Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 36 Ballooning

On the morning of April 11, two batches of four aircraft took off to continue aerial target training, the Fourth Regiment had two aircraft in one batch, and the Sixth Regiment had two aircraft in one batch. What caught Li Zhan's attention was that Zhang Xueyang was already a target instructor and flew a two-seater Su Liangqi to take on a new pilot.

This is really incomparable. As I said before, burning aviation fuel is the way to go. In this regard, Li Zhan is inferior to many veteran pilots.

He was alone in the briefing room below the tower watching TV, his ears perked up but his attention was focused on the siren, hoping it would sound quickly.

The white helmet is placed on the right thigh, and the right hand is pressed down. The red five-pointed star is still facing forward like a human being.

The news was playing on the TV, and the report about the troops preparing for the National Day Parade caught his attention. It’s a tradition during the Tenth National Day, and this year’s National Day will definitely be a big one. For military fans and foreign media, the focus is naturally on the new equipment that will appear in public this year.

Every military parade will definitely be a perfect opportunity for foreign media to take a peek. Not all the main equipment of the Chinese army may be pulled out for a walk, but the main equipment that can show up must be the main equipment. As a pilot, Li Zhan was naturally concerned about the situation of the formation being reviewed by the Air Force. Of course, he knows more than the common people.

The J-11 is definitely a must, and there is a high probability that it will be the latest B type.

Li Zhan became a little excited when he thought of this.

They are both J-11s, but the early models and the B models are completely different.

The earliest J-11 was a fully assembled version, with parts provided by Russia and assembled by Shenyang Aircraft Company. The first flight was completed as early as 1998. In other words, the early model J-11 is no different from the SU-27 currently used by the Sixth Regiment. They still have the same cockpit full of instruments, full of the sense of déjà vu in the 1970s.

As for the B-type, after thoroughly understanding the technology of the SU-27, Shenfei focused on improving the avionics. It is well known that Maozi's avionics system is as good as shit. It took five or six years to work on it and made nearly 200 improvements. It only flew for the first time in 2006. It can be said to be on a different level from the previous models.

The Second Division is the main division of Guangkong and the main division of the Air Force. There were two batches of forty-eight SU-27s that year, half of which were in the Second Division. In other words, if the Second Division wants to modify the J-11, it will definitely not be an early model that is already showing its age, but it will be the latest B model.

Li Zhan was excited about the opportunity to fly the J-11B soon. After confirming that he missed the "villain" J-10, the J-11B was probably his only expectation.

Among the equipment reviewed by the Air Force, apart from this aircraft, he was not interested in anything else. On the other hand, looking at some of the army equipment that could be seen on the training screens on the news broadcast, Li Zhan realized that spring was coming for the old land, and the new equipment was definitely the most among the four services.

Needless to say about the navy, the ship can't sail to land anyway, and besides, it won't become a climate in 180 years. It often takes more than ten or twenty years for a destroyer to be launched from its project establishment, but your tanks and fighter jets are nothing.

While I was thinking wildly, the alarm rang without any suspense.

It is now twelve o'clock at noon, and if he is still empty after a while, another pilot will replace him.

Came just in time.

When Li Zhan picked up his helmet and ran outside, he remembered what the Second Division people often said: Be with empty feelings. The pilots of the brother forces in the mainland may not be able to deal with an air conditioner once in their entire flying career, but in the Second Division, they are not used to not having an air condition every few days.

Aces have reasons to be aces.

He does this every once in a while against strong enemies, even if he doesn't want to be strong.

Fighter No. 37 was parked at the duty stand, and the engine had been started. It was no different from the usual duty fighters. The maintenance team was nervously doing preparatory inspections. There is a backup aircraft parked next to it. If the fighter on duty cannot fly, the backup aircraft will be used.

Jumping into the cockpit with ease, Li Zhan put on his helmet with the help of the mechanic, plugged the call line into the external interface, then quickly checked the status of each system, quickly signed his name, and the mechanic patted his helmet to signal the end. , Li Zhan closed the canopy and opened it backwards with an independent front windshield.

After the boarding ladder is removed, the instructor gives instructions to slide out.

Li Zhan quickly skidded out to the take-off position not far away, received permission from the tower, and without stopping at all, directly increased the engine speed. When it reached the take-off value, he released the brakes. No. 37 began to run up, and he continued to push the throttle lever to the end. Fighter No. 37 It took off with a roar, and the takeoff distance was much shorter than usual. He retracts the landing gear as soon as it leaves the ground to reduce wind resistance and gain more lift as quickly as possible.

The tower commander is Yu Chenglin. He is also the regiment leader who organized the training today. He and a deputy commander of the Sixth Regiment form the chief and deputy commander.

Seeing this scene, Lin Haodong, the deputy commander of the Sixth Regiment, said with a smile, "Is this your new pilot? I heard he is called Brother No. 1? This action is quite good, very neat."

"The nicknames that little brats pick up randomly, like first brother and second brother. There are no brothers in the army, only comrades." Yu Chenglin adjusted his sunglasses.

The sun is shining brightly outside, but the clouds are very high. If you look carefully, you can even see the passenger plane cruising at an altitude of 10,000 meters. It is extremely clear. But everyone knows that in this place in Xi County, after noon, large groups of dark clouds may come over. During this season, the training window for the Second Division is almost always in the morning.

It was already twelve o'clock, and Li Zhan was afraid that he would encounter bad weather when he came back.

Empty love is nothing else. If there are no conditions, conditions must be created. There are many cases of taking off under pressure to deal with air conditions in weather where flying is obviously not allowed. What pilots do is to confront God. If you can't control the weather, if the enemy does, all you can do is stare blankly.

"The Southern Index reported that an unidentified aircraft appeared in the No. 3 airspace. It is suspected to be a high-altitude slow-speed flying object. After identifying the situation, we will report it. This operation will be commanded by the Xi County Tower." Yu Chenglin reported the situation to Li Zhan who was climbing.

When Li Zhan heard this, he suddenly felt a little bored.

Airspace No. 3 is just south of Xi County, only a hundred kilometers away. Therefore, it is usually commanded by the closer Xi County tower, and there is no need to leave it to the south control tower. The so-called high-altitude slow-speed flying objects are probably high-altitude balloons released by local hot-air balloon enthusiasts. The targets of those things are very small. If the brothers in the radar unit can detect them, they are definitely very awesome.

"Dong Sanguai understands."

After entering airspace No. 3, Li Zhan slowed down and opened the speed brake halfway.

Yu Chenglin noticed that the speed of fighter No. 037 suddenly slowed down a lot, and he immediately judged it and reminded, "Dongsanguai, pay attention to your speed."

"Understood." Li Zhan replied, making sure that the fighter plane's posture was balanced and did not encounter turbulent airflow, and then he looked around to find the target.

The location detected by the radar is relatively accurate. The Chinese Air Force radar unit even had the ability to detect F-117 stealth fighters in the 1990s. In terms of radar force construction, the Air Force Radar Force has always been at the forefront. And because this unit is extremely confidential and does not have much publicity, it is rarely known. Just like the Army's electronic interference force, in terms of confidentiality, no matter how awesome the special forces are, it cannot match it.

Therefore, Li Zhan saw the target without much effort.

"High-altitude balloon? And it has a tail?" Li Zhan was a little surprised. It was not a hot air balloon, but probably a hydrogen balloon.

"Tower, we found the target and judged it to be a hydrogen balloon with a towing object. I am now observing closely." Li Zhan reported.

Yu Chenglin breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said, "Pay attention to your speed and distance."


After Li Zhanfei passed by, he roughly understood what was going on. The ground was probably a town. Naturally, he was very familiar with the landmarks in a radius of 500 kilometers, and could tell that it was a town, not a county. After flying around the balloon twice, Li Zhan even saw clearly the words on the tow object - husband and wife fly together with one heart and one mind.

It really fucking flew.

"To the tower, the towed object is a banner. The couple is flying together with one heart and one mind. It is judged to be a hydrogen balloon used for ordinary people's wedding banquets. Please ask for instructions on the next step." Li Zhizhi reported with a wry smile.

Yu Chenglin and other personnel on duty at the tower also chuckled.

The family at the wedding party must have failed to prepare the balloon and the banner flew away with it. With the improvement of living standards, the level of wedding banquets of local people has also increased. If you don't look good when marrying a wife, you will lose face everywhere. If you are a bit economical, you can get some inflatable house signs, hang a large balloon on the left and right, and drag two banners, so that those who come to the banquet can see it from a distance, it will be very atmospheric.

This situation is rare. Many balloons burst before they reach very high. The quality of the one in front of me is also much better. It is a rare conscientious businessman.

Yu Chenglin is also in trouble, what should he do?

This is really not a UFO. It can even be said that it is not even a UFO. But if you don't care, who knows how high and far it will fly. If it goes to the take-off and landing routes of civil aviation, it will be a safety hazard. Forty kilometers east of Xi County is Nangang Airport, with nearly 70 flights taking off and landing every day. If it crashes, the responsibility lies with the troops.

China's airspace management rights rest with the Air Force. Every route in the hands of civil aviation is handed over by the Air Force. Any airspace used by civil aviation is demarcated by the Air Force. Civil aviation aircraft operating outside the prescribed airspace or routes must report to the Air Force in advance for approval.

Ensuring airspace security is the mission responsibility of the Air Force.

Li Zhan probably guessed that Yu Chenglin was in trouble. He thought for a while and asked for instructions, "Tower, I brought a machine gun, can you shoot it down?"

The balloon is just a balloon, it can be regarded as a live-fire shooting at an empty target in advance. The difficulty in dealing with a target like a balloon is to find it. Once you find it, destroying it is not difficult at all. Moreover, because there are very few targets, using air-to-air missiles to deal with targets with almost no speed will be several times more difficult than using machine guns.

No. 037 is a duty aircraft and must be loaded with live ammunition, but it does not carry air-to-air missiles.

"Dong Sanguai is waiting for orders. I'll ask my superiors for instructions."


At this time, Li Zhan once again circled the nose of the plane to the east, so he saw that Xi County in the north was slowly being covered by a large dark cloud moving from east to west.

Will you let me prepare to land in western Guangxi later?

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