Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 376 Lao Zhu, you are going to make a meritorious service

There are detailed regulations on when the flight commander should issue what kind of orders, and there are also detailed regulations on the circumstances under which parachute instructions can be issued. While the right engine is still functioning normally, it is not yet ready for the pilot to parachute.

However, neither Fang Chenghe nor Bao Guanhua raised any objections to Li Zhan's instructions. As the so-called "long-term illness makes a good doctor", Li Zhan, the "doctor", definitely has the richest "clinical experience" in the military. His instructions are based on the tragic results. On top of lessons.

The failure of the left engine to catch fire means that the right engine may be affected. The J-8FR, a fighter jet specially developed for high altitude and high speed, has very poor static lift performance. Without power, it is just a brick. Unless the pilot grows his own wings, he will never be able to fly back, even if the distance is only a few kilometers.

Li Zhan had suffered losses several times and almost spilled his blood in the sky. Now his role was changed and he became a flight commander. His soldiers were in the sky. The feeling was completely different. Only then did he understand that when he encountered danger in the sky, he would be in danger on the ground. How anxious are the leaders and comrades. At least if Zhu Wei refused to skydive, he would be so angry that he would jump to his feet.

The thrust of the right engine has been very stable, the rotational speed has been maintained at normal power, and the worst case has not occurred. Only five kilometers away from the base, Li Zhan agreed to Zhu Wei's request for an emergency landing. Without a telescope, you can see black smoke and open flames emerging from the tail of No. 101 J-8FR.

Li Zhan issued the latest order: "Firefighters are in place!"

"Firefighters are in position! Repeat, firefighters are in position!" A staff officer immediately passed on the order.

More than a dozen fire trucks and rescue vehicles of various types, with the alarm on, rushed out from the standby position and rushed along the taxiway to the designated position. Emergency officers and soldiers quickly launched and made final preparations.

Pei Xiaoshuai accompanied the No. 101 J-8FR, which had an open flame in the engine compartment, into the landing route. He continuously informed Zhu Wei of the flight parameters and gave clear guidance.

"Let the wheel go."

"Let the wheel go, okay."

"Throttle slow."

"Throttle and slow down, okay."

"Flap three."

"Flap three, okay."

Pei Xiaoshuai made a move and Zhu Wei followed suit, confirming each other via radio. Pei Xiaoshuai visually confirmed whether Zhu Wei's aircraft movements were in place. It looked like two fighter planes were landing side by side. One of them had a very unstable attitude and was shaking very much from side to side. It is not easy for the J-8FR to maintain a stable flight attitude when only one engine is working, and today's ground wind reached six meters, which is a factor that has a considerable impact.

"Tower, my speed cannot be too low, prepare to touch the ground." With Pei Xiaoshuai as a reference, Zhu Wei did not panic, even though he knew his butt was on fire.

Li Zhan glanced at the data that had been reported in time. Zhu Wei's entry speed reached 380. At this speed, the landing fighter would be very likely to reach the end of the runway. He immediately adjusted the position of the fire rescue team.

If Zhu Wei does not maintain a high speed, it may be difficult for the fighter plane to fly smoothly. In the dilemma, of course he chooses to increase the landing entry speed. As long as the landing is smooth, other risks are worth it.

After the main landing gear of No. 101 J-8FR lightly touched the ground, Pei Xiaoshuai quickly raised the nose of the aircraft and maintained speed to switch from landing to low-altitude clearance. He followed the side of No. 101 J-8FR and flew level for a while before pulling out the turn. Off the landing route.

The No. 101 J-8FR, dragging a trail of black smoke from behind, was taxiing at high speed, with the rest of the runway in front of it being two thousand meters long.

Li Zhan asked Zhu Wei, "Are the brakes normal?"

"The brakes are fine."

"Don't release the parachute." Li Zhan reminded.

Zhu Wei replied, "Understood, no problem, let the fire department come over."

The fire rescue team rushed over, chirping like a bird-driving team to drive away the birds.

It wasn't until they saw No. 101 J-8FR slowly coming to a stop that everyone in the tower heaved a sigh of relief. Li Zhan rushed to the scene by car with Fang Chenghe and Bao Guanhua. I have a big greeting in my head. The man-machine landed safely, and investigating the cause of the failure became a fact that had to be faced.

Without exception, the crew once again stood at the forefront.

Today's flight ended in a particularly dangerous situation, which brought an unsatisfactory end to the live-fire training. Even if it is a problem of aircraft maintenance, today's military training work in the brigade will be put under a big question mark.

The fire was quickly extinguished. Li Zhan carefully inspected the damage to the engine room. Fang Chenghe and Bao Guanhua were asking Zhu Wei about the situation. People from the repair shop and the maintenance team had already begun a preliminary investigation, and not long after, people from the air defense base also came over. Several groups of people were busy surrounding the fighter plane.

Li Zhan always felt that it was strange that the left head became angry immediately after the atmospheric data system failed. There must be an inevitable connection between the two, but the logic did not make sense.

Li Liming, the ancestor of the brigade's maintenance team, saw the scene of Li Liming walking towards the nose of the aircraft with his hands behind his back. Li Zhan suddenly raised his brows thoughtfully and stepped forward to follow. The two of them came directly to the left air intake as if they had a good understanding of each other, and couldn't help but smile at each other.

The cause of the accident was found.

"Old monitor, should you be sure?" Li Zhan asked.

Li Liming nodded firmly, "Okay, that's the reason."

"Follow me and report." Li Zhan said.

Li Liming said, "Captain, you go and report, and I will observe and observe."

Smiling and shaking his head, Li Zhan said, "You found the cause of the accident. You know the situation best. Let's go, old monitor."

Li Liming stopped being pretentious, straightened his clothes and followed Li Zhan to meet with the base commander Liang Pengfei and the brigade commander's political commissar. Several bosses were still asking Zhu Wei about the situation. If there are no exceptions, Li Liming will retire from active service at the end of the next year and bid farewell to the military as a second-class sergeant major. It is obvious that Li Zhan is doing this to obtain an exception for him to return. The last step is just around the corner. Who is willing to leave if they have the opportunity to continue serving in the army? Especially for the old non-commissioned officers who have served for nearly twenty years. They have lost the opportunity and age to return to the place and start over.

The veteran maintenance sergeant's ability had already been demonstrated at this time. While everyone was still circling the engine room, he had already noticed the possible impact of damage to other places, and even simulated the entire accident process in his mind.

What leaders need to know most urgently now is whether the cause of the danger was an accident or a human factor. The air defense base was first built and was undergoing major expansion at this time. The development of the 101st Brigade entered a critical year. The work in the first nine months was excellent. An accident at this time would destroy all previous efforts.

The Air Force's first all-military all-factor competition will be held at the Beiku combat training base. At this juncture, it is important to show your face, not your butt.

Li Zhan brought Li Liming to the chiefs and reported, "Chief, the cause of the accident can basically be determined. Comrade Li Liming, the mechanic of our brigade, found it."

"What's the reason?" Liang Pengfei looked seriously at Li Liming, who was about the same age as him, "Old Li?"

Li Liming replied, "Reporting to the chief, it was initially determined that the chain failure was caused by a bird collision. Impact marks were found on the left air inlet, with residual blood and bird feathers embedded in the skin."

"Hitting a bird?" Liang Pengfei frowned and looked at Zhu Wei.

Zhu Wei was also taken aback and said in surprise, "I didn't feel anything. The whole flight was relatively normal. There were no symptoms before the malfunction occurred."

Fang Chenghe asked Li Liming, "Are you sure?"

Li Liming answered affirmatively, "I'm sure, it must have been a bird collision."

This is strange. If it was a bird collision, the pilot should have felt it.

Li Zhan asked Zhu Wei, "Has there been any strong turbulence?"

"Yes." Zhu Wei replied, "When I was shooting at a lower altitude, I encountered a strong airflow and it was very bumpy."

Everyone was thoughtful.

Li Zhan said, "The bird collision is likely to occur during bumps. It is difficult to feel the vibration caused by the bird collision and the bumps at the same time."

Liang Pengfei asked seriously, "Old Li, are you sure it was the bird strike that caused the atmospheric data system to malfunction and cause the left engine to catch fire?"

Li Liming said without any hesitation, "Chief, yes."

Liang Pengfei looked at Fang Chenghe, "Brigadier Fang, what do you think of your brigade?"

Several young cadres understood that this was to ask the brigade to take a stand and give a clear preliminary investigation conclusion. The air defense base obviously had to report based on the preliminary investigation conclusion of the 101st Brigade. Whoever takes a stand will be held responsible. Whether the commander has taken the responsibility and fully trusts the soldiers under his command will be reflected immediately.

Everyone's eager eyes were cast on Fang Chenghe, hoping to see him give a positive answer.

Everyone was not disappointed. Fang Chenghe did not hesitate for a long time and said very decisively, "Chief, Comrade Li Liming's preliminary investigation conclusion is the conclusion of our brigade."

"Okay, the follow-up work will be carried out based on this conclusion." Liang Pengfei also breathed a sigh of relief. The 101st Brigade dared to report to the superiors based on this if he was sure of it. Subordinates must unconditionally obey their superiors, and superiors must give full recognition and trust to their subordinates' work.

As long as there are no human factors, everything is fine.

Li Zhan called Zhu Wei into the car, asked Nie Jianfeng to come over, and asked Pei Lei to drive to the infield office building and return to the "223" office.

Nie Jianfeng patted Zhu Wei on the shoulder and asked him to sit down, and said, "The Jian Zhenba was still bumpy even if it didn't encounter strong air currents. It's not surprising that you didn't notice the bird collision. Don't worry."

Li Zhan poured water for them and said, "Danger of a bird collision, malfunction of the atmospheric data system, fire in the engine compartment when the left engine was stopped, and safe return and landing without causing serious damage. Lao Zhu, you are going to make a meritorious service."

"Captain, please stop teasing me. I don't know how depressed I am. I haven't been going well during this period. You also know that I went to Duda Station to perform a reconnaissance training mission some time ago. I was stunned to ask the flight commander to comment. I passed the test, but today I missed a target and hit a bird again. Without being punished, I burned incense and dared to think of meritorious deeds. I even doubted whether it was the tactical number of the fighter plane." Zhu Wei took a sip of tea and said with a frown. explain.

Li Zhan sat down and asked, "What does it have to do with the tactical number?"

"Young Yao Yao, Yao Dong Yao, didn't you just fly apart? The cockpit cover flew off." Zhu Wei said matter-of-factly.

Li Zhan was stunned, "How come it's turned on me?"

Nie Jianfeng couldn't help laughing, and said for a while, "The danger is basically certain. Who doesn't know that the old squad leader Li Liming is famous for his sharp eyes, and he has never made any mistakes. Lao Zhu, let's talk about the situation of the target practice. It's only fifty kilometers in total." The distance is 300 meters, and there is only one target, so why did it miss the target?"

Zhu Wei spread his hands and said, "I'm also confused. I followed the operating procedures exactly, and there was no difference from before. There was no problem with the fire control of the fighter plane, and there was no problem with the missile, but it just missed. There is news from the target drone brigade at the base. Have you given feedback?”

"The Tiger Team went to the site to investigate, but there is no news back yet." Li Zhan said, "The targets you shot were set by them and have nothing to do with the base target drone brigade."

Zhu Wei said unexpectedly, "There's no hidden secret here, right?"

"Even if there is something you shouldn't know, I won't tell you." Li Zhan said, "Just wait for the news. If it misses the target, there's nothing to say. Anything can happen when the missile is fired, and no one dares Guaranteed to hit the target."

Zhu Wei said, "Captain, that's what you said, but what's the problem? Four fighter planes shot four Eagle Strike 91s, and they all fired preset guidance and then left. The point-and-shoot shooting method can drive the plane up. I screwed up on a mission that could have been accomplished by pressing the launch button, ugh!"

"Well, if you don't care after the launch, if your shooting procedure is fine, then it's not your fault." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan said, "It's too early to discuss these now. The superiors will naturally investigate and find out what the reason is. What's the point of your self-pity and self-pity? Lao Zhu, you may have to take a break for a while."

Zhu Wei nodded silently, he had been mentally prepared.

A dangerous situation like this requires a period of grounding and adjustment, and no one is exempt.

"It's not a bad thing." Li Zhan said with a smile, "The brigade commander asked me how I plan to use the three J-10s that are about to arrive. I plan to give them to your squadron."

"J-10?" Zhu Wei's attention was indeed attracted. Who would be willing to fly a second-generation aircraft if given the opportunity to fly a third-generation aircraft?

Li Zhan said, "Yes, electronic warfare modifications have been carried out at the manufacturer."

"The J-10 is a single-engine single-seat aircraft. It's not an electronic warfare aircraft." Zhu Wei said subconsciously.

Nie Jianfeng said with a smile, "The brigade commander has coordinated, and the one assigned is a two-seat aircraft. As for the engine power redundancy, the manufacturer has a compromise modification plan. After all, it is not a professional electronic warfare aircraft, and the superiors want to make one A useful attempt.”

"It's no problem if it's experimental in nature. It's at least much better than the J-8. The J-8 can do tactical reconnaissance, but it can barely handle electronic warfare," Zhu Wei said.

Li Zhan said, "It's just during your break that you can study the theory of the J-10. Once the aircraft arrives, you can conduct modification training as soon as possible."

"Understood!" Zhu Wei was in a much better mood. He was not resting at all. He was clearly continuing to be entrusted with important tasks.

Obviously, even if today's danger had not occurred first, the task of modifying the J-10S would have been left to Zhu Wei Squadron. Li Zhan hopes to use the J-11BS to be converted into an electronic warfare aircraft. However, given the shortage of third-generation aircraft, priority must be given to ensuring the number of fighter units.

The better choice is actually the J-16.

When I think of the J-16, the khaki prototype paint appears in front of my eyes. I calculate how many weeks have passed since the aviation department and the general assembly approved the allocation of a J-16 to the 101 Brigade for actual test flights. How many more weeks have passed? It's time for the shuttle to arrive.

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