Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 35 The two years of disappearance

In fact, it didn't even last a minute, but Li Zhan felt as if a long time had passed. When he was feeling uneasy, Liu Guojian spoke.

"Your boy is progressing faster than I thought." Liu Guojian said.

Li Zhan was stunned instead. What did this mean? He was worried about embarrassing his master and was afraid of being scolded. Praise? This logic isn't quite right.

"Qin Ming is right. If you ask me, I will give you the same answer." Liu Guojian said solemnly, "You have to stand up and look at the problem more. If you keep your head down and look at it, you may ignore the essence of the problem. Your current bottleneck is not technology."

Li Zhan couldn't help but asked anxiously, "What is that?"

"Consciousness." Liu Guojian said categorically, "combat consciousness. Your consciousness cannot keep up with your movements. In fact, you are dragged along by the movements, rather than your consciousness leading the movements. Some people shoot and raise their hands to go out. Huan, some people are obviously very skilled but can't do it. Why?"

"The reason is the consciousness I mentioned just now. Awareness must go ahead. You have to know what your next step is to do, and you have to know what your target will do next. If you enter too fast, is there really nothing you can do? Is it solved? If you enter at a smaller relative angle, is your speed still a problem? You can shoot down the target before he can even complete the evasive action."

One word awakens the dreamer.

Qin Ming mentioned the problem, but he did not give a specific solution. Perhaps it was to let Li Zhan explore, thinking that this groping process was a rare accumulation of experience, but perhaps because Qin Ming was not completely sure, he would not easily Give specific solutions.

What to do if your reputation is ruined for a lifetime?

Liu Guojian didn't have so many scruples. Besides, this was his apprentice and he understood it better than Qin Ming. He knew his disciple's character. This boy was a two-faced person. He was completely different in the sky and on the ground. He is a very gentle person, he is usually very kind, his speech is also civilized, and he is a good boy. But in the sky, there is nothing he dares not do, and he has always pursued speed. His flying style is rude, like a fierce horse and a mad dog, and he is absolutely difficult to deal with. The usually smooth take-off and landing movements are mostly for the tower to see - otherwise, who can rest assured to let you fly!

Therefore, Liu Guojian understood it as soon as he heard what Li Zhan said. Li Zhan believed that what Qin Ming said made sense. If he controlled the speed a little and grasped the balance point, the problem would definitely be solved. But what Li Zhan dislikes the most is losing speed. In his opinion, a fighter plane that loses speed in an air battle is a lamb to be slaughtered.

Didn't he use the J-7's acceleration performance to create a sonic boom to scare away the external aircraft for the first time?

He is too lazy to compete at low altitude and low speed with your high-monoplane pseudo-passenger plane with a propeller engine.

Liu Guojian thought about countermeasures according to the style that his fighter apprentice liked, so he naturally wouldn't worry about controlling the speed.

"Do you understand?" Liu Guojian asked.

Li Zhan was very excited, "I understand, I completely understand."

"Okay, practice hard and try to fly a third-generation aircraft as soon as possible. Your side is going to modify the J-11 soon. You can modify it for me, do you understand?" Liu Guojian said solemnly.

Li Zhan subconsciously stood at attention, "Yes! Got it!"

"That's it."

"Master, wait!"

"What else?"

"Are you free on May Day? I want to see Guisong." Li Zhan said hesitantly.

Liu Guojian was silent again, and after a while, he said, "Not sure, just wait until I contact you."


"that's all."

Li Zhan was still stunned until the busy signal came. He really wanted to ask his master where he was transferred to, but he didn't dare to ask unless his master told him. There must be a discipline of confidentiality, otherwise the master would not keep silent about it, and it would be really strange to be so busy.

Putting down the phone, putting aside doubts, he walked out of the duty room and looked up at the sky. The sky that was quite sunny just now suddenly had a dark cloud coming from nowhere. Only then did he realize that the rainy season in Xi County was here, and it was only April. From now on, it will rain basically in the afternoon in West County, and this situation will continue until August.

Most of the time you can fly will definitely be arranged in the morning.

Perhaps due to the change in the weather, Li Zhan's mood never improved when he returned to the dormitory. He sent Nie Jianfeng and Tang Leile away. He sat alone at his desk in front of the window and looked out at the sky that was ready to cry and the people in the yard. The lychee tree was in a daze. In two months, the green fruits will be ripe and red.

It's raining. The summer rain in Xixian County has the same temper as the summer sun in Xitian. It's very irritable. It rains at will. The crackling raindrops form a line, and you don't even have the patience to run under the eaves.

The rain came and went quickly. After a while, it all stopped. After a while, the clouds dispersed and the sun came out again. Except for the wet ground and the dripping lychee trees, it didn't look like a rainy day at all.

God, he is so naughty.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he suppressed the sadness that was about to come up. He stood up and turned around, but he was almost scared to death.

"Dr. Huang, why are you here?"

Huang Xiaoyue suddenly stood at the door, without the folder under her arm this time.

"What are you doing? I called you several times." Huang Xiaoyue walked in.

Li Zhan forced a smile and said, "I'm lost in thought."

"Do you miss your girlfriend? I heard that you bought a house. When will you get married?" Huang Xiaoyue sat down and naturally crossed her legs.

Li Zhan sat down on the single wooden sofa on the side and said awkwardly, "No, I don't have a partner. I don't have the energy or time for the time being. How do you know that I bought a house?"

The main reason is how did the matter of buying a house reach Huang Xiaoyue? If it could reach her, other people in the health team must also know about it. Doesn't this mean that the entire station knows about it? As long as Chen Fei and Nie Jianfeng know this, who are they?

"First brother left the army and went to Beiqin to buy a house. Does the whole division know about it? You have almost become the idol of the new pilots." Huang Xiaoyue said with a smile, with a hint of teasing.

Li Zhan explained with a wry smile, "My home is in Xi County. I don't have to live with my parents. Besides, I bought it with a loan and I owe a lot of money."

"So you went out of your way to ask the chief to give you more flights and more towing fees, just to pay off the mortgage?" Huang Xiaoyue half-smiled.

Li Zhan was startled, "You even know this?"

"Don't forget that you promised to help me, and now you are still my disease... research subject." Huang Xiaoyue said, "However, there are things I don't know."

As she spoke, she put down her crossed legs, put her elbows on her thighs, crossed her hands in front of her eyes, leaned forward, and stared at Li Zhan.

Fortunately, she was wearing a military uniform. If she were wearing casual clothes, a lot of her breasts would be exposed.

"Can you explain to me what happened to your two-year resume that disappeared?"

Upon hearing this, Li Zhan's brows twitched slightly and quickly a few times, but his expression was very calm. The sadness he had just suppressed came up again, but it was quickly suppressed to the bottom of his heart.

"What do you mean? It's all in the file." Li Zhan said.

Huang Xiaoyue looked at Li Zhan seriously, as if she were meeting him for the first time, but the more she looked at him, the more she could not understand him.

She said slowly, "In July 2001, when you were eighteen years old, you participated in the recruitment. Your score was thirty-nine points higher than the admission score of Huaqing University that year, but you did not show up at Huaqing University that year. According to the roster, you were admitted in 2003 and enlisted in August 2003. Two years later, you transferred to the flight academy and studied for two years. In the second half of 2007, you arrived at the training base and stayed there until the end of last year, that is Assigned to the Second Division in December 2008."

"Tell me, what did you do during the two years you disappeared?"

Li Zhan was a little frightened. This information was on his resume, but the time didn't match up at all. The resume says that he enrolled in school in 2003, and there is no flaw at all. Perhaps the only thing that makes people feel strange is that Li Zhan is about two years older than many pilots at the same time. Graduating high school at 20? Weird? Actually it's not surprising.

What shocked him was that Huang Xiaoyue actually dug up his real high school graduation time.

Of course, this is absolutely unacceptable.

"Dr. Huang, you are mistaken. I participated in the recruitment in 2003." Li Zhan said calmly.

Huang Xiaoyue stared at Li Zhan. Her glasses-wearing gaze was very sharp and intimidating. Very few people could remain normal under her gaze. But this time, Li Zhan remained unmoved and remained calm and calm. Compared with the restraint of meeting her for the first time, they are basically two people.

She became more and more strange.

Li Zhan was very annoyed, how did this bitch find out?

But he couldn't ask, and once he asked, he was convinced. Maybe she was just guessing out of thin air? But is it so accurate to make a guess out of thin air?

There is no other way but to hold on until the end and refuse to admit it.

"Did you really join the recruitment program in 2003?" Huang Xiaoyue asked, staring into Li Zhan's eyes.

Li Zhan nodded slowly but surely, "Yes. Dr. Huang, you found such a reason to test me. What is the purpose? To obtain data? You really treat me as a research subject."

Just change the subject.

After adjusting her sitting posture, Huang Xiaoyue smiled and shook her head, "I had this idea at first, but now I no longer have it. I am now certain that with your psychological quality, I do not have the ability to provide you with counseling, let alone any research. .”

Li Zhan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Of course you can't fly a plane without a strong heart. Not only me, but I believe my comrades are the same. I have always believed that psychological counseling in our division is not as important as imagined. Seriously, why not do it for the Marine Corps, they see blood all the time and need it more."

"You really don't suffer at all. You counterattacked me so quickly. OK, you go to the political commissar and tell him to withdraw the psychological counseling department." Huang Xiaoyue said with a smile, "I'm not worried about losing my job. of."

Li Zhan said quickly, "Don't dare, don't dare, I'm just a pilot, it's just my personal opinion."

Seeing Li Zhan smile, Huang Xiaoyue knew that she would not be able to ask any more questions, so she stood up decisively and said, "Okay, there's nothing else to do. I heard that you have to prepare for work, so take a good rest."

"I send you."

At this time, Li Zhan fully understood why the other pilots became so talkative when mentioning Huang Xiaoyue, and he learned the lesson.

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