Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 284 Encounter drill

To put it simply, aerial surveying and mapping in a general sense means moving the work performed on the ground into the air, continuously photographing the ground from a bird's-eye view to obtain data, and then drawing the geodetic coordinates based on the obtained data, which reflects the positional relationship of ground objects. .

It's obvious that military maps are not that simple.

Infantry troops commonly use large-scale maps with a scale of 1:50,000. The detailed information reflected on them is staggering to ordinary people. For example, mark a tree with a relatively recognizable and larger size, or a stone, and the positional relationship between them. For large-scale maps, a larger village may be the main target area.

To draw such a map, it is definitely not possible to adopt the aerial surveying and mapping methods commonly used by civilians. Not only does it require high precision, but also the photos taken must be absolutely clear, even a small mountain must be reflected.

In this way, just taking pictures is not enough.

The relevant electronic instruments carried in the surveying and mapping pod basically combine all the main functions of today's surveying and mapping tools, including maximum wide-angle and telephoto lenses with an error within five centimeters, radar surveying and laser altimetry scanning, and The inertial measurement of the global positioning system also makes use of the function of mapping satellites to track and detect moving targets.

Fan Zengsheng said that four surveying and mapping pods are more expensive than one fighter plane.

The surveying and mapping team must not only conduct large-scale surveying and mapping, but also conduct precise surveying and mapping of certain areas. Presumably the latter is more important. Li Zhan can't figure out which department Lieutenant Colonel Lu belongs to now, but he can clearly feel that although his position is not high, he is very feared. The answer is relatively obvious.

After entering the western area of ​​​​the Beiku Mountains, Li Zhan entered a state of high alert. He adjusted the radar scanning mode to "Combat 2", which is a mode that scans the air and the ground at the same time. This batch of SU-27SKs underwent an improvement during the service of the Second Division, mainly by replacing the airborne radar. It is an improved model of the N001 radar, but it is still three or four times lower than the domestic large-diameter radar used by the J-11B. The gap is as big as a floor.

But at least it has a certain ground detection capability, and it also has a certain ground strike capability.

The visibility in this area is somewhat better, but because the terrain is more complex, more and more intense turbulent airflow is formed. Li Zhan was more worried about the low-altitude performance of the J-8FR. He had a deep understanding of the low-altitude performance of the beautiful man in the air and the garbage detector when he was fighting floods in Sanhe.

Zhu Wei was undoubtedly very familiar with it. After the visibility improved, Li Zhan could see that the No. 101 J-8FR had a stable attitude in the air and flew very cautiously.

After climbing over a mountain ridge, I saw a scene that was completely different from the snowy Beiku area - looking around, I saw lush green trees, without the clouds blocking the sun, the sun could shine on the earth, and you could even see blankets on the ground. The roar of the engine startled unnamed birds that took flight.

Only separated by a mountain ridge, the east and west sides are like two seasons, and the east side is full of plateau mountains and barren soil, while the west side is green land and plains with fertile land.

"Yao Dong Yao, be careful to avoid birds." Li Zhan reminded Zhu Wei.

Zhu Wei replied, "Understood. I'm paying close attention to it. It's over."

At this time, the No. 101 J-8FR was in a low-altitude surveying and mapping state, only three to four hundred meters above the ground, so the chance of hitting a bird was absolutely high.

Li Zhan climbed a little higher and kept flying at a medium-low altitude. If there is a confrontation at this time, he is the best detection target for ground radar. On the contrary, the No. 101 J-8FR is not easy to detect. The little prince who pulled the lever was helpless. He had to fly to cover Zhu Wei at this altitude.

"Yao Dong Yao, we are ready to turn west for high-altitude surveying and mapping. It's over." Li Zhan confirmed the position and reminded Zhu Wei.

The No. 01 SU-27SK is also responsible for guiding the surveying and mapping route of the No. 101 J-8FR, ensuring that the surveying and mapping fighter aircraft conducts surveying and mapping along the established route.

"Beep beep beep beep..."

The radar warning sounded suddenly without any warning before that. Those with weak heart capacity may be so frightened that their hands will shake, and the plane will shake as soon as it shakes. Li Zhan was mentally prepared, so he was not frightened.

He quickly reported the situation to Zhu Wei, "Yao Dong Yao, I'm locked. It's the ground fire control radar. Execute the second plan, completed."

"Understood!" Zhu Wei accelerated, but did not change the flying altitude.

The second plan is that if Li Zhan, who is serving as a cover, is locked by the fire control radar, Zhu Wei will speed up the surveying and mapping. Even if he cannot achieve the expected accuracy, he must fly the entire surveying and mapping route, especially the curve in the western part of the mountain range. .

The tower issued the order as expected, "Good luck! The air force has conducted a surprise inspection and asked our fighter planes that are performing training missions to simulate an air encounter. The enemy situation is set to intercept you with the assistance of ground air defense positions. Good luck, done!”

Sure enough, it came.

Li Zhan shook his head helplessly, "Good luck receiving it!"

The use of the call sign "Good Luck Comes" means that the temporary drill to be performed next is a red-blue confrontation test for the 101st Brigade Falcon Brigade. At this time, the role of the Falcon Brigade is to simulate the Blue Army, which means that the opponent must be a simulated Red Army. All other missions use the radio call sign "01". After all, this is the officially compiled call sign.

"Tower, let me ask, I was locked by the radar. Is it a simulation of the Red Army? Are you done?" Li Zhan asked.

Xue Xiangdong answered simply, "The confrontation has begun, I can't say, good luck and good luck."

I wish your sister good luck, the flight attendant really knows how to choose the time and the place. The vast plains here don’t even have any usable mountains. Am I not just a simulated target for the Red Army?

I feel helpless, but I have to create conditions.

What didn't surprise Li Zhan was that he had been locked for more than a minute, but the simulated Red Army had not yet attacked him. This reaction speed is really expected.

The fire control radar locked on the target for two or three minutes but failed to fire the missile. This simulation of the Red Army was enough to give face, knowing that we, Lao Li, did not have the terrain advantage to let go.

Li Zhan performed an escape maneuver according to standard procedures, and scanned the ground in a focused manner, but it was useless. It was difficult for the airborne radar to separate the target from the complex terrain background.

After looking at the position of J-8FR No. 101, Li Zhan quickly calculated the time needed to complete the survey and mapping of this section based on its speed, and entered a three-minute countdown on the screen display. He had to hold on for at least three minutes to cover Zhu Wei to complete the surveying and mapping of this section. Otherwise, the commander will judge him as a failure in the confrontation.

It is obviously not that simple for the air commander to conduct a surprise inspection at this time. What is going to be tested is the ability of your falcon brigade to respond if it encounters the enemy under the current actual situation.

Typical encounter.

This means that fighter jets simulating the Red Army will appear to intercept.

After Li Zhan completed his evasive maneuvers and got rid of the lock, he turned around again and flew westward, and then followed No. 101 J-8FR to turn south. There was no doubt that he was locked in again. This was an involuntary helplessness. If he didn't rush forward, the simulated Red Army would focus on Zhu Wei. If Zhu Wei was "shot down", he would have failed.

The purpose of escort is to protect your own aircraft from threats, whether you take the initiative to shoot down the enemy aircraft or rush to take missiles for the protected own aircraft.

This limits the performance of escort fighters. Without worries, they cannot use all their air combat skills as they wish.

Many strings of fast flames emerged from the ground, rising rapidly and heading straight towards them.

Li Zhan turned on the afterburner after the throttle lever reached the bottom. The two AL-31F engines burst out with powerful thrust. The fighter jet ran forward with full energy. Li Zhan's dive with the lever was able to obtain more energy in a very short period of time. Then continue to roll the barrel to avoid.

It was obviously difficult for unguided anti-aircraft shells to pose a threat to him, of course they were simulated shells.

The radar warning device kept sounding. Li Zhan knew that this time the simulated Red Army would have time to launch surface-to-air missiles, so he did not dare to underestimate it. He continued to dive until he reached a height of about 300 meters above the ground before leveling the fighter plane. The chirping of the radar warning suddenly disappeared.

Li Zhan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This showed that the low-altitude detection blind zone of the simulated Red Army's fire control radar was below three hundred meters.

"Yao Dong Yao, the height of 300 meters is the safety line, it's over!" Li Zhan reminded Zhu Wei.

Zhu Wei replied, "Yao Dong Yao understands! Hold on for one more minute and it's over!"

Without any hesitation, Li Zhan drove up with afterburners close to a forest at ultra-low altitude. He had already found a location. This forest was relatively flat and very suitable for ultra-low-altitude accelerating flight to supersonic speeds. He needs to quickly gain speed to make the next move.

After estimating the height of the ground, Li Zhan descended some heights. It looked like the belly of the aircraft was touching the treetops, and he was using the twin-engine heavy air superiority fighter as a "Treetop Killer" armed helicopter.

The No. 01 SU-27SK quickly broke through the sound barrier, and the brutal noise rushed to the ground like shock waves. The soldiers who simulated the Red Army on the ground were so uncomfortable that they covered their ears and opened their mouths. All the windows of the nearby barracks were blown away. Their gunners covered their hearts with pain and controlled the anti-aircraft guns to aim at the sky but could not see anything because of the noise. Before arriving, an afterimage flashed over their heads...

After breaking the sound barrier, Li Zhan immediately pulled the stick and climbed vertically, with the nose of the plane pointing straight into the sky. Being able to fly at supersonic speeds in such a short period of time while carrying two air-to-air missiles and two rocket launchers proves that the SU-27 series fighters are indeed world-class fighters. After all, the thrust-to-weight ratio of the fighter plane is there.

"Beep beep beep beep..."

The radar warning sounded again, but Li Zhan found that his airborne radar had scanned the target. This time, it was not the fire control radar of the ground air defense position that locked him, but the target from the air.

Li Zhan quickly judged from the radar beam reflection characteristics that what was coming from the right wing and targeting him was a dual-engine, two-seater heavy air superiority fighter model simulated by the Red Army that had better maneuverability than the SU-27SK and stronger air combat capability.

"Damn it, Su Sanling MKI!"

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