintenance staff to take good care of the fighter plane.

The commuter car is not bad. It is a diesel pickup truck from Great Wall. It is very new and the ride is more comfortable than ordinary off-road vehicles. There are also a bunch of 212 jeeps at Beikuchang Station, which are older than many pilots.

There are advantages to small places, and funds can be concentrated and used in the most practical places.

"Captain Li, our Nankuchang Station is a small station and usually does not have any support tasks, but we are definitely capable of ensuring combat training." Shi Zezhong said with a smile, "The North Kuchang Station is close to saturation. In the future, we will destroy the Wang Brigade If you can, you can come to our place for training. Ulun Lake is close to us. There are many scenic spots with beautiful scenery around it, which is much better than that in Dongku. Apart from the Gobi, they are all hills."

Li Zhan couldn't help but laugh and said, "Station Commander Shi, I understand what you mean, but it's not my decision where the troops will be stationed for training. I'm just a deputy battalion-level captain."

"You are not an ordinary captain, Captain Li. We are all from the same division, so we won't talk to each other. I know you are the person in charge of a big project. Do you have to travel to many places to conduct research? You think so? No. We really have an advantage here at the Nanku Field Station. We don’t need too many. We can station four or five planes for a month or two. I dare not say anything else. We guarantee that this field will definitely be no worse than other places!"

Li Zhan smiled and said nothing.

Don't look at Shi Zezhong being so groveling to a young cadre like a pimp, I'm afraid someone with a higher level would do the same.

Another meaning of the person in charge of big projects is the person in charge of huge resources. With so many resources, it is up to the person who implements them to decide how they are used. The bunch of team leaders, deputy team leaders, office directors, deputy directors, and team members behind Li Zhan are all nominal. To put it bluntly, they are meant to reflect the specifications of the subject group and are endorsed by Li Zhan. Li Zhan is the only one who really does the work.

After everyone figured out this situation, Li Zhan became a hot topic.

Why did Chen Jialiang, the chief of staff of the division, borrow ammunition from Li Zhan for nothing? It was not because of the resources in Li Zhan's hands. It's still impossible to return it. If you don't think of ways to get some for your own use, those ammunition and such will eventually be used.

Who can use it or not depends on who can win it.

So when Shi Zezhong received the order that Li Zhan was going to land at Nankuchang Station, he jumped up and down on the spot and was so excited. I didn't have the chance to meet people before, but now I not only have the opportunity, but I can also contact Li Zhan as a landlord. If I don't seize such a good opportunity, the officers and soldiers under him will tear him apart.

A busy station is equivalent to a unit that is not taken seriously. Who would want to serve in such a unit?

Li Zhan's mind was focused on the miss of the missile, and he said perfunctorily, "Stationmaster Shi, there is an emergency over at the target area. I have to deal with this matter first. Let's talk about the rest later."

"Okay, okay, I have received the order, and I will fully cooperate with your work, please rest assured." Shi Zezhong understood that the superior's order was very serious, and coupled with Li Zhan's brows that could not relax, even if he did not know the specifics of it It is also possible to guess that something serious has happened.

"Captain Li, a team from a certain army department is waiting for you. They will take you to the shooting area together," Shi Zezhong said.

Li Zhan frowned, "Army? Why did you get them involved?"

"I'm not sure. It seems they happened to be going there and picked you up by the way." Shi Zezhong said.

Li Zhan asked, "Where are the technicians? They shouldn't arrive so soon."

"There are no technicians. I didn't receive the order. You should be the only one." Shi Zezhong said.

"So that's it..."

Li Zhan almost understood that the technicians would not be able to come even if they flew the plane for a while. His superiors asked him to take a look first, naturally knowing that he could see some clues.

The situation was more urgent than he thought. Parked in the open space behind the terminal were two dusty Land Cruisers. Their bodies were covered in dust and mud, and the original paint colors were almost invisible.

Both cars are equipped with communication antennas on the back. The roof rack supports two spare tires and a few canvas luggage bags. Together with the small schoolbag on the back and the tire hanging underneath, it can carry four spare tires. . There was nothing on the roof of the other car, but Li Zhan unexpectedly found that the sunroof was larger than that of an ordinary car, with a machine gun base on it and traces of gunpowder.

This is no longer a land cruiser, it's simply an armed assault vehicle.

An army lieutenant colonel led seven soldiers who were also fully armed and walked out of the house next door. The three-point gun slings modified from the Bayi Bar tactics were mounted according to personal habits. They were all wearing wide-brimmed hats. The equipment loaded on the tactical vest is dirty and definitely not good-looking. It is used frequently and must have been used not long ago.

Several soldiers were still chewing something in their mouths, and they were probably replenishing their food.

"Lieutenant Colonel Yuan, this is Captain Li Zhan, he shot the missile." Shi Zezhong introduced to the Army Lieutenant Colonel. His soldiers glanced at Li Zhan and went about their own business, checking the status of vehicles, equipment, etc. Even before that, the maintenance sergeant at the station had checked it and completed the replenishment of supplies for them.

"Yuan Boyu." With a big dark face, thick eyebrows, cracked lips, and sharp eyes, he stretched out his hand directly to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan smelled a familiar smell, smiled slightly and shook hands with Yuan Boyu, "Li Zhan."

There is no serial number or position, only a simple name and military rank. These people are so stubborn that they are not willing to say a word more to you. They are all the same.

"Can you leave?" Yuan Boyu asked.

Li Zhan handed the flight helmet to Shi Zezhong, took off his flight equipment, leaving only the cowhide holster and the pistol he had always carried with him, and said, "Okay."

After sizing up Li Zhan, Yuan Boyu got in the car without saying anything.

So, Li Zhan, who was wearing a summer blue flight suit and carrying a pistol on his back, jumped into their car and drove away quickly. Shi Zezhong froze on the spot and thought to himself, what is this, so mysterious. First, Yuan Boyu rushed in with his people, and then he received the order, and then there was another order saying that there were fighter planes to be prepared for landing, but he said nothing except to ensure the security.

Well, everyone was here, and they got in the car and left without even having time to say a few words.

Shi Zezhong shook his head helplessly and left. He carried Li Zhan's flight helmet and equipment and placed them in his office. He also sent out sentries and paid great attention to them.

He should be lucky that the impact point was close to Nankuchang Station, otherwise the credit for falling from the sky would have been on someone else's head.

Several soldiers have guessed the plot behind it. Are they so difficult to mess with now?

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