Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 257 You are very good, you are 80% as good as me.

What the hell?

Why were they all shot down?

The review was held at Beiku Field Station. Bai Ou, the commander of the 300th Division, brought two J-10Bs to Beikuku through aerial refueling to participate in the review meeting.

Being an Air Force pilot is great. Transportation can be combined with field-transfer training. This not only achieves the purpose of training the troops, but also allows people to have meetings in another place.

Vice Minister Liang, the head of the North Point on duty, glanced around with a smile and said, "Meeting, our review meeting today is also a meeting to summarize experiences and lessons. It is the last meeting of this year's cross-regional confrontation drill."

The large conference room was filled with leaders and pilots from both sides of the confrontation. Bai Ou became angry when he saw Deputy Minister Liang smiling. Wasn't it Vice Minister Liang who was in charge of the director's department during the last confrontation exercise that the Second Division participated in? This is not the first time that the head of the Lankong Agency has shamelessly treated one of his own.

This time against the Three Hundred Division, it can be said that a lot of effort was put into it. In order to achieve the goal of completely blocking the news, Baiou used all his strength to contact and jump up and down to achieve his goal. He took the risk of using a long-distance attack to launch a low-altitude penetration attack on the Blue Army base at the beginning of the confrontation exercise. The Blue Army's air defense system did not detect it until it succeeded. It can definitely be regarded as a model battle example.

However, it still failed.

Moreover, the entire army was wiped out, and I don’t even know why.

Yao Dongming was still in a trance, as if he hadn't woken up. He hadn't fallen asleep since he landed in the early morning. His eye sockets were sunken and full of melanin, and he couldn't get rid of the blockage in his heart.

He still can't figure out what's going on.

Why is it all gone?

The Falcon Brigade could not help but grin and smile to prevent themselves from appearing too complacent. The pilots of the brother units were on the opposite side and could easily be beaten if they acted too much. Li Zhan had offended the officers and soldiers of the 300 Division because of his change of defense, and was so frightened that he wanted to hide outside. The 300th Division also had a very bad temper, and they would really fight if they said they would. They could compete with the bad temper of the Western Ragged King Division.

The main reason is that they won, so everyone in the Falcon Brigade is in a good mood. It doesn't matter if the brothers of the 300 Division look better on the scene.

Comrade Li Zhan, the instigator, sat there expressionless, but he was already happy in his heart. Although the entire combat plan was designed by him, he did not expect to achieve such good results and was ready to continue fighting. Unfortunately, Yao Dongming's brigade lacked stamina and was defeated directly.

The three hundred divisions are all waiting for Beizhi's explanation.

Vice Minister Liang didn't know whether it was intentional or just out of character. He slowly opened the folder, browsed through it first, then raised his head and glanced around, and said, "Let me read out the basis of the North Finger's decision and the specific conclusion." , of course everyone knows that the entire Red Army was wiped out and not a single one was left, and the Blue Army’s main base, Beikukuchang Station, was destroyed.”

The 300th Division looked at Vice Minister Liang coldly, especially ordinary pilots. They don't care how old or small you are as a commander. Anyway, they are mainly about technology and have no concerns about human nature. What else are you talking about? Hurry up and tell us why we are sentenced to annihilation!

Vice Minister Liang said, "The Red Army attacked the Beikuchang Station, the main base of the Blue Army. It ran for more than 4,000 kilometers and conducted an aerial refueling midway, and it was at night. It performed very well. Just look at this tactic. , the Red Army can be rated as excellent.”

"The Blue Army's response was also very thoughtful. It evacuated the designated areas in advance, hid the main combat forces, strengthened combat readiness patrols, achieved the effect of timely detection of targets, and used combat readiness patrol aircraft to attract the Red Army's Attention, the main combat forces took off in time to encircle the Red Army, and launched 64 medium-range bombs in a 40-kilometer no-escape zone to carry out a saturation attack..."

The officers and soldiers of the 300 Division looked at each other and were very unconvinced.

"Deputy Minister Liang, please wait." Baiou interrupted, "The 40-kilometer no-escape zone is too exaggerated. How can there be such a large-scale no-escape zone? This is unreasonable."

Vice Minister Liang explained with a smile, "The Blue Army uses the Thunderbolt 12C type medium-range bomb. The maximum range reaches one hundred kilometers. There is a no-escape zone within 40 kilometers. The double-shot hit rate is 100%. That's right. .”

"Do you have this missile?" Bai Ou frowned, "It's impossible."

"Li Zhan, please explain to Commander Bai." Vice Minister Liang pointed at Li Zhan.


Li Zhan began to explain, "Mr. Bai, the Thunderbolt 12 Type C has not yet been finalized. We have tested the model, which is part of the 228 Project. At a distance of thirty kilometers, the double-engine hit rate has been achieved many times. One hundredth level. The missile is an active radar-guided missile with a maximum flight speed of Mach 4 and an actual overload of thirty-eight G. It can intercept and kill targets with nine G maneuvers. We launched sixty-four missiles. At that time, our flight altitude was 10,000 meters, about 30 kilometers away from the target, and an average of five missiles were used to deal with one target. Under this ratio, there is no way for the Red Army's twelve fighter planes to survive."

"You are talking about theoretical values!" Yao Dongming suppressed his anger, and the master stopped shouting.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Is it possible to really fight with live ammunition?"

The words awakened the dreamer, yes, if the confrontation drill is not based on the technical parameters of the weapon, is it really a fight? Besides, even if it is a theoretical value, such a large ratio is absolutely convincing.

Li Zhan looked at Deputy Minister Liang, who nodded slightly, and Li Zhan continued, "Commander Bai, comrades of the 300th Division, when you attacked Beikuchang Station, you actually entered our ambush circle. No. To put it politely, the Falcon Brigade gave up on Beiku Base, because it is most likely your main attack target. We used a trick to let you come in, and at the same time deployed ambush forces."

He stood up and walked to the wall with a large map hanging on it. He pointed at the area centered on Beikuchang Station with a laser pointer and said, "The north side of Beikuchang Station is the Beikuku Mountains. Maybe you will think that it is covered by the fire control radar." You can survive by diving down into the mountainous area after locking, but this is not the case. We have deployed ground artillery units, surface-to-air missile units and anti-aircraft artillery units in the mountainous areas, and even coordinated the deployment of the Doyle Camp of a certain army unit in key areas. Please Please recall, what locked you at that time was not only the active radar-guided PL-12C medium-range bombs, but also the fire control radar of Camp Doyle."

"In a word, if you attack Beiku Station, you will have to withstand three-dimensional saturation attacks from the air and the ground. I think no matter how much ammunition you spend, if you can shoot down twelve enemy advanced third-generation aircraft in one battle, It’s worth it too.”

"In addition, as a supplementary and backup means, we use a J-8 carrying electronic pod analog signal relay to continuously transmit the latest target information to air-to-air missiles and surface-to-air missiles in real time through the data link, so even if If you jam the incoming missiles, it won't have much impact on the hit rate."

"In the end, I was in charge of the entire air battle. I flew the Su-27 simulated command aircraft and commanded the coordinated air-ground operations through the tactical data link. So even if the Beiku Field Station was destroyed, our command system would still be there."

All aspects considered.

Bai Ou was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "I thought your Falcon Brigade still wanted to lose face, but I didn't expect that you would be shameless to this extent. You talk more than you do. As you said, there is no need to fight or engage in any confrontation. It’s been a drill, but the Red Army will lose anyway, and the Red Army will lose with just one word from you, right?”

"Commander Bai, please be patient." Vice Minister Liang pressed his hands and said with a smile, "The review is to look back and analyze. Let's talk about the matter, the tactical choices and maneuvers of the Red Army brigade after successfully raiding Beikuchang Station There is a problem with the movement. From this perspective, the Red Army brigade was careless at the time. If you did not climb recklessly but chose to enter the mountainous area directly, it is difficult to say what the result would be."

These words made the pilots of Yao Dongming's brigade lower their heads, feeling ashamed but also aggrieved. They had been flying continuously for more than five hours, and their energy and physical strength had dropped severely. After successfully attacking the Beikuchang Station, Chang It’s normal to have some relaxation after being highly focused for a long time.

But this is war, and the enemy will not wait for you to rest before attacking. They would rather you stand there as a target even if you can't walk.

"Let's look at the Falcon Brigade again." Vice Minister Liang looked at the document and said, "The deployment before the war and the tactical choices after the war were very targeted. We selectively gave up the Beiku Station and the backward The second-generation aircraft uses both command aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft, coordinating ground-to-air forces and army field air defense forces as supplementary air defense means."

Bai Ou frowned and asked, "If we secretly landed at Dongkuchang Station and tried to attack again, how would the Falcon Brigade respond?"

"I arranged a ground reconnaissance force at the East Kurdistan Station to carry out surveillance. It is an armed reconnaissance force of an electronic reconnaissance unit of the Army. It has been active in the North Kurdish area for a long time and is very experienced. At the same time, the J-8 and two Soviet aircraft were responsible for air cover. The two Su Liangqi took off immediately after the war started and went straight to Dongku for reconnaissance. The two Su Liangqi carried multiple air-to-surface missiles and could attack the Dongku station at any time. Commander Bai, you can't land secretly. "Li Zhan added.

Yao Dongming was not convinced and said, "According to what you said, the confrontation drill is impossible. We flew all the way here and there is no place to stand."

"Good apprentice, this is war. Will the enemy open an airport or base for you in depth? What is a practical confrontation drill? Doesn't it mean that everything starts from actual combat? But having said that, your long-distance night raid and ultra-low-altitude assault The defense is indeed doing well, and judging from the data, it has almost reached 80% of the level of the Falcon Brigade. You are the fastest learner and the fastest among all aviation units in the army." Li Zhan said objectively with a smile.

Yao Dongming wanted to spit out the blood that he had wanted to spit out for a long time, especially when he saw the expressions of the people in the Falcon Brigade who clearly wanted to laugh but were holding back, he wanted to use the landing gear to sweep them down.

You are very good, you are 80% as good as me!

Is this a compliment?

What a damn good apprentice.

In this situation, calling me a disciple isn't just a slap in the face!

Yao Dongming was so angry that he asked one Buddha to be born and two Buddhas to ascend to heaven!

Bai Ou was also very angry, looking at Li Zhan with hatred. Li Zhan not only refuses to admit defeat in battles, but is also very talkative. On such a big occasion, doesn't the loss of his soldier's face mean a loss of his own face? Li Zhan is probably the only soldier who can be beaten by a dignified master with his Liberation Rubber Shoes.

"What you can't get on the battlefield, don't expect to get it at the review conference table." This is Li Zhan's consistent principle.

It is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes than to strive for excellence everywhere when you are a soldier.

"Deputy Minister Liang, no matter what, we destroyed the Beikuchang Station. This is not a small victory by any means. The North Finger judges that we all lost. Isn't this unfair?" Baiou asked holding back his anger.

Deputy Minister Liang said, "That's fair. The Beikku Field Station is a base that the Blue Army voluntarily abandoned. For this reason, they even transferred the mobile surface-to-air missile battalion that originally defended the base and deployed it in the Beikku Mountains on the north side. . Even if the base that was voluntarily abandoned is destroyed, it cannot be considered a very important result."

"Commander Bai, the combat plan of the Falcon Brigade is very comprehensive. The mobile surface-to-air missile battalion is deployed in the mountainous area to avoid losses in the first wave of the Red Army's raids. I know that some of your fighters carry anti-radiation equipment. Air-to-surface missiles." Xue Xiangdong added.

Bai Ou sneered and said, "This is not a simulated Blue Army flying brigade. All three armies can be commanded. It might as well be a joint combat force. How can there be fairness and justice?"

Vice Minister Liang said, "Commander Bai, there is no fairness in the war. Objectively speaking, the Red Army is fighting away from home, and the Blue Army has the right time and place to wait for work. Although the Red Army has the advantage of one-way transparency of battlefield information, comprehensively looking at the overall advantage Not big. This is the reality of war that cannot be changed. How to be invincible is an issue that must attract attention and discussion."

"The purpose of establishing the Falcon Brigade is to sharpen the troops and help them improve their combat effectiveness. From this perspective, the harder this whetstone is, the better."

Bai Ou sighed deeply, and realized the reason why Qi Hong lost control and cursed at that time, and also deeply understood the mood of the officers and soldiers of the Second Division at that time.

"Then we have to give the Red Army troops a chance to fight. How can we achieve the purpose of improving the combat effectiveness of the troops without a chance to take action?" Yao Dongming retorted.

Li Zhan said, "No, we will never lower the standards in this life. They will only become stricter in the future. The combat effectiveness of our Falcon Brigade is improving every day. This is an incentive for the brother troops. As for whether there will be more moves The chance depends entirely on whether you can cross this threshold. If you cannot establish a firm foothold and fight with the Falcon Brigade for a few days, it only means that the combat effectiveness of the unit has not reached the corresponding level."

The pilots of the 300th Division looked at each other. They will become more and more strict in the future. How strict will it be? You can't just come up and cover the entire airspace with nuclear weapons, right?

Then they naturally thought that compared to the Second Division, their side had at least destroyed one of the Blue Army's bases, even if the Blue Army gave up on its own initiative.

Hey, I feel much better when I think about it.

Sorry for being late. There are a lot of things going on at the end of the year, so I don’t have the right time to write. I’m sorry.

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