Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 526 A low-key fighter

Safety inspections have been going on for several days, and the atmosphere at the base is quite heavy, especially for the pilot team.

At the same time, a new wave of cold air moved southward, bringing widespread rainfall and snowfall. The wind blew and rain fell, and a small amount of snow fell at night, making the atmosphere at the base a bit heavier.

The instructors and students of Feisha are all very experienced pilots, and they are very aware of the current situation of the army. In terms of equipment alone, whether it is the Air Force, Hainan Airlines or Army Aviation, there is an extreme shortage of fighter aircraft, especially the lack of third-generation trainer aircraft, especially the two-seat combat trainer aircraft assigned to the troops.

The SU-27UBK used by a certain unit of Qi Kong was a second-hand product transferred from the 300 Division. Prior to this, the 300 Division had used the aircraft extremely intensively in the past ten years and often provided it to other units for training. As a result, the life of the airframe has been reduced, and today, failures caused by the structural strength of the airframe have begun to occur.

Even so, the troops are still reluctant to eliminate them because there are not enough planes!

The J-10 has four versions, namely the whiteboard J-10, J-10A, J-10B, and J-10C. These four models are produced according to the rule of "small-large-small-large" . The blank J-10, as the first batch of fighters after finalization, was equipped with only a handful of troops. After technological precipitation and improvement, the mature J-10A was formed, and then the J-10A was mass-produced. The J-10B is a heavily modified model based on the J-10A, including the engine, avionics system, airborne radar, and air intake. After two groups were produced to form mature technology, the J-10C Mass production begins.

This is the development pattern of the J-10 series of fighters. Small steps, one big step, one small step, one big step, one big step, one small step, one big step, one small step, one big step, one step at a time, and a family is slowly formed.

But one special thing is that when the J-10C entered mass production, the J-10S (the two-seat version of the J-10A) was always produced at full capacity.

What causes this phenomenon? Can’t wait for the two-seater version of the J-10C to come out? The troops really can't wait. The new training work of some troops has been seriously lacking, and the old pilots have retired and the new pilots can't keep up. The main reason is that there are not enough two-seater aircraft, which greatly restricts the training progress!

While the two-seat third-generation aircraft are being produced at full capacity, the army is also extending the life of the old Su-27UBK and J-10S and continuing to use them intensively. This shows how short the number of these fighters is.

The two pilots who died in a certain Qi Kong unit must have been very aware of the actual difficulties of the unit, so they tried their best to save the fighter planes and did not give up until the end of their lives...

Haisi sent a technical working group to investigate the Flying Shark Force. When major safety accidents occur, it is normal for the agency to dispatch troops to the investigation team, and it is an inevitable measure to pay close attention to safety education.

The leader of the research team was Colonel Zhong Ming. He had met Old Chen on several occasions. On the day he arrived, he told Old Chen the purpose of his trip without taking any time to rest, "Old Chen, I'm coming down here this time." The purpose is to see the results of your investigation into the "March 1st" danger, and secondly, to find out some information from Comrade Li Zhan."

"The 'March 1' accident in Qikong sounded the alarm for us, and the head of the Haisi Department requested to come up with corrective measures in the shortest possible time."

Old Chentou said, "Rectification is the manufacturer's business, right? What's the use of talking to Li Zhan? Director Zhong, I'm going to say ugly things first. It's okay for you to talk to him, but if you want to poach people, I won't agree to it." "

"Look what you said, what do I want him to do? It would be a waste to put such a top person in the agency." Zhong Ming was slightly shocked. This old Chen has a very sensitive sense of smell.

Old Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "You, Director Zhong, are in charge of equipment testing and acceptance. China Southern Airlines has a brigade dedicated to doing this work. You are directly in charge of that brigade, right?"

A certain flight team of China Southern Airlines is responsible for equipment testing, which is the last standard line set by Hainan Airlines for manufacturers.

"Yes, but I have no intention of poaching people. You know very well what's going on with Comrade Li Zhan. You're watching him from top to bottom. I hope he can play a greater role in your Feisha. I, the head of the Hai Department, won't agree to poaching people." Ah, haha." Zhong Ming smiled somewhat reluctantly.

Waving his hand, Zhong Ming said in a deep voice, "The cause of Qikong's 'Third One' accident was the two-seater Su Liangqi introduced in the early years. After receiving the notification from the Air Force, we immediately conducted research and found that Comrade Li Zhan had a very rich Su Liangqi." I have experience using Seven Fighter aircraft, and I know both single-seat and double-seat aircraft well.”

"Just say that he encountered many dangers when using this fighter plane. There is nothing to worry about." Old Chentou said, lighting up a cigarette and refilling Zhong Ming's cup of tea.

Zhong Ming said with a smile, "That's true. The Air Force rumor that Comrade Li Zhan is an expert in handling dangerous situations, I thought it was a bit exaggerated at first. After an in-depth study of his resume, I found that it was not exaggerated at all. I came here to see what he has got." Suggestions. You know we have a lot of J-11A fighters and two regiments of Su-30s. We must pay attention to the lessons learned from the Qikong's Trinity accident."

He said with emotion, "Eight first-class merits, six first-class and special-class dangers in less than four years, and this time it is seven times. The head of the Haisi even suspected that the grassroots level was cheating, but when he looked at the files, It turned out that it was transferred from the Air Force, so I believed it. Last night, the head of the Maritime Department personally called the Air Force Department to inquire about Li Zhan's situation, and today a research team was sent down."

If there were no conclusive criminal records, who would believe that there was such a monster pilot.

"The title of expert in handling dangerous situations is worthy of the name, at least that's what the files show." Zhong Ming said.

Old Chentou took the last puff of his cigarette, stood up and said, "Extremely talented pilot, let's go. You can tell by looking at people."

The two of them took the commuter bus to the maintenance hangar without any entourage. Zhong Ming asked strangely, "Is there a flight today?"

"No. I don't dare to let the J-15 go to heaven until the hidden dangers of the J-11 are investigated." Old Chentou said.

"Then what are you doing?" Zhong Ming pointed out the car window and entered the outfield, which is the flight area.

Old Chentou said, "Go to the maintenance hangar. Li Zhan is there. In the past few days, he has been following the maintenance staff to repair the aircraft and serving as a consultant to the manufacturer's technical team."


This surprised Zhong Ming from the big agency.

It sounds like Comrade Li Zhan is a very pragmatic pilot.

Zhong Ming, like others who didn't know Li Zhan, thought that he had eight first-class pilots. Even if he couldn't drink tea and listen to songs in the army, his status was very transcendent. The love, respect, and adoration from the division and brigade commander down to the grassroots officers and soldiers will form an extremely relaxed environment only for him personally. It is natural to do something special from time to time, and it is inevitable to occasionally raise problems for his superiors.

In a word, any army will treat such soldiers as ancestors. If you have eight first-class merits, you will really treat them as ancestors, as long as you don't do anything that seriously violates discipline, such as singing. , you can play sideways.

Such "eight-one" officers and soldiers are what everyone imagines.

When we arrived at the maintenance hangar, we saw a busy scene. Yu Niandong and more than a dozen manufacturer technicians and a dozen maintenance officers and soldiers are performing their respective duties to carry out inspection work. Among them, the No. 037 J-7EGGH is basically just a skeleton. Everything that can be disassembled has been removed. It looks like a Transformers in a loose state.

"It's a big project."

Zhong Ming came from a technical background, and he could see the clues at a glance, and asked, "Are you capable of conducting such a comprehensive test?"

"This kind of inspection can only be done on this aircraft. The manufacturer has brought over a dozen technical experts." Old Chen pointed to a corner over there and led Zhong Ming over.

In the corner against the wall, the lights were bright. Yu Niandong and Peng Chubin were squatting there, discussing something nervously with a circuit board placed on the oilcloth. There was also a very young major in maintenance work clothes, without any labor protection gloves. , there are oil stains on my hands.

But the major said, "There is no problem with the communication system, which means the cockpit power supply system is normal, and the engine is running normally, which means the flight control system power supply is normal. If the display system power supply is not normal, it is judged to be a partial power supply failure. I agree with this conclusion."

"In this way, the scope of the fault is greatly reduced." Peng Chubin said with a sigh of relief.

Yu Niandong also breathed a sigh of relief. The power supply bus failure may involve the failure of the entire improvement work. Now this most serious possibility has been eliminated, which in turn proves that the overall improvement work is no problem.

The major pointed at the circuit board and said, "This circuit board is the same as other models, so I still stick to my previous view. It is a congenital defect and the failure rate is very low, so we can easily ignore it."

Yu Niandong said, "This is easy to handle. We can solve it on the spot."

The major said, "I have another concern, the sealing problem of the fighter plane. The use of the three turns of the tunnel will be very intense, so the sealing problem is very prominent. My opinion is to seal and wrap all the lines again to avoid the high salt water content. The intrusion caused a short circuit."

"No problem. Now that everything has been dismantled and everything that needs to be done has been done, our goal is to ensure that the Dongsanguai test machine can be used for at least 3,000 hours." Yu Niandong said and stopped slowly, looking at Li Zhan's tone. He became erratic, "Of course, the premise is that you should take your time when driving and don't hit seven or eight G's at every turn."

The major looked a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Chen!" When Peng Chubin was wiping his sweat, he saw Old Chen standing behind him and a senior colonel from the corner of his eye. He immediately stood up and said hello.

Yu Niandong and the major also stood up quickly to say hello.

Old Chen nodded slightly, pointed at the major and introduced to Zhong Ming, "Director Zhong, this is Comrade Li Zhan."

Zhong Ming was quite surprised. He was very impressed by Li Zhan, who looked low-key and looked like an ordinary maintenance officer. He took the initiative to reach out and said, "Hello, Comrade Li Zhan, I am Zhong Ming from the Haisi Technical Equipment Department."

"Hello, Chief!" Li Zhan was a little panicked. He quickly grabbed the hem and wiped his hands vigorously, but found it difficult to wipe it off. He gritted his teeth and took out the washed white flying labor protection gloves from his pocket and put them on, and was about to prepare. I went to shake hands but suddenly realized that shaking hands with gloves was impolite, and I was stunned again.

Zhong Ming's impression of Li Zhan became better. Look, this is a low-key fighter. He has eight first-class merits but doesn't have the slightest air of being a hero. He feels like a young recruit. The leader likes young recruits who simply obey orders and work without compromise. The leader dislikes the veteran Youzi the most.

He held Li Zhan's right hand with both hands and shook it vigorously a few times, and said with a smile, "Comrade Li Zhan, I have admired your name for a long time. I finally meet you in person. You are a good, good, good young man!"

"Thank you, chief!" Li Zhan saluted with his head raised and chest raised.

Old Chentou said, "Xiao Li, Director Zhong has something to consult with you. Please tidy up and report to the agency building."

"Mr. Chen, I don't think there is a need to go to the office building. Let Xiao Li take me around to investigate and find out where I can hide in the house." Zhong Ming said with a smile.

Li Zhan rolled his eyes and asked for instructions, "Chief, I am new here and don't know much about the situation. Comrade Zhang Xueyang is more familiar with it. Please ask him to accompany you for inspection."


Li Zhan quickly ran over and called Zhang Xueyang.

"This kid." Old Chen suddenly thought about it and figured out what was going on. He waved his hand and asked others to continue working. He and Zhong Ming walked out and said, "Old Zhong, what are you going to do with the interview team? I'll tell you in advance Just to say hello, anyone can interview, but not Li Zhan."

Zhong Ming frowned and said, "The interview team is not led by me. They have tasks and are not under my control. Why can't you interview Li Zhan? Why are you hiding these eight first-class pilots if you don't publicize them well?"

"I don't have anything to say about this matter. Anyway, please inform the interview team in advance." Old Chentou said cryptically.

Zhong Ming shook his head, "I can't control the interview team. They came here under the assignment of the General Secretary."

His background was bigger than that of Haisi, so Old Chentou said nothing more.

No longer talking about this topic, the two of them waited for Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang to come over and walked to the training area. The characteristic of the fertile soil flight training base is naturally two simulated flight deck training areas. The first training area is also the world's most advanced land-based ski jump take-off, arresting and landing training area.

During the visit, Li Zhan wanted to hide himself behind everyone. He would not speak if he could. When he couldn't, he would just say a few words and then directly hand over the conversation to Zhang Xueyang. So much so that Zhang Xueyang kept looking at Li Zhan with grateful eyes, thinking that Comrade Li was a good friend, and he never forgot to take care of his old comrades.

Zhong Ming also noticed that Li Zhan seemed to have some concerns, but he didn't point it out. He just visited all the way. After the commuter bus came to pick him up, Zhang Xueyang was sent away after returning to the office building. Zhong Ming, Lao Chentou and Li Zhan arrived. In the Chief Faculty Office, what we want to talk about next is Zhong Ming’s real purpose of this investigation.

Zhong Ming directly asked Li Zhan a question: "From a flight control perspective, is there any way to avoid flight control system failures like the 'Third Day' accident?"

Lao Chentou also attaches great importance to it. Several J-15s used by Feisha still use the same flight control system as the Su-27 and J-11A. Faults in the J-11A may also happen to the J-15.

Obviously Li Zhan had thought about it, and he answered simply: "I think so!"

Zhong Ming and Lao Chen pricked up their ears.

Another 4,000-word chapter, ranked 115th on the monthly voting list, with a difference of 400 to 500 votes, brothers give it another try.

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