Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 527 The era when airplanes were more important than life has passed

"My method is more extreme and not very popular, but so far I only know that this method is effective."

Li Zhan first vaccinated the two bosses, and then gestured with his hands and said, "Su Liangqi's longitudinal fly-by-wire flight control system is actually quite reliable, but Su Liangqi's horizontal axis uses a mechanical transmission system, which causes The whole system is very complex and cumbersome. If there is no problem, it will be a big problem."

"I encountered a similar failure when I was working in Beiku. During level flight, the longitudinal telex system suddenly failed and the automatic trim failed. In this case, it was difficult for the pilot to trim the fighter plane by his own strength, and the nose of the aircraft became unstable. The aircraft was extremely sensitive, and the nose of the aircraft would pitch at a large angle if I gently pulled the lever forward and backward, and it would stall if I was not careful. But I had the altitude at the time and sufficient time to deal with it. If this kind of failure occurs during the takeoff and landing phase, the result is usually catastrophic. . That was the case with the Trinity accident."

“My approach is to push the throttle lever to the end in the shortest possible time when encountering this type of failure so that the engine can quickly reach maximum thrust. At this time, don’t operate the lever in a hurry. Wait until the speed comes up and then disconnect the angle of attack limiter. Change to full manual driving mode..."

"Wait a minute." Lao Chentou interrupted Li Zhan, "I can understand how the throttle lever obtains the speed and altitude. What is the purpose of disconnecting the angle of attack limiter? Besides, the longitudinal fly-by-wire flight control failed. Change it to manual Do driving modes still make sense?”

Li Zhan replied, "The longitudinal fly-by-wire flight control failed, but the lateral mechanical transmission system did not fail. The purpose of changing to full manual driving mode is to get the lateral mechanical transmission device out of automatic mode, which is very critical to obtain more processing time. Angle of attack limit The existence of the device is to limit the pitch angle exceeding the envelope, but the significance of this device is also based on the fact that it can only function when the transmission system is normal."

"After the longitudinal fly-by-wire system fails, the angle-of-attack limiter cannot sense this change, so when the fighter plane swings its nose up and down at a large pitch angle, it will divide the angle-of-attack limiter, and the angle-of-attack limiter intervenes to convey the command to the flaps. It would conflict with the pilot's instructions, which would be fatal."

Old Chentou and Zhong Ming looked at each other, and after thinking about it carefully, they found that this was indeed the case, but the problem was that the method Li Zhan mentioned was too complicated. However, Li Zhan also said in advance that his method is not very popular.

"What should we do after taking control of the fighter plane? If the longitudinal telex system fails, how can we rely on normal lateral mechanical transmission to drive the plane back?" Zhong Ming asked directly.

Li Zhan shook his head slightly, "Normally speaking, it is basically impossible. Su Erqi has no mechanical backup, and the manual clearly states that the correct way to deal with flight control failure is to parachute."

When a look of disappointment appeared on Zhong Ming's face, Li Zhan changed the subject and said, "But it's not completely impossible. Based on the control I just mentioned is not enough to solve the problem of the aircraft nose's pitch sensitivity, my method It uses the relative force generated by the speed brake and flaps on the back of the aircraft to offset the pitching force of the nose."

Zhong Ming's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked quickly, "Is there any successful case?"

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "Once."

"Once..." Zhong Ming was slightly disappointed.

When the longitudinal fly-by-wire system fails, the positional relationship between the speed brake and the flaps on the back of the aircraft is used to "clamp" the nose of the aircraft, which is equivalent to putting a limiter on the nose of the aircraft. In this case, the pilot can slightly Push and pull the lever to control the direction of the nose.

Li Zhan said, "Steering and descending height can be accomplished through flaps and tail rudders, and the pilot can still control the tilt of the fuselage, which means that even without a longitudinal fax system, some maneuvers can still be done. The biggest problem is that the aircraft The head pitches up and down violently. If the nose of the aircraft suddenly tilts up at a large angle at high speed, it is like entering a Cobra maneuver at a very high speed. The fighter will be broken off and disintegrate in the air. As long as the nose of the aircraft is restrained, the danger can be dealt with easily. That’s half the battle.”

"I think the successful handling of air dangers does not necessarily have to be based on the safe landing of the aircraft. In the March 1st accident, the pilot chose to make an emergency landing in order to save the aircraft. I think what needs to be solved is everyone's conceptual problem. The army is short of aircraft. Yes, but there is a greater shortage of people. Compared with airplanes, pilots are more valuable assets. As long as airplanes fly in the sky, they cannot always be safe, and there is always the possibility of problems. As long as everyone's ideas change and they It is regarded as a more important military asset than the aircraft, so that the most ideal choice can be made when encountering danger."

If they had not chosen to make an emergency landing, the two martyrs in the "March 1st" accident would most likely have survived. A worn-out SU-27UBK is not worth what they do!

Old Chentou and Zhong Ming were both lost in thought.

The army's weapons and equipment have been updated and developed rapidly, but everyone's concepts have not been updated. Gone are the days of belt-tightening and squeezing out resources to buy airplanes. There will be a shortage of airplanes in the future, but there will never be a situation of "having one meal but not one" again, and no one is right about it. The future is full of confidence, and the update of military weapons and equipment will enter a normal state in the near future.

Many people have noticed a phenomenon. All accidents involving our military's fighter planes are major accidents. We have never seen in news reports that accidents were caused by minor malfunctions. This is because our military pilots directly dealt with minor glitches and drove the plane back safely, without appearing in the news at all.

Unless a fatal malfunction occurs, the flight control fails and the two engines stop in mid-air and cannot be restarted, etc., our military pilots have the ability to drive the aircraft back. In non-war times, it may be difficult to compare our pilots with powerful enemies, but when it comes to dealing with air dangers and mechanical failures, our pilots are definitely among the best in the world.

This is a fighting force in itself.

Li Zhan's original intention was almost exposed. He simply said, "My method is not instructive. It can even be said that there are probably only a few pilots who can do it. Even if I have already practiced it once, I can’t guarantee that I can still succeed if I try it again. Personally, I think it can only be seen as a helpless choice under extreme circumstances.”

"Both chiefs, in the final analysis, they need to change their ideas and completely change the idea that aircraft are more important than lives. Mr. Chen, this idea among everyone in our Flying Shark Unit is quite serious. There are only a few J-15s in total. Regarding training, it is understandable that everyone attaches great importance to the safety of the aircraft, but to put it more seriously than one's own life, I personally think is very short-sighted."

Zhong Ming and Lao Chentou understood that on the surface Li Zhan proposed a solution that was not very feasible - in fact, this was already a miracle. In fact, what Li Zhan really wanted to express was "I hope the pilots can change their view of the aircraft." The old concept is more important than life."

None of them can deny Li Zhan's point of view, because it is very practical.

If the troops want to change their concepts, the leaders must first change their concepts. Li Zhan hopes to take this opportunity to report this point of view to his superiors through Colonel Zhong Ming from the Marine Corps.

Li Zhan said, "Who can fly a fighter jet without falling into two of them? From another perspective, this is a very rare experience. I personally encountered many dangerous situations, and I felt very deeply after each handling. I have a deep understanding of flying. The understanding becomes more and more profound, and these are very valuable experiences.”

"What you said is idealistic. No one is willing to be in danger and will never do the best." Old Chen pointed at Li Zhan and said.

Zhong Ming smiled and said, "Old Chen, what you said is idealistic. Objectively speaking, it is impossible not to be in danger, and frequent dangers are not abnormal."

He looked at Li Zhan seriously again, "Xiao Li, I will think carefully about what you said to me today, and I will make some suggestions to my superiors when I have the opportunity. However, the solution you mentioned can only be used as a solution now. Treat it as a special case.”

"Yes, chief." Li Zhan subconsciously sat up straight.

Zhong Ming looked at Old Chen and said, "Old Chen, let's stop talking about this matter. Later, ask Xiao Li to write a detailed disposal method and report it to Haisi."

"No problem." Old Chen nodded with satisfaction. It was naturally a good thing for his soldiers to show their faces in front of the head of Haisi.

Zhong Ming said to Li Zhan again, "Xiao Li, there is one more thing. The General Political Propaganda Center is doing a series of pioneers of the times. Each service branch and military region must select some outstanding officers and soldiers to dig into their deeds. You fly Shark has to choose one person, and you are more representative. I heard that you hooked the second blocking rope seven times in a row on your first actual aircraft landing, setting a record for the Flying Shark Force."

It seems that Zhong Ming has done his homework and is very familiar with the training of the Flying Shark Unit, otherwise he would never know the meaning of "hooking the second blocking rope".

Sure enough, Li Zhan complained secretly and said awkwardly, "Chief, I am a new comrade. There are many veteran pilots in our Flying Shark Corps who are better than me. I suggest that this opportunity be given to someone more suitable. I am not. The best candidate."

Zhong Ming chuckled and waved his hands, "I can't make the decision on this. The interview team has called you by name to interview you. Haisi has nothing to do with the affairs of the General Administration. That's the higher-level leadership agency. Okay, that's it. Old Chen, could you please lead me on? visit."

"Okay, let's take the chief to inspect the work." Old Chen stood up and said with a smile, pointed at Li Zhan, hesitated, "Then let's do the interview, you can control it yourself."

Li Zhan watched the two leaders leave, opening his mouth again and again, still not knowing how to refuse.

What he has been most afraid of since joining the army is the interview. This is of course due to his service experience in the gunboat unit, but also to his own reasons. When facing reporters and cameras, he always feels like he is being forced to act, which is very uncomfortable.

He dragged Zhang Xueyang over just to use him as a shield, but he was resolved by Zhong Ming, an old cunning man, in a few words.


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