Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 511 Can’t you be so arrogant anymore?

"Nowadays, there are more and more highly educated cadres, but many highly educated cadres lack sufficient grassroots experience. You have seen that Xu Tianhua, when I was in the second division, he was not as stubborn as him."

Li Zhan was cleaning up the housework, Zhang Xueyang sat on the bed opposite and talked with his legs crossed, while Tang Leilei helped clean the table and windows.

This dormitory is for two people, but only Li Zhan lives here for the time being. Tang Leilei said that he would apply to move in and live with the team leader. Two canopy beds and two desks were placed against the wall, with an aisle in the middle and a washroom at the end, separated by a door. It looked like a standard military camp dormitory.

There are a lot of deputy regiment and regiment pilots in the Flying Shark Unit and even several deputy division level pilots. Li Zhan, a small commander, is not qualified to enjoy a single suite. When Lao Chen said he wanted to start from scratch, he was not just joking or saying it casually. He was really starting from scratch.

Li Zhan was not dissatisfied, but was aroused to win and be strong.

Zhang Xueyang said, "Xu Tianhua is a graduate student with regular training. He studied at Dabei University for four years as an undergraduate, and later attended a double master's class at Huaqing University. He is a rising star in maritime affairs. I heard that he is very valued."

There must be a purpose for him to introduce Xu Tianhua's situation so emphatically, and as expected, he said, "Xu Tianhua is the publicity section chief of our Feisha."

"Not officially appointed yet." Tang Leile interrupted and continued to clean the window glass.

"Yes, they haven't been officially appointed yet, but basically they haven't left. The Feishak unit is at brigade level, and the person in charge of the brigade headquarters department at battalion level or above has basically been determined. This Xu Tianhua is a cadre that the propaganda department focuses on training." Zhang Xueyang said.

Li Zhan folded the quilt into a shape a few times, then carefully moved it to the end of the bed and placed it. He pulled out a small bench and sat down to do the most important work - tidying up. The key to folding quilts is three-thirds and seven-minutes stacking. A powerful soldier can fold the quilt into a shape in five seconds, but no matter how powerful the soldier is, he still has to spend a few minutes on meticulous arrangement.

Generally, a squad or a platoon will designate one or two soldiers who are good at making quilts to be responsible for checking the quilts of the entire class and platoon after everyone has tidied up the housework in the morning. If they see anything inappropriate, they will straighten it out. This is usually done You won't be punished for not meeting the standards in housekeeping.

Don't think that pilots are exceptions. After all, they are all soldiers and they follow the same internal affairs regulations. Look at Li Zhan's quilt, it looks like dog shit...

"Xiao Tang, please help him fold it quickly. I really can't stand it anymore." Zhang Xueyang finally couldn't help it anymore and pointed at Li Zhan's quilt.

Li Zhan stopped, looked at Zhang Xueyang and said, "Brother, I used to be a captain, and the internal affairs were all handled by orderlies. I haven't been so serious about it in two or three years. Why are you so slow?"

"Stop talking about your captain, your captain..." Zhang Xueyang suddenly thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed, "Yes, your captain is awesome, the most valuable captain in the army. More than 20 third-generation aircraft under his command have caught up with the leader."

Li Zhan quickly tidied up and looked at Zhang Xueyang at leisure, always looking down on the latter.

"Don't look like that when you have something to say. If you don't know, you might think that I have something to do with you." Zhang Xueyang said.

After cleaning the window glass, Tang Leilei threw away the newspaper and put on a rag to wipe the desk. Hearing this, Tang Leile couldn't help laughing.

Li Zhan smiled and said, "Old Zhang, you have really changed. Look at how you were before, when you were in the Second Division..."

For a while he couldn't find the right adjective.

Tang Leilei paused in wiping the table, turned around and said, "Haoheng." Then he continued wiping the table.

"Yes, yes, you were so arrogant in the past. The guy who didn't like anyone was... that scornful person. You don't know how much you were at that time. Every time I see you, I want to smack you. Damn you." Li Zhan saw Zhang Xueyang's face changed and quickly stopped talking and said, "I mean you weren't like this before. Look at you now, you just talk nonsense and worry about this and that, isn't it? Are you a publicity section chief? Why, you fly a plane or do publicity. Are you still worried that he won't promote you, a rich second-generation pilot? You earn 5,000 yuan a year from working part-time and buy it with the 30 million US dollars your father gave you. An airplane finally proves itself?”

"Hahahaha!" Tang Leile couldn't help but burst out laughing, laughing so hard that he leaned forward and backward.

Zhang Xueyang was speechless. If he had been in the past, he would have immediately responded, "It's not my fault that my dad is rich. Does he have to be from a poor background to fit the script in your mind? Do air force pilots have to be poor children?", but Li Zhan is right, he has changed a lot now.

After a while, Zhang Xueyang sighed deeply and said with emotion, "If it were you who were eliminated from Feisha training twice in a row, you would be as low-key as I am now."

"Wait, wait, wait." Li Zhan quickly stopped him and asked, "Twice? Wasn't he only eliminated once?"

Tang Leilei also listened attentively, and he didn't know about this either.

Zhang Xueyang was a little embarrassed, "It was twice. I didn't even pass the primary election the first time. I almost collapsed at the time. Later, I learned from the painful experience and participated again. I was knocked out at the last level. After half a year, I participated for the third time and finally passed. Come in."

Li Zhan looked at Zhang Xueyang in surprise.

This script is a bit awesome. Zhang Xueyang's level is not just a boast. This guy was specially recruited into the army. Before joining the army, everyone was still playing computer games. He flew around in his father's flying club's plane. Objectively speaking, Zhang Xueyang is worthy of being the number one in the second division (the number one ace). With such a level, he actually took three exams to get into Feisha. How perverted are Feisha's requirements?

"Old Li, really, don't take it seriously. You were admitted without taking the exam. Everyone is convinced by your past work, but if you can't show some real skills, everyone may not say anything in their mouths. I have a big opinion. Let me tell you this, don’t look at me as a colonel. We have four assistant division commanders in Feisha. I don’t dare to speak loudly in front of others." Zhang Xueyang said seriously, with a wry smile. After a moment, he said with emotion, "There is a world beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the mountains. Really, staying in the same army for a long time will really limit your vision. If you don't go out and see, you won't know how many heroes there are in the world."

Zhang Xueyang has really changed a lot. In the past, he was so arrogant that people didn't dare to approach him, and his skills were so high that people looked up to him. He just had the image of someone who had an absolute enemy-killing move and was usually calm and calm. It can be said that he is the second best person in the world. The teacher's spokesperson. But look at it now...

"Well, yes, you are doing well now. You are much more down-to-earth. If you still have the same sultry face as before, I will definitely let you know why the flowers are so red." Li Zhan didn't seem to hear what Zhang Xueyang said. With a look of self-concern, he said with a self-conscious smile, "Okay, for the sake of my old comrades, I will teach you a few tricks, Brother Zhan. I heard that your landing results were not ideal?"

Zhang Xueyang was about to retort, he was also a teacher after all, but when he heard the last sentence, his attention suddenly came over, he frowned and said, "Who told you that it is not ideal? I am a teacher, but I can become a teacher if my grades are not ideal? "

Li Zhan looked at Zhang Xueyang with a smile. Over there, Tang Leilei came over after wiping the table and also looked at Zhang Xueyang with a smile.

PS: There is still one in the early morning.

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