Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 452? Yun-X’s wing icing problem

Chapter 452 Yun-X’s wing icing problem

Liu Changxi saw Li Zhan landing on the runway of Factory 012 as if he were going home, and taxied the plane to the tarmac as if he were going home.

All in all, it gives the impression that Li Zhan has actually been working in Factory 012 and is very familiar with this place. But after Li Zhan mentioned that there were some things that couldn't be said, Liu Changxi suppressed all his doubts and curiosity and pretended that nothing happened. They were ordered to drive the China Post's Y-8F-400 back to the manufacturer for maintenance.

According to the plan, he and Li Zhan took a civil flight back to the tourist airport the next day. He went to northern Guangxi and Li Zhan returned to Zhongnan Station to start his exploratory flight work. But the next day he was informed to return on his own without waiting for Li Zhan.

It wasn't until the fifteenth day, when the smell of alcohol on New Year's Day 2012 had just dissipated and it was about to usher in the Spring Festival of 2012, that a director of Factory 012 personally sent Li Zhan to the airport.

After changing into civilian clothes, Li Zhan took Southern Flight 1993 to Dansha. The Dansha Guard District would send a vehicle to pick him up at Dansha Honghua International Airport. The Spring Festival Transport has already begun, and it is difficult to buy air tickets to tourist airports in a short period of time. They have no choice but to fly to Dansha Honghua Airport. The army will send a car to take Li Zhan back to Zhongnanchang Station, more than 300 kilometers away.

Non-military activities are not allowed to affect normal local production and life, so Li Zhan needs to buy tickets through normal channels like everyone else, so he can only go around like this.

Perhaps out of habit, while waiting for the flight, Li Zhan walked to the military-only seating area. When he saw that the space was full of passengers, he turned around and walked towards a less crowded area. He took out his Banzhuan phone and called it to the people far away at the Beiku Meteorological Observatory. Zhang Yuan called.

"Old Zhang, I, Li Zhan, are you busy?" Li Zhan raised his voice slightly so that what he said in the slightly noisy terminal could be heard more clearly.

Zhang Yuan is on duty.

"Hey, why did Teacher Li remember to call me? You don't know what happens every winter. I am staying in the duty room for food and accommodation. What instructions do you have?" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

The Beiku Meteorological Observatory is not only the backbone meteorological observatory of the Air Force, but also an important supporting meteorological observatory for the national weather monitoring and forecasting network. It is also the northernmost large meteorological observatory in the west. Therefore, every year after winter, the Beiku Meteorological Observatory will be busier than before. People coming south from the Greater Siberia region Every cloud of cold air is first detected by them, and the data they provide has a basic reference role and is very important to the national weather forecast network.

Li Zhan said, "How can I instruct you? I have nothing else to do. I am at Chang'an Airport preparing to fly to Dansha Honghua Airport. I have also been paying attention to the cold air going south these days, and the situation is much worse than in previous years." I think there will be disastrous weather in most parts of the south."

When it came to business, Zhang Yuan became serious, "You have made the same judgment. Yes, we have issued a warning to the local meteorological department. The weather in most parts of the south will be very severe in the next three days. We recommend that they take relevant measures." Early warning and defense.”

"Do you think there will be an ice and snow disaster?" Li Zhan asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Yuan said, "The possibility is very high. The latest cold air will move southward within 24 hours. My analysis is that it will catch up with the previous wave of cold air in the central and southern regions. If this is the case, the situation is not very bad, but in the South China Sea A tropical typhoon ball formed in the west. I think ice and snow disasters are very likely to occur due to the interaction. Remember the Sanhe Flood? Without the impact of the huge vortex of Typhoon Super Mario, the situation would not have been that bad. This year's situation Same."

Li Zhan said worriedly, "It is the peak period of the Spring Festival. If there is an ice and snow disaster, the impact will be huge. Millions of tourists will be stranded. This Spring Festival will be difficult to experience."

"There is no way, what we can do is very limited." Zhang Yuan said.

After being silent for a while, Li Zhan asked, "How is the weather from Chang'an to Dansha? Tell me."

"Why do you ask?"

"Aren't I going to fly to Dansha now? I want to know what I know."

Zhang Yuan couldn't laugh or cry, "You can't make a living even if you're flying. The civil aviation meteorological department is very professional now, and their forecasts are no worse than ours. Since you can fly, you can sit back and relax."

Having said that, Zhang Yuan still informed Li Zhan of the weather conditions along the way. As Zhang Yuan said, the weather conditions along the way were neither good nor bad. The worst weather occurred in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. However, at that time, the flight was cruising at an altitude of 10,000 meters and would not be affected by such bad weather.

The most important thing to pay attention to when flying is the weather during takeoff and landing. Theoretically, as long as you fly high enough, no matter how bad the weather is, it will not affect the aircraft. However, taking off and landing is a process with frequent changes in vertical altitude, which is most easily affected by weather.

After learning about it in detail, Li Zhan felt relieved and had the courage to board the plane. This seems to be a common problem among pilots. The more skilled the pilots are, the more resistant they are to handing over control of the aircraft. Just like experienced drivers, they prefer to drive themselves instead of leaving their fate to others to be passengers.

If the journey was not too far, Li Zhan would rather take the train.

After hanging up the phone and looking up into the distance, Li Zhan gasped. In the ten minutes he had been talking to Zhang Yuan, the number of passengers in the terminal had actually increased by at least one-half, and it was already a bustling scene. It's only nine o'clock in the morning, so maybe today's peak passenger flow hasn't arrived yet.

A girl who looked like a college student came over. She was dressed simply and walked up to Li Zhan carrying a backpack. She looked down at the camouflage backpack with the August 1st Army emblem that Li Zhan placed at his feet. She held the corners of her clothes with both hands and smiled nervously. "Brother, I am a student at Xi'an Jiaotong University. I came here early in the morning to catch a flight and found that I lost my money. I am very hungry. Can you lend me a few dozen yuan to buy a lunch box? I will leave your contact information and I will go home. I will give it to you. This is my student ID card."

He said and handed over a student ID card.

Li Zhan glanced at it. It was fake. His girlfriend was a student at Xi'an Jiaotong University. How could the fake ID escape his eyes? Moreover, this girl's lies were full of mistakes. If you think about it for a moment, you would know that she has met a little liar who makes money by telling stories.

Then Li Zhan took out the money from his trouser pocket, picked out a fifty and handed it over, "Eat more."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, please leave me your contact information and I will definitely return it to you." The little liar girl said hurriedly, her eyes brightening as she looked at the handful of hundred-yuan bills in Li Zhan's hand.

Li Zhan said, "No need, it won't be easy for you during the New Year."

The little liar girl's face stiffened slightly, and finally she was too embarrassed to continue telling the story, so she bowed and turned around to leave.

After talking for a while, Li Zhan raised his eyes and looked at the flight information board. Yes, it was indeed delayed.

Sighing again, Li Zhan put the stack of banknotes worth more than 10,000 yuan into his trouser pocket, as if he were holding a handful of tissues ready to poop. I picked up my backpack and walked towards the glass curtain wall where I could see the flight area.

Because he was using a civilian communication network, Li Zhan did not mention to Zhang Yuan what he had done in the past half month at the 012 Factory, otherwise he might have argued with Zhang Yuan about the ice problem on the Yun-8's wings. Discussion. Zhang Yuan is a meteorological expert, and he is closely related to aviation. He also knows a lot about airplanes. He believes that Zhang Yuan will definitely have some useful opinions and suggestions.

The problem of Y-8 wing icing is a complex system problem and a historical problem left over from the time when the An-12 was imitated. If you look at a certain relevant system alone, it all meets the requirements, such as the de-icing system. But if taken together as a whole, it will form a fatal flaw, causing many models of this aircraft to only be used in specified areas.

To completely solve the problem, it is necessary to design from scratch and use overall design technology to repeatedly test the overall performance. This design concept is still new to 012 Factory. During his half-month stay at Factory 012, Li Zhan used his own practical experience to provide guiding suggestions and opinions on practical use to the Yun-X R\u0026D team.

Li Zhan believes that there are no technical obstacles to permanently solving the problem of wing icing, but he is also very aware that the same problem is a difficult and complicated problem worldwide. The technical requirements are not advanced, but for the entire The logical relationship of the system and the requirements for actual use are very high. This is because the deicing system and protection system need to face a variety of complex weather, including continental climate, oceanic climate, low latitude areas, high latitude areas...

The most important thing is that the Y-X is a military aircraft. The most basic premise is that it can be used in a battlefield environment and in the entire airspace, such as taking off and landing at wild airports in high-altitude areas. Civilian aircraft do not need to do this.

Taking these factors together, in order to achieve the performance indicators required by the Air Force, the difficulty of research and development will naturally increase. It is not just about solving the problem of wing icing - your solution must form synergy with other system solutions rather than conflict with them.

It's snowing lightly outside and the temperature is below freezing.

Li Zhan stood inside the curtain wall and looked through the glass at the nearby parking space. There were de-icing trucks de-icing the upcoming flights. This was a necessary means to ensure that the aircraft could fly in winter. In the far flight area, there is also a de-icing device at the take-off position of the runway. Some flights that have been waiting in queue for too long can receive a second de-icing to ensure that no ice crystals remain on the wings.

It is impossible for military tactical transport aircraft to have such ground support conditions during wartime, and all problems must be solved by themselves. Therefore, the de-icing system is required to work properly anytime and anywhere to ensure that the aircraft can fly normally.

When making suggestions, Li Zhan emphasized that it is crucial to significantly improve engine performance. He even suggested that the Y-X tactical transport aircraft must be able to fly 50 kilometers on only one engine even if three engines are lost. But it is obvious that his view is considered extreme, and the indicators proposed by the Air Force clearly require that the aircraft can continue to fly XXX kilometers when the remaining two engines are working normally.

Significantly improving engine performance is also closely related to other systems, especially de-icing systems that require heat from the engine.

In any case, Li Zhan believes that Factory 012 will solve all problems well.

After an hour's delay, Southern Flight 1993 was notified of boarding. Li Zhan arranged his clothes and strode to the boarding gate, the wind rustling.

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