Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 214 “West-2010”⑤

I was speechless all the way, really speechless.

Li Zhan has come into contact with this kind of people before, but he is not so serious about his words and smiles. After all, he was also a major in the Air Force, and he was also a well-known little prince of lever rods. When he saw him, he would be polite enough to call him First Brother or Captain Li.

The two Land Cruisers, which have been modified to strict military standards, have been in service for at least ten years. They are still very stable and can fly across the desert at extremely fast speeds. It took an hour to go around half of Uulun Lake, and then Li Zhan judged the approximate location of the target area through the topography and the direction of the sun.

However, the convoy drove towards the southeast.

Undoubtedly, the Kh-31P moved ten kilometers southeast and headed there.

Yuan Boning had no intention of talking to Li Zhan, and Li Zhan would not warm up to someone else's cold butt. It was better to analyze what went wrong. He recalled the entire operation procedure over and over again, and there was no problem at all. There is no problem with the electronic pod locking the target and loading target data into the missile seeker.

The problem can only occur after the missile is launched and the seeker begins to take over the entire stage of subsequent guidance work. Theoretically speaking, this process only takes about a hundred seconds, maybe only sixty seconds.

What could go wrong?

At the point of impact, everything became clear.

The other soldiers formed a cordon with a tacit understanding and dispersed. Yuan Boning led Li Zhan up a small slope, pointed at a collapsed earthen house in the depression and asked, "Look, did your missile hit it?" "

Li Zhan frowned and observed, judging from the damage effects, they were consistent. Li Zhan was very clear about the effects of the explosion of the one hundred kilogram warhead, but he could not draw this conclusion until he found evidence.

"I'll go down and take a look." Li Zhan said.

"Wait." Yuan Boning stopped Li Zhan and called two soldiers over the radio to ask them to go down and search first.

Li Zhan pulled out his pistol and held it in his hand. He smiled lightly and said, "I am more experienced than you in searching such a scene. Let them follow me."

After saying that, he slid down neatly.

He sat down on his butt and slid down like this. His movements and speed surprised Yuan Boning - didn't he fly an airplane? How come he was more proficient in this kind of movement than our tactical instructors.

"Major Li Zhan, have you ever served as a special forces soldier before?" Yuan Boning couldn't hold back his curiosity and followed closely to ask.

Li Zhan didn't even dust himself off his butt. He shook his head and said, "No, I joined the Air Force."

"Have you ever been in the Fifteenth Army?" Yuan Boning asked.

Li Zhan stopped and said with a smile, "Lieutenant Colonel Yuan, you know that I can refuse to answer, and besides, you shouldn't ask these questions. But I can tell you clearly that I fly airplanes and have never done the work of your special forces."

Yuan Boning frowned, and something popped into his head, "A few years ago, a unit was disbanded..."

"Lieutenant Colonel Yuan, you are not ordinary special forces." Li Zhan interrupted Yuan Boning.

Yuan Boning's brows slowly relaxed, and when he looked at Li Zhan, there was a hint of tears and deep admiration in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "I understand."

"Dazzled by the wind and sand?" Li Zhan said with a smile.

Yuan Boning smiled and said, "Yes, the wind and sand are a bit strong."

A few soldiers on the side looked around strangely. It was calm and there was no wind at all.

"Brigade Li, we are here to help with the electronic reconnaissance, our army's electronic reconnaissance." Yuan Boning changed his previous indifferent attitude and took the initiative to introduce the situation, but he could only go so far.

Li Zhan, however, lowered his head to look for traces of missile bombardment, without even raising his head, and said, "I know."

Yuan Boning said nothing, just like his assistant.

The contrast in attitude before and after shocked his soldiers one after another, but this was a group of special warriors with a strong sense of discipline. They don't ask any questions.

Li Zhan searched carefully, and a soldier used a SLR camera to take pictures of some evidence that needed to be fixed according to his instructions.

After rubbing his nose, Li Zhan pointed to the ruins of the collapsed mud house and asked, "What is so smelly? Does a simulated target need to be so realistic?"

"Captain Li, there's a reason why I didn't treat you well before. Now I'm sure it was you who shot the missile, right?" Yuan Boning asked.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "I'm sure, I found the fragment with the nameplate on it, it was the missile I shot."

"That's right." Yuan Boning pointed to the ruins and said, "We spent a lot of effort to find a place here where we can simulate targets, and built a simulated communication station here. As a result, our electronic reconnaissance side just turned on the power, and we As soon as we went out, you killed our target with one shot."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Zhan couldn't help but laugh.

This kind of thing makes people laugh or cry. They have worked hard to prepare for a month or two and are ready to fight. This has entered the most critical stage of actual combat training. As a result, you got a fucking blow from the sky. The missile came over.

Yes, it’s a ruin, and I’ve saved all my gas money.

"No, when you deploy simulated targets, you just deploy simulated targets. What kind of radar beam radiation source are you doing?" Li Zhan couldn't help laughing.

Yuan Boning smiled bitterly and said, "We are also engaged in electronic reconnaissance. We have purchased a batch of new equipment. Aren't we going to practice our skills? Who knew that such an own goal would happen."

"It's a mistake, but having said that, I can tell you clearly that the intensity of your radiation source is definitely greater than that of our simulated radar station, otherwise the missile will not change the target midway. That missile is not very advanced. Generally speaking, it is It will fight according to the loaded target data. It may have something to do with the long storage time."

Li Zhan explained in detail.

Yuan Boning nodded slightly, "The radiation intensity was relatively high, and it happened to be running at high power at that time."

"What's going on with these body parts?" Li Zhan rubbed his nose again, "They smell like meat."

"Pigs, we built some pig pens here, mainly so we can see the effects of the attacks." Yuan Boning said with a smile.

Li Zhan laughed and scolded, "They say your army is poor, but I think you are a low-key rich man. Pork is so expensive and you are willing to use it to test the damage effect."

"These are not local pigs. They are very cheap, very cheap, and they are all infected with plague. They should be buried humanely. For the sake of waste utilization, we coordinated with the pig farm to get a batch to do damage effect testing. The best of both worlds." Yuan Boning chuckled.

Li Zhan said, "You guys like to play like this. I also made suggestions to my superiors. When doing live ammunition shooting, we should also use some pigs, sheep, etc. to simulate living targets and judge the damage effect. Then you can also give me some advice. Introduce the animals that have plagues and need to be destroyed.”

"Don't go too far, Captain Li. You deserve to be robbed of this huge contribution. Don't talk about other things, you owe me a favor. How about it?" Yuan Boning said seriously after seeing that the survey work over there was completed. Li Zhan said.

Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "I really didn't mean to steal the credit. Who knows, I got hit here by mistake. Don't say anything. Lieutenant Colonel Yuan. If anyone needs my help in the future, if I can help, just ask. Don’t say one thing, even if it’s two things, I’ll help.”

"Are you all so picky?" Yuan Boning said with a wry smile, "I have been in contact with a person in your army before, and he was very picky and fussy..."

Li Zhan interrupted, "Three items."

"Okay, it's settled." Yuan Boning said in a deep voice, "There is a relatively urgent matter that needs your help now."


"Can you fire one more time? We still have a simulated target." Yuan Boning asked seriously.

Li Zhan was quite surprised, "Why are you still giving me credit?"

"We can't hit it, and we have traveled too many places in the past month or so. We are really exhausted. The time given by our superiors is very tight." Yuan Boning pointed to the ruins, "Since one shot can have this effect , I don’t want to bother the second master with anything, you can help us fight together, I will ask my superiors for instructions."

Li Zhan thought about it quickly and felt that the problem was not big. He nodded slightly and said, "It should be no problem. We have to conduct live-fire training anyway. Deployment of simulated targets by ourselves will take time and effort. The superiors should agree. There is also radiation. Source’s simulated target?”

Nodding, Yuan Boning said, "Yes, but the radiation intensity is much smaller, and the ground support team deliberately created problems. The location of the simulated target deployment is very hidden. In the mountainous area to the west, the terrain is very complex. If we go there Come on, it’s pretty good if you can complete the task within half a month.”

Li Zhan thought thoughtfully and said, "Do you want to replace the approaching strike training with guided strike training so that the soldiers can rest?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Is it a radar radiation source?" Li Zhan frowned.

Yuan Boning shook his head, "No, this one here is, and the other one is a radio signal source, which is relatively weak."

"The missiles fired today cannot be passively guided by radio signal sources. Let's go back to the Nanku Station first. I will communicate with the technical staff in the regiment to see if there is any other way." Li Zhan said.

Yuan Boning wanted to explain it more clearly, but he found that Li Zhan did not propose using other ammunition, so he suddenly came to his senses - Captain Li had a clear mind and knew very well that missiles must be used, and the range was too close. No.

The group finally conducted a dragnet-style survey of the bomb impact site and took a large number of photos before returning to the Nanku Station.

Li Zhan was in a bad mood when he came, but he was making great progress when he returned. A bad thing turns into a good thing, and it is a good thing that will make the Air Force look good. Not only will his superiors not criticize him for playing crookedly, but he will also praise him for doing well. Only Captain Li has the ability to steal meat from other branches of the military.

From this own incident, Li Zhan discovered a question worthy of in-depth study - does the Kh-31P have the ability to automatically re-identify targets in the middle and lower sections and attack the targets with the greatest threat?

If it does exist, then this batch of outdated air-to-ground missiles will have a second life. Those are hundreds of high-end ammunition worth hundreds of millions of yuan! If this thing is done, you will definitely not be able to escape with first-class merit. It will be more valuable than if you shoot a hundred full rings with live ammunition!

Sure enough, after arriving at the 73rd Division, the transfer began, and any missile can hit the "pork" of other army troops.

PS: This chapter says that the follow-up will be more exciting once it is completed.

The third update, the update of 10,000 words is completed today, brothers, if you have a book list, please do it.

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