Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 254 The past is like smoke, don’t mention it again

The second test flight went smoothly. In the next week, Li Zhan conducted all seven test flights on the old No. 01 aircraft, and then it was determined that the fighter aircraft met the standards for re-service.

However, Xue Xiangdong and a few others found that Li Zhan was not in a high mood. For people like him, who regard flying as their life, it should be a very happy thing for planes to be able to return to the sky.

Maybe it was because of that top-secret telegram.

After Li Zhan took care of the old machine No. 01, he immediately found Zhang Yuan, mysteriously.

Entering winter, the climate changes in the Beiku region will be very obvious. Compared with summer, the wind gusts will be more active and there will be more rain, just the opposite of the southern region. In addition, the Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center needs a large amount of local weather data to enrich the database, so Zhang Yuan was busy during this period.

"I don't think I have time to chat with you. If you have something to say, hurry up and leave." Zhang Yuan raised his head and said something, then he went back to his desk and continued working.

Li Zhan pulled up his chair, sat down, and said, "The old battalion commander sent me a telegram."

"I'll send you a telegram... who?" Zhang Yuan suddenly stopped writing, was stunned, and suddenly raised his head, "Old battalion commander? Which old battalion commander?"

Li Zhan said, "Guo Beimu, he is now the chief of staff of Duda Station. But I speculate that the so-called chief of staff of the station is just a formal position. Man, the old army has been rebuilt."

"What? Really?" Zhang Yuan stood up in surprise and stared at Li Zhan.

Li Zhan pressed his hands and said, "Calm down."

After taking several heavy breaths to control his suddenly agitated emotions, Zhang Yuan slowly sat down and smiled bitterly, "Lao Li, does that mean we don't have to pretend to be unfamiliar with each other in the future?"

"Do you need to pretend that you and I are old comrades in the Second Division?" Li Zhan asked.

Zhang Yuan sighed lightly and said, "I always feel uncomfortable. Forget it, pretend I didn't ask, I understand."

"The reconstruction of the old army does not mean that the confidentiality level of us old guys has been lowered." Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "Let's get down to business, the old battalion commander hopes that I can go back, and of course you."

"Go back?" Zhang Yuan frowned and then fell into deep thought.

He couldn't help but take out a cigarette and light one. He rarely smoked and continued to smoke one puff after another. Li Zhan also took out one and smoked it, feeling equally irritable. If this telegram had appeared when he first arrived at the Second Division, he would certainly not have hesitated at all.

But now, times have changed.

"If we go back, what role can old guys like you and me play? Can we still return to our peak condition?" After a long time, Zhang Yuan asked the question sharply.

Li Zhan remained silent.

Zhang Yuan said, "I can see that you want to go back. You want to avenge Liu Guisong, right?"

Li Zhan continued to be silent.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice, "Old Li, it's over. The rest will be done by those who come after you. You, me, and other old comrades who came out alive will never go back to the past."

"Furthermore, why did the old battalion commander send a telegram instead of directly asking his superiors to issue an order? Maybe he didn't want us to go back, but he couldn't help himself." Zhang Yuan said in a low voice.

Li Zhan sighed slightly, "But I always feel regretful."

"How can there be a perfect life? Even for the tasks we have carried out, how many times can it be called perfect? ​​No, none." Zhang Yuan thought about it and said, "It's been two years, can we start again?" It’s not easy to integrate into normal military camp life, it’s not easy at all. Besides, look, can you leave easily? There are so many projects and so many tasks that are all directed at you to lead everyone to complete them. Maybe you can play a greater role by staying here than when you go back. Do you know its function?"

Li Zhan said, "I saw their aircraft at Duda Station some time ago, and they are completely different from the ones we used before. It has only been two years, and the changes are too fast for me to accept."

Sighing deeply, he said, "The ones who should continue to struggle should be left behind. Yes, let the past be a memory. I just, just..."

"I'm just excited to learn that the old army has been rebuilt, and so am I." Zhang Yuan shook his head and said, "To be honest, we killed the army alive. Even if we want to go back, I'm afraid the superiors will be unhappy. Lao Li , forget it, you can’t choose life, just let nature take its course.”

Li Zhan stood up and said, "I understand. This is the end of the matter. The past is like smoke. Let's make a clean cut."

"I'm waiting for your words. If you don't say it, no one will dare to say it." Zhang Yuan stood up and saluted Li Zhan.

Li Zhan returned the courtesy, turned around and left.

Only now has he truly put down everything he experienced in those two years, looked at the problem objectively as a bystander, put that experience together with other experiences, and recalled and evaluated them equally. No matter how much blood you have shed and how much sacrifice you have made compared to others, aren't they just a little insignificant incident in the vast history of a small person that will not even be mentioned?

Li Zhan called Liu Guojian, and Liu Guojian quickly called back this time.


"I understand, Lao Guo has already told me." Liu Guojian still had a hot-tempered style, "You don't have to worry about him, just finish the subject at hand with peace of mind. I don't have much time for you."

Sure enough, the old battalion commander had already talked to the master, and their opinions must be the same.

Li Zhan felt much better and said, "Master, can you tell me what you are doing now and what you want me to do in the future."

"Are you stupid for earning the rod fee? Have you forgotten the confidentiality discipline? You bastard, I think you are getting carried away now! You don't dare to ask anything about what I am doing!" Liu Guojian immediately scolded him, "Flying Shark training next month For team selection, you submit your name and the assessment will be organized in June next year. It will take half a year to complete the recruitment, and your 228 project and the pilot construction of the Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center will be carried out as soon as possible. All in all, I only give you half a year."

Li Zhan suddenly became anxious, "Master, no, it won't work in half a year. It's only half done on the 228th project, and the Tactical Intelligence Interaction Center has just started working on it. It can't be done in half a year. No one can do it after I leave. Hold those two things together.”

"Ouch, are you sure you can pass the assessment and join the Flying Sharks training team?" Liu Guojian said with a sneer, "Let me tell you, your old comrade from the second division, Zhang Xueyang, returned to the old army yesterday and was eliminated at the last stage."

Li Zhan was immediately shocked, "What? He has been training for more than a year and yet he was eliminated?"

"What do you think the Flying Shark training team does? It's a one-in-a-million elimination system!" Liu Guojian sneered.

Li Zhan had a new understanding of the standard requirements of the Flying Sharks training team. Zhang Xueyang was also eliminated. Doesn't it mean that among the group of people who participated in the selection last year, the Second Division was completely wiped out?

The famous Nan Batian was completely wiped out. How strict are the requirements of the Flying Shark Training Team!

"That's not okay, Master, I can't leave the mess to others." Li Zhan came back to his senses and said with a wry smile.

Liu Guojian took the exam for a while and said in a deep voice, "Okay, listen, I will give you one year at most. You must participate in the selection of the Flying Sharks training team at the end of 2011. I only have you as my remaining apprentice. Just point at you and give me a face!"

"Yes! I am determined to complete the mission!"

The fifth update, today’s explosive update is over.

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