Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 233 The little prince with the lever takes shelter from the limelight

[The ruse was discovered. The little prince took refuge in Changan and visited his young girlfriend, the handsome major, causing all the beauties to go crazy. 】

"Why are you suddenly free to see me?"

On the campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Ying Wanjun was very happy. She jumped from time to time while walking and asked Li Zhan, who was wearing an air force camouflage uniform and walking in unison.

Little girls in first love are all cute. Her boyfriend came all the way here to see her. How could she not be excited as she was mentally prepared to see her once a year?

"You must be very busy training." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan said against his will, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I'll take a few days off to come and see you. Your school is good and has a very academic atmosphere."

"Really?" Ying Wanjun asked.

Li Zhan said sincerely, "Really, there are very few colleges and universities that truly offer scholarship, and Xi'an Jiaotong University is one of them."

"I'm asking you if you really miss me." Ying Wanjun stared at Li Zhan and asked with flashing eyes.

Li Zhan pretended not to hear and pointed to the building in front of him, "Is that the cafeteria over there? Let's go to the cafeteria. I haven't eaten in the school cafeteria for a long time."

Ying Wanjun pursed her lips, but didn't take it to heart. She was so happy that she didn't care about any flaws.

What Li Zhan could tell was that the last time they met at Beikuchang Station, Ying Wanjun behaved very calmly and treated people very appropriately and steadily. Perhaps the true inner self of her now should be the true side of a girl of this age.

You should be lively, cute and innocent.

Li Zhan felt guilty. If he hadn't really had nowhere to go, he wouldn't have thought of coming to Chang'an to see Ying Wanjun. After all, she was the future eldest daughter-in-law who had gone through double political review. The situation at Beikuchang Station was not very optimistic. People from the 300th Division were looking for Li Zhan all over the station like crazy. He really had no place to hide and could only run outside. The rod fee is not as important as your life.

Do you think it’s impossible to be blocked and beaten by people from the Three Hundred Division?

If you are in the first year of junior high school and they dare to be in the fifteenth year, it is related to the interests of the officers, soldiers and their families of the whole division, and their legs will be broken for you!

It takes two or three hours to go shopping from the economically prosperous developed areas to the western mountainous areas, either in the desert or the Gobi. The family members will definitely tear Li Zhan into shredded squid and eat it with mustard for three days.

If you can't afford to offend, can you still afford to hide?

I might as well take a few days off and go to Chang'an to avoid the storm.

"I should have worn casual clothes. I came out in such a hurry that I forgot about it." Li Zhan said in a low voice.

In the dining hall, everyone looked at Li Zhan, mostly girls, with stars in their eyes. The posture made Ying Wanjun feel like she was facing a formidable enemy. There are a lot of people today, especially girls. She also regretted that she should not have gone to the dining hall.

The National Day holiday has just passed. First of all, there are many courses and there are more students on campus than usual. Secondly, the students spent all their money during the National Day holiday, so many people who don’t usually eat in the canteen are eating in the canteen, so there are new students. A lively scene like an entrance to school.

Those stupid young men in the national defense class wearing military uniforms without epaulettes can cause a lot of crazy screams when they go out, but they still don't look like soldiers. My boyfriend is a powerful man and a major captain of the Chinese Air Force who flies fighter jets and has a lot of merits. It would be strange if he didn't let those girls go crazy on the spot.

Ying Wanjun regretted even more when she thought about it, but deep down in her heart she had a little bit of vanity, or she could take this opportunity to pull Li Zhan out to confirm her sovereignty. Once a woman falls into this pit, no matter how educated or calm she is, she will collapse and return to her original state.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but hold Li Zhan's arm.

Li Zhan wasn't used to it, but he didn't think too much about it. He looked at the surrounding environment and the large groups of students with the eyes of an experienced person. In the final analysis, I am still not used to receiving the attention of so many people.

"How about we go, I feel like a monkey." Li Zhan stopped and hesitated.

Ying Wanjun was about to agree when she suddenly saw a dozen classmates looking over here and whispering while eating. She immediately changed her mind, "No, everyone is more curious about active military personnel. Don't you want to try it?" Want to try the food in our school canteen? Give it a try, it’s pretty cheap.”

"Okay, give it a try." Li Zhan is also a person who doesn't back down easily. Besides, it's not his fault that he has good looks. Even if you sentence him to death, it won't change the cruel fact.

The two of them walked to the window and queued up under the attention of a lot of people. They chatted in low voices from time to time. However, the distance between them was relatively moderate. They were not as entangled as other student couples. Instead, they looked like military personnel. His demeanor reflects the fine style of a mighty and civilized teacher.

The aunt who was cooking saw that she was in military uniform, and she was a cadre. When she was making braised pork, she took a deep spoonful of it. Li Zhan was frightened, and she quickly said, "Sister, eldest sister, you are so polite!"

"What's the matter? The People's Liberation Army needs to eat more to have the strength to train!" Auntie said with a smile, preparing another deep spoonful.

This time Li Zhan couldn't agree to it no matter what. After a while of coming and going, the food was ready. Li Zhan was holding the rice plate, and Ying Wanjun was holding two bowls of soup, side by side, looking for an empty seat. Ying Wanjun knew that the dozen or so classmates were secretly looking over here, so she deliberately found a seat where they could easily peek.

Li Zhan was focused on experiencing the atmosphere of the canteen, the familiar environment and the familiar smell. What impressed him most was the youthful smiles on the faces of the students, with their expectations for the future and strong confidence in their eyes. They are the main force of the country in the next stage, and the hope of a country can be seen from them.

Being able to gain insights from every meal shows that Li Zhan has taken another solid step towards becoming an outstanding political cadre.

Several of Ying Wanjun's classmates were whispering.

"Is that Ying Wanjun's boyfriend?"

"Probably, it must be so close."

"Or brother?"

"She is the eldest in the family, where does her brother come from?"

"What about cousins ​​and stuff like that?"

"You can't, right? Hey, hey, look at the food, he must be her boyfriend."

"Just go and ask."


"Whoever is going, I won't go. I see clearly that he is a serious active-duty major officer and a battalion-level cadre! Do you think he is one of those trainees from the national defense class?"


They were all curious, but they didn't dare to come and strike up a conversation. Ying Wanjun's goal was achieved. Those dozen male classmates were all on the college basketball team, and they were very tired of pursuing her in different ways all day long. As a result, those self-proclaimed macho men didn’t even have the courage to come over and strike up a conversation.

Li Zhan is not an ordinary major officer. Even though he wears the rank of second lieutenant, few people dare to approach him casually. He has seen so much blood and experienced so many dangers, and his aura is very intimidating to ordinary people. Men's sense of smell is more acute than women's in this area.

After eating, I walked slowly to the lakeside leisure area and found a bench to sit on.

Ying Wanjun swayed her calves, raised her head and took a deep breath of fresh air, saying, "I haven't been so leisurely in a long time."

"Study is very heavy?" Li Zhan said. His bones relaxed a little. He suddenly went from the front line to the rear. The change in rhythm was huge and difficult to adapt to. "I haven't been so relaxed in a long time."

"You just ate, there were many girls staring at you." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan sighed helplessly, "I'm used to it."


Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "I chose to be a soldier because many women liked me when I was a child. When I grew up, it became even more excessive. Many young and beautiful girls... I... In order to use the strictest discipline Rather than embark on a life of crime, I chose to join the army."

"You! Li Zhan, Li Zhan, I really can't see that you still have this trick!"

"Haha, isn't this relaxing? Let's be humorous."

"Exactly." Ying Wanjun turned her head and looked at Li Zhan, "Tell me the truth, you didn't come to see me specifically, right?"

"I came here specifically to see you." Li Zhan said guiltily.

"Don't lie to me." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said, "When I was recruiting, my master said something, wearing this military uniform means you have chosen to pay. At first it sounded like a slogan, but as I got older and older in the military, The deeper I feel about this sentence.”

"Yes, I am mainly on a business trip to Jincheng and then come to visit you."

Ying Wanjun felt better because Jincheng was between Chang'an and Beiku. It shows that Li Zhan purposely traveled hundreds of kilometers to see her instead of just dropping by.

Lan Zhi is in Jincheng, and Wu Zhi exposed many problems in the western military exercise. After preparation and full discussion, the military air force decided to hold a seminar in Lan Zhi to focus on the combat command mechanism. Li Zhan is the representative of the grassroots combat brigade and must attend the meeting.

Avoiding the search of the 300 Division... may also have this factor, but if it is just to avoid the limelight, he can go to the division headquarters to hide. Bai Ou may not dare... Maybe he dares, so he can only hide outside the army. .

"When are you leaving?" Ying Wanjun finally asked the question she least wanted to know.

Li Zhan said, "Don't worry, stay for four or five days, I'll come out a week early, haha."

"Really?" Ying Wanjun stood up excitedly.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Yes, take me to visit Chang'an? The four ancient capitals in the world."

"No problem!" Ying Wanjun patted her chest, which was beginning to take shape, and said, "Let's go, let's go! Let's go now! Go to the mall first, one afternoon is enough, and then go to the night market after dinner. I tell you, there are many snacks in the night market. Already..."

"Shopping mall..."

Li Zhan couldn't even stand up. The last place he wanted to be, besides hell, was probably the shopping mall.

"Don't you want to go? Then you have to go! Didn't you bring casual clothes? You have to buy them." Ying Wanjun said.

Yes, I have to buy casual clothes. I can no longer show off in military uniforms. It doesn't fit in with my usual low-key style.

"Okay, let's go to the mall. I'm bringing a lever fee card from China Construction Bank. Let's spend a sum of 1,800 yuan today." Li Zhan stood up and said proudly.

Ying Wanjun smiled happily and said, "Okay, okay, one thousand yuan is too much. Five hundred can probably handle it all."

Officers and soldiers of the 101st Regiment: Captain of the Tie Rod Brigade, you are so "heroic"!

Next chapter 8am.

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