Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 234 I am willing to use famous brands

[Recalling two or three interesting things about my youth, only handsome men and beautiful women can imagine their future. 】

The Guanzhong Plain urban agglomeration, the capital of Jiaxi Province, a sub-provincial city, one of the four ancient capitals in the world, a world-famous historical city, and an important national scientific research, education and industrial center, Chang'an is synonymous with too many names.

For ordinary people, when they think of Chang'an, they think of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and many popular songs have the city as their theme.

For Li Zhan, there are important aircraft manufacturers here. The H-6, Y-8, Y-9 and large transport aircraft under development are all developed by the YOFC factory. YOFC is the only aircraft factory that develops large military aircraft. They have been playing with Tu-16 to this day and have almost lost all the letters on the keyboard.

For a nineteen-year-old college girl, Minsheng Department Store is more important.

Li Zhan just made a joke, saying that Ying Wanjun was just saying that he would not be stingy enough to spend only a thousand or a few hundred yuan, and he would have to spend two thousand yuan no matter what.

So they chose Minsheng Department Store, which has survived from the department store era in the decades and developed into a well-known mid-to-high-end shopping mall in the area.

I took a taxi and went straight to Minsheng Department Store. The driver was very polite and chatty. Along the way, the tour guide introduced this ancient city. Chang'an is also an important military area, and there are more traces of military activities than in other cities. In addition, there are many military industrial enterprises and military scientific research units here, and ordinary people have a better understanding of soldiers and love and respect them more.

"If you really think about it, I haven't gone shopping in more than nine years."

After Ying Wanjun took Li Zhan's arm and walked into Minsheng Department Store, Li Zhan said as he looked at the unfamiliar environment. The bright, upscale shopping environment and sales assistants dressed like fashion models made him feel disconnected.

"Nine years, then I was only ten years old." Ying Wanjun recalled, "At that time during the Spring Festival, my mother gave me ten yuan, and my classmates and I walked five kilometers to the county town to play. There were many parks in the There are stalls, snacks, games, and yes, there are balloons and card games. It is very lively and crowded. My favorite is hot vegetables, and then there are beef skewers, which cost 50 cents a skewer and 1 yuan a portion. After boiling the vegetables, I ordered two skewers of beef, which were dipped in garlic sauce and delicious."

Li Zhan asked, "Where are the remaining eight yuan?"

"I buy books, and I do this every year. If I'm lucky, I can buy five suitable books at the second-hand bookstall." Ying Wanjun said, "Later, when I went to junior high school and could do odd jobs, I would buy a grilled chicken wing every time I went out. Two dollars and a half a piece is enough for a day’s food expenses.”

Li Zhan sighed and said, "I am deeply impressed by what you said. The park is right in front of the Martyrs Monument. It is very lively during the holidays, especially the Spring Festival. It is the busiest activity place in the county. I mainly play balloons. I missed every one by ten cents, and the most cruel one was just thirty cents and I knocked out one of the balloons, which made the boss so angry that he turned blue."

"You boys all love shooting."

"Then it was time to buy books. The machinery factory hadn't closed down at that time, and the pocket money my father gave me was quite large. I bought several journals in one go, all of them military journals, and it cost me twenty or thirty yuan."

"You are so rich. There is one issue of the journal every month, which costs only three or four hundred yuan a year." Ying Wanjun said.

Li Zhan said with a smile, "It was just a hobby at the time, and it lasted until high school. My family was afraid of buying periodicals. Later, when the machine factory closed down, my parents became even more dissatisfied. A purchase of periodicals would cost more than ten yuan." Then it’s a few dozen yuan, which is enough for a week’s food expenses.”

Shaking his head slightly, Li Zhan said, "I sorted it out before joining the army. There are more than a thousand journals, all of which are military-related, and are worth several thousand yuan."

Ying Wanjun said, "Is this considered an investment?"

"Forget it, those journals were not only my first teacher, but also taught me a lot of military knowledge, which made me more comfortable working in the army." Li Zhan nodded with a smile.

Talking about interesting things from his childhood and wandering around the mall aimlessly, it took Li Zhan more than half an hour to adapt to the mall environment. Nine years ago, to buy clothes, you had to go to a clothing stall in the central market. You would set up a tent and hang a few chains on it, and then hang the clothes densely on each side. Holding a clothes support, you would start to attract customers to pass by and take a look.

How can there be such a bright and high-mountain environment now? The investment in decoration of the store alone costs more than ten, two hundred thousand or even hundreds of thousands. The specially designed lights shine on the clothes displayed by the models, making you afraid to take a step inside. , for fear that the atmosphere would be ruined after walking in.

Li Zhan is a genuine country bumpkin.

Ying Wanjun is not far behind. She has never been to Minsheng Department Store, and she rarely even goes to high-end shopping malls. To buy her own clothes, she just picks three or five pieces at night market roadside stalls for 100 yuan.

Just two bumpkins.

"Hey, that's a famous brand. Let's go and buy that one." Li Zhan suddenly pointed to a clothing store in front and said.

Ying Wanjun took a look and said, "Oh, Li Ning, a big brand of sportswear is trustworthy. I like it too, but it's more expensive."

"It's okay, I have money." Li Zhan raised his chin.

Why do you earn so much rod fees? Isn't it just to spend it, isn't it just to make the people around you live a better life? Occasionally buying yourself a luxury brand is not a big deal, right? Li Zhan thought so.

"Li-Ning is a mid-to-low-end sports brand, and it is made in China. Handsome Soldier. The store next to it sells international famous brand sportswear, Naike." A girl walking by pointed The store next to Li Ning.

Li Zhan responded with a smile and said, "What I am willing to wear are international brands."

These words were so philosophical that the girl froze there and fell into deep thought.

Ying Wanjun snickered and gave Li Zhan a thumbs up, "You're really good at talking."

"When I can't fly anymore, I'm going to work as a political worker. Now it's more important to practice my language skills," Li Zhan said.

Ying Wanjun asked, "Do you plan to work in the army for the rest of your life?"

"After wearing this military uniform, I never thought about taking it off. When I die, I hope I can leave with the national flag on it," Li Zhan said.

Ying Wanjun said, "Then I will accompany you."

"You are also good at talking, are you planning to be a counselor?"

"I can't do it. I like to do research."

"Being studied?"

"screw you!"

Li Zhan couldn't be happier. He even found out that there was nothing wrong with Ying Wanjun and that he had the right temperament.

Little does he know that his strong self-confidence has been infecting Ying Wanjun, who has a hidden inferiority complex. No one in the school has seen her smile so happily, let alone see her speak so freely and have rich body movements. .

What I would rather use are the big brands.

How powerful is this self-confidence?

Why do the military area pilots and those engaged in tactical research come to the conclusion that the J-7E and J-7G are better economical low-altitude penetration fighters?

It's because Li Zhan showed them the facts.

Without the "4-1" actual combat ahead, would they dare to draw such a conclusion? It is estimated that as soon as such a conclusion is reached, the flight commander will throw them into the grassroots company and stay there for three to five years.

Li Zhan is already the one who sets standards, so when he said, "I am willing to use big brands," he was not pretending, but a fact that came naturally.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and both of them found that time passed very quickly, and they were so happy every second that Ying Wanjun actually asked for leave to play with them.

On the morning of the fourth day, Li Zhan was waiting for Ying Wanjun at the school gate to start a new day's journey, but he saw a Changfeng V73 with a provincial military region license plate, and an acquaintance got out.

"Chief of Staff Chen?" Li Zhan was surprised and saluted quickly.

The visitor was Chen Jialiang, the chief of staff of the 28th Bomber Division. He returned the greeting with a smile, pointed at Li Zhan and said, "Xiao Li, this is no coincidence. I came here specifically to see you."

"Looking for me?" Li Zhan was surprised.

I actually found the entrance of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

"Captain Xue told me that I know you rarely get a break, but I really need your help, so I came here." Chen Jialiang said.

Li Zhan said reflexively, "Chief of Staff Chen, I have no ammunition to lend you. I really have no ammunition. There is nothing. The Western Military Exercise has destroyed all my inventory."

"Look at you, are you afraid that I won't return it to you? Haha, don't worry, I won't ask you to borrow ammunition because I have other things to do." Chen Jialiang said.

Li Zhan hesitated and said, "Can you wait a moment?"

"Let's talk on the phone and leave now." Chen Jialiang said, looking around, mainly because there were so many people here that it was difficult to talk.

Li Zhan insisted, "Just wait, she will come out soon, and I will say a few words to her."

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Jialiang said, "Okay, I'll wait for you over there."

After that, he took the car aside and waited, leaving some time and space for Li Zhan.

Ying Wanjun walked quickly to the school gate and saw a military vehicle parked under a tree on the side. She was immediately disappointed, but she soon returned to normal. She is a sensible person.

"There is probably an urgent military matter, so I have to leave early." Li Zhan said.

Ying Wanjun said, "I understand. Take care of yourself. I'm going to Beiku during the winter vacation."

"You should spend your time here alone and don't wrong yourself. Besides, you are growing, so you should eat more good food." Li Zhan said.

"I know, but I heard that growing taller means..."

"I have to go, take care of yourself."

Li Zhan turned around and left.

Ying Wanjun's cheeks turned red and she mustered up the courage to say something explicit, but Li Zhan didn't give her a chance. I have done nothing but hold hands these past few days. How can I grow up without being touched and stimulated? The book says that eating alone won’t do it!

Sighing and watching the military vehicle go away, Ying Wanjun still stood there unwilling to leave. I secretly thought to myself that if I went to Beiku during the holidays and stayed there until the Spring Festival, or even spent the New Year there, I would not believe that there would be no real progress!

What is the difference between high school girls and college girls?

The difference is that one is bigger than the other.

After studying hard for three years, I entered a colorful small society. After being ignorant, I broadened my horizons and knowledge, and also relaxed my hands and feet to gradually integrate with the outside society. You see, the freshman girls want to wrap themselves up, while the sophomores and juniors want all the men to look at them.

The flowers are blooming.

Next chapter 0:05.

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