Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 377 ? Sad news

Chapter 377 Sad News

Nie Jianfeng hurriedly walked to Li Zhan's office, and the officer's leather shoes made a strong sound on the floor tiles in the corridor.

"Lao Li, here comes all the good news and bad news."

As soon as he entered the door, Nie Jianfeng wiped his sweat and said.

It was just before get off work at noon on Monday, and the air defense base held its first regular meeting after the live-fire training in the morning. Nie Jianfeng attended on behalf of the Falcon Brigade.

Li Zhan, who was immersed in reading the second runway construction progress report, raised his head and said in surprise, "Isn't it a bird strike?"

Nie Jianfeng said, "This is good news. The aviation department's investigation team has concluded that Zhu Wei was indeed a series of failures caused by a bird collision."

"Where's the bad news?" Li Zhan put down what he was doing.

Nie Jianfeng took a deep look at Li Zhan and said in a sad tone, "The drawbar fee has been adjusted, and the overall situation is declining."


Li Zhan bounced up as if he were sitting on a nail and his eyes were about to pop out. He was immediately startled. This was definitely bad news, worse than any other dangerous situation!

"Is it really down? How was it adjusted? How much has it dropped?" Li Zhan asked in rapid succession.

Nie Jianfeng sat down and said in a low voice, "The J-7 remains unchanged, and all adjustments have been made based on this. In conversion, the J-11 has dropped by almost 200 yuan."

As he spoke, he handed over the red-headed document in his hand.

Li Zhan took the red-headed document with trembling hands. After seeing the numbers and the red official seal, he suddenly sat down in confusion and murmured, "It's true, it's true, it's really gone down." , Tie rod fees have really dropped..."

"Old Li, cheer up." Nie Jianfeng comforted him. Just as he was about to say some more comforting words, he suddenly realized that his income had also been seriously affected, and his heart suddenly became so panicked that he no longer tried to comfort others.

No one can completely stay away from matters that are closely related to their own interests.

The atmosphere was very heavy, and the two of them stared at each other, unable to say anything except sullenness and discomfort.

"Old Li, be strong." Nie Jianfeng saw that Li Zhan's expression was not right, so he comforted him.

Li Zhan said subconsciously, "It's okay, doctor."

He suddenly came to his senses and said happily with a strong face, "No, that's right, it doesn't matter. The whole army is a game of chess. Soldiers have a bounden duty to obey orders. What does it mean to pay even if you are willing to pay for your life in this uniform?"

Nie Jianfeng said, "If money is tight, I still have tens of thousands of dollars here."

"No need." Li Zhan hesitated for a moment, and suddenly couldn't pretend anymore. He said with a grimace, "I was too optimistic before, and my debt leverage increased suddenly. Now my income has dropped a lot. To be honest, I really I’m a little at a loss what to do.”

As he said this, he said in confusion, "No, every year they are clamoring to improve the salary of military personnel. Why do they not pay the fee but instead refund it and lower the rod fee standard?"

"No, no, there must be other reasons, it must be wrong."

Li Zhan shook his head and waved his hands and said firmly.

Nie Jianfeng pointed to the documents on the desktop and said, "What's wrong with the red-headed documents being published? Lao Li, if you have any difficulties, find a way to solve them. My brothers are all here. If you have a big gap, everyone can work together to help you." You can scrape together a dozen or two hundred thousand."

"No, no, no." Li Zhan became more and more certain, pointing to the document and said, "The standard for tie rod fees has dropped. The third-generation aircraft is based on seven hundred yuan per hour. It used to be fixed, but now it will go up or down according to specific circumstances. This is not reflected in detail, but I am sure it must be related to factors such as the combat readiness orientation of the troops stationed in the area. In other words, remote areas will definitely exceed this standard, and there should not be a big gap between it and the current one. Some troops with relatively light combat readiness pressure will not enjoy it. It is reasonable for the rod fee to be high.”

Nie Jianfeng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed, pointed at Li Zhan and said, "I said I couldn't hide it from you, the famous little prince of the lever, and it was indeed the case."

"Huh?" Li Zhan was puzzled.

Nie Jianfeng said with a smile, "Didn't you guess everything right? This document is just a general notice. The current tie rod fee standard is fixed. After the reform, a more reasonable tie rod fee standard system will be formed that is more in line with the actual situation. In the future, every tie rod fee standard system will be formed." The lever fee may be different for each unit or even each person, and it is said that the calculation method is very complicated, but the principle remains the same, and the money received by outstanding pilots will definitely not be less than what it is now."

Simply put, income is directly proportional to combat effectiveness, which is a very realistic and practical linking principle.

Li Zhan suddenly smiled brightly, "I'm just telling you, how can it be possible to go against the grain?"

Nie Jianfeng said seriously, "After the new standards are implemented, everyone's tie-bar fees will definitely widen the gap. We must come up with countermeasures for the ideological work of the troops, otherwise it will affect the enthusiasm of the troops for training."

This is another very real problem.

In a market economy society, just mobilizing officers and soldiers to talk about dedication is divorced from the actual situation. Local governments talk about spiritual civilization construction and economic construction walking on two legs. The same is true for the army. Ideological education work and military treatment must become a mutually reinforcing system.

Far away and right in front of us, when we formed the professional simulated blue army force Madman Brigade, the main condition that attracted the most to the pilots and greatly inspired everyone's enthusiasm for training was that the draw rod fee was increased by 75% compared to other brigades. Dollars?

"Tell me what you think." Li Zhan asked. Nie Jianfeng must have considered this issue.

Nie Jianfeng said, "The air defense base has made it clear that after the adjustment of the rod fee standard, other aspects of security for cadres will be improved accordingly, such as benefits after re-employment, housing provident fund medical security during service, etc., all have been improved. In the long run, although Some people’s drawbar fees are less, but they enjoy better and more benefits.”

"This involves comprehensive salary adjustments." Li Zhan nodded slightly.

"There is indeed a trend of comprehensive reform and adjustment of the cadre salary system." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan asked, "Where are the non-commissioned officers?"

"The regular meeting didn't talk about this situation, but Commander Liang said a few words, which means that the adjustment range of the non-commissioned officer team will be greater than that of the cadre team. Haha, the spring of non-commissioned officers is more abundant, and their lives are better than ours. It's much better." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan was in a much better mood and said, "If we don't do this, we won't be able to retain talents. I'm not trying to belittle myself. The professional quality of many non-commissioned officers is incomparable to that of officers with professional backgrounds. We should focus on building a team of non-commissioned officers so that they can perform in more positions." It is imperative to play more and bigger roles, and only by raising the salary can there be a basis for implementation. By the way, what does squad leader Li Liming mean by retaining the rank of first-class sergeant major as the brigade commander's political commissar?"

The biggest personnel issue at the end of the year for the Falcon Brigade is whether Li Liming, the non-commissioned officer mechanic of the Maintenance Brigade, can be retained. Even the entire brigade is paying attention. As a highly technical force, the aviation force has many more first-class sergeants than the army, but there are only two in the entire brigade. One is an old mechanic from the repair shop, and the other is from the Beiku Meteorological Observatory. Weathermen are all top-notch experts.

It is said that the veteran repairmen in the repair shop have become experts. If there is any problem with any fighter aircraft, they can always fix it with their hands. At that time, Li Zhan's No. 01 Su-27Sk, which had lost one wing, was able to rejoin the fleet in a short period of time, and the veteran mechanic played an important role.

The old weathermen at the Beiku Meteorological Observatory are also very good. They can basically tell the exact weather when they look up at the sky. In many cases, their predictions are even more accurate than the instruments. They are an important weathervane for organizing flights in the brigade.

Li Liming's talents are no less than those of the above two, but it has never been easy to be promoted from a second-level sergeant major to a first-level sergeant major.

Nie Jianfeng said, "The brigade commander said that we need to study it further, but I'm afraid there is little hope."

The mood of the two of them was low again.

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