Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 366 ? The storm is about to come and the wind fills the building

Chapter 366 The storm is coming

As we enter September, the temperature in Beiku gradually drops. By the time the sun sets, the temperature has already dropped to ten degrees. The Beiku war training base located at the foothills of Beiku Mountain adds a bit of chill.

The training enthusiasm of the 101st Brigade is fiery, and there is no distinction between day and night. Every year after August 1st, the military training will reach its climax in the middle of the year, and this year is no exception. The four services of the sea, land and air artillery have begun annual live-fire exercises to test the training results of the troops in the past year. The quarter from September to December is also a period when military news coverage explodes.

"On the 19th, it was a scorching summer day with heavy fog. A destroyer detachment of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet lined up in the South China Sea and launched a live-fire confrontation exercise. I saw one warship riding the waves to attack..."

"In late August, an airport of the Southeast Military Region Air Force was busy, and the war eagles were ready for departure. Boarding, inspection, driving... After a while, the roar resounded through the airport, and several fighter planes took off in stages, heading straight to the designated airspace to start the annual live-fire shooting exercise …”

News like this is frequently seen in newspapers and TV news. Behind it is a scene that is far more enthusiastic and exciting than the scenes shown in the reports.

The 101st Brigade, stationed in Beikku and guarding the western gate of the motherland, is undoubtedly one of the units with the highest training intensity. The impact of Xue Xiangdong's sacrifice is far from diminished. The officers and soldiers, especially the grassroots officers and soldiers, will look up to the sky every time they think of the old brigade commander's voice and smile, as if the old brigade commander has been watching everyone in the sky.

Some people thought that Xue Xiangdong's choice was inappropriate and that he should not have passed away by hiding his illness. However, he still chose to say his final farewell as a combat pilot, which greatly shocked the grassroots officers and soldiers. There is no ideological education more shocking than this.

This is pre-war mobilization at its finest.

The officers and soldiers of the 101st Brigade immersed themselves in training in extreme sadness, and the air and ground crews were all determined to win the first place in the all-factor assessment of the Air Force aviation units at the end of the year, in order to comfort the spirit of the old brigade commander.

A 20-section oil tanker drove into the Beiku war training base along the special railway. The ground crew officers and soldiers poured hundreds of tons of aviation fuel into the underground oil depot in an orderly manner. Not long after, another train drove straight in. In the ammunition depot in the Beiku Mountains, the armed police internal security troops with live ammunition escorted the ammunition to the base for handover.

For several days in a row, various logistical supplies were being replenished and put into the warehouse, which often made people feel excited. The Beiku war training base was full of the smell of war.

Li Zhan, who was supposed to be training in the sky, got a temporary position and had to ride around in the Warrior commuter bus driven by Pei Lei.

A project construction leadership group was established at the air defense base, and Li Zhan also assumed the temporary position of deputy director of the office. This project construction leading group is amazing. The leader is the head of the military region. Liang Pengfei is the executive deputy leader and is responsible for specific matters. Fang Chenghe is the office director and is responsible for more specific matters. Li Zhan, the deputy director of the office, does the work. The position sounds domineering, but in fact it is just a person who does specific work.

In the sky, the troops are undergoing continuous high-intensity training, and the roar of fighter jet engines is endless. It never stops from day to night. Even the villagers of Sansanlipu Town can hear the roar of fighter jets from high above their heads at three or four in the morning. The sound of flying by.

Li Zhan felt scratched in his heart, but his many requests for instructions to lead the team training were rejected, which made him very depressed. He originally planned to use the lever money to buy a few more apartments in the last quarter and then build a building on the land that his father bought. Instead, he was assigned a temporary position that was completely unrelated to his major. , how not to make people depressed.

Fang Chenghe's explanation is also very well-founded. Li Zhan is the grassroots cadre who best understands the requirements for station base construction, and it is most appropriate for him to be responsible for the specific implementation.

However, after discussing it privately, everyone believed that this was a disguised grounding of Li Zhan. Think about it, it’s okay to “shoot down” your own plane. If your own stuff breaks, just break it and make money to buy it, but it’s not okay if you hit the accelerator and scrapped two other people’s engines and almost didn’t get into a diplomatic lawsuit. . Until now, the Su-27SM is still lying in the repair shop. The Chinese side was nice enough to have some money in their pocket and compensated according to the price, but the Russian side did not deliver the new engine as scheduled, and it was delayed for several months. This made Li Zhan couldn't help but think, hey, maybe the price of two engines can be exchanged for such an aircraft. But when I saw the broken Su-27SM, I couldn't be happy again. It was not as valuable as the two engines.

In any case, Li Zhan missed the high-intensity training in early September. Even in his absence, Nie Jianfeng and others did a good job, which made Li Zhan feel happy for no reason. After all, he doesn't have much time left in the 101st Brigade. He has worked so hard to bring this unit out and if it goes downhill because he leaves, all the past efforts will be in vain. So he said to others, do you know how I spent more than two years in Beiku - making a lot of rod fees.

After a trip to the cargo station to sign for the receipt of various building materials and construction machinery that arrived on the same day, and asking the security officer and others to conduct safety inspections on these materials, Li Zhan asked Pei Lei to drive straight to the mountains to the north.

That's right, in addition to aviation fuel and ammunition, there are countless construction machinery and materials that flooded into the Beiku combat training base. A dozen large trucks from a large central enterprise pulled in an engineering team of more than 200 people. Beiku War Training Base.

Base expansion, construction of a second runway, construction of permanent aircraft forts and hangars, construction of base office buildings and other living buildings, and laying of various pipeline communication lines...

Judging from the area, the usable area of ​​the Beiku combat training base will be doubled after it is fully completed, and can accommodate up to 100 fighter aircraft for combat training. In terms of level, Beikku Air Defense Base is the only military-level comprehensive station in the entire army. From the perspective of purpose, the Beiku combat training base has been determined to be built into the largest simulated blue army combat training base in the entire army.

Li Zhan didn't understand engineering construction, but he knew how to build it to best meet the requirements of military training. Beiku Base is both an air defense base and a combat training base. The construction and planning of the expansion are based on the requirements and standards developed through repeated discussions among multiple departments based on the draft submitted by Li Zhan. He can't draw pictures, but he knows how to draw them.

It seems that the specific implementation and supervision of this matter must be him.

It's just that what he is most concerned about today is tomorrow's live-fire shooting training, and this Bidian ran over to see the newly allocated ammunition.

Pei Lei knew what was going on, because the captain was also participating in live-fire training tomorrow, so he was so excited. Taking a closer look, the team leader has been grounded for more than a week, and he is already getting angry. We might not know how to fire artillery tomorrow, but everyone is waiting with anticipation for tomorrow's brigade-wide live-fire training.

The three brigades completed the live ammunition firing within one day, which was another large-scale military operation involving the use of guns and artillery.

The base has a dedicated combat readiness road with an earthy gray concrete and reinforced structure that leads directly to the ammunition depot located deep in the mountains of Beiku. Those caves are not newly built. It is said that those caves existed in the 1950s and 1960s. They were originally the places where the Second Artillery Corps was located. They probably hid ballistic missiles. There are preset positions outside, which can be fired by pulling them out. I don’t know when it was evacuated, and now it’s an excellent place to store ammunition.

After twisting and turning, we arrived at the foot of the mountain. Looking up, we saw towering peaks that looked like daggers. The surrounding coniferous forests looked very dense. From Li Zhan's professional perspective, it would be extremely difficult for aerial reconnaissance to find clues here, let alone peek into the common entrances and exits of the ammunition depot of this unremarkable and shabby factory in front of him. The railway line is right next to it, passing between tall trees and going directly into the mountains.

The Beikku Comprehensive War Readiness Warehouse is no longer a place belonging to the 101st Brigade. It is not even within the jurisdiction of the Beikku Air Defense Base. This is not the Beiku Battle Training Base's own warehouse. It is of a high level. The deputy division level unit is directly under the General Logistics Department, and the military region has no control over it.

The base called in advance and sent the official documents. Even so, the captain who received them checked Li Zhan and Pei Lei's documents in detail before leading them in. After changing vehicles, the Warrior commuter bus was parked outside and was not allowed to enter, so I got into the Great Wall pickup truck driven by the captain.

After driving for several minutes, they entered the area where the ammunition was actually stored. It was an eye-opener for Li Zhan and Pei Lei.

"Consultant Zhang, are you afraid that the mountain will be hollowed out?" Li Zhan couldn't help but ask.

Officer Zhang, who was driving, had a dark complexion. Most people who rarely see the light of day have this color, which is similar to people who confuse black and white. Naturally, there is no day and night in the cave. His expression is cautious and somewhat dull, which is closely related to the work he is engaged in. The step-by-step days have been too long and even the eyes have lost their color.

No wonder the word "warehouse" is often preceded by the prefix - distribution.

A person would go crazy even if he stayed in a place like this for a few months, not to mention several years. How is it any different from being in solitary confinement? The more Li Zhan said this, the more he admired his comrades here.

Staff Zhang's tone was colorless and he said, "The mountain is huge, so it won't be hollowed out. The warehouse is very big."

If it wasn't a military warehouse, the people here would probably be happy to finally meet a stranger. At least they could talk to someone different. But there are disciplines in the army, what can and cannot be said, and confidentiality regulations are so detailed that they could be printed into a novel.

Li Zhan said no more. A few minutes later, he arrived in a huge space. The scene in front of them made both Li Zhan and Pei Lei dumbfounded.

Lots of fighter planes.

J-6, J-7, J-8, a rough count estimated that there were hundreds of them parked densely like a giant parking lot. The scene stunned Li Zhan, a well-informed man.

Staff Officer Zhang said disapprovingly, "They are all junk, and some of them should be disposed of after a while."

"This, this is the legendary combat-ready fighter plane?" Li Zhan pointed to the huge group of fighter planes and said, dumbfounded.

Not only is it huge, but it is also backward.

Staff Officer Zhang smiled and said nothing, neither admitting nor denying, but pointed to the right, "Your things are over there, please come over here."

People walked over there and looked straight at this huge parking lot. It was a huge space that was tens of meters high and much larger than a football field. Li Zhan couldn't understand how such incredible craftsmanship was possible decades ago. The Beiku War Readiness Warehouse is definitely not a special case. It is probably difficult to have an accurate number of the great national defense projects created under the general environment of "digging holes deeply and accumulating grain widely".

After walking for several minutes, I entered the warehouse where the ammunition belonging to the 101st Brigade was stored.

"That's it. Thirty-six pieces in total. The details are here." Staff Zhang handed over a document and said, "Captain Li, please check and accept it. If there is no problem, sign here."

Li Zhan came here to do this.

He checked the list one by one, including the manufacturer's nameplate, model number, production serial number, identification code, tactical markings, precautions, usage instructions, etc. It took almost an hour to complete these tasks, but Staff Zhang did not show the slightest hint of impatience, but explained something to Li Zhan seriously.

This is a new batch of ammunition, and the service number is confidential.

Pei Lei is in his fifth year this year, but he has never seen such ammunition.

It's very similar to an aerial bomb, but very different. The position of the warhead is very delicate. It is the seeker. Looking at it with Pei Lei's non-professional eyes, he feels that the seeker is very different. Looking at the tail of the bomb, it looks like an engine nozzle, with four fins surrounding it. It looks a lot like adding a new head and tail to an ordinary aerial bomb, but it doesn't quite look like it, because the body of an ordinary aerial bomb is cylindrical, but the missile in front of you has a polygonal cross-section, and it seems that there are Retractable main wings.

If he pays attention to military news, he will think of the new standoff joint attack munitions that appeared at the Zhuhai Air Show last year, but the ones at the air show were nicknamed models, and the thirty-six that appeared in front of him at this moment The new standoff joint attack munition, whose service model name is confidential, is a self-use model.

Li Zhan is very satisfied with the 250-kilogram warhead. It has a maximum range of 200 kilometers and a maximum accuracy of 5 meters. It can carry various warheads to strike a variety of ground, sea, and underground targets. When carrying submunition warheads, this thing is an aerial ammunition dispenser. The submunitions released can cover an area as large as a 30,000-person stadium. Based on the calculation that a fighter plane carries four warheads, dispatching a strike team of four fighters can Covering such a large area as the Beiku Battle Training Base.

This is not an LS series guided missile, nor does it belong to the air-to-ground missile category. The type is somewhere in between the two, with the former’s large ammunition yield and the latter’s accuracy and long range.

The most critical point is that this ammunition is specially developed for new domestic fighter aircraft and is mainly used as supporting ammunition for heavy fighter aircraft such as J-11 and J-16. The J-10 can be mounted and used, but the ammunition weighing more than one ton seems a bit heavy for villains with small arms and legs.

With an ultra-long combat radius of 1,800 kilometers and joint attack munitions with a maximum range of 200 kilometers outside the defense zone, and the carrier aircraft are J-11 and J-16 series fighters with excellent air combat performance, this is absolutely a powerful enemy. It's a huge pressure

In tomorrow's live-fire shooting training, Li Zhan personally led the team to conduct the first application shooting of this type of ammunition, which was the finale of the "228" subject.

After confirming that it was correct, Li Zhan signed his name on the handover form. Immediately, Staff Officer Zhang reported and arranged the transfer after receiving the order.

The countdown to a massive live-fire training exercise, the largest of the year, has begun.

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