Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 408? It could be a good thing

Chapter 408 It could be a good thing

Jiayingchang Station is not too far away from the "world-famous" station that makes the families of officers and soldiers of a certain division and regiment in the north "frightened" by the news. Geographically speaking, they are brothers.

Legend has it that after a certain division in the north was disbanded, a certain regiment it belonged to was assigned to a certain division in Guangkong. The troops were to be moved from a certain place in the northeast to a certain station in eastern Guangdong, which was the "world-famous" station. The officers, soldiers and family members of that regiment were very excited when they heard that they were going to Guangdong Province, which is as economically developed as Guangdong. As a result, some of them were beaten to death after returning from the trip and refused to move.

There are actually mountainous areas in Guangdong Province that are quiet!

Going out for shopping requires more than an hour of bumpy mountain roads. Looking around the camp area, there are birds singing and flowers blooming, but there are not many people. In terms of convenience of life, the location of many prison detention centers is better than that of that station.

The family members had very strong opinions, but later the matter was ignored, and a strange phenomenon emerged: the regiment was still stationed somewhere in the Northeast, but its establishment belonged to a certain division in Guangkong.

The situation at Jiayingchang Station is not much better. The only difference is probably that there is a good hard-surfaced highway connection with the city. You can drive into the city in 40 minutes. If you press the accelerator deeper, you can save the time spent on the road. The time is controlled within half an hour.

The surrounding area is also full of birds and flowers, and there are large areas of primeval mountain forests. The typical southern hilly and mountainous terrain is not inferior to deep mountains and old forests in terms of terrain complexity.

I have said so much to explain that the environment of Jiaying Field Station is really, very good. It is a garden-style station of the Air Force. If you don’t look at it from a military perspective, it is more like a mountain resort with a large airport. . The layout of the infield living area is neat yet spiritual, and is embellished with large and small garden green corners.

So the bird team stopped at Alexander.

For the airport, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers is a disaster, just like Li Zhan, who almost died after hitting a bird, couldn't help but disembowel the bird when he saw it.

The security company isolated the guest house, and eleven people including the crew, technical team, and entourage lived in it. After Luo You brought people to deliver daily necessities, he apologized repeatedly for his poor greeting. By the time we settled in, the sky was starting to get brighter.

I don't know whether it was preferential treatment from the station or regulations from superiors. Li Zhan and others all lived alone and were all assigned a standard room. The room was very sanitary and the air was fresh, but no one was in high spirits.

Li Zhan was relatively calm. He put the simple luggage bag aside and started looking for newspapers. Under normal circumstances, each room in the guest house in the camp will be equipped with military newspapers and publications within a week, which are all published internally. There are only three newspapers distributed nationwide, Izvestia, Daily and Military News.

Luo You just stuffed a red box of Five-leaf God, but Li Zhan couldn't resist the kindness and had no choice but to take it. Since he accepted it, he had to smoke it, otherwise it would be disrespectful to the giver. In desperation, Li Zhan could only light one and take a sip. Then he put all the newspapers he found in the drawer of the TV cabinet on the desk and started slowly. Slowly flip through the pages one by one.

Basically, it is certain that the forward airspace has been temporarily restricted. Even the aircraft carrying out such a significant long-distance training mission have been restricted. It is conceivable that the reason is not ordinary.

Anyway, I am isolated in disguise, and I have nothing to do. It is better to analyze and analyze what is going on.

Starting from the military newspaper a week ago, there were almost no useful clues. Instead, I saw a piece of news about the Beiku Air Defense Base, which probably meant that an air defense base in the west had formed preliminary information combat capabilities. Outsiders cannot understand its meaning, but people in the military understand it at a glance. It is the Beiku Tactical Intelligence Interaction System.

Then I read the news newspaper, and after flipping through it a few times, I discovered that it was a text message, which probably meant news about the Rim West Pacific military exercise. Looking back for relevant information, Li Zhan slowly revealed an ambiguous smile. After a little calculation of time, he basically figured out what was going on.


Li Zhan got up and went to see Yu Chenglin and Liu Changxi.

When they walked in, they saw the desk covered with newspapers. Yu Chenglin frowned and asked, "Do you still have time to read newspapers?"

Liu Changxi sat down, picked up Li Zhan's cigarette, lit one, and said, "This is so weird. They locked us up without saying anything. What the hell is this?"

"How can it be closed? For confidentiality reasons, contact restrictions are in compliance with regulations." Yu Chenglin said, "Old Liu, please be patient."

Liu Changxi sighed and said, "Our group has been preparing for this voyage for seven or eight months. Just the non-stop flight training took place seven or eight times, which consumed a lot of resources. Can I not be anxious? ?”

"It's useless for you to be anxious. The problem is. Besides, there may be an order coming tomorrow. The aircraft will have the support personnel complete the physical examination, and it can continue to set off in three or two days." Yu Chenglin comforted him without any confidence.

Li Zhan suddenly said, "We will stay here for at least fifteen days."


Yu Chenglin and Liu Changxi were stunned at first, but then they reacted. The latter said anxiously, "Fifteen days? How come it's fifteen days? How do you know it's fifteen days?"

Li Zhan didn't answer. He spread out the newspapers he had just found on the desk and pointed at the text messages on them. He made a few simple movements without saying anything. After a while, Yu Chenglin and Liu Changxi first widened their eyes and then looked as if they were there. After thinking about it, I couldn't help but laugh happily.

Good thing.

"Is this the reason? If so, that would be a good thing, haha." Liu Changxi changed his frown and said with a smile.

Yu Chenglin pondered for a moment, smiled slightly and said, "Li Zhan's analysis should be close to the truth. It seems that the environment we face is more complex, and the significance of the tasks we undertake is more significant."

Liu Changxi slapped his thigh and said, "I'm afraid it's not important. My entire regiment is focused on this task this year. The more important it is, the better."

The end of the year is coming soon, and all units are sprinting for annual work. It’s time to speed up the progress, it’s time to check back, it’s time to check back, and it’s time to strive for a higher level, all for the sake of various assessments and evaluations at the end of the year.

The situation of the independent reconnaissance group has not been good in the past two years. The call for mixed aviation units is getting louder and louder, and it has entered the implementation stage. The 101st Brigade is a typical example. This means that the living space of a single aircraft type unit will be compressed or even disbanded. In this case, each unit quickly tried its best to prove its own value and prove that its existence had greater value, so as to avoid being reorganized or disbanded.

There is no doubt that if the task of the independent reconnaissance group is successfully completed, the superiors will definitely consider their use more fully. In a word, only when you have demonstrated your ability can you have the confidence to ask your superiors to retain your troop establishment.

Therefore, Liu Changxi and the thousands of officers and soldiers of the independent reconnaissance regiment regarded this long-distance training mission as a life-saving straw and took it very seriously. That's why Liu Changxi became so anxious when he realized that there was a possibility of miscarriage in the operation. Now that I have read the few clues that Li Zhan found, I am convinced of Li Zhan's judgment. Not only will the action not be aborted, it will most likely be taken more seriously. His mood has suddenly recovered, and he is even happier than before.

But soon he began to worry about gains and losses, and said, "Lao Yu, do you think this is true?"

Yu Chenglin pointed his finger at Li Zhan and said, "Ask him."

"Xiao Li?" Liu Changxi looked at Li Zhan.

Li Zhan looked at Liu Changxi at this time and was filled with emotion. He remembered Xue Xiangdong's appearance when he first arrived in Beiku. They were all people who had sacrificed their lives for the sake of the army.

After enduring the sourness in his nose, Li Zhan smiled and said, "It should be true."

He pointed his finger at the latest news and said, "Maybe the superiors have been considering this matter, and while they are considering it, your long-distance training mission is proceeding as planned. There may be a positive change, or it may be that the superiors finally made a decision. , so we stopped before we went to sea and reorganized this voyage training. All in all, I personally think it is a good thing."

Liu Changxi laughed so hard that the corners of his mouth almost split into his ears.

Not long after sending the two group leaders out, another uninvited guest came.

"Colonel Xie?" Li Zhan was quite surprised. Xie Xinyu was standing in front of him in a fitness suit. Her tall figure made the loose fitness suit so uneven that it almost became a tight-fitting suit.

Xie Xinyu's smile was a little restrained and awkward, and she said, "Captain Li, can you help me?"

"Please come in quickly." Li Zhan quickly turned sideways.

Xie Xinyu shook his head and said, "I won't go in. I just want to ask you for a favor."

Li Zhan didn't force it. After all, the melon won't be sweet if it's forced. He said, "Please tell me."

"That's it. I want to buy something. Can you help me ask if there are any supermarkets around here." Xie Xinyu's smile was still a little awkward.

Li Zhan said, "There is a military service agency at the station. If you need anything, I will ask them to send it over."

"I want to buy it myself. Can you help me ask for instructions?" Xie Xinyu said.

Li Zhan said, "No need to go to such trouble. Didn't Chief of Staff Luo say that if you need anything, just call the duty room and they will deliver it. If the station does not have it, they will go out to purchase it. Colonel Xie, what do you want?"

"I'd better buy it myself. You are the leader of the disciplinary team. Please help me." Xie Xinyu's smile was a little embarrassed.

"Well, you really don't need to go there yourself." Li Zhan frowned and looked at Xie Xinyu. This female colonel is quite attractive, especially in her fitness uniform.

There are several groups in the eleven-man squad. Li Zhan is the leader of the disciplinary team. He is the leader and team member and is responsible for the discipline of this squad. This place has been quarantined, and Xie Xinyu must get Li Zhan's permission to go out.

Xie Xinyu became anxious, lowered her head and said, "I want to buy things for lesbians."

As he spoke, his cheeks suddenly turned red.

Damn, my aunt’s towel!

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