Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 407? Jiaying is mysterious in the early morning

Chapter 407 Jiaying is mysterious in the early morning

"Jiaying tower, call two two three eight three two five, I want to divert to your place, repeat, I want to make an emergency landing, over."

Liu Changxi decisively took over the communication and directly called the Jiaying tower. At the same time, the pressure rod descended to a large radius and turned left gently to make a U-turn.

"Two two three eight three two five, Jiaying field is ready, you can come directly, over." Jiaying tower obviously also received the emergency order and replied simply and neatly.

H-6KZZ No. 2238325 turned around and flew directly to Jiayingchang Station in a landing attitude. At this time, it had flown to a hundred kilometers east of Jiayingchang Station and reached the airspace at the junction of the two provinces. The East Point suddenly ordered an emergency landing at Jiayingchang Station. First of all, one thing can be certain - the airspace ahead must be controlled.

Even military planes were under control, which made Li Zhan and others couldn't help but wonder, what could it be? Level 1 status can be used infrequently.

Another name of Jiayingchang Station is Guangdong Station. A brigade of the Fifth Regiment of the Second Division is permanently stationed here. However, the headquarters of the Fifth Regiment is not here. Instead, there is a command group responsible for organizing rotation training of troops. Therefore, in the Second Division The interior is habitually called the rotation training station by officers and soldiers.

Liu Changxi smiled and said, "It seems like I won't be able to fly today."

"I'm afraid it will take three days to fly again." Bai Bitu said.

As soon as the aircraft lands, it must undergo strict maintenance and inspection again. The physical condition of the crew, technical staff, and accompanying personnel must also be re-examined, and the flight plan must be re-formulated, which means that everything must be prepared again.

This is not an ordinary flight training mission, but an uninterrupted long-distance training mission of 8,000 kilometers without any alternate landing stations. It must be foolproof.

Li Zhan murmured in his heart and said, "I'm afraid it would be the best result to continue in three days. Commander Liu, will the superiors cancel the mission?"

"No." Liu Changxi was stunned, then said uncertainly, "No way, we started preparing for this voyage plan at the beginning of the year. It is the first voyage of the Air Force with a range of 8,000 kilometers. The superior leadership agency We take it very seriously and will not cancel it easily.”

Li Zhan said, "I will report the situation to the technical team."

After getting up and moving to the rear cabin, Li Zhan reported the situation in a low voice to Yu Chenglin and Zhang Wei. The two nodded slightly, and then Yu Chenglin reported the situation to the four experts.

Yu Chenglin smiled and said, "Four experts, we have received orders from our superiors to prepare for the landing at Jiayingchang Station. Your work can be temporarily suspended."

The four experts looked at each other in confusion. Colonel Auntie was the team leader. She asked, "Is there anything wrong with the plane?"

Yu Chenglin quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, the plane is fine and there is no problem. The specific situation is not clear now. It should be the forward airspace control, nothing serious. Yes, the area where Jiayingchang Station is located has great natural scenery. , maybe you will have a chance to experience it. Okay, please fasten your seat belts, we are preparing to land."

The young and beautiful colonel named Xie Xinyu was a little pale in appearance. She quickly put on the four-point flight safety belt, but she couldn't get the button into place. Seeing this, Li Zhan stepped forward to help her, inserted it with a crisp click, and said with a smile, "Is this your first flight, Colonel Xie?"

"It's my first time to carry out such a mission." Xie Xinyu said with a forced smile, taking a few more glances at the very, very, very handsome major in front of him, who was full of toughness.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "It's understandable that you will be a little nervous for the first time, but don't worry, everything will be fine."

Xie Xinyu forced a smile again, obviously affected by the atmosphere.

They are all people with high IQs, so they will definitely not believe Yu Chenglin's words. Everyone knows the importance and significance of this mission. It will never be canceled, suspended or postponed unless it is very urgent. Therefore, the expert team had a clear mind, something must have happened.

Li Zhan turned over and returned to his seat to fasten his seat belt, and the plane began to descend at a steep slope.

Not long after, the plane entered a vast hilly and mountainous area at an altitude of three thousand meters, and then began to circle and release fuel. The fuel balance must be within the allowable value, otherwise an overweight landing will destroy this precious large aircraft worth billions, which is full of advanced reconnaissance electronic equipment.

In order to increase the range, the H-6KZZ increased the fuel tank capacity during design. With the support of two more powerful D-30KP-2 turbofan engines, the maximum take-off weight reached 85 tons. More than half of it is fuel, so it can achieve a maximum range of nearly 12,000 kilometers.

So the entire oil drain lasted a full forty minutes.

After confirming the 2,300-meter runway at Jiayingchang Station in the still dark night, which is very eye-catching in the deserted mountainous area, the roar of the two D-30KB-2 turbofan engines shook the audience. The glass windows of the Jiayingchang station tower were buzzing. The H-6KZZ, which had a wingspan of thirty-five meters, landed steadily, its thick tires rolling over the runway, and it roared to a slow stop in the lower half of the runway.

The pilot vehicle guided the plane to the large aircraft apron. The leader of the station and the chief of staff of the fifth regiment, Luo You, had already driven over to greet it. The superior's order was very clear, the crew must be protected, and pointed out that there was a high-level expert team on the plane. After receiving the call, Qi Hong made a special call to explain that he must take good care of the crew and expert team.

Although it was around four o'clock in the morning, the site leaders and command team leaders were woken up by emergency orders while sleeping. Some people were still drowsy, but everyone had no resentment in their hearts and was very enthusiastic. Received crew and expert team members. A simple meal was prepared in the canteen of the agency in time, and some refreshing food was also cooked. After a bowl of warm and refreshing cooling food, everyone's nerves slowly relaxed.

When everyone was being invited to have a simple meal, the staff officer in the duty room ran over and reported something to Luo You in a low voice. Luo You's smile slowly faded, and he said to everyone in a regretful tone, "Captain Liu, Li Team Leader Juan, we just received a notice from our superiors, asking you to stand by at the designated place and wait for orders..."

Liu Changxi noticed something from Luo You's troubled expression, waved his hand and said, "Chief of Staff Luo, just say it."

"Captain Liu, your superiors have instructed you not to contact anyone, so I have to temporarily aggrieve everyone." Luo You said deeply apologetically.

Most of the cadres he faced were above him in rank, and there were two deputy division commanders, which made him feel extremely stressed. The inexplicable orders from his superiors made him confused and also noticed that something was unusual. He did not know the specific content of the long-distance training operation code-named "Tourist", but he only knew that the independent reconnaissance regiment had such a training mission to coordinate with the Second Division.

Something must have happened.

A few people on Li Zhan's side could still remain calm, but the expert team was a little worried, and their faces were not very good-looking. Only Aunt Colonel Li Juan's expression did not change much.

I'm afraid they won't feel relieved until they figure out what happened.

Among these people, Li Zhan slowly showed a thoughtful expression. I wonder if he had thought of something.

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