Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 240 Li Zhan’s thinking of the poor

[It is Li Zhan’s short-sightedness to steal a huge sum of money and enjoy it. 】

A little embarrassing.

Li Zhan's reaction was quick, and he immediately said, "Regiment leader and Commander Bai are all here. Just in time, I have an important report. Academician Liu Xia is coming to inspect and will arrive the day after tomorrow."


Sure enough, everyone's attention was suddenly attracted by this matter.

Xue Xiangdong stood up and said, "I didn't receive a notice from the division. What's going on?"

"The notice must not have been sent out yet, and the arrangements are relatively hasty." Li Zhan said, "Didn't the Blue Sky Command ask me to set up a war information exchange station? Staff Zhang Te who came with me just told me that Academician Liu led a team Come over and help guide the construction of the design infrastructure.”

Xue Xiangdong immediately walked over and picked up the military line phone to call the division.

Li Zhan stood there and smiled sincerely at Bai Ou. Bai Ou sneered and waved him over. Li Zhan could only walk over and sit down in front of Bai Ou.

"Can you hide?" Bai Ou asked coldly.

Li Zhan smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Bai, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was impulsive..."

"What's wrong?" Bai Ou asked, squinting his eyes.

Li Zhan said, "The mistake was that I shouldn't have spoken out and made random comments. I was really wrong and I will definitely change it."

"How do you plan to change it?" Baiou asked.

Li Zhan said, "I have decided not to covet your J-10 anymore, and I promise not to make any mistakes again."

"So what if you covet it? Do you think you can keep my plane?" Bai Ou said murderously.

Li Zhan said, "No, no, the J-10 is not suitable for us in all aspects, but the Su San0 is fine."

"Master!" Yao Dongming almost spit out blood.

"Just kidding, haha." Li Zhan said sternly, "Mr. Bai, no more joking, I'm serious, I won't do anything else. To be honest, I just took over a pilot project from the Blue Sky Command The construction task is to build a tactical intelligence information exchange center, which is the prototype of the combat command and intelligence center. So I will focus on this aspect, and our Su 27 can still be used. Let’s use it first. The superiors should send us an annihilation weapon soon. eleven."

Bai Ou's mind was racing, and he looked at Yao Dongming, and then said coldly, "It has caused such great psychological damage to the officers and soldiers of the 300 Division and their families, and it's all done with a few words of apology? Is it that easy?"

"Mr. Bai, what do you want to do?" Li Zhan said with a wry smile.

"What is the situation of your tactical intelligence information exchange center? Command direction or database direction?" Baiou asked.

He is definitely an expert. The 300th Division is experimenting with tactical data links. The tactical intelligence information exchange center Li Zhan wants to build is actually an important support point for the tactical data links, but everyone calls it different. Information digitization is actually the same thing.

Li Zhan said, "I haven't had time to look at the overall plan. Zhang Te gave me a brief introduction. In the first phase, an information exchange center similar to a server will be built, mainly for flight information, weather data, and terrain data. Flights in the region provide real-time intelligence support. Other functions will be gradually added later.”

"Our Three Hundred Division also contributes. You talk to the Blue Air Command." Baiou said decisively. This is a good thing. He knew that Li Zhan had the "228" project in his hands, and the military air force gave him this pilot project. They don't know what the idea is.

Li Zhan was quite surprised and asked, "Mr. Bai, I guess it's okay to contribute, but this funding..."

"Let's solve part of it, you say." Bai Ou was very decisive.

You still have to have money. If you have money, you will have confidence and you will be straight when you speak.

After sighing for a moment, Li Zhan was secretly happy. It was within the scope of funding. Someone brought a pillow over to him and said, "Mr. Bai, the amount is relatively large."

"Just say it." Baiou waved his hand gently, showing off the arrogance of a "listed CEO" in a low-key manner.

Li Zhan considered it, his mind was racing, and he tentatively said, "It might be tens of millions."

"Ten million?" Yao Dongming frowned suddenly, looked at Baiou, and thought to himself, can ten million build up the important supporting end of the data link?

Li Zhan smiled awkwardly and said, "You can also contribute a few million, as much as you like."

"Only 10 million." Baiou waved his hand fiercely and said, "We will pay 10 million, but we must make it clear in the document that our 300th Division is one of the main construction units."

Isn't it just a name? Just as Li Zhan was about to agree, Xue Xiangdong hurriedly came over and interrupted, "Mr. Bai, we haven't finished this matter yet. Don't worry about settling on the details. We'll study it later. After all, ten million is not too much." Not too little.”

As he spoke, he glared at Li Zhan cryptically.

Li Zhan was shocked and realized - I have lowered the price!

"Li Zhan, settle this matter quickly. I'll arrange for the money to come over when I get back." Baiou said, turning to ask Yao Dongming, "Dongming, are the troops engaged in theoretical education? You go organize it, and Li Zhan will The captain needs to go over and explain to them about the defense change."

"No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no! Mr. Bai, why are you doing this?" Li Zhan suddenly became anxious and said hurriedly, "If there is anything that can be resolved through negotiation, it is actually not a big deal, so why bring the conflict to the forefront? What about the countertop, you think so?"

Xue Xiangdong shook his head helplessly. Young people are young people. They are too impatient.

Baiou said, "What do you think of this pilot of the Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center?"

"Commander Bai, even if I agree, the military air force may not be able to approve it. After all, you are not from our side." Li Zhan said helplessly.

"You don't need to worry about the rest. You can just apply as normal. You won't be short of money." Baiou said confidently.

Li Zhan looked at Xue Xiangdong for help.

Xue Xiangdong spoke, and he said, "Mr. Bai, it's okay for you to bully Xiao Li for not understanding the market, but this attack is too harsh. This tactical intelligence exchange center can't do well if it doesn't have hundreds of millions, so just take one Ten million will be required for the main construction unit.”

Damn, didn’t Zhang Te say tens of millions?

Li Zhan was ready to kill Zhang Te, but he didn't know that Zhang Te was not wrong in his estimation, but his perspective on the problem was tens of millions. Xue Xiangdong and Bai Ou, who have been division-level officers for so many years, have completely different perspectives and depths on issues.

No matter how awesome you Li Zhan is, no matter how much you study combat tactics, you are still just a captain. Without a big picture, you can't see many aspects of things.

Informatization construction is a gold-eating beast. The No. 1 Division in the World has such strong strength and has the full support of its superiors for so many years. It has only now managed to come up with a crude prototype of a data link, and in a strict sense it is still two-way data. chain, there is still a big gap between it and a true multi-directional integrated data chain. This alone requires support from more than a dozen top relevant research units.

Investing 10 million to open another stall and become the main construction unit and wait for the "profit", this kind of business is simply more exciting than pie in the sky. To take a step back, even if the Beiku project is not completed, the 10 million yuan is not wasted. As long as the 300th Division is the main construction unit, they will be heavily written in the history of information construction.

Sometimes failure is also a gain.

These are things that Li Zhan cannot see. He can only calculate simple economic accounts.

Is 10 million a lot for a fighter pilot? The amount of money submitted for approval by Baiou is rarely less than 10 million. Dozens of third-generation aircraft consume tens of millions of dollars in ammunition each year, and aviation fuel consumption is calculated in units of hundreds of millions of dollars.

What’s ten million?

Only the 73rd Fighter Division of the Chinese Air Force's Poor King's Division in the West thinks that is a lot of money.

For example, buying a plane ticket.

Poor person: The lowest price today is five hundred yuan, which is a good deal.

Rich man: No, two thousand five thousand is fine. The full price is ten thousand yuan less.

Poor person: It’s more than 500, and the infrastructure is 557, look at it.

The rich man handed over his mobile phone.

Poor man: Oh, you see first-class...

The next chapter will begin at one o'clock sharp tomorrow.

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