Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 302 Certificate of Nomination for Solo Flying Day

Cheng Da did not take it seriously, nor did the division leaders of the Dahongying Division. Li Zhan himself did not report this idea to Xue Xiangdong.

In fact, no one would take this seriously.

What a joke are you thinking about aerial refueling just after modification training?

Who is not allowed to receive aerial refueling training after flying a refueled aircraft for one or two years and accumulating hundreds of flight hours? It is often prudent to conduct high-risk subject training, especially in the current period when many officers and soldiers' combat training ideas have not yet changed to be fully close to actual combat.

Cheng Da only received aerial refueling training after becoming the captain of the flight group. You must know that he had flown the J-10A for several years before that.

Just do the modification training and don’t think about the difficult subjects in the future.

Li Zhan put on his white labor protection gloves and "blasted" the J-10A fiercely, just as he had converted a junior training aircraft into a higher training aircraft at the training base. God favored him and got five consecutive flying days of training time. Cheng Da also spent probably the five most boring flying days in his training career. Every time he flies, he sits in the back cabin, and then he can think about his own things in a daze.

Chengda is making a lot of money from the lever fees. It would be great if people like Li Zhan were the ones to train him in the future.

In just five days, after careful research and analysis by the team of trainers headed by Cheng Da, they made the decision with both resignation and conviction that Li Zhan could pursue a solo career. There are only a handful of people in the military who can complete the first stage of modification training in such a short period of time.

Flying is a high-risk and high-tech job, and even modification training between the same types of aircraft is carried out in strict accordance with regulations. But Li Zhan shortened this process to the extreme.

Li Zhan flew solo, and Xue Xiangdong came to Shanshan Station from Beiku, thousands of kilometers away, and went to the tower with Commander Da Hongying to take charge.

It was close to ten o'clock in the morning, and the weather was extremely good. The sun was shining brightly, the wind was 3 meters, and the temperature was 26. It couldn't be a perfect flying day.

At the apron, the maintenance team had completed the pre-flight support work and lined up neatly on the side of the nose of the aircraft, waiting for the pilot's acceptance.

Cheng Da said to Li Zhan, "It's okay to fly normally. Your learning ability is really strong. But after all, it's a solo flight. The leaders are watching from the tower, so don't engage in intense flying yet."

Li Zhan said confidently, "Teacher Cheng, don't worry, I won't embarrass you."

"I believe it." Cheng Da patted Li Zhan on the shoulder, "Okay, after successfully letting you fly solo, you can fly the J-10 alone."

“Long awaited!”

Li Zhan saluted Chengda, then accepted the fighter jet, signed his name, and boarded the plane. He followed a set of procedures meticulously, and he took a more serious and rigorous attitude than countless times in the past, because this was his first time with the J-10 of solitude.

"Tower, I'm lucky. I'm ready to slide out." Li Zhan called the tower.

The tower commander gave the order, "Good luck, permission to taxi out, wait in the take-off position."

"Slide out of the take-off position and wait, I understand." Li Zhan pushed the throttle lever slightly, released the brake, and the fighter plane sped forward.

Chengda, who had already boarded another J-10A, shook his head helplessly. He would take off immediately after Li Zhan, observe Li Zhan's flying posture in the air, and give guidance to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan was also slightly startled. He quickly hit the brakes and turned onto the taxiway. He quickly adapted to the specific conditions of the fighter plane taxiing on the ground. Flying solo and flying with a guide are mainly psychologically prone to changes. When someone is flying with someone as a guide, you will have the psychological support to move confidently and smoothly most of the time. Li Zhan's flying skills are very good, but after all, he is flying a fighter plane that he has only been exposed to for five days.

It's just that it has been changed from a two-seater to a single-seater. Oh, it is still Chengda's landline. In the future, it will be Li Zhan's landline, if nothing unexpected happens.

After successfully arriving at the take-off position, the tower commander called Li Zhan, "Good luck, let's do another pre-flight inspection."

"Good luck to you." Li Zhan methodically checked each system of the fighter. Compared with the second-generation aircraft, the systems of the third-generation aircraft are truly systems, including the flight control system, power system, communication system, fire control system, Tactical mode system...

After checking one by one, Li Zhan reported, "Tower, I have no problem, it's over."

"With good luck, we can take off." The tower commander gave the order directly.

The entire training airspace has been cleared.

Li Zhan pushed the throttle lever to the end without thinking, and the J-10A without any mounts started to slide briskly. It only reached the speed allowed for pulling up at just over 400 meters. Li Zhan pulled the lever and took off without any hesitation, maintaining its course. Smooth climb.

Cheng Da took off behind him, even more crisply and his climbing movements were quite rough, fully reflecting the level of a veteran who has been flying J-10 fighters for seven years.

When flying solo, a simple subject is usually arranged as an assessment of the pilot's ability to operate the aircraft alone, just like the assessment of new recruits before they join the army. Moreover, this was a modified training for solo flight. The Red Eagle Division was not pretentious, and it was facing the Eagle Falcon King of the Falcon Brigade, who was also the setter of the standards for the three major combat training subjects, so he simply arranged it for Li Zhan. A low-altitude penetration strike subject.

Among so many practical training subjects, Li Zhan's low-altitude penetration strikes are the best. He is the benchmark, the standard, and the authority.

Therefore, Xue Xiangdong's move by the Great Red Eagle Division was regarded as a release of goodwill.

"Good luck, your posture is very good, keep it up." Cheng Da, who was flying on the left wing, had been observing Li Zhan's flying posture and gave feedback through the radio.

Li Zhan replied, "Understood, prepare to enter the penetration route, over."

"With good luck, you can enter. It's over." The tower commander gave the permission instruction.

After taking off from Shanshan Station from south to north, he turned around and flew south over Shanshan County and then began to descend. He flew a low-altitude penetration flight over the tropical mountains for 100 kilometers. Then he turned around and flew back again to repeat the low-altitude penetration route, and then usually once again It landed after two weeks of orbit.

This is the flight route for Li Zhanfang's solo flight, and the entire flight is planned to take thirty-five minutes.

Li Zhan stopped descending when he reached a height of 300 meters. This was a strict rule. He couldn't just carry out ultra-low-altitude penetration flights of tens of meters. In fact, allowing him to fly three hundred meters high is already the greatest trust given by the Great Red Eagle Master.

Chengda didn't dare to be careless at all, and kept paying attention to the side of Li Zhan's head.

In the tower, Commander Da Hongying joked to Xue Xiangdong, "Commander Xue, this soldier of yours is simply a treasure. One person can improve the combat effectiveness of the entire army. I met Qi Hong from the Second Division at the last meeting and talked about this matter. When the incident happened, Qi Hong expressed great regret."

"What does he regret? Li Zhan didn't fully grow up until he arrived in Beiku. He has nothing to do with the Second Division. There is no such thing as whether Qi Hong regrets it or not." Xue Xiangdong said with a smile, and even more ruthlessly denied it directly. The role of the second division.

Commander Da Hongying was not used to Nan Batian's domineering style, he chuckled and said, "That's true. To be honest, who would be willing to let go of such a soldier, just to transfer him because of some bullshit?" He left without even doing a careful investigation. Qi Hong sometimes cares too much about what the local government thinks of him."

"There is nothing wrong with cherishing feathers." Xue Xiangdong looked very generous.

"That's right." Commander Da Hongying nodded slightly, "If I had soldiers like Li Zhan, I wouldn't even replace a regiment of J-10s."

Xue Xiangdong smiled and said, "He also has shortcomings."

"Oh? This is quite new. Everything I heard was good. Tell me?" Commander Da Hongying said.

Xue Xiangdong held back his laughter and said, "He trains too hard and leads the troops hard, one after another with high intensity. The life of the aircraft is consumed very quickly, especially the engine, and oh, there is also aviation fuel. It is very expensive to maintain this kind of soldiers." of."

"It's nothing. These are all small things. How much aviation materials and fuel can be consumed? Small things..."

"Tower, my engine has stopped."

A sudden sentence came out, and Commander Da Hongying was interrupted. He subconsciously looked at the loudspeaker, and it was Li Zhan who was reporting. Almost just a second later, Commander Da Hongying rushed to the command seat and grabbed the microphone.

"What's going on with good luck?" Commander Da Hongying said calmly.

At this time, Li Zhan was already on the second section of the low-altitude penetration route, flying at a low altitude from the south to the Shanshan Field Station at a height of 300 meters. Li Zhan was caught off guard, and the engine speed quickly dropped to zero without any warning. At that moment, what popped into Li Zhan's mind was the past incidents of crashing the J-10, almost all of which were due to engine failure. Among them, the most dangerous situation was mid-air parking.

Li Zhan calmly reported, "Tower, the engine failed to start, please parachute!"

This is simply unheard of.

He did not give up even when No. 037 J-7E was half-stretched and burning. At that time, No. 101 J-8FR had no canopy and the body was about to disintegrate. He did not abandon the aircraft even when No. 01 SU-27SK passed through so tragically. After the fighter maneuvered, he plunged into the blizzard and insisted on making an emergency landing on the highway.

He never took the initiative to request a parachute. Instead, he insisted on landing the plane on the ground every time when the tower commander ordered him to abandon the plane and parachute.

This time he actually requested to parachute within five seconds after reporting the danger.

Xue Xiangdong's reaction was the fastest, which showed that the danger Li Zhan encountered was much more dangerous than any other time in the past. Everyone in the tower knew that Li Zhan's posture was that the engine was stopped at an altitude of 300 and an airspeed of 500. It happened to be above the mountains, where there were dense hills.

"Let him parachute quickly!" Xue Xiangdong said loudly, no longer caring about avoiding suspicion.

"Tower! Let good luck skydive! He's about to hit the mountain!" Cheng Da, who was flying with him, said loudly.

Commander Da Hongying decisively issued the order, "Good luck to abandon the plane!"

It only took eleven seconds from Li Zhan's report of the danger to Commander Da Hongying's order to abandon the plane.

Li Zhan pulled the ejection handle, the canopy was thrown out, the seat was ejected vertically upwards, the parachute exploded and opened quickly, the seat quickly separated from his body, and then Li Zhan watched helplessly as the J-10A collided in front of him. A hill in front suddenly exploded into a ball of fire and burned.

Just ahead of Li Zhanyuan, there was a village looming in the jungle. Some villagers saw a plane flying very low suddenly turned left, hit a mountain, exploded and caught fire.

If the rudder was not pushed at the end to change the course, the fighter would fall into the village.

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