Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 255: Shameless tactics with no lower limit

Master knew everything, so Li Zhan could only bear it silently. Especially those words about making money from pulling rod fees were stupid, which stung Li Zhan's sincere heart.

If you don't have time to be sad, seize the time to train and work on projects, and then the confrontation drill with the 300th Division is imminent.

There is no way to complete the pilot construction of the tactical intelligence exchange center in one year, but the "228" project can be completed. Li Zhan had no time to think too much, so he carried out one by one according to priority, compressing time as much as possible while maintaining quality and quantity.

Because the desert paint failed to arrive in time, Li Zhan simply asked the repair shop to paint the rear half of the fuselage and wings of the No. 01 old aircraft with a gray low-visibility paint, which was exactly the same as the No. 037 J-7E. So the No. 01 old aircraft formed a weird painting with a chicken head (radome), a chicken neck (cockpit section), a chicken body, and a color.

It's quite unique after watching it for a long time.

Therefore, the two-color SU-27SK fighter jet with the three characters "Good Luck" on the cockpit section became the characteristic of the Falcon Captain's aircraft. The radio call sign "01" was simply moved to the twin vertical tails. The same More conspicuous.

In order to deal with the menacing 300 Division, the Falcon Brigade once again kicked off high-intensity training. The main training content was aerobatic maneuvers, with the purpose of enhancing the troops' air combat capabilities. This process was repeatedly interspersed with confrontation training, burning aviation fuel and enjoying the world to the point of flying.

The jerkiness that Li Zhan felt after the No. 01 old aircraft was revived disappeared after 30 hours of flying. It seemed to be a running-in problem with the new wings. After reaching 100% integration with the fuselage, the jerkiness disappeared. . This made Li Zhan happy, and the thirty-hour flight only took four days.

Li Zhan works hard every day to serve the old machine No. 01, praying that she will not fall off the chain.

With such an intensity of 27,000 tie rod fees for four days, how much will it cost to stop for one day?

In response to the numerous obstacles set up by the 300th Division, the 101st Regiment and even the 73rd Division tried their best to find out the relevant information. The Falcon Brigade also blocked the information in kind. This blockade is not an ordinary blockade, but cuts off all connections between the Beiku Station and the outside world, leaving only combat communication lines. All personnel are not allowed to enter or exit. Anyone who uses communication equipment without approval will be subject to military law.

Late at night on November 10, there were only two hours until the Air Force's Army Day. The superiors decided to hold the confrontation drill on this day as a tribute to the Air Force's Army Day.

In the name of combat readiness patrol, the Falcon Group took off four fully fueled SU-27SKs to carry out combat patrols. The person responsible for the arbitration and command of this confrontation exercise is the Beikku Command Post, which explicitly requires that the actions of both parties must begin at 00:00 on November 11. All operations related to the confrontation exercise will not be approved until then.

Therefore, the Falcon Brigade could only take off four fighter planes in the name of combat readiness patrol. With full fuel, those long legs can stay in the air for four hours, which means that the fighter planes can directly join the battle in the last two hours without taking off. The most important thing is to avoid being destroyed by air strikes on the ground.

Li Zhan had taken some targeted actions against Dongkuchang Station and Nankuchang Station a few days ago, and he had done so without telling the North Finger, and it was definitely not considered a violation.

At 23:00 in the middle of the night on November 10, a J-8FR tactical reconnaissance aircraft was parked at the take-off position of the runway. Refueling trucks, power supply trucks, refueling trucks, heater trucks, etc. were all on the side to maintain protection for the fighter aircraft. Zhu Wei Sitting in the cockpit waiting for instructions from the tower.

As soon as midnight passes, he will take off, first heading towards East Kuchang Station, and then turning to South Kuchang Station, performing an early reconnaissance mission. Although the trip may be in vain, this task must be carried out, and at least the specific conditions of the above two stations that are most likely to be selected by the 300 Division to be stationed in the base can be confirmed.

In addition, there are two other SU-27UBKs lined up behind the J-8FR. They will take off immediately after the J-8FR takes off to provide air cover for the J-8FR. The Nie Jianfeng crew and Han Hongjun crew are responsible for this.

The Falcon Group has eight SU-27SKs and eight SU-27UBKs. Four SU-27SKs and two SU-27UBKs have been arranged. The remaining two SU-27SKs and six SU-27UBKs are missing. Li Zhan and the remaining pilots also disappeared.

As time went by, the battle was about to break out. The atmosphere at Beikuchang Station was very solemn and tense. The officers and soldiers at various posts were all waiting for orders quietly without any sleep.

How the Yao Dongming Brigade of the 300th Division will fire the first shot is a question that all the officers and soldiers of the Falcon Brigade are thinking about. In turn, Yao Dongming's brigade is also analyzing what tactics the Falcon brigade will adopt.

Even if the battle started at night, it would start at dawn. The Falcon Brigade had no idea. This is the disadvantage of losing the initiative on the battlefield. If the Falcon Battalion is the attacker and Yao Dongming's Battalion defends Youhuchang Station, then the latter will also be at the same disadvantage.

Sometimes the battle is so unreasonable, just like the last time Li Zhan broke the rules and beat the second division on the track.

"Where is Li Zhan? Why don't I know anything about it?" Bao Guanhua asked Xue Xiangdong.

Although Bao Guanhua will change his career and leave next month, he will definitely be at the tower with Xue Xiangdong for such a large military operation.

Xue Xiangdong said, "I don't know either. I asked, but he didn't want to tell. The radio also went silent. Only when it is turned on can the contact be restored."

"You don't know either?" Bao Guanhua frowned.

"He is the first commander and I am the substitute. He strictly requires confidentiality. No one knows except the directly related personnel." Xue Xiangdong said.

Bao Guanhua shook his head, "This confidentiality work is done well."

"But it is very necessary. In order to achieve the purpose of surprise, the Three Hundred Division actually asked the head of their military region to help block the news. The battle is much bigger than ours." Xue Xiangdong said helplessly.

Bao Guanhua said with a smile, "They are worried about repeating the mistakes of the Second Division, so it is understandable that the formation should be larger. They came with Su Sanling from the same brigade, which was not a little bit more advanced than the old Su Liangqi from the Falcon brigade." If we lose the confrontation, the reputation of the best division in the world will be disgraced."

"The Second Division was not yet known as Nanbatian. At that time, the Eagle and Falcon Battalion still used J-7s, and they were beaten to the ground. If the tactics are used properly, the battle can be won with the old equipment, but it will be more difficult. I am very fond of the Eagle and Falcon. The team is confident," Xue Xiangdong said.

Bao Guanhua said with emotion, "I will retire soon. I won this confrontation. This retirement gift is of great significance. I will have no regrets for most of my life."

"Old Bao." Xue Xiangdong suddenly said in a lowered voice, "I have bad news for you. I'm afraid your wish to disband and return to the field will come to nothing."

Bao Guanhua frowned, "Huh?"

"Just digest it well. The order will probably come down in a few days. You can't leave." Xue Xiangdong said with a smile, no longer caring about Bao Guanhua who was stunned there, walked to the command position and sat down, preparing to fight.

Li Zhan can really bring good luck, good luck worthy of the name.

In order to ensure that the 101st Regiment and the Beikuku Field Station continue to develop strongly and maintain the current momentum, the Military Region Air Force and the Division Headquarters have decided not to make any major moves for the time being against the regimental commander after repeated discussions and studies. In other words, stability must be ensured. Otherwise, if you change the political commissar of the regiment, the running-in situation among the teams is unknown, which will affect the current rapid and powerful development momentum of the army.

In order to receive special treatment under special circumstances, it was decided to cancel Bao Guanhua's decision to change jobs and continue to serve as the political commissar of the 101st Regiment and the political commissar of the Beikuku Station as a deputy division level.

Xue Xiangdong received this news a few hours ago. According to Chen Hualin's instructions, he disclosed it to Bao Guanhua in advance so that he could be mentally prepared.

Who is willing to change careers if they can stay and continue working? Especially at this age, not to mention whether you can get used to a completely different life when you return to the place where you live, starting from scratch is not a difficult task.

The bottom line is that he is unwilling to take off the military uniform he has worn for nearly thirty years.

Similar to Xue Xiangdong's situation, Bao Guanhua's level has gone up. Although he still serves as the regiment political commissar and the station political commissar, he is also at the full regiment level, but there will be more possibilities in the future.

Maybe I will work for three or two years and then retire and change my career, or maybe I will continue working. These are also not personal decisions.

In the final analysis, it is still the same sentence. When you wear this military uniform, you give control over yourself to the army, regardless of your rank or position.

The question is, where did Li Zhan and the rod pilots go?

Two SKs and six UBKs were missing. They were the absolute main force of the Falcon Brigade. Judging from Li Zhan's troop deployment, there is no doubt that the main force in the battle is six UBKs, which are two-seat SU-27s. In order to ensure both sufficient air combat capabilities and a certain ground strike capability, the best choice is naturally to integrate more two-seat fighters into the main force.

There is no doubt that Li Zhan's troop deployment is targeted and he already has a complete combat plan.

At this moment, he is waiting for news. Maybe it was the news about the ground reconnaissance team ambushing at Dongkuchang Station, maybe it was the order from the North Point to start fighting, maybe it was something else, in short, it was so uncomfortable to lose the initiative on the battlefield.

He ran out and hid in despair, wasn't he just afraid that his apprentice would bring a group of professional fighter-bombers and destroy his plane on the runway?

Not all eight fighters were concentrated in one place. Nan Lianghong brought two UBKs and hid them in the 102nd Regiment's station. Yang Jinshan took two and hid them in the 103rd Regiment's station. The most egregious one, Li Zhan, He, his wingman Wu Zhen and the other two UBKs hid at the Nanku Station...

His method is to take the Nanku Station as his own first. If Yao Dongming lands at the Nanku Station, he will get the news at least an hour in advance. He will take off fighter planes and lie in wait for Yao Dongming to infiltrate...

Shameless to the extreme.

Dongkuchang station cannot be occupied, because it is a base clearly designated by the North Point for Yao Dongming's brigade. If you occupy it, you will be acting rogue, and it will also violate the rules. Nanku Station is different. Anyone can use it. You only need to inform the station one hour in advance to ensure the safety. Li Zhan has a good relationship with Shi Zezhong, the stationmaster of Nankuchang Station, and has two old friends, Zhu Wei and Yuan Boning, who have trained here as friendship multipliers. After several negotiations, they promised to visit Nankuchang Station more often in the future. After the training, Shi Zezhong agreed to cooperate in completing this wait-and-see plan.

In fact, the probability of Yao Dongming choosing Nanku Station as his base is very small. This small station can only guarantee a few SU-30MKKs, and he has twelve in his group. However, the possibility of Yao Dongming's dispersed deployment cannot be ruled out.

The only thing Li Zhan could do at this time was to sit in the tower of Nankuchang Station, put his flight helmet at hand, and wait quietly. The radar at Beikuchang Station and the radar at Nankuchang Station have been scanning the night sky, and will report immediately if there are any clues.

I'm afraid that Yao Dongming will imitate his master's skill of low-altitude penetration. It is difficult for ground radar to detect low-altitude targets. The terrain in the Dabeiku area is so complex, and there are too many environments that can be exploited.

He was very calm, but others were not so relaxed.

Lin Fei, who had taught Li Zhan how to fly the J-6 Plus, frowned and said, "Captain, judging from the distance and site distribution, it is very likely that they will transfer to the central Shaanxi area or the Jincheng area. If they take off from there, it will take an hour. It would take an hour and a half to reach the Beiku area, that is, they would arrive at the battlefield between one and one-thirty in the morning on the 11th. From this point of view, they should report to the North Finger Notification Landing Station around 23:30 on the 10th. But now it’s past that time.”

It was already 23:45 on the 10th.

Li Zhan's mind kept spinning, and he was guessing what tactics Yao Dongming would adopt.

"Old Lin, please be patient. We still have fifteen minutes. The situation will become clear later," Li Zhan said in a deep voice.

Lin Fei said, "Captain, the Red Army commander is your apprentice, what do you think he will do?"

Shaking his head slightly, Li Zhan said, "Actually, we have enough time to deal with whatever he does. What I'm most worried about is that he will adopt extreme tactics..."

"What extreme tactics?" Lin Fei was shocked.

Li Zhan didn't have a complete idea, so he thought and said, "No matter which station they stop at, there should be news. This is very strange. No matter how powerful the 300th Division is, they can't ask the stations of other military regions for help. The news is blocked. But if Su Sanling doesn't stop over, even if Su Sanling's voyage is enough, they won't have the margin to deal with emergencies, let alone fight..."

Suddenly, Li Zhan's eyes froze, and he stood up and asked the radar operator urgently, "Focus on the search basin! Have you found anything about the Beiku Mountains?"

"Report! Nothing found in the basin! There is no enemy report from the Beiku Radar Station!" The radar operator was startled by Li Zhan's eager voice and reported quickly.

Li Zhan ordered Lin Fei, "Old Lin, you take over the tower command, I must take off immediately!"

"Captain, what's going on?" Lin Fei was very nervous by this sudden change.

Li Zhan patted his head and said, "That kid probably didn't make a stop, but ran directly from Youhu to Beiku via aerial refueling! I forgot that Su Sanling has the ability to refuel in the air! Damn it!"

We are really afraid of whatever comes next. What we are most afraid of is that Yao Dongming's brigade marches long distances to Beiku on time!

The first update today, the next update will probably be in the afternoon.

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