Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 256 Saturation Attack

I thought that after making corresponding arrangements, I would be able to regain some initiative. According to the current deployment, except for a direct long-distance attack from Youhuchang Station, other tactics would be difficult to form a real surprise attack on the Falcon Brigade.

However, when Li Zhan realized that the SU-30MKKs equipped by Yao Dongming's brigade were capable of aerial refueling, he also realized that the initiative had always been in Yao Dongming's hands.

You will suffer the consequences yourself - don't forget, Li Zhan reminded Yao Dongming that the core of all tactics is speed. Everything can be broken only by speed. Speed ​​can solve all problems.

Unexpectedly, Yao Dongming understood it so quickly and used it directly against his master.

There was no other way but to take off immediately to prepare for the battle. With the initiative lost, Li Zhan felt uncomfortable all over. He felt that the blue army simulated by the Falcon Brigade was too suffocated and was being pressed by the red army to choose parts to fight. This was not Are you following the same old path?

Li Zhan couldn't figure out what the problem was, and he didn't have time to think about it.

He quickly boarded the plane and performed emergency takeoff procedures, giving a thumbs up to the aircraft maintenance staff. His white labor protection gloves gave people an extra romantic feeling of revolutionary love at night. This is not the most exciting thing that makes people dare to fight and win. The luminous "good luck" lights on both sides of the cockpit section are what give the officers and soldiers endless battle consciousness that is absolutely stronger than the enemy, absolutely higher than the enemy's standards, and absolute loyalty to the party. The place of spirit!

Under the leadership of Li Zhan, six fighter planes took off from Nanku Field Station in just a few minutes in a two-plane formation emergency takeoff.

Three minutes later, the North Command issued the order to start the confrontation drill.

Five minutes later, Li Zhan received a report from Lin Fei: Beikuchang Station was attacked by the Red Army.

The worst happened.

What frightens Li Zhan the most is that there are so many radars in the Beiku area and fighter planes patrolling the sky, but no trace of Yao Dongming's brigade has been found. It is basically certain that they broke through at a very low altitude. After a long-distance flight of more than 3,000 kilometers, it also successfully implemented an ultra-low-altitude penetration of hundreds of kilometers, which fully proves that Yao Dongming's brigade's performance in this subject is at least at the forefront of the entire army.

The learning consciousness of the Three Hundred Masters is really very strong.

Fortunately, Li Zhan made corresponding arrangements. What Yao Dongming's brigade destroyed was only the J-7Es of the second and third brigade, while the No. 101 J-8FR driven by Zhu Wei and those of Nie Jianfeng's crew and Han Hongjun's crew who stayed at Beiku Field Station The two SU-27UBKs completed the emergency takeoff within one minute after the order to start the confrontation was given, so they survived.

It is more than 4,000 kilometers from Youhuchang Station to Beikuchang Station. The SU-30MKK needs at least one long-term aerial refueling to have enough fuel to directly enter the battle after arriving at the battlefield. There are a total of twelve SU-30MKKs, and aerial refueling alone is a big operation. And at night, the danger and difficulty of aerial refueling are doubled. The fact that Yao Dongming's brigade was able to achieve no single combat loss is enough to prove that the brigade's combat strength is very strong.

In the last section, they started to fly at low altitude from 300 kilometers southeast of Nankuchang Station. After approaching Nankuchang Station, they made a slight detour and entered the desert basin. They used ultra-low-altitude penetration to fight against the start time. Successfully carried out an attack on Beikukuchang Station.

To be fair, the low-altitude penetration of Yao Dongming's brigade was much more difficult than the last time the Eagle and Falcon brigade raided the Second Division. After a flight of more than 4,000 kilometers, the pilots' physical strength and energy had dropped to low levels. In this case, they not only penetrated the defense at ultra-low altitude, but also flew at ultra-low altitude for a longer distance.

It's a pity that the apprentice can't fight against the master.

When Yao Dongming received the report of the battle results of the North Finger, he was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He was exhausted and tried his best to give the "notorious" Falcon Brigade an unexpected surprise, but in the end, the fist he opened was punched out, but it hit the air.

Even if you destroy all those tattered J-7s, what's the use?

The success of the raid is of little significance. The traces of the troops are exposed. Next, prepare for the swarming attack of the falcon brigade.

First, the four SU-27SKs on early patrol discovered the target that climbed up after the successful raid fifty kilometers away. All twelve aircraft in three batches appeared on the airborne radar display. The attack on Beikuku Station meant the loss of ground command. However, the real commander of the Falcon Group is in the sky, on the No. 01 two-color old aircraft.

According to the plan, the four SU-27SKs selected the four nearest targets and launched attacks. They basically can't beat them. The combat capabilities of the two fighters are not even the slightest difference. The airborne radar of the SU-30MKK is much stronger than that of the SU-27SK, and the gap is at least as high as three or four floors. In other words, the other party has already discovered them.

All in all, the main task of the four SU-27SKs responsible for early patrols was to buy time for the main force.

At this time, the Falcon Brigade had already surrounded Yao Dongming's Brigade. When Yao Dongming realized this, it was already too late.

First of all, the J-8FR piloted by Zhu Wei and the SU-27UBK piloted by Nie Jianfeng crew and Han Hongjun crew that were responsible for air cover did not need to perform the original reconnaissance mission. Instead, they immediately climbed up and turned around to point at Yao Dongming's brigade. They came from the east Pounce straight on.

Li Zhan's main force opened a wall of falcons to the south, and to the north was the border...

What needs to be pointed out in particular is that the Falcon Brigade all struggled to climb to an altitude of 10,000 meters and then launched all medium-range air-to-air missiles at a distance of about 30 kilometers.

Almost at the same time, radar warning sounds sounded in the cockpits of the twelve SU-30MKKs of Yao Dongming's brigade. It was not an ordinary warning sound, but a warning sound that was locked by the fire control radar! All pilots in the group found that targets marking important threats appeared on three sides of them, except for the border on the north side.

Ten seconds later, all the fighter planes of the Falcon Group dived down to altitude almost simultaneously to perform evasive maneuvers, using the terrain that had been identified long ago as cover.

Only one J-8FR flying at high speed from east to west was still flying at high altitude, and the signal relay pod under the belly of the aircraft had already started working.

When Yao Dongming understood what was going on, they were already surrounded on three sides by 64 medium-range air-to-air missiles, and the distance was only 20 kilometers away.

Yao Dongming felt a mouthful of blood well up in his throat - this was a saturation attack!

Isn't he the King of Rags in the West? Why is he so wealthy?

Fortunately, there was still a distance of twenty kilometers. Yao Dongming and his comrades rolled wildly and made evasive maneuvers in a hurry, trying to defeat the stranglehold of dozens of medium-range air-to-air missiles. They even risked swooping into the mountains at night in an attempt to use the mountains as cover. At least Yao Dongming has the confidence to avoid medium-range air-to-air missiles 20 kilometers away. The more complex the terrain, the easier it is to handle. Of course, there are also risks. But there is no risk in fighting.

What makes Yao Dongming feel strange is that the Falcon Brigade evaded after launching the missiles instead of continuing to rush in to replenish the guns. This is illogical! Even if they count on their side and prepare to launch medium-range bullets, they should not blindly avoid them, but should shorten the engagement distance at the same time.

This is not the fighting style of the Falcon Brigade at all.

"Red Army Brigade, this is Beizhi. You have all been shot down. Return to Dongku."

? ? ?

I have something to update during the day. I will be updating with double monthly tickets on the 29th, 30th and 31st. Please support me. The next chapter will be during the day tomorrow.

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