Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 451? Sincere but misinterpreted

Chapter 451 Sincere but misinterpreted

"Zhongnan Zhongnan, there is a thunderstorm in front of me. Please apply for a detour, or let us go to a higher altitude, turn around in twos and fives, and we are done."

Liu Changxi called the Air Force Central and South Air Traffic Control Center.

The plane was a civilian one, but it was piloted by the Air Force. At the special request of the airline, the army agreed to include this flight in the army training plan, thus opening up a dedicated route. Undoubtedly, this will give you priority and make the transition flight smoother.

The Air Force's Central and South Air Traffic Control responded: "Two, five, two and two, you can choose the most suitable route and report it to me, and I will allocate the airspace for your use. Central and South Air Traffic Control, over."

Li Zhan and Liu Changxi looked at each other and both laughed. Liu Changxi said, "I figured it out in twos and fives. I'll go around the No. 7 navigation point and return to the planned route. That's it."

"Detour past navigation point No. 7. Understood. I'll help you clear the airspace. Over."

Li Zhan turned the control stick to 270 degrees, and the aircraft began to bypass the cumulonimbus clouds ahead. This kind of flight couldn't be easier, it's no different from a private plane.

Immediately, both Li Zhan and Liu Changxi saw that the cumulonimbus they encountered was much larger than what they saw on the weather radar. Li Zhan frowned and said, "I am afraid it is more than three hundred kilometers in diameter. Is it caused by the latest cold air from the south?" ?”

Liu Changxi was flipping through the weather report. He was confirming the information and said, "No, it should be the earliest wave of cold air moving south. The latest cold air from Siberia has just entered the country. Yesterday's forecast showed that the latest wave of cold air is moving very fast. Soon, it will probably catch up with the previous wave of cold air in the central and southern regions. This will be difficult for the central and southern regions."

"The first snowfall of 2012 is more intense than before." Li Zhan spoke easily but was worried in his heart.

The impact of a wave of cold air is already considerable, and the cold air in Siberia continues to weaken from north to south. However, if new cold air is added, it will bring severe weather to the south where there is no such thing. It will have a great impact on the region and catastrophic weather will be inevitable.

After returning to the planned route, the two of them felt a little relieved. After all, they were flying a damaged aircraft and they couldn't be careless at all.

Li Zhan had little confidence in the simple autopilot of the Yun-8F-400, so he drove manually throughout the entire process to ensure absolute stability.

Liu Changxi had a question in his mind. After entering the high-altitude cruising state, he asked Li Zhan, "Xiao Li, if you can fly the H-6, you can also fly the H-6. Based on my many years of experience, your H-8 flying skills are probably better than those of many instructors." They all have to be skilled and superb. Haven’t you been working in the fighter force?”

"It is true that I have relatively little contact with the H-6, but I am familiar with flying should I put it, I can get started quickly." Li Zhan explained after careful consideration, "As for the Y-8, it was the first airplane I flew. , I can’t say anything else.”

Liu Changxi was stunned for a moment and said with a smile, "I can't say, um, I understand."

After a pause, he said, "There is something I have wanted to talk to you about for a long time. I haven't been able to find a suitable opportunity since the end of the Western Pacific voyage training. Do you want to work in our reconnaissance force? Don't refuse it just yet. We will conduct independent reconnaissance. The regiment will soon no longer be the reconnaissance force that everyone imagined. In the future, it will be equipped with high-tech aircraft, including early warning aircraft. It can be said that we will be the most important and valuable force in the future."

However, he saw that Li Zhan looked normal, and he imagined that Li Zhan would be very interested after hearing the news.

Li Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Sooner or later, the independent reconnaissance force will be like this. Fighter units are beginning to formulate multiple aircraft types to improve diversified combat capabilities. In the future, they will be able to perform tactical reconnaissance missions by themselves. In this way, the independent reconnaissance force will not have It is necessary to continue to exist, and developing in the direction of electronic warfare and technical support is the only direction."

"How did you know? This matter is still confidential information within us." Liu Changxi was quite surprised.

Li Zhan said, "The 101st Brigade is a reform pilot unit, and I led the Nighthawk Tactical Reconnaissance Force. It is embarrassing to say that the Nighthawk Tactical Reconnaissance Force actually threatens the survival of your independent reconnaissance force. I I didn’t expect that.”

Liu Changxi thought thoughtfully and said, "This is actually a good thing. Without the Nighthawk tactical reconnaissance force, there would be no new development for us. Having said that, aren't you willing to join us? The lever fee for driving a high-tech aircraft is very high."

"Captain Liu, what do you mean? What does it have to do with the drawbar fee?" Li Zhan felt unhappy. "Besides, the drawbar fee for high-tech aircraft is definitely not as high as that of fighter jets. Our fighter jets are more dangerous."

Liu Changxi said with a smile, "I heard that you mainly look at the tie rod fee. This is totally fine. It's just a subsidy. As long as you come, we will subsidize you according to the highest standards."

"Captain Liu, you and I are comrades who share life and death in times of adversity. How can you believe some rumors? Some people only see me eating meat but deliberately fail to see the price I pay for it. You can go and find out. How many times have I successfully handled special first-class dangers, how much property damage have I saved for the troops, and how many times have I handled airborne situations? I have performed more temporary live-fire training missions than some troops and regiments put together. . What do you say I want? I want money. Why do I want money? If I want to make money, why don’t I switch to civil aviation? With my ability, it’s easy to fly 1.8 million a year. I fly a big plane and hang out with a little flight attendant. How comfortable is it that you have to fly a fighter jet to risk your life? You said that I can’t get out of the tie rod fee, why do I need money? I usually make a few jokes and take it seriously.”

"Hey, hey, why are you so excited? You just said that casually. Of course I know who you are."

"I wholeheartedly contribute to building a strong People's Air Force but have been misunderstood all the time. That's all. There is no need to mention the rod fee again."

"Okay, don't mention it anymore."

Liu Changxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What Li Zhan said made him feel that his and other people's thoughts were vulgar. He felt a little ashamed and guilty, "I won't mention it anymore. You are going to HNA anyway. Hey, I know you don't know much about it." If you can agree to transfer to our independent reconnaissance group, the leader still orders me to talk to you."

Li Zhan said, "I like aircraft that can reach supersonic speeds."

He let go of the joystick and folded his arms, sighing and saying, "I am destined to travel at supersonic speeds. Some people say that I am impatient. I have thought about it over and over again, so to speak. For example, if there is an empty situation, I will think in my heart In order to drive them out in the shortest time, I will not let them stay in my airspace for even one second. So the leader said that the probability of problems if I perform the same task will be greater. I think it is probably related to this related."

Liu Changxi said, "When you arrive at Hainan Airlines, the air conditions you encounter will increase exponentially, and you still have to control your rhythm a little. Some air conditions are very special and will test the pilot's ability to deal with the emergency situation."

"I'm doing tactical research in this area." Li Zhan grasped the joystick again.

Liu Changxi was about to say that it was not a matter of tactics but of political sensitivity, but he suddenly saw Li Zhan's serious face and suddenly realized that he was a pure tactician.

Soon, they saw the vast white land. After more than two hours of flight, they arrived in the Hanzhong area where the 012 aircraft factory is located. At this time, the Hanzhong area had just seen away its first snowfall in 2012.

"012, I'm back."

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