Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 303 Skydiving behind closed doors

Li Zhan's heart palpitations completely disappeared after his feet firmly stepped on the ground. He touched the parachute while surveying his surroundings. This is a piece of farmland between hills, where rice is grown. The ears of rice have grown but are not yet mature.

He fell on the people's farmland.

After quickly checking one side of his body and finding that there was no damage, he immediately put the parachute away, dragging off a lot of rice ears in the process.

Not long after, a large group of villagers came over. Several of them came on motorcycles, running in this direction.

Li Zhan held the parachute and walked to the field ridge to sit down and catch his breath. His flight suit was stained with mud and water, and his white labor protection gloves had turned black. When he took off his flight helmet and put it next to his side, he found that the helmet was stained with a lot of mud.

Looking in the direction where the fighter plane fell, I couldn't see the crash site, so I didn't know what the situation was at the scene.

The army's emergency plan must have been activated, and he chose to stay here and wait if he was not injured.

The villagers gathered around but did not dare to get close. For them, what had just happened was novel. The troop plane fell down and the pilot fell off, sitting there in a state of panic at this moment. Many military pilots who have always been so high up that ordinary people have never been able to come into contact with in their entire lives are still there. Whether they have extra eyes or extra arms, they look just like ordinary people.

The village cadre came over and asked Li Zhan in Mandarin with a strong accent, "Comrade, are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Li Zhan smiled and waved his hand. He wanted to say that I had labor protection gloves and it was fine. But he suddenly realized that the person he was talking to was not a member of the military, so he changed his words and said, "I'm fine. Are you the village chief?"

"Yes, I am the village chief. Do you need help?" the village chief asked.

Li Zhan said, "Let everyone keep their distance from me. Also, do you know that mountain?"

He pointed to a hill about a hundred meters high in the direction of the crash.

The village chief said, "I know you, I know you."

Li Zhan said, "Please come over with your militia company."

This is a border area. Every village has a militia company, and almost all adult men belong to the militia.

"Okay, okay." The village chief quickly turned around and asked someone to notify the militia company. Immediately, several young men rode Jialing motorcycles and drove off.

Not long after, more than a dozen militiamen wearing 87-style camouflage uniforms without epaulettes arrived. Most of them were farmers in their thirties and forties, and many of them had military experience.

The village chief said, "Comrade Major, I am also the commander of the militia company, and I have served in the border defense force before. I know the mountain you are talking about. Do I need to seal it off?"

Li Zhan immediately became happy. It felt much more comfortable to communicate with someone knowledgeable. He said, "Yes, veteran. I would like to ask you to send someone to cordon off the crash site until our people arrive."

"Yes! Resolutely complete the mission!" the veteran village chief said, patting his chest, as if he had returned to those turbulent years.

The veteran village head had a high prestige in the village, and he quickly mobilized a temporary emergency team composed of more than 30 young and middle-aged villagers with more than 20 militiamen as the backbone, and led the way to the crash site without delay. At the same time, Li Zhan borrowed a villager's mobile phone to call the police, asking the public security agency to contact the troops immediately and explaining the location.

Military and local governments have such emergency mechanisms, especially in areas where there are many troops stationed. Similar emergency mechanisms are very complete.

Li Zhan called a young militiaman and asked him to help hold the parachute. Li Zhan himself carried a flying helmet and followed the militiamen and villagers to the crash site.

He took the circumstances of the crash more seriously than ever before.

In this crash caused by a dangerous situation in the air, apart from Li Zhan himself, the only person who knew what happened best was the flight attendant. His one-sided words will not be confirmed as factual basis. Only by finding the data and analyzing it by flying consultants can the situation at that time be truly restored. Finding flying ginseng is very critical.

While Li Zhan was still in the air, he saw with his own eyes that the fighter plane crashed into the mountainside and exploded and burst into flames. It became a matter of suspense whether the flying ginseng could be successfully found with such damage. Flying parameters are often referred to as black boxes. As the last line of defense for the truth about plane crashes, this kind of thing is extremely strong. Theoretically, even if the plane disintegrates or falls from a free fall from an altitude of 10,000 meters, the data recorded in the black box Nor will it be damaged. High temperature resistance and impact resistance are basic properties.

In fact, what Li Zhan is most worried about is that unknowing villagers will pick it up and sell it as scrap, then there will really be nothing to find. He didn't know whether there was a locator on the J-10's flight parameters, so he could only take the safest approach.

That's why he asked the local villagers to provide assistance. At least while he was watching at the scene, it was safest to block the crash site with semi-military personnel such as the militia company.

It looks very close from the air, but Wangshan is a dead horse, especially since there are basically no straight roads in the tropical rainforest hills. They are all winding paths through the dense jungle grass made by local villagers. Thanks to the fact that he hadn't had sex with a woman for several years, Li Zhan was in great shape and had no problem walking quickly with the villagers who walked in the area all year round.

After walking for more than half an hour, we reached the mountainside and easily found the crash site based on the smoke that was still coming out. Li Zhan ran a few steps over to check and found that the fighter plane had long since disappeared. There were various parts scattered around, some large and some small. The most obvious one was the single vertical tail inserted into the soil. The number is vaguely discernible.

This scene made Li Zhan break out in a cold sweat. He once again confirmed that his decision to request parachuting was correct. If he had been a second late, it would have been difficult for him to come down completely.

The so-called 0-0 ejection seat refers to the reaction time from startup to completion of ejection. It does not guarantee that the pilot can eject safely. There is not much difference between a pilot's parachuting and a paratrooper's parachuting. One is passive and the other is active.

As long as you are skydiving, there will be a minimum skydiving altitude, also called the minimum safe altitude. According to former paratroopers, there is a skydiving height in the paratroopers that is regarded as the abyss of paratroopers, and it is also the ultimate subject in paratroopers' skydiving - ultra-low altitude parachuting.

This height must not be lower than 200 meters at the minimum. The chance of reaching the ground alive below this height is extremely low. This is a standard that countless predecessors have paid for with their blood.

To put it more bluntly, if you open the umbrella below this height, you will land before the umbrella is fully deployed. High jump, low jump, and low jump, low jump are the most difficult subjects for paratroopers in parachuting. The former requires carrying oxygen supply equipment and anti-G suits, while the latter... basically means smashing yourself to the ground like an aerial bomb.

When Li Zhan ejected, the fighter plane's flight altitude had dropped to 220 meters, and the parachute was fully deployed at about 180 meters, which was infinitely close to the death height. And fortunately, he fell in a soft and water-filled rice field. It would not be surprising at all to break a few bones in another place.

In which year did the paratroopers not break their legs during parachute training?

Li Zhan was flying at an altitude of 300 meters. The AL-31FN aircraft engine stopped very suddenly, the speed suddenly reached the bottom, and the fighter jet dropped to near the minimum speed in just two seconds. You must know that in order to maintain low-altitude flight, the parts that control lift such as flaps and canards are in corresponding positions. In such a sudden failure, let alone an emergency landing, even if you make a wrong move, you will be sent into the abyss.

Among the several actions Li Zhan performed at the same time, two control actions were ranked first: restarting the aircraft engine and adjusting the flaps to the three position, which is the take-off and landing position, to obtain maximum lift.

Only by doing so would he have more time to restart the aircraft and consult the tower.

The J-10 is originally a fighter aircraft with very obvious static instability characteristics. When it suddenly loses power, even if the speed can be maintained, the flying altitude is the most critical.

The flight altitude is 300 meters above the ground. If Li Zhan did not take emergency measures to obtain more lift, there would be no way for him to complete the parachute jump at the minimum altitude of 200 meters. In fact, the Air Force requires pilots to have a minimum parachute altitude of no less than 300 meters.

In other words, if Li Zhan encountered an engine shutdown while flying at a low altitude of 300 meters and took emergency measures to start the aircraft engine but failed, he could parachute at any time without asking the tower.

Back then, Li Zhan drove the No. 037 J-7E and was struck by lightning, causing the engine compartment to catch fire and encountered extremely bad weather. He also encountered engine failure, but instead of stopping, the power was linearly attenuated. The engine was not completely disabled, so he dared to take huge risks. Crash landing.

The engine was completely disabled, and the J-10A he drove was a powerless iron bird.

As Xue Xiangdong believed, Li Zhan would never take the initiative to ask for parachute jumping if the situation was not extremely critical. Under what circumstances would a person who is so proud that he dares to do anything to the world take the initiative to surrender? There is only one situation - a completely hopeless situation.

Li Zhan first checked the scene and after confirming that there was no danger, he told the village chief and militia company commander to arrange for people to protect the scene. At the same time, he sent villagers out to look for scattered fighter parts and decisively offered a reward for those who found important parts. Rewards are based on value, with the highest reward being 5,000 yuan.

The villagers went crazy, calling their families one after another, screaming strangely, and then scattered to look for him.

After doing this, Li Zhan breathed a sigh of relief and found a place to sit down and recall the entire incident over and over again. He judged that the situation encountered was closely related to the congenital defects of this batch of AL-31FN. He had not carefully studied the previous J-10 crashes, but he knew that the lubrication system of the AL-31FN was defective. The problem was finally cured after domestic imitation of several related parts. Da Mao’s products are good, but they also have many problems. Just like the hybrid transmission system of longitudinal telex + transverse axis mechanical transmission used in the Flanker series of fighters, even if it blows out, it is something made out of necessity. Most of the crashes of the Flanker series of fighters in the past ten years are related to Regarding the flight control system, although it uses the AL-31F aero engine, because it has twin engines, there are almost no crashes due to engine failure.

Only now did Li Zhan realize the inherent disadvantages of single-engine fighters, and at the same time realized the importance of an excellent military aviation engine to single-engine fighters. The J-10 series of fighters is to replace the entire J-7 series, and the aeroengine used must be very stable and efficient, exceeding the F110 series engines used by the F-16 series of fighters.

One after another, villagers came over with various damaged parts to claim credit. Li Zhan asked them to place them one by one and wait for professionals to come over for appraisal. However, there is no most important flight parameters recorder inside. It is actually a box-like thing. The entire flight parameters are a system, and various parts are spread throughout the entire fighter aircraft, not just a single component.

Li Zhan has never seen what the J-10's flight parameter recorder looks like, because the J-10 uses a large amount of domestically produced advanced avionics, which is almost the pinnacle of China's avionics technology. For the first time, the flying parameter system used has the function of engine parameter collection, flying parameter collection function, NAMP computer electromechanical management function and voice recording function.

In the past, the J-7 could read the film of the camera gun, and the SU-27SK could read and analyze the flight parameter data. Now even all the conversations between the pilot and the tower can be clearly recorded, and all the data of the engine from starting to shutting down can be cleared. Record it clearly.

It can be said that it only takes a few days to retrieve the flying ginseng and get all the data and analyze it and the truth will be revealed.

Li Zhan looked at the J-10A that had turned into burning wreckage, feeling very complicated. He vaguely felt that this fighter would become his unicorn. Maybe he could have a one-night stand or fall in love, but in the end he would not be able to grow old together.

"Some people say that the person you fall in love with is one person, and the person you marry is another person. You may be another person." Li Zhan sighed to himself, "Maybe J-7 EGG is my forever home."

The extremely hot and humid tropical rainforest made Li Zhan slowly become irritable. He felt very sad, both for the J-10A and for his own powerlessness. He would not give up on her if there was even the slightest chance, but how could the cruel reality of the world be changed by the power of just one person?

"The most painful thing in life is this."

The village chief and militia company commander ran over and said, "Chief, the police station is here."

The reaction speed is not bad at all.

The troops didn't arrive that quickly. It took at least two hours to drive from Shanshan Station to here. Therefore, unless it falls near a station, local public security agencies usually need to help with early on-site control and search and rescue. It is very convenient within the territory, and party and government agencies at every level have strong emergency mobilization capabilities. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the troops need it, the town government to which this village belongs can mobilize thousands of people to rush to the scene within an hour, and the county-level government can mobilize tens of thousands of people within two hours. If you add military divisions and armed forces departments that are responsible for national defense mobilization, the mobilization capabilities are terrifying.

When it comes to national defense mobilization capabilities, the comparison between China and other countries is roughly the same as the comparison chart between China's high-speed rail mileage and other countries in 2019 - the whole customs clearance is like a greedy snake.

The police station was completely outnumbered. Except for one policeman and one auxiliary policeman who stayed on duty, all the policemen, auxiliary policemen and even the joint defense team members came over. There were more than ten official policemen alone. Basically, all the policemen who had climbed out of the station. .

The first thing was to ask about Li Zhan's physical condition. After getting a clear answer, the director and instructor of the team immediately organized people to continue searching for aircraft parts and blocked the scene.

It was only then that Li Zhan truly breathed a sigh of relief. If some villagers selfishly found some gadgets that they found interesting and secretly kept them away, it would be difficult for him to control them. If there are comrades from the police station, this will not be a problem.

The director came over after making arrangements with the village chief and militia company commander. The director looked at Li Zhan, who looked bad and was sweating profusely, and asked again, "Comrade pilot, are you really okay? You look very pale." not good."

Li Zhan said, "It's really okay. Director, village chief, please don't worry about me, hurry up and find the scattered parts, and then send someone to ask if there were any fellow villagers around when the plane fell. I'm worried about the scattered parts. to the people.”

This is not impossible. Local villagers often go into the mountains to collect firewood and dig herbs.

"Lao Guo, go quickly." The director told the village chief, who hurried away.

The director, who was almost fifty years old, frowned at Li Zhan and said, "Young man, I see your face is pale. Can you stand up? Stand up and let me see."

"Old Director, I'm fine." Li Zhan was speechless and could only stand up. However, after he stood up, his vision suddenly turned dark and he fell unconscious...

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