Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 283 Aerial Surveying and Mapping

Four low-key gray-white J-8FRs took off one after another. The difference from the past is that this time they all hung the surveying pods brought by Fan Zengsheng on the belly pylons, which are said to be world-leading.

As the escort commander, Li Zhan was supposed to take off before them, but in fact Li Zhan was the last one to take off. The cannon magazine is full, and two PL-8D combat missiles and two seven-tube 90mm rocket launchers are mounted. This kind of mounting combination seems very strange. Air-to-surface missiles should be used instead of rocket launchers, but the family skills cannot be lost (poor).

Of course it's not true. If you really want to use it, you're going to do it at the expense of others. In fact, the mounting configuration is to cope with live-fire training missions that may be suddenly issued by the air force. Generally speaking, these types of ammunition are used in the air-to-ground live ammunition training training conducted by the Air Force.

Li Zhan was not pretending. Based on the past performance of the flight crew, they would definitely not miss this opportunity for a sudden inspection. The entire Falcon Brigade was dispatched to conduct the 4-3 comprehensive drill, and the training plan was reported to the flight commander. Naturally, the flight commander knew that the 101st Brigade was empty at this moment. Do you expect the second and third teams to perform well in such weather?

Don't forget that the weather at this moment is just after the blizzard but there is still some light snow. The most terrible thing is the visibility. It is basically impossible to attack visually.

"Tower, this is Dongyao. The visibility at low altitude is very poor. Look at the thickness of the clouds. The surveying and mapping team is going up. It's over." Li Zhan looked around and saw a gray sky. He was flying at an altitude of one thousand meters.

The people on duty at the tower today are all very important people. Zhang Yuan is in charge of the weather. The commander is Xue Xiangdong. The deputy commander is Yang Jinshan. Lieutenant Colonel Lu stands aside like a special commissioner, ready to say a word or two at any time. Words affect the entire action.

Zhang Yuan quickly handed the latest cloud data to Xue Xiangdong, who immediately made a decision and called Li Zhan, "Dongyao, you can go up to 8,000, I'll call the other planes away, it's over."

"Understood, climb to 8,000, over." Li Zhan immediately directed the surveying and mapping team to climb to 8,000.

The sea is eight thousand high, and the relative height is only about six thousand. When it reaches the Beiku Mountains, there is only a relative height of more than three thousand.

At this time, the Falcon Brigade had fighter planes penetrating defenses at low altitudes, some fighter planes were attacking the ground, and there were also fighter planes engaging in free air combat with no height difference. To allow the surveying and mapping team to perform surveying and mapping hidden in this aerial operation, the command ability of the tower commander is very important.

On the other side, Lan Zhi was specifically commanding the 4-3 comprehensive drill of the Falcon Brigade. This further highlights the importance of the tower commander in the central coordination position.

Zhu Wei reported, "Dongyao, we did a test and found that eight thousand is higher than the working height of pod mode three. Please lower the altitude to five thousand. It's over."

Li Zhan immediately reported to the tower, "Tower, the cave is calling, we have to descend to a height of 5,000, over."

There was no reply from the tower for a while, and Li Zhan called again.

Xue Xiangdong replied, "Dong Yao, don't worry, I have to report to Lan Zhi. Only after Lan Zhi gives me clear instructions can I give you instructions. It's over."

"Dongyao understands." Li Zhan couldn't find it too cumbersome. This was not an ordinary training mission. Without Lan Zhi's instructions, the tower had no authority to make such arrangements.

Han Hongjun flew over Li Zhan's left wing. The distance was very close. He saw the three characters "Good Luck" on the side of the No. 01 SU-27SK cockpit section at a glance. He smiled widely and shook the wing in salute. , then stepped on the accelerator and left.

There is a reason why Lanzhi and the control tower are so cautious. The weather is complicated and the visibility is extremely low. The aerial surveying and mapping route overlaps with the route of the 4-3 comprehensive exercise in many places and the general direction is the same. In the absence of altitude difference, collisions in the air must be avoided. People on both sides have put forward higher demands.

"Dongyao, the height of entering the mountain is five thousand. Pay attention, I will allocate the height below five thousand to you. It's over." Xue Xiangdong finally called Li Zhan.

Li Zhan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Dongyao understands. The altitude of entering the mountain is 5,000, and the airspace below 5,000 is assigned to me. It's over."

The aerial surveying and mapping team accelerated into the mountain and then descended to a predetermined altitude. The four J-8FRs disbanded the formation and divided into four groups according to the scheduled plan to begin aerial surveying and mapping. Four fighters on four routes will fly four sorties today to complete the aerial surveying and mapping mission in the North Kurdistan Region.

Li Zhan followed Zhu Wei closely. His position was above and behind Zhu Wei. The airborne radar continued to illuminate Zhu Wei's aircraft, and the friend-or-foe identifier continued to identify each other, thus determining each other's positions. Although there was only a height difference of two to three hundred meters and a distance of ten kilometers before and after, Li Zhan was still worried about a rear-end collision...

As far as the eye can see, the visibility is only four or five kilometers.

"Yao Dong Yao, adjust the frequency to 38325, completed." Li Zhan called Zhu Wei.

Zhu Wei was flying the J-8FR No. 101. This fighter with a tactical number has become the ace aircraft in the Nighthawk Tactical Reconnaissance Group. The pilot who can fly this fighter must be the best in the group.

"Yao Dong Yao received it, adjusted the frequency to 38325, completed."

Xue Xiangdong called, "Tower calls cave unit, surveying and mapping team dedicated frequency 38325, over."

"Dongyao received, surveying frequency 38325, completed." Li Zhan confirmed that all four fighters of the surveying and mapping team were on the frequency and replied to the tower.

Xue Xiangdong gave the order, "Each group will proceed as planned, completed."


After additional dedicated communication channels were established, the aerial mapping operation began in earnest. The pilots don't know how the military industry has come up with a surveying and mapping pod that can be used normally in bad weather, but they know that they must continuously adjust the altitude and speed strictly according to the plan to meet the working conditions of the surveying and mapping pod.

After entering the mountains, the situation became more complicated, with increased turbulence, lower temperatures, and more intense snowfall. Li Zhan could even tell that what affected visibility was not the clouds blocking the sun, but the broken snowflakes filling the air.

Of the four J-8FRs, only Zhu Wei needed escort, and Li Zhan was in charge. It’s not that Li Zhan’s personal combat effectiveness is the strongest, but that Li Zhan is a special pilot who can in turn command the ground tower and even the command post when necessary. In emergencies, he can coordinate more resources in the shortest time using compliant procedures. Come to support.

Of course, Zhu Wei needs escort and cover, which shows that the surveying and mapping route he is responsible for is the most dangerous.

Li Zhan's spirit was highly concentrated, and his heart was still holding on to it, unable to put it down. If he were to perform a certain task, he would risk his life in exchange for victory. But now he is responsible for ensuring that Zhu Wei's surveying and mapping mission is successfully completed. He has to survive in order to protect others, so he feels greater pressure.

This kind of pressure cannot be offset by code names like "Good Luck".

Everything goes well above the Beikou Mountains. The real danger will appear after entering the western area of ​​​​the Beoku Mountains.

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