Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 365 ? The drunkard’s intention is not the wine

Chapter 365 The drunkard doesn’t care about drinking

The eloquent test flight report of more than 10,000 words was placed on Fang Chenghe's desk. Li Zhan stood in front of the desk with a standard posture, waiting for Fang Chenghe to consider how to speak.

After lighting up the cigarette and taking two puffs, Fang Chenghe slowly said, "Sit down."

Li Zhan sat down.

Fang Chenghe's tone was very uncertain. He said, "Having a clear point of view may not be a good thing, right? What the higher-level leadership agency wants is an objective analysis report. Are you too subjective? Do you want to purchase Su Sanwu and me, a grassroots person?" The unit commanders don’t have a lot of power to make suggestions.”

The conclusion in the analysis report is very clear: it is recommended to purchase Su-35 fighter jets in small quantities.

From Li Zhan's point of view, it is logical for this conclusion to be included in the entire report. It is not important to write the analysis report into a paper. What is important is that he finally reached this conclusion after analyzing more than 10,000 words. But in Fang Chenghe's view, this conclusion should not appear in an objective analysis report.

If this is not nothing, then the last paragraph of suggestion text in the analysis report is surprising, both surprising and pleasant.

"After comprehensive and in-depth actual combat test flights of the Su-35 fighter jet, I personally believe that under the premise of purchasing a small amount, it should be equipped and stationed in remote inland areas, and the full performance of the aircraft can be better and more fully utilized by relying on the long range of the aircraft."

This is one of the passages in it, which is short of directly saying that it should be equipped with the 101st Brigade.

Fang Chenghe was first surprised and then happy, which is why he had such an uncertain tone. There is no doubt that for him the Second Division is a thing of the past, his unit is the 101st Brigade, and this is especially true for Li Zhan. Under such prerequisites, if there is an opportunity to obtain a new fighter jet for one's own troops, a fighter jet second only to the fourth generation fighter jets, how could one not be happy?

The analysis report was handed in three days ago. After reading it carefully, Fang Chenghe conducted research with Bao Guanhua, Yang Jingshan and others, and found that this matter was not impossible.

He smoked a cigarette and slowly recalled the meeting last night.

Yang Jingshan said, "Li Zhan's meaning is very obscure. He believes that we should strive for the first batch of equipment to equip the Su 35. I personally think there is basically no suspense about whether to purchase the Su 35. Regardless of political factors, the engines and air combat capabilities of the Su 35 The decision-making aid system is quite valuable. By buying a brigade, you can fill the vacancies in the staff and acquire some important technologies for research, killing two birds with one stone."

"Shen Hoi Aircraft Factory is more inclined to introduce this aircraft." Bao Guanhua said, "Before the meeting, I made a phone call to my classmates in the military industry department. According to him, the focus of Shen Hoy Aircraft Factory in the future will be on annihilation. For the 11th series of fighter jets, they are very interested in the new technology of the parent factory."

Fang Chenghe said with a smile, "I heard that the first flight of Chengdu Lockheed Martin Aircraft Factory's fourth-generation aircraft gave Shenhuoyi Aircraft Factory a lot of excitement. They also seem to have a fourth-generation aircraft, and the first flight should not be far away. .”

"Where did the news come from? How come this year's fourth-generation phone comes out as if it's free of charge." Bao Guanhua joked.

Fang Chenghe said, "Li Zhan saw it with his own eyes. At that time, the prototype of the J-16 was parked in a hangar, and the back half was covered with canvas. But Li Zhan was very sure that it was not an improvement on any current fighter. He did After some research, I learned that it is a fourth-generation aircraft manufactured by Shen Hoy Aircraft Factory. Judging from the size of the aircraft, it should be a medium-sized fighter aircraft."

"Replacing Jian Shi?" Yang Jingshan was stunned.

The J-10 series has just begun to enter a mature development period. Theoretically speaking, it is not too late to consider subsequent models in another twenty years. The J-10 platform is excellent and has been greatly improved. redundancy. However, if you think about it carefully, it seems normal. The research and development of the domestic military industry consistently follows the four consecutive steps of equipment generation, development generation, pre-research generation, and exploration generation.

In other words, once the J-10 is mature enough to be equipped with troops in batches, its follow-up models will definitely be under development. Maybe this work will start from the day the J-10 officially enters service, and will reach the final first flight stage. Not unusual. At the same time, there is still a generation of pre-research, and the theoretical work may be incomplete. Also going on at the same time are exploration work, future development directions of military equipment, etc.

Simply put, since the J-10 has been made public, it will not be too far away from the first flight of its successor model, and the newer generation successor model is probably already in the wind tunnel.

Judging from this step in the development of military equipment, whether it is Lockheed Martin or Shen Hoy, it seems that it is not something worth making a fuss about bringing out fourth-generation aircraft.

Fang Chenghe's words interrupted Yang Jingshan's thoughts. He said, "No, but it is possible." Li Zhan learned from the representatives of the army stationed at the station that Shen Hoy's fourth-generation aircraft was a self-developed project and had nothing to do with the army. "

"Self-research project?" Bao Guanhua was a little stunned, then smiled, "You still have to have money."

Shen Hoy doesn't have much money, so he can still do it by spending one or two billion every year on the research and development of fourth-generation aircraft. After all, their product exports have been doing well in the past few years, and they can't complete domestic orders at all.

Yang Jingshan said, "If the manufacturer supports it, there will probably be no suspense about the introduction of the Su Sanwu. From a tactical perspective, this aircraft is still good. Li Zhan is a very picky person, and he even picked out a lot of problems with the J-10 , It’s not good here, but it’s not good there. But he has a relatively high evaluation of Su Sanwu, and believes that this aircraft should have reached the top level among third-generation aircraft.”

After being silent for a while, Fang Chenghe asked, "Assuming that the superiors decide to introduce Su Sanwu, what is the possibility of us getting the first batch to equip this aircraft?"

Bao Guanhua said, "Lao Fang, you should know best. The possibility is not high."

When he said this, Fang Chenghe fell silent.

After working in the Second Division for more than ten years, there is really no one who knows the situation better than this. The Second Division and the Three Hundred Division are the two fists of the Chinese Air Force. One hangs over the South China Sea and the other strikes towards the Pacific Ocean. This will be the case now and for a long time to come. The 101st Regiment was transformed into a brigade, replacing more than 30 third-generation aircraft at one go. It looked very tough, but compared with the Second Division and the 300th Division, the 101st Brigade was still the king of rags.

Yes, the 101st Brigade is an exploration of the Air Force's combat aviation brigade, and the Beiku Field Station has also moved towards base construction. This approach is also a pilot, but before this, the Second Division and the Three Hundred Division had already mixed a variety of aircraft types. , they already have the ability to support the operations of multiple types of aircraft.

Not to mention second-generation aircraft such as the J-7 and J-8, the J-10, J-11, Su-30MKK and other fighters are stationed at the same station at the same time, which has far-reaching implications.

If the Su-35 is purchased, the first batch of units will only be between the Second Division and the Three Hundred Division, and it is very likely that it will become the only unit with a Su-35 fleet.

Fang Chenghe pointed to the analysis report on the desktop and said, "Li Zhan's report gave me a new idea. The 228 project carried out by our brigade has entered the final stage, and the results are gratifying, and many results have been achieved. It was promoted in the Air Force aviation units, and Hainan Airlines also learned from it. This is our advantage. On the other hand, didn’t we just conduct a test flight? I don’t think any force knows Su Sanwu better than us. This is our second An advantage.”

The political commissar and chief of staff's eyes revealed the same meaning - let's give it a try?

Fang Chenghe retracted his thoughts and asked Li Zhan, "If, I mean if, if Su Sanwu's purchase is completed, how should we open this door?"

He is definitely not a mother-in-law's person, Li Zhan knows this very well. This former political commissar of the 2nd Division and current commander of the 101st Brigade, who was once a chief of staff, is absolutely straightforward in his conduct, just like the shells fired from the aircraft cannon, which are very powerful.

The reason why he was hesitant about this matter was that the Second Division was the unit where he had worked the longest. He had spent more than ten years in the Second Division. How many more than ten years could there be in his life? Moreover, it was the longest period in his life. Good years.

Li Zhan only stayed in the Second Division for nine months, and his sense of belonging to the Second Division was obviously not as good as that of Fang Chenghe. In addition, the reason why he left the Second Division was to a certain extent because he was wronged, and he had no feelings for the Second Division. So many emotions.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Zhan said, "Speak the truth and report the instructions directly. Our achievements are obvious to all. Brigade Commander, in fact, the most convincing factual basis is that we are a simulated blue army unit of the entire army. Our Air Force, Hainan Airlines, You have to go through it all under our hands. To simulate the Blue Army, you can’t let us drive a backward third-generation aircraft to simulate the Blue Army’s third-and-a-half or even fourth-generation aircraft, right?”

He said, "You know better than me what the J-11B is, brigade commander. Its actual combat capabilities have yet to be tested, but I personally don't really believe Shen Hoy's words."

This was quite new. Fang Chenghe asked, "Do you think the J-11B model has a false reputation?"

"It's not that it has a name in vain, but it doesn't have a name at all." Li Zhan spread his hands and said, "When it comes to the J-11, no matter which model, everyone's first reaction is Su Liangqi. This is also true. Let's not talk about the A-type. Type B uses domestic engines and domestic avionics, but its effectiveness remains to be tested in actual combat."

Fang Chenghe smiled and said, "According to your logic, Su Sanwu is the same."

Li Zhan shook his head seriously and said, "I thought so at first, but after the test flight, I found out that this was not the case. Combining what Vasily disclosed and related information, I found that Maozi really did what they had dreamed of this time. Su Liangqi."

"One of the reasons why I suggest buying a small amount is that you can learn Maozi's method of making up for Su Liangqi's shortcomings. This is also one of the reasons why Shen Huoyi strongly supports the purchase. They have been tinkering with Su Liangqi for more than ten years. There are still some unresolved problems, not their technical problems, but Su Liangqi's congenital problems, and even some problems are unknown. But Maozi knows, they know best what is wrong with Su Liangqi. .”

Fang Chenghe understood that the purpose of purchasing the Su-35 was not the aircraft, but the J-11 series of fighters. What Li Zhan means is obvious. Russia can create the "Super Flanker" Su-35 based on the Su-27 fighter, and China can also create a transitional third-generation equivalent to the Su-35 based on the J-11 platform. Semi-fighter.

He thought for a while and said, "The reasons you cited are very good. Even if an agreement is reached, the deployment of troops may not be a matter of time."

"We should file a report." Li Zhan said, "But instead of applying for the Su Sanwu, we apply for the J-16. There are already several J-16 prototypes built by Shen Hoy. When the old brigade commander was still there, I contacted our superiors about this matter and asked our superiors to allow us to conduct actual combat test flights of the J-16. Later, the matter of the old brigade commander’s accident was shelved.”

Fang Chenghe knew about this and asked, "Can this be connected with Su Sanwu?"

"Yes, and the relationship is obviously very close." Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "But the goal is not the Su Sanwu but the J-16. Brigadier, didn't you just say that even if the Su Sanwu can be installed, it will not be a short-term Things within. The J-16 is different. Once the prototype aircraft has been tested and flown, it will be easy to apply for a few trial aircraft. We are short of professional fighter-bombers."

Fang Chenghe was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood Li Zhan's true purpose.

The application for the installation of "introduced advanced third-generation semi-heavy fighters" will probably not be approved. So, will the superiors consider allocating mass production of the J-16?

The Su-35 is far away, but the J-16 is very close.

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