Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 528: Get everyone out of the way. I want a two-plane formation to show off.

Treating the promotion of advanced deeds as an act, if Old Chen, an old political worker, found out about this, he would definitely give Li Zhan a slap in the face. Li Zhan himself is an ideological and political professional and has a deep understanding of propaganda work. Public opinion propaganda work is very important.

But when it comes to him personally, he can't do it - he, a little expert in political work, is quite enthusiastic about preaching to others.

There is a big reporter in the interview team. People all over the country often see her in the army's external publicity column. She is a tall beauty with a heroic appearance. She has the feeling of an ancient female general. The key is that this person is not the flower vase that people think - - It's just what she looks like. She is from a serious grassroots army background. She has led soldiers and served as a staff officer, and has rich experience in grassroots work.

The main targets of the army's publicity are grassroots officers and soldiers. Her rich basic work experience makes her a duck in water in the interview work, and she is deeply loved by the officers and soldiers. It's much better than some so-called military reporters who just show their faces and don't understand basic internal affairs regulations.

Her name is Yu Su, and she is a serious active-duty major officer in the army. She is really a member of the department directly under the General Political Department.

Yu Su is not just good at hosting interviews. After two years of leading soldiers at the grassroots level, she was admitted to the People's Liberation Army Academy of Literature and Art. She is a member and director of the National Writers Association. She has a very strong writing style and is well-received in the field of documentary literature in the military. She The articles he writes are profound and simple, using simple and plain words to directly hit people's hearts. What he outlines with simple strokes is wonderful that arouses the reader's spiritual resonance.

This is an influential young writer in the literary field, and his status as an active-duty military officer greatly strengthens this influence.

The army needs soldiers who carry guns, and they also need soldiers who hold pens.

No wonder Zhong Ming ignored it after giving the notice. If he talked too much, the chief minister would have said that Haisi was meddling in other people's business.

Then Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang met Xu Tianhua again.

While waiting downstairs in the office, Zhang Xueyang saw Xu Tianhua leading Yu Su this way, looking high-spirited and full of energy.

"I remember what you said. The people who fly planes and the people who do propaganda don't get along. Look, this has been transferred to someone else again." Zhang Xueyang said in a low voice.

Li Zhan opened his mouth but couldn't express his pain. He sighed and said, "Just bear with it, it's just an interview. Besides, you're not happy about publicizing your deeds."

"I'm so happy... shit." Zhang Xueyang said, "I am as tall, handsome and sunny as a firefly in the dark night without any publicity."

Li Zhan said, "You used to be quite stable. Did your head hit the landing gear or did your girlfriend kick you and you gave up your face after being so stimulated?"

"Do you know whether you are having fun in the midst of hardship? Living like that before was too tiring. How can I be so fucking happy? I'm too lazy to pretend." Zhang Xueyang said with arrogance.

Li Zhan chuckled.

Indeed, after staying in the Flying Shark Army for a long time, if you don't find a way to relax yourself, you may really collapse at some point - the knife-tip dancer is by no means just talk. When landing, all the pilot can see is the deck of the aircraft carrier the size of a fingernail, and you have to park the plane on the "fingernail".

"Forget it, I'm going back." Zhang Xueyang thought about it and prepared to leave.

Li Zhan grabbed him and said, "What are you going back for?"

"Why should I join in the fun of interviewing you? Forget it, I won't get the limelight." Zhang Xueyang said.

Li Zhan deceived him and said, "You have more say in the interview with Fei Shark than me. Besides, this is not my business alone. The main reason is that you have been here longer than me, and I don't understand many situations. What is the most important thing? You know, right? I’ve asked about it, Yu Su is single, such a talented and good-looking female cadre, don’t you have any ideas? "

"Who told you that I was heartbroken?" Zhang Xueyang asked with a frown.

Li Zhan was startled, "You really got kicked."

Zhang Xueyang shook off Li Zhan's hand and adjusted his clothes, "I don't have a girlfriend on my terms. It's her loss to give up on me. To put it bluntly, if I don't fly a plane anymore, it won't be good for me to go back and inherit the billions of family property." ?"

"What are you talking about? You can inherit billions of assets by flying a plane." Li Zhan frowned slightly, clearly feeling that Zhang Xueyang must have encountered something, and he would have to find time to have a good chat with him later. , Li Zhan thought.

"Director Yu, Director Xu, hello, I'm Li Zhan." As the person approached, Li Zhan took the initiative to salute and say hello.

Old God Zhang Xueyang is standing there, he is a colonel.

"Team Leader Li." Yu Su returned the salute seriously, and then saluted Zhang Xueyang, "Hello, Chief."

You see, people from big agencies are very sensible.

Zhang Xueyang nodded slightly, raised his hand in return, and said with a smile, "Hello, Director Yu, I am Zhang Xueyang, an assistant teacher, not a leader."

"Teacher Zhang." Yu Su greeted him again with a friendly smile. He could quickly close the distance between each other with a few smiles and gain the trust of others easily.

Zhang Xueyang glanced at Xu Tianhua, whose smile froze and he had to salute, "Teacher Zhang."

After returning the gift, Zhang Xueyang nodded lightly, "Hello, Director Xu."

He is not only a colonel, but also holds a full regimental rank, which is not a lie. If it were another person, Zhang Xueyang wouldn't pretend like this. He simply didn't like "highly educated recruits" like Xu Tianhua.

Xu Tianhua said, "Teacher Zhang, Director Yu wants to conduct an exclusive interview with Li Zhan."

The implication is that it’s none of your business and you can leave.

Since Zhang Xueyang was staying, of course he would not let Xu Tianhua manipulate him. He glanced at Xu Tianhua indifferently and had no intention of talking to him. Instead, he said to Su, "Director Yu, I am also a member of the experimental team, and Li Zhan is an old comrade in the Second Division. , joined Feisha a year earlier than Li Zhan, so he may not understand some of the situation, so I will introduce it from the side, will it not affect your interview?"

"No, no, of course not. On the contrary, I couldn't ask for it. With Teacher Zhang's help, I feel more confident about this interview. Thank you." Yu Su said with a smile.

Zhang Xueyang then looked at Xu Tianhua calmly and said, "Director Xu, if you don't have any other instructions, we will take Director Yu around and conduct interviews as we go."

The counterattack caught Xu Tianhua off guard. He had little work experience, but that didn't mean he was stupid. Of course, he heard Zhang Xueyang's subtext: "It's none of your business, just go ahead."

Xu Tianhua is stupid enough to fight against a veteran like Zhang Xueyang who has been the deputy leader.

Xu Tianhua was at a disadvantage after hesitating like this. Fortunately, he reacted in time before Yu Su spoke and said, "Oh, okay, let's get started."

Quan Dang didn't understand and pushed forward the process directly, which can be regarded as a good response.

If he had not spoken before Yu Su spoke, Yu Su would most likely have said, "Come back first, Mr. Xu." As a result, he would have missed a great opportunity to interact with beautiful reporters and writers.

Li Zhan on the other hand was overjoyed. Watching the overt and covert fight between Zhang Xueyang and Xu Tianhua was much more interesting than any interview. He realized that the next step would be more interesting, and he actually had some expectations for the interview.

He saw Zhang Xueyang passing him a questioning look: Shall we teach this Director Xu for the future captain of the army?

Li Zhan: No problem. In the future, the propaganda section chief will have to teach.

Zhang Xueyang: Let’s cooperate?

Li Zhan: Let’s fight in a two-plane formation. I’ll be your wingman.

Zhang Xueyang: How embarrassing is this...

Li Zhan: Are you lovelorn? Why don’t you show off...

If you ask for a monthly ticket again, I will fly this sortie tonight.

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