Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 529 He has more than a dozen airplanes, you know?

"Team Leader Li, I understand that you hooked the second blocking rope seven times in a row during your first real-life aircraft landing flight. This is the latest record of the Flying Shark Force. Can you tell me how you feel?"

Taking the commuter bus to the first training area, everyone was wearing winter training uniforms in the cold weather. Only Xu Tianhua had a military coat in his hand. He originally wanted to give it to Yu Su, but Yu Su declined with a smile.

Li Zhan walked along with them, intentionally or unintentionally highlighting Zhang Xueyang. When Yu Su asked, he opened his mouth, his tone was sonorous and powerful, as if he was reciting, "Under the strong organization of the superior leadership, under the leadership of the superior, Under the correct guidance, I trained strictly according to the training methods. During the training process, the instructor taught me attentively, and I received help from my comrades..."

Yu Su looked a little embarrassed and said, "Team Leader Li, let's, let's just have a casual chat. Mr. Chen said that you don't like cameras very much, so I didn't ask the photographer to come over and just did a text interview."

This column of mine is not a news network, so why don’t you come to Eight-part Grouping? Can you talk about something practical? Damn it, pretty boy?

"Yes, yes, Lao Li, just talk about your personal feelings." Zhang Xueyang pointed at Li Zhan with his hands behind his back like a veteran cadre.

This is what Li Zhan was waiting for. He wanted to give Zhang Xueyang enough face and let Zhang Xueyang create an image of a courageous and prestigious young colonel in front of Yu Su.

Li Zhan said immediately, "Okay, instructor. As for the feeling, the most direct feeling is that it's refreshing. It's really refreshing. When we landed, the landing area seemed to us not much bigger than a fingernail. As the height dropped, it gradually expanded, and finally Here's the fun part. Look at the length of the runway. It's only one hundred meters in total. That means that after the landing gear touches the ground, it must stop completely within one hundred meters or it will rush into the sea. What is one hundred meters? Concept, Mr. Yu, you may not feel it when you look at it this way now, but if I tell you that the fighter plane itself is about thirty meters long, which is equivalent to one-third of the length of the runway, you will probably have a strong understanding of it when you look at it this way. feeling.”

Yu Suju walked along the runway, and the more he imagined, the more frightened he became, "Yes, it usually takes five to six hundred meters for a plane to land and taxi, and a commercial airliner has to taxi for thousands of meters to land. Such a big fighter plane would need It is too difficult to land on such a short runway. I now understand the phrase 'dancer on the tip of a knife' more deeply. So to stop smoothly, you need the help of the blocking rope, and hooking the second blocking rope Why the highest standard?”

Here, Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang are playing in a two-plane formation very skillfully. You pass the moves to me and I take them and pass them on smoothly. Xu Tianhua feels uncomfortable after waiting for a long time. My deputy lieutenant colonel is not bad either. Girls, everyone depends on their abilities.

At that moment, Xu Tianhua interrupted and said, "Director Yu, let me give you some common sense on blocking ship landings..."

As soon as he said these words, he found that Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang suddenly stopped. They couldn't help but stop and look over. What they saw was that Li Zhan and Zhang Xueyang were looking at him in shock.

That expression and eyes probably means this: You are so shameless that you dare to talk about spreading common sense to others in front of us...

"What are you..." Xu Tianhua was shocked for no reason.

Is there anything wrong?

Yu Su suppressed a smile and said, "Director Xu, let Teacher Zhang and Team Leader Li introduce this to me..."

It's very cryptic - you're a political worker, how dare you say this in front of two senior pilots, come on, let me spread some common sense to you...

Are you here to be funny?

Xu Tianhua immediately realized that he had chosen the wrong breakthrough point...

"Uh, um, okay, Mr. Yu, please ask Teacher Zhang and Team Leader Li to continue introducing you to the relevant situation." Xu Tianhua hurriedly got off the slope.

Li Zhan felt that this person was not so annoying anymore, at least he was quite funny...

Zhang Xueyang took up the topic with a smile and began to spread common sense to Yu Su, saying, "The function of the arresting cable system is to hold the fighter plane. To use an analogy, it is like a person running at high speed and about to rush into the sea. At this time, there is suddenly something He grabbed the hem of his clothes with one hand and held him down."

"As for why hooking the second blocking rope is the highest standard, no, no, no, I want to correct it." Zhang Xueyang showed a confident and sunny smile and said freely, "hooking the second blocking rope is the most basic standard. , we require every Flying Shark... We are used to calling ourselves Flying Sharks, and require every pilot to meet this standard. Director Yu, you see, the arresting system has four cables. Let me simply say, hook the first Hooking the fourth channel means that the aircraft is flying too high and is in danger of crashing into the sea. Hooking the second and third channels is feasible, but if hooked If you live in the third lane, the length of the remaining runway will be cut off by more than ten meters..."

Li Zhan watched Zhang Xueyang's performance with a slight smile. Yu Su was fascinated by it, and Zhang Xueyang had a handsome face that was only slightly less handsome than Li Zhan's, so Yu Su watched with open eyes and peace of mind.

"The reason why Comrade Li Zhan hooked the second blocking rope seven times in a row is a new record because it was his first actual aircraft landing on the ship. Before this, he had no relevant experience at all...right?" Zhang Xueyang Having said this, he looked at Li Zhan.

Li Zhan immediately replied, "Yes, instructor. I have never been exposed to relevant training before."

"That's not right. I heard that when you were conducting test flights of the J-16..." Xu Tianhua couldn't help but say, and then he noticed you looking at him with murderous eyes.

Li Zhan frowned and said, "Director Xu, if you are not free, please leave first."

Can you talk about the J-16's go-around when it hits a ship (FT) in front of reporters?

Zhang Xueyang didn't give Xu Tianhua a good look. He said calmly, "Director Xu, didn't Director Long and Director Qiu explain anything before they left?"

But Xu Tianhua felt that they were making such a fuss, why couldn't they say what was written in the bulletin. But he is not a person without political sensitivity, otherwise he would not be the head of the propaganda section. So he wisely kept his mouth shut.

Yu Su caught the bright spot and said with a smile, "Team Leader Li also flew the J-16. I know that this aircraft is a new domestic fighter-bomber. I heard that its performance is very advanced."

"Oh, that happened when I was serving in the Air Force." Li Zhan did not answer the question and returned the topic directly to landing. "There are many difficulties in landing and landing, and the requirements for fighter aircraft are also very high. Director Yu I think you should focus on understanding the J-15. This aircraft is very good, and its technical level is as high as three or four stories high... The aircraft hooks the blocking cable and stops in just two seconds. The fighter plane has speed. It has weight, so the impact force is very large, and it places high requirements on the structural strength of the aircraft, including the landing gear, which has been strengthened in a targeted manner. Instructor Zhang knows more about this."

"Yes, the J-15 has many highlights, such as folding wings..." Zhang Xueyang took over the conversation tacitly and began to speak freely.

The four of them walked slowly and chatted. Li Zhan deliberately slowed down a little, and then took the initiative to say to Xu Tianhua, "Which school did Director Xu graduate from? Do you have a double master's degree?"

"Yes, I graduated from XX College of the People's Liberation Army. After getting two master's degrees, I was promoted to lieutenant colonel. I trained at the grassroots level for a year. I was assigned to the maritime affairs job in November last year." Xu Tianhua finally had the opportunity to highlight himself. The answer was louder.

Zhang Xueyang and Yu Su turned around and looked at each other in surprise, but while Xu Tianhua was smiling confidently, he was muttering in his heart, this look didn't look like admiration, what's going on!

"Ahem." Li Zhan walked even slower and covered his mouth with his fist to prevent others from misunderstanding his smile. He said, "Director Xu, Teacher Zhang is a top student at Aviation University, and he is He was specially recruited into the army. His father has a flying club. You may know the flying club. It is a local private flight training institution. His father owns more than a dozen airplanes. He obtained the fixed-wing aircraft piloting certificate when he was eighteen years old. …”

"Oh, Teacher Zhang is so powerful." Xu Tianhua gasped slightly, this background was beyond his expectation.

Li Zhan simply stopped. The shocked Xu Tianhua looked at the backs of Zhang Xueyang and Yu Su walking away, hesitated and stopped.

"Lao Zhang is the ace of the Second Division. The Second Division knows that the ace of the Air Force is known as Nan Batian. He has successively served as squadron leader, group leader, regimental chief of staff, and deputy regimental commander..."

With Li Zhan's introduction, Xu Tianhua's steps became steadier, and he became less and less interested in catching up with Zhang Xueyang. The gap is too big. Regardless of family background, Zhang Xueyang's gorgeous resume is simply not comparable to his. He is really a new recruit.

Li Zhan said with emotion, "Teacher Zhang is under a lot of pressure. His father does not approve of him joining the army. The reason why he trains so hard is because if he cannot achieve results, he will retire and go home to inherit his father's ten-year career." How many planes are there? It’s difficult for Teacher Zhang!”

"Yes, Teacher Zhang is too difficult." Xu Tianhua said with a wry smile, not knowing what to feel in his heart.

Li Zhan almost figured it out. Xu Tianhua was just a little naive. In fact, he was not a bad person. Simple people usually have firm beliefs, which is the most valuable thing. What Xu Tianhua lacked was some grassroots work experience. This shows that Xu Tianhua's grassroots training in the previous year did not have the desired effect.

It's normal to think about it. A lieutenant colonel and deputy regiment cadre, down to the captain's company and the largest grassroots company, everyone treats him as the leader. What effect can such training have? Lieutenant colonels and deputy regimental cadres in grassroots units are basically members of the regiment party committee.

Thinking of this, Li Zhan decided to say something that might offend people, but his original intention was for Xu Tianhua's good. Cadres with double master's degrees are rare. The army needs soldiers who can rush and kill, soldiers who can hold pens, and soldiers who are highly knowledgeable.

"Director Xu, propaganda work looks simple but actually involves many things. I think you are very similar to a comrade of mine and have similar experiences. At that time, his superiors wanted to promote him to be the head of a department. After careful consideration, he applied to work at the grassroots level. Serve as the commander-in-chief of the grassroots company," Li Zhan said.

Xu Tianhua's IQ was online, so he understood immediately and nodded thoughtfully.

I was very excited after the organizational talk. Although it seemed inappropriate to serve as the head of a battalion-level department at the deputy regiment level, it was a valuable leader. In fact, after calming down, he was also thinking about this issue, especially after being criticized implicitly by his superiors several times. He saw his own shortcomings and began to have doubts about whether he could take responsibility for the Propaganda Department in the future.

Maybe we should seriously consider Li Zhan's cryptic suggestion.

On the other side, Zhang Xueyang and Yu Su were chatting so much that they slowly forgot that there were two people left behind...

The big chapter has arrived. Comrade Xue, the veteran cadre of the gun regiment, rewarded him with 100,000 book coins, and the young and old cadres of the gun regiment, Weixin Ye, rewarded him with 30,000 book coins. The veteran cadres are very tenacious in fighting, and the new comrades are not bad either! It’s 105th, let’s try again!

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