Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 512 Yeah, I forgot that I can’t drive J-7

Landing on an aircraft carrier is far more difficult than taking off. The difference in difficulty between the two is at least as big as three or four floors. From a general point of view, Zhang Xueyang's results of successfully landing six or seven times out of ten are not ideal, but relatively speaking, he is an outstanding member.

The general was chosen among the short ones, so he became an assistant instructor.

At least he was able to complete the entire take-off and landing procedure skillfully, so he was confident in facing the doubts of Li Zhan and Tang Leile.

Why can I become an assistant teacher with a success rate of 60 to 70%? It is really because it is too difficult, and I have no experience in this area, so I have to fumble around.

"Lao Zhang, a success rate of more than 60% is not ideal by any means." Li Zhan said seriously, "I know that your grades are relatively good, so that's why you were appointed as an assistant teacher. However, Your proficiency in military English is also an important factor, right?"

Zhang Xueyang blinked and said nothing.

Some of Tang Leilei's doubts were slowly confirmed, and he said in a flamboyant tone, "I heard that there are foreign teachers and retired Chou Navy pilots, but I have never seen them. Zhang Zhu, is it true?"

Li Zhan also stared at Zhang Xueyang with squinted eyes.

Zhang Xueyang continued to blink and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know anything. I'm just an assistant teacher, and I don't have job subsidies."

He decisively changed the subject, pointed at Li Zhan and said, "Old Li, you can speak easily with your chin now. When you start to practice it, you will know how difficult it is. Taking off and landing on an aircraft carrier is definitely more than just taking off and landing." It’s as simple as the landing runway is short.”

"When I landed, I deliberately took two more laps to observe the flight area." Li Zhan still looked confident, "The simulated flight deck should be directly reclaimed from the sea, surrounded by the sea on three sides, with the tail facing northwest. With the head facing the southeast, the southeast wind blows in this area all year round. This area is halfway between mountains and sea, and there are swirling winds.”

Li Zhan praised, "The people who did the test are real geniuses. This is the best place to simulate taking off and landing at sea. I have learned that the requirements for the flying shark training at the beginning were not as abnormal as they are now. One important reason is that It turns out that the Fertile Land flight training base has not been built yet.”

After the Fertile Land Flying Training Base was put into use, the selection criteria for Flying Shark Training was immediately raised.

He drew a good picture and said, "Look here, apart from not being able to move, what is the difference between it and an aircraft carrier? So I can tell you for sure that I know very well how difficult it is to take off and land on an aircraft carrier, and I am fully prepared." Don’t you think my superiors had a deep meaning in asking me to bring Dong Sanguai here who has carrier capabilities?”

"What's the deep meaning? Didn't you say this morning? The main purpose is to test new technologies for manufacturers, and use the unparalleled good luck of your little prince's danger handling expert to overcome the dangers that occur frequently during the test." Zhang Xueyang said.

"You're right." Li Zhan smiled and asked, "But do you think it's normal for the J-7 to be on the ship?"

Not only the J-7, the Navy will not allow any single-engine fighter aircraft to be put on the ship. If it were not for the J-10 being so outstanding, the Navy would not purchase the aircraft. The Navy has always been only interested in twin heavy-duty aircraft, but it didn't have a choice before. The Air Force is not interested in flying leopards, but the Navy is attracted to them because leopards have a long range and are safer with double chrysanthemums. There is no station at sea. If a single-engine aircraft stops, it means crashing. There is plenty of room for a dual-engine aircraft. The probability of double-engine parking is extremely low. It probably only happens to people like Li Zhan.

Zhang Xueyang came back to his senses and said thoughtfully, "Yeah, how can the J-7 be on the ship? There are really a lot of unreasonable things in what you said. Even if it needs to be tested, it can be done with other aircraft. Modification, why do you choose J-7?"

"I don't know, maybe Chengfei doesn't want to use Shenfei's J-11 as a test platform." Li Zhan spread his hands and suddenly said shockingly, "But the result of my personal analysis is that Chengfei is very "I may want to build a carrier-based fighter jet, maybe a twin-engine version of the J-10, maybe a brand new model."

Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leilei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, why should the J-7 be used to conduct experiments on aircraft carrier take-off and landing related technologies? Even the J-7-EGG No. 037 is most likely used by Chengdu Aircraft to collect relevant data.

Hey, the double chrysanthemum version of the J-10?

Tang Leilei has never flown the J-10, but he has seen it, so it does not prevent him from forming such a picture in his mind: the fuselage of the twin-engine J-10 is thicker, and the air inlet has also changed from a single to double. Under the belly of the fuselage, which may be a brand new DSI air intake, the two huge engine nozzles are the biggest change...

"The duck-type aerodynamic layout with dual engines always feels weird." Tang Leilei said it directly.

Li Zhan was stunned, then laughed and said, "The French Rafale and the EF-2000 jointly developed by several European countries have a canard aerodynamic layout and both have twin engines. You feel this way because you are used to the J-10's current It looks like, if you want to add an engine, you can’t just add it casually. The overall aerodynamic shape needs to be redesigned. I believe the appearance will not be too bad.”

"Good looks?" Zhang Xueyang paid attention to this new term, "Well, this word is used well."

"Back to business." Li Zhan put away his smile and said, "Mr. Chen gave me a fatal order to catch up with the training progress within a month. So you two have to help me. Now I'm blind."

"A month? Mr. Chen really thinks highly of you." Zhang Xueyang gasped slightly.

Li Zhan said, "To be honest, HNA has coveted me for a long time. If I finally get it, I will definitely use it to death, but I didn't expect it to be so cruel. Thirty days in a month, even if every day is a flying day, I fly five times a day." That’s one hundred and fifty hours. It’s a big challenge to complete the training that you need to complete in half a year in one hundred and fifty hours.”

"Wait a minute, do you have any misunderstandings about training?" Zhang Xueyang couldn't sit still when he heard this, and said, "Flying for 150 hours a month? Are you crazy because of poverty?"

Tang Leile couldn't help laughing. When he saw Li Zhan looking over, he quickly held back and said seriously, "Captain, this is not Beiku, and the flying shark is not a falcon, and the training here is very different from what we did before. It’s different. It can be said that using high-intensity flight training to increase training volume is no longer feasible.”

High-intensity flight training is Li Zhan's specialty, and it is also his consistent method to solve the bottleneck of improving combat effectiveness-that is, burning aviation fuel. One ton is not enough to burn two tons. Keep burning until the combat effectiveness is burned out. Some people wanted to study the techniques to increase the combat effectiveness of the Falcon Brigade. However, when they went to Beiku to investigate, they found that there was no such technique at all. It was just a simple and crude increase in training volume.

Often the simpler methods are more effective.

But at this time Tang Leilei said this method would not work.

Zhang Xueyang explained to the confused Li Zhan, "Let me tell you this, even if Mr. Chen takes care of you, if you can fly thirty to fifty hours a month, it is very, very good. The average monthly flying hours of students now is twenty-eight." , Xiao Tang flew for twenty-five hours last month.”

"Yes, the time for practical operation is very limited." Tang Leilei said.

Li Zhan asked, "Why?"

"There are not enough planes!" Zhang Xueyang said angrily, "With dozens of people, there are only six planes in total. Two of them are under maintenance all year round. In fact, there are only four that are usable, and there is only one J-15S. "

Li Zhan's brows twitched, "Two-seater J-15? Is it out?"

One of the reasons why the Flying Shark training is extremely demanding is that there was no two-seat J-15 before, which meant that students had to fly the aircraft alone to perform takeoff and landing operations without an instructor. At the same time, this also restricted the progress of the Flying Shark training. Hainan Airlines called Shenfei every three to five times and asked Shenfei to take out the aircraft as soon as possible. Shenfei was under great pressure. Finally, it completed the test flight of a prototype at the beginning of the year. The troops could not wait and directly Coming here, the whole body is covered in yellow primer and doesn't even have a tactical number.

Who could have imagined that such a large flying shark force only has one J-15S two-seat carrier-based fighter jet.

"The prototype aircraft that arrived last month was focused on ensuring modification training, so you basically have no chance to come into contact with that aircraft." Zhang Xueyang said.

The modification training he mentioned refers to the training that students who have no experience in flying J-11 series fighters receive. Students like Li Zhan and Tang Leilei who have rich experience in using J-11 series fighters directly fly several J-15s alone. You can enter normal training status within hours.

Zhang Xueyang said, "The lack of aircraft is not the only factor. If the flight time is properly arranged, the flight time can still be guaranteed. The key reason for limiting the flight hours is that the actual operation is very cumbersome. One hour in the sky and three full days underground."

With the introduction of Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leile, Li Zhan figured out the situation.

It turns out that takeoff and landing flights are not as simple as the tower commanding the pilot to fly the plane and start simulating takeoffs and landings on the ship, but the linkage of all departments from beginning to end. Every time a flight is carried out, a large number of technical support personnel carry out analysis and research, and hold analysis meetings continuously. , it can be said that every practical operation is utilized to the extreme.

Tang Leilei said, "There are dozens of pilots in the cadet team, but there are more than a thousand relevant support departments and technical personnel. We have to practice takeoff and landing, and they also have to practice support. It is not easy to fly once. That's why there are three flights in one hour in the sky and three in the ground." Say that all day long.”

Li Zhan sighed and said, "It's a scientific research-style operation. No wonder I can't get up after flying hours."

Zhang Xueyang said, "It's like moving the station to the aircraft carrier. There are so many departments in such a small place. This itself is a system that requires extremely high coordination. What we fly is what everyone can see, and many others can't see it." The missing aspect is also very important. Not to mention other things, just the transportation on the flight deck is a headache."

You can imagine how difficult it is to fit a station that can support a regiment of fighter planes into a flight deck that is 300 meters long and 780 meters wide. Just how to efficiently transport aircraft is a big question.

"Fortunately, we are latecomers and can follow the path taken by those before us." Li Zhan said, "Lao Zhang, where do you think I should start?"

"Theory, let's do the theory first..."

"I've already done it." Li Zhan interrupted, "I've been busy in the past year or so. I asked someone to ask for Fei Shark's training materials and taught myself. There are no problems with the theory. You can skip this part."

Zhang Xueyang was choked. Sure enough, excellent people are excellent for a reason. At least he had not taught himself before. In fact, Zhang Xueyang's heart was very complicated when he faced Li Zhan. Who dares or would train him like a turtle son? There was no one else except Li Zhan, but he was not angry at all. Instead, he felt like "it is an honor to be reprimanded by Li Zhan."

A colonel in his early thirties looks so awesome. Others have several cars at home, while others have several planes at home. Others pay a few hundred yuan to fill up their tank, but theirs costs millions at a time. This should be a He was an ace pilot who had every reason to be proud, but when faced with a young major like Li Zhan, he had no sense of superiority at all.

Many people have seen Li Zhan's glorious achievements and his list of achievements that are so gorgeous that they can make people sigh endlessly, but what many people can't see is Li Zhan's efforts behind the scenes. For example, he self-study the Flying Shark training materials more than a year in advance. Everyone knows how busy he has been in the past year or so.

No one can succeed casually. An upright man faces his boss, family, and friends with a meticulous and neat front, but who would have thought that his back might already be riddled with holes.

To use a fashionable saying, such a pilot deserves a million drawbar fees.

Sighing slightly, Zhang Xueyang said, "Since the theory is ok, let's fly directly. First go to the simulation cabin and then practice. Practice taking off first, then simulate landing on the ship, and finally arrest the landing."

Tang Leilei came up with an idea and said, "Captain, actually you have a big advantage. It should be no problem to catch up with the training progress within a month."

"What advantage?" Li Zhan asked.

Zhang Xueyang also looked at Tang Leile doubtfully.

Tang Leilei grinned and said, "Dong Sanguai, you don't have to wait in line for the plane while others are waiting!"

Hey, that’s right!

"Yes, yes, why didn't I think of that?" Zhang Xueyang was stunned for a moment, then he rolled his eyes a few times and became happy, saying, "Old Li, yes, the three crutches can be used. Mr. Chen, your old leader, please find He told me to apply, and we can set it aside separately for takeoff and landing training. I can also use your plane to strengthen the practice of intercepted landing."

Li Zhan thought quickly, shook his head slightly and said, "It's not easy, right? Besides, there's no venue."

"Yes, didn't you observe when you landed? The second land-based simulation deck has been basically completed. The relevant facilities will be put into use immediately after the installation. There is no problem with the training venue." Zhang Xueyang said.

Li Zhan touched his chin and nodded slowly, "Well, you can give it a try. But before that, there is another question. Can you drive a J-7?"

Zhang Xueyang was stunned, yes, he couldn't drive the J-7.

He is a "high, rich and handsome" pilot who was specially recruited into the army and directly modified the Su-27SK. In fact, Zhang Xueyang doesn't know how to drive any second-generation phone. This guy has been driving a third-generation phone since he was born, which is much smoother than Li Zhan.

After all this time, we still can't get rid of the No. 037 J-7EGG - no matter how we modify it, it is still a second-generation aircraft, and the nearly third-generation aircraft is not considered a third-generation aircraft.

Tang Leilei raised his hand excitedly, "I can drive!"

Of course, everyone who comes out of the Fourth Regiment of the Second Division will fly J-7, and everyone who comes out of Beiku will also fly J-7...

PS: I temporarily dealt with the internal conflicts among the people, so I am late. I will write a big chapter (4,000 words) first, and then write a small chapter (3,000 words) in the early morning.

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