Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 241 No idea about money

[Such a great honor has been given away, and the little prince of the pull rod has a false reputation. 】

"You're too impulsive."

Xue Xiangdong said to Li Zhan, shaking his head helplessly, refilling Li Zhan's tea and saying, "Informatization construction has been going on for how many years, twenty years in total. Look at what the situation is now, what about informatization?"

"Captain, you have been wrong since 1991. In the 1990s, it was difficult to even update rifles. Talking about information construction is too extravagant." Li Zhan said.

Xue Xiangdong said in a deep voice, "You don't know many things. I don't understand technology, but I know the information construction of our army very well. Have you ever thought about why the military air force gave you this pilot?"

"I've thought about it." Li Zhan turned his head and looked at the door. Bai Ou and Yao Dongming had already been persuaded by Xue Xiangdong to send them away, buying some buffering time.

He considered it and said, "The first is because of the 228 Project. I have more resources available for this project, such as funding issues. The second is that tactical intelligence interaction must be improved through continuous actual combat practice. What we have here is The conditions are the best. Mainly for these two reasons.”

"Both are correct, but they are not the most important." Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan was all ears, and he found that he couldn't play with these "old foxes" at all.

"The most important reason is that you are a person who is good at creating miracles." If so, all resources must be concentrated and used under an order. You are put in charge of this pilot because the leaders know very well that there is no way to get returns on such investment in the short term. The investment of funds must be converted into combat effectiveness. Once this process It is too long, and when the current military expenditure is not sufficient, large investments will not be made in such projects."

"You are different. You have given the chiefs a lot of imagination. Think about it, how many miracles you have created. If I leave it to you, you may be able to do it, even a prototype. Think about it, isn't this another miracle?" Xue Xiangdong said. , "The other one is that you have a siphon effect. Why Baiou didn't even think about promising to invest 10 million for you? It's because of you. You let him see many possibilities. If he uses 10 million to do it, 99% of it won't work. , but if I vote for you, I will not only occupy the name of a major construction unit, but also have a high chance of success. Tell me, only fools will not do this kind of business. "

Li Zhan suddenly realized that he was so regretful that he died.

"I'm a guinea pig!"

Xue Xiangdong said, "Even that is made of gold. But I remind you that you can get some units to participate, but the identity of the main construction unit must not be given away. It cannot be given away or divided. This is the bottom line."

"Captain, is this identity that important?" Li Zhan asked with a frown.

Xue Xiangdong sneered and said, "Our army has created so many classic battles, how many of them have been written into military history? Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." Li Zhan gasped, "I didn't expect it would have such a big impact."

"If you do it, you will be famous in history, but if you don't, you will be a brave pioneer. No matter how you calculate it, you will not lose money on this deal. Ten million is nothing, and it is nothing to the Three Hundred Division." Xue Xiangdong said, shaking his head slightly. , "You are good at everything, but you have no idea about money, and you are still a little prince of levers. I think you are not worthy of your name."

Li Zhan sat up straight and said, "Yes, little prince of the lever, I really have no idea about money. How much is more or less, I really don't have a specific understanding."

"Hey, you have taken advantage of this. You know I didn't mean that." Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan sighed and said, "If I can't do it, I'll beg for help everywhere. I'll contact everyone I can in the 28th Division, transport pilots, training bases, and flight academies. There are more or less research funds, big and small, and I can fight for them." Let’s count one point at a time.”

"Academician Liu is coming to inspect, aren't you going to take advantage of such a good opportunity?" Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan said, "Of course we must make use of it. Academicians should have tens of millions of scientific research funds every year."

"In addition to scientific research funding, they have a great influence on national scientific research projects. If they can apply for a grant, wouldn't they also be able to solve part of the funding?" Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan thought thoughtfully, "Yes, those in the military system and the National Defense Research Fund should be able to give it a try. We must receive Academician Liu and his party well."

"Then go and prepare. Let's put the matter of the Three Hundred Division aside for now. They won't be able to escape." Xue Xiangdong said.

Li Zhan did what he said. Without delaying for a minute, Li Zhan immediately started preparing to welcome Academician Liu Xia and his party. He does not need to arrange the reception, but he has to prepare materials for reporting. He really wanted to fly, but after roughly arranging things, he found that the time he could fly would be greatly reduced in the future.

In addition to the construction of war situation interaction points, another important thing has been revealed in the research on the "228" project.

Nie Jianfeng quickly approached the 228 office with a sealed kraft paper bag and said, "Lao Li, there is news from the Army. They have sent a detailed analysis report."

"What analysis report?" Li Zhan raised his head and asked blankly without turning his head.

Nie Jianfeng handed over the kraft paper file bag, pulled up a chair and sat down, "You forgot, they have concluded the damage effect report of the last air-to-surface missile attack, please take a look."

Li Zhan quickly opened the file bag, took out the thick analysis report and read it page by page. After reading one page, he handed it to Nie Jianfeng, who continued to read.

Yuan Boning sent someone to deliver it specially. Last time, after Li Zhan accidentally hit the simulated target of the Army's electronic reconnaissance department, he inadvertently took away the mission of Yuan Boning and others. Later, he conducted a joint land-air live-fire shooting to help Yuan Boning and others attack targets that were difficult to access through the ground. , it’s a return of favor.

During the first live-fire firing, Li Zhan accidentally discovered that the old KH-31P anti-radiation air-to-ground missile seemed to have the ability to automatically correct itself to attack the greatest threat target in the second half. In order to verify this judgment, he conducted a test in the second live fire shooting.

I have been waiting for the analysis report from the Army. Because of the terrain and distance, this work progressed very slowly, and Li Zhan, who had so many things to do, forgot about it.

The relevant units of the Army worked very seriously, and the analysis report was very detailed and well-founded. The views were very objective with pictures and texts. At the same time, they also made a detailed analysis based on the weather, terrain, and flight parameters of the fighter jets when launching missiles.

Li Zhan was very satisfied, and it saved him a lot of time.

"It is basically certain that the second half of the KH-31P has the ability to automatically correct and select the maximum radiation source." Li Zhan put down the last page of the report and pointed to the most critical description above. "At that time, I was cross-launching. I fired first. The new domestic air-to-ground missile uses active radar signals to guide the KH-31P. The KH-31P opened the gap very accurately and flew in, indicating that the seeker has been clinging to the active radar signal."

Nie Jianfeng said, "There are no preset target parameters and the active radar signal of a domestic air-to-ground missile is used as the signal source. Lao Li, you are taking a big risk. Once the missile determines that the carrier aircraft is the target, you are finished."

"It's safe if I don't turn on the phone." Li Zhan said with a smile, "And there are no radar signal sources within hundreds of kilometers, so it's very safe."

"Even if there is one, that's a goal, right?" Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan shrugged and said, "That's what I mean. How about you write the report. This discovery can save tens of millions of military expenditures. The back-installation people must have a way to make those KH imported more than ten years ago -31P returns to a greater role."

"Write down what you discovered. I can't take the credit." Nie Jianfeng shook his head and said.

Saving tens of millions of dollars for the military is no small feat.

Li Zhan said, "Don't be pretentious. We discussed and analyzed this matter at the beginning, but you are not involved. You are responsible for the follow-up matters, and that's it. You haven't seen how busy I am. I'm almost half You haven’t flown in months, do you know?”

"You can't fly even if you want to. The plane is still being repaired. Of course, you can fly the J-7 No. 037." Nie Jianfeng stopped being pretentious and said with a smile.

Li Zhan shook his head and sighed and said, "As the old saying goes, it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After flying the Su Liangqi, I feel no mood at all when I see the Jianqi."

Nie Jianfeng sneered.

Sure enough, Li Zhan changed the subject and said, "But it's better than nothing. If we don't have any aircraft, we can only use J-7."

After all, it still smells good.

Nie Jianfeng said, "I asked my classmates that the Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense has a funding directory for major projects, which provides each project with seed funding support ranging from several million to hundreds of millions yuan every year for five consecutive years. Is it possible to provide support for Can the Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center pilot project seek this support?”

"Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry?" Li Zhan tried hard to find the impression of this department in his memory, but found that it was blank. He asked, "The original Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense?"

"Yes, the one working in the Government Affairs Council is not our military system." Nie Jianfeng said, "A college classmate of mine works there."

Li Zhan frowned and said, "It is difficult for our army's projects to obtain local scientific research funds, unless major national projects are led by relevant ministries and commissions."

"There is nothing to lose if you give it a try. If you can get tens of millions, it will be quite impressive in five years. And this is seed capital. With this support, units at all levels must provide certain supporting funds to the project. "Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, realizing the appeal of this seed support fund.

Generally speaking, after receiving national-level seed support funds, the provincial, municipal, and county levels must provide certain matching funds. National-level seed support funds are relatively small. If you expect to invest 10 million in a project, you may only receive 1.8 million in support funds, but it is of great significance. Obtaining national-level support means receiving national-level recognition, and the provincial, city, and county levels will have more reasons to provide you with relevant support.

If Li Zhan can get the Beiku Tactical Intelligence Center pilot construction project into the national defense science and industry major project support catalog, it will have another more positive meaning - if it brings glory to the army, all levels of the army will be more willing to give you money.

But the difficulty is also directly proportional. Military and civil affairs have always been two separate accounts. Although they both fall under the category of national defense scientific research, they have rarely overlapped. Unless a major national project, such as manned spaceflight, is mobilized across the country, the distinction between military and civilian areas will be blurred.

Li Zhan said, "No matter what, of course I have to give it a try if I have the chance."

Next chapter 8am.

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