Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 378 ? Air Force Sergeant First Class

Chapter 378 Air Force Sergeant First Class

After further research, analysis, analysis and consideration, the black saying is that this is basically impossible.

How difficult it is for a second-level sergeant major to be promoted to a first-level sergeant major? This can be seen by looking at the number of second-level sergeant majors and the number of first-level sergeant majors in the entire army. If you have to make a simple comparison, they are not much different from senior colonel to major general, deputy army to full army, so they are called generals among soldiers.

From a macro perspective, soldiers who can be promoted to first-level sergeant major are pillars in various professional fields. The pillars of talent are the support of the house. Soldiers who can hold the rank of sergeant major are talents who thoroughly implement theory into practical work and in turn influence theory. They are the backbone of the army.

From a micro perspective, in the eyes of grassroots officers and soldiers, the first-level sergeant major is "Doraemon" who seems to have a treasure chest, and there is no problem that he cannot solve. Having a first-level sergeant major will give you a lot of confidence in working from the unit commander to the grassroots soldiers.

Does Li Liming meet the requirements?

Li Zhan and the vast majority of officers and soldiers believed that he fully qualified.

"The opinions of the cadres and the masses are relatively unified. They all believe that Li Liming is fully qualified to be promoted to the first-level sergeant major. The brigade commander's political commissar also means the same thing." Nie Jianfeng said in a deep voice, and as expected, he said, "But Li Liming's hardware is not very good. The highest level I have performed two second-class meritorious service and only received one honorary title of division level. There is a big gap in this."

It seems to be a mandatory rule that to be promoted to first-class sergeant major, one must have performed first-class meritorious service. From this, it seems that Li Liming's hope is indeed slim.

"First-class merit is hard to come by. It will take less than three months to complete the next three months. Is there any way to get him first-class merit?" Li Zhan said to himself.

Nie Jianfeng said, "You have too many first-class merits and think that first-class merit is easy."

Li Zhan spread his hands and said, "There's really nothing I can say about this matter. In other words, I'm afraid not everyone is willing to do those first-class merits of mine."

Isn't it? Behind every first-class merit is a special danger that kills people. It is a desperate act of begging for food at the door of the Lord of Hell. There are blood and tears after a real first-class merit.

Furthermore, even if they encounter such dangerous situations, there is a big question mark whether others can turn danger into danger and escape unharmed every time like Li Zhan. Li Zhan's method of meritorious service is not universal. There are specific standards for how well he flies, but there is never a constant standard for dealing with emergencies.

First-class meritorious service requires risking your life, but Li Liming did not have the opportunity to practice hard. This is also the disadvantage of technical officers and soldiers, and it is not their advantage.

Since the reform of the non-commissioned officer system started the year before last and was fully implemented last year, the detailed rules and standards for the construction of the non-commissioned officer team have become more and more detailed. There are rules and regulations to follow in all aspects, and the construction of the entire team has become more complete and rational.

Everyone has deep feelings for Li Liming. He has been in the 101st Brigade the longest, longer than the other two first-class sergeants. He has served as three regiment commanders and one brigade commander. He is very fond of the North. The plants and trees at Kuchang Station are the most familiar. He even planted the Soldier Scenic Forest there with his own hands, which has now become a small Populus euphratica forest.

But emotions belong to emotions, and there is a big gap between Li Liming and Li Liming in the relevant requirements. Even if you report this situation, you will be beaten back.

"It is too late to apply for first-class merit in such a short time, and there is no strong factual basis, but it should be no problem to apply for second-class merit." Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "Li Liming found the cause of the malfunction of Zhu Wei's plane. Less than half an hour after the plane landed, the cause of the human fault was eliminated, and important principles were determined for the subsequent work of the base and the brigade. This matter can be applied for a second-class merit. Three second-class merits are equivalent to a first-class merit, plus With the honorary title of master and brigade level, there should be no problem with the hardware."

Nie Jianfeng said, "There is not enough time. Now the application for merit cannot be approved until the year-end summary in December. Whether it is to stay or be discharged from the army must be decided in November. There is a time difference of several months."

Whether the upper class soldiers will be retained or retired, and whether low-ranking non-commissioned officers will be promoted to high-ranking non-commissioned officers, will all be determined before December, and even earlier for some units. The year-end summary in December is a special event for veterans. Most of the meritorious service awards will be given to officers and soldiers who are about to retire from active service in recognition of their contributions to the army. Obviously, by that time it was already too late to award Li Liming second-class merit.

Li Zhan thought deeply and couldn't help but take out a cigarette and light one. Nie Jianfeng also took it and lit one and started smoking. Both of them, who rarely smoked when faced with difficult situations, couldn't help but take a puff.

When the smoke cleared, Li Zhan said, "It's obviously too late to follow the normal procedures. Is there any other way to get the credit in advance?"

Nie Jianfeng frowned and thought.

After half a cigarette, Nie Jianfeng said, "There is only one way I can think of."

He pointed at Li Zhan and said, "Isn't the 228 Project about to be concluded? If we can put the awarding of Li Liming's meritorious service into the final work, it will definitely be completed in November."

"Yes, yes, yes, the flight manager is urging me to summarize it. I am working overtime to sort it out. Yes, yes, yes, if I put it in the project summary and ask for credit, it will definitely come out in November." Li Zhan was immediately delighted.

Nie Jianfeng reminded, "But is it appropriate to do this? And it's only possible that it will come in November. There is also uncertainty about whether we can catch up."

Li Zhan said, "It is certain that it will be faster than the normal process, so it is worth a try."

"You have to bear the risk." Nie Jianfeng reminded him again.

Li Zhan nodded slowly, "It's worth it."

In serious cases, it is not impossible to label him as a fraud.

It only took a few seconds of thinking for Li Zhan to make a decision. Compared with a certain risk, it was worthwhile to retain an old mechanic with rich experience and a variety of skills that most people did not have for the Falcon Brigade. He even thought it was worth it.

"Don't tell Li Liming about this." Li Zhan warned.

Nie Jianfeng nodded solemnly.

Li Zhan knocked the ashes and said, "We must do our best to handle this matter. Let's talk to the brigade commander's political commissar and we must keep Li Liming. It not only retains talents, but also motivates the non-commissioned officers of the brigade. There is hope for the work. , only when you start working can you feel energetic."

"Understood, I absolutely support the agreement. Don't you always say that a captain who does not care about the welfare of his soldiers is not a good commander. As an instructor, I have no contribution to the group. Let me take the lead in this matter." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan said with a smile, "You are almost the captain and instructor. You are an all-rounder in military and political affairs."

"Okay, don't say these useless things." Nie Jianfeng turned to ask, "Tell me, do you really want to leave?"

The one who cannot lose the most is Li Zhan. This is the consensus of the entire brigade and even the air defense base, but it seems that even Liang Pengfei is not sure about keeping Li Zhan unless he personally is unwilling to leave.

Li Zhan said worriedly, "I'm just worried. The Flying Shark training is scheduled to start in December. Seeing that the date is approaching, I feel uneasy."

"The brigade commander talked to me. He wanted me to stay, and I agreed." Nie Jianfeng said.

Li Zhan was surprised, but then nodded slightly in understanding. Nie Jianfeng participated in the Flying Sharks training selection and passed the preliminary selection to enter the training, but he was kicked off midway. It is obvious that he is very aware of the difficulty of the Flying Sharks training. It is unknown whether he will be able to pass five levels and win six if he continues to participate in the training camp and reach the end. However, if he stays in the 101st Brigade, his development prospects are clear. The Falcon Brigade has a very strong brand, and Nie Jianfeng can at least successfully fulfill his role as an instructor.

Of course, Li Zhan knew Nie Jianfeng very well. He was not a cadre who valued personal gains and losses very much. The most important reason why he agreed to stay was probably because the Falcon Brigade could not lose the two chief officers who were most familiar with the situation at the same time.

"To be honest, I also hope you stay. The Falcon Brigade has just begun. I'm afraid the brigade commander and political commissar have doubts about whether the unit can continue smoothly if someone else leads it, and I'm not at ease either." Li Zhan said. .

Nie Jianfeng smiled and said, "The brigade commander and political commissar mean the same thing. In fact, I can't go anywhere if we don't release people in the brigade. Your situation is special after all. Besides, the brigade commander is our old staff officer and political commissar. He has spoken. It’s hard for me to insist on participating in the Flying Shark training camp anymore. My situation is very simple, the main thing is that you have to consider it.”

Li Zhan lit another cigarette, took two irritated puffs, and said, "I can't let it go. I really can't let it go at this time. I've experienced everything from the beginning of the Falcon Brigade from scratch to weakness to strength. How can I do it without giving up?" I left hesitantly. Whether it is from the perspective of the development of the army or my personal development, each has its own advantages and each has its own unsatisfactory aspects. In short, it is a dilemma."

Nie Jianfeng also lit one and continued smoking, saying, "You can measure it yourself."

"What's your opinion?" Li Zhan asked.

Nie Jianfeng said simply, "Participate in the flying shark training."

Li Zhan was surprised, knocked the ashes from his cigarette, and asked, "Why?"

"It's very simple." Nie Jianfeng pointed at Li Zhan, "The best way for the 101st Brigade to prove its combat training level to the entire army is to have pilots who stand out and shock everyone in the training camp with the highest elimination rate in the entire army. If you can It is definitely a great blessing for the 101st Brigade to get the position of instructor in the Flying Sharks training camp."

Li Zhan was stunned for a moment, then gave Nie Jianfeng a thumbs up, "If you think about it from this perspective, it's really not that confusing. I went to Feishak for training for the 101st Brigade."

"If you think about it this way, you won't feel like a deserter." Nie Jianfeng smiled.

Li Zhan chuckled and said, "You are a very capable instructor."

Nie Jianfeng spread his hands and said, "The ideological problems of the captain are also within the jurisdiction of the instructor. Naturally, I can't just sit idly by if you have trouble sleeping and eating."

"You said you were fat and you got breathless." Li Zhan sneered and said, "Do you know what my undergraduate major is?"

Nie Jianfeng was stunned, then sat up straight and said, "Yes, I have always wanted to ask you, what major did you study at Huaqing University? You are very lacking in a lot of theoretical knowledge."

Li Zhan raised his chin slightly and said a surprising answer, "Marxist theory, ideological and political major."

Nie Jianfeng's eyes almost popped out.

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