Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 530 J-11A Go-around

I don’t know how Li Zhan handled it, so Yu Su’s main interviewee naturally turned to Zhang Xueyang.

For the interview team, there is no problem who should be the main interviewee. Yu Su also noticed that Li Zhan had been trying every means to avoid interviews. She approached Mr. Chen but Mr. Chen said he was helpless. Under this situation, Yu Su simply complied with Li Zhan's wishes. After all, if Li Zhan didn't cooperate, it would be difficult for her to produce a wonderful interview.

After eliminating these worries, Li Zhan concentrated on working on his No. 037 J-7EGGH in the maintenance hangar.

In the cold weather, the factory technicians and maintenance officers and soldiers were all so busy that they were sweating. They worked in three shifts and worked non-stop.

Yu Niandong has been following and doing it himself. He is a senior technician and has rich experience.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I think your maintenance hangar can be branded as a repair shop, and the overhaul and renovation are nothing more than that."

Basically, everything that can be dismantled was dismantled, and after the faults were resolved, comprehensive anti-corrosion treatment was carried out. It was an absolutely huge project. The aircraft engine is almost dismantled, but other subsystems must be fully inspected. In the case of continuous rotation, the work has been completed.

Li Zhan looked at the white labor protection gloves stained with oil and felt very distressed. He sighed softly and said, "I am mainly worried that the old bones like Dong Sanguai won't be able to hold on for long. Director Yu, you know, This aircraft has been overhauled three times plus this one."

"Don't worry, it will be no problem if you fly for another two or three years. But you have to pay attention to the maintenance hours of the engine." Yu Niandong is confident in the frame of the No. 037 J-7EGGH, but he has only used it for more than a year. Aviation Development was a little worried. After all, Li Zhan was not an ordinary pilot.

"I will be careful. In fact, I am not the only one flying. When my work here is on track, this aircraft will be used as the main concealed cabin landing training force, and the intensity of use in the future will be considerable." Li Zhan said.

Yu Niandong nodded slightly, "By the time you get on the ship, this plane will be almost ready. We have also collected a lot of data here. I hope I can live a long life."

"Definitely." Li Zhan joked, "I don't have any aircraft that have been retired normally, so I can't keep doing this."

Yu Niandong said, "Yes, I heard from the people in Beiku that you flew a J-6 before. It was a hero aircraft, and you donated it to the local education system."

"Nine-five-five-three-three, yes, that's what happened, but I was only the last pilot of that plane, and strictly speaking it cannot be regarded as my plane." Li Zhan said.

Yu Niandong smiled and waved his hand, then said, "Xiao Li, we are going to install some data collection equipment. In a few days, the factory will send out electronic pods. You can bring them with you during training. The electronic pods will automatically work to collect records. related data."

"I will carry out the orders given by my superiors," Li Zhan said.

There is nothing to say. If there is an order, the order will be carried out. If there is no order, it will not work. Because they are military products manufacturers, the confidentiality work of several aircraft factories is based on the confidentiality standards of the military. However, this does not change the nature of their enterprises, so some matters involving military secrets must be strictly followed. implement.

Yu Niandong wants to install some data collection instruments and equipment on the No. 037 J-7EGGH, which may collect confidential data on the army's combat tactics and other aspects. Therefore, it must be approved by the relevant higher-level leadership agencies, instead of fighting between Yu Niandong and Li Zhan. Something that can be done with just a greeting.

The combat tactics of any army are core secrets and cannot be understood just by looking at them or understanding them.

So Yu Niandong knew very well that he just wanted to say hello to Li Zhan in advance. After all, Li Zhan was the leader of the concealed cabin landing training test team.

Li Zhan said a few words to Yu Niandong and then walked to the hangar of the J-11A. Shen Fei sent a technical inspection team to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the three J-11As from the Sea and Air Eagle Force. Today is the last day of work. . According to the plan, the dark cabin landing training test team in the sky will resume training tonight and use the J-11A to conduct night landings.

So today's work is very important, related to whether the J-11A can resume flight.

Cao Fufei and Tang Leilei were both there, and the technician from the manufacturer was Engineer Yi Xiaoyi, an old acquaintance of Li Zhan. After receiving the notice from the factory, Yi Xiaoyi brought a colleague over from Shuilingchang Station. All the J-11A fighter jets in the entire military must be inspected for hidden dangers. There are simply not enough technical personnel in the factory, so all those who are already on business trips, including Yi Xiaoyi, have suspended their work and instead conduct hidden danger inspections first.

Yi Xiaoyi told Li Zhan on the day he arrived that J-16 No. 1616 had been transferred to Shuilingchang Station for the second half of the test flight. In fact, it was to conduct similar test flight projects in different environments. The last stop was to go to Bohai Sea. Later, Li Zhan might have a chance to see J-16 No. 1616 again, but that would probably be the coldest time of next winter.

When Li Zhan arrived, he found that everyone had finished their work, and Yi Xiaoyi was signing and handing over with people from the army equipment management department. He felt happy in his heart. After waiting for the people from the equipment management department to leave, he strode towards Yi Xiaoyi.

Cao Fufei and Tang Leile followed closely.

"Yi Gong." Li Zhan stretched out his hands from a distance, took Yi Xiaoyi's right hand and shook it vigorously, "Thank you for your hard work."

Yi Xiaoyi, who had dark circles under his eyes after staying up all night, forced a smile and said, "It's okay. I finally completed the test before the time you requested."

It would take a week to conduct the test according to the plan. Li Zhan asked Yi Xiaoyi to discuss whether the time could be compressed, preferably to two to three days. We are about to go on board the ship in September, and the time is getting shorter and shorter every day. So far, more than half of the people have not met the technical requirements set by Mr. Chen. Everyone is very anxious, and Li Zhan is also very anxious.

In view of this, Yi Xiaoyi and his colleagues could only work overtime for three days and slept for less than fifteen hours. The rest of the time was spent in the hangar doing inspections, compressing a week's work into three days.

Li Zhan was very happy. He patted Yi Xiaoyi on the shoulder and said, "Yi Gong, you stay here for two more days. I will arrange for someone to take you around. The scenery along the Bohai Sea is quite good. I will treat you to dinner in the evening." eat seafood!"

Cao Fufei and Tang Leile grinned after hearing this.

Anyone can believe what Team Leader Li says, but you absolutely cannot believe what Team Leader Li says.

Yi Xiaoyi sneered and said, "Lao Li, I'm leaving tonight and rushed to Shuiling overnight. The work there has stopped. Besides, if you want me to stay and keep an eye on you for a few days, just tell me. If you’re not an outsider, don’t be so pretentious.”

Li Zhan didn't feel embarrassed after his true intention was revealed. He smiled and said, "I want it. If you work so hard and I don't even treat you to a meal of seafood, it would be really shameful."

"I'd better eat seafood when the water is fresh. The seafood in the South China Sea is more delicious." Yi Xiaoyi didn't give Li Zhan face, he said hello to Cao Zhanfei and Tang Leilei and left with his colleagues.

Li Zhan hurriedly took a few steps away and then called to Cao Zoufei: "Old Cao, hurry up and send Yi Gong and the others away."

"Understood!" Cao Fufei personally took the commuter bus to see them off.

After they left, Li Zhan turned to the maintenance squadron leader and said, "Prepare to roll on the ground, and then do a normal flight over."

The captain of the maintenance squadron was stunned when he heard this, "Team leader Li, you can't move without Mr. Chen's order!"

"I'm asking Mr. Chen for instructions now. You can make preparations immediately."


The maintenance squadron leader immediately called on the troops to prepare for the flight. Generally speaking, if you want to resume flying, you need to conduct a ground rollout inspection. If the fighter aircraft performs normally in all aspects, it will then take off for flight training. Quite a real flight inspection procedure.

Li Zhan used the internal line in the hangar to call the chief instructor's office. Tang Leile also came over to learn the "First Brother Fooling Method". After the call was connected, Li Zhan said, "Mr. Chen, I am Li Zhan. I am working at Jian Shi at the moment." In the first hangar, the technicians from Shenfei have just sent away. Yes, the inspection has been completed. Of course there is no problem with the inspection, you know that. Isn’t it planned to go around day and night in the evening? I want to do a routine while I still have some time in the afternoon. Flying, three batches of three aircraft and one sortie will be enough. Yes, I, Cao Zuofei, and Tang Leilei will each fly one sortie. Firstly, we will get familiar with the J-11A. Secondly, it can be regarded as a practical flight inspection. Zhang Xueyang has not come back yet. You know this. He and the interview team went to the shipyard to see the aircraft carrier. They should shoot some outdoor shots. No, no, no, absolutely not more flights. Everyone will fly for an hour, and they will go up at the same time, two hours before and after. It can be done. How about saving the ground taxi? Okay, I will obey the order. Yes, do the ground taxi first and then fly. Yes, I understand. Thank you Mr. Chen!"

Then I saw Li Zhan put down the microphone and shouted to the maintenance squadron leader: "Mr. Chen has approved it. You move quickly, the tower will be ready soon."

When flying is about to resume, not only the tower, but also other relevant units must enter combat positions, which will definitely affect the whole body.

Of course, Lao Chentou did not prefer Li Zhan, but the troops really needed to resume training as soon as possible. Time is tight and tasks are heavy. He, the chief teacher responsible for all-round work, is under the greatest pressure. If the troops cannot meet the requirements within the time required by his superiors, it is him who should be held accountable by his superiors. He has been working as a political worker for more than ten years after flying for most of his life. The fact that Lao Chentou was transferred from the Air Force training base to serve as the chief instructor of Flying Sharks is enough to illustrate his signature. It's very loud. If he can't bring out a qualified flying shark unit, he won't be able to explain it to the organization.

With the order issued, the officers and soldiers of various units and departments who had long been exhausted quickly began to work and entered the combat position to complete the preparations in a very short period of time. The Fertile Land Flying Training Base, which had been quiet for several days, followed a first-class transfer. The trumpet sounds suddenly became nervous and busy, like water suddenly boiling.

But Li Zhan sighed and said, "It's too early to wait until we turn in."

Tang Leilei was puzzled, "Shouldn't it be?"

"It shouldn't be." Li Zhan said, "Look, it takes at least half an hour to do a ground roll. The ground crew's preparation time is too long. In actual combat, the enemy will not give you such a long preparation time. It should be done before dispatching It takes ten minutes or even five minutes to wait for a transfer, and all ground handling departments must be in place and ready within this time.”

Tang Leile suddenly realized.

Li Zhan frowned and looked at him, "Xiao Tang, in the few days since you left Beiku, your preparations for war and duty have relaxed a lot."

"Captain, I..." Tang Leile was so embarrassed that he didn't even realize it.

The Falcon Brigade and even the entire 101st Brigade are able to take off the ready fighter aircraft within one minute and dispatch three two-plane formations within ten minutes. This standard is very advanced even if it is not the highest in the entire army. Therefore, many brother troops felt great pressure after seeing the dispatch speed of the 101st Brigade. The first-class turn-in speed of some of their troops even took half an hour.

After half an hour of air combat, we returned home to reload bombs and refuel.

"No matter where you are, you have to be ready to fight at any time. Don't sit back and relax just thinking that this is a training base. There will be no training after the war breaks out, do you understand?" Li Zhan said earnestly.

Tang Leilei raised his chest and raised his head and said seriously, "Captain, I will definitely strengthen the study of combat awareness and be ready to fly into the air at all times!"

"Well, training is actual combat, and launching into the air is combat." Li Zhan said.

Tang Leilei muttered these ten words in a low voice. The more he experienced them, the more significant they became. He pointed out the core principles of combat training.

Seeing Tang Leilei talking to himself in deep thought, Li Zhan subconsciously turned around and savored the ten words that came out of his mouth, and slowly gained many deeper understandings in his heart.

However, he didn't have time to study more at this time. He and Tang Leile took a commuter bus to the flight doctor's office. On the way, he called Cao Zoufei and asked him to go directly to the flight doctor's office. The three of them immediately underwent a physical examination before the go-around, and the flight doctor signed and stamped Zhang, the three of them went to the agency building to find Lao Chentou to open the flyer.

After a series of work was completed, the maintenance side also completed preparations. All three J-11As had been towed out of the hangar by tractors, and one of them was parked directly on the regular takeoff line between the first training area and the second training area. superior.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Li Zhan piloted the No. 08 J-11A fighter for the ground taxi first, and then Cao Zuofei piloted the No. 09 J-11A to pick up, and Tang Leilei piloted the No. 10 J-11A to finish.

It was already 4:18 when I finished the ground run. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. It already looks like evening. Old Chentou came to the tower and took charge, while Shi Moying gave command. After the green lights were turned on in all departments and battle positions, Shi Moying gave the order to allow takeoff.

There was no canopy for the regular flight, so three J-11As were flown in succession. The Air and Sea Eagle Force had already done a major maintenance before sending the aircraft over. It had not flown since then and was inspected for three consecutive days. There was no problem with the aircraft, but out of caution, Mr. Chen only approved it. Li Zhan and the others were asked to engage in regular flights, and once they were familiar with each other again, they continued the concealed cabin landing training.

In fact, when a night flight is to be carried out at night, a go-around flight at this time is equivalent to flying across day and night. Now that the training has started, he will no longer look forward and backward. Li Zhan is not a hesitant person, and neither is Old Chen. Therefore, the day and night flight training plan was taken out of the safe under the instructions of Old Chen.

That's not just the training of the concealed cabin landing training test team.

The flying shark troops continued to move forward.

A four thousand word chapter. It is currently ranked 103rd, which is not much different from the previous few votes, one or two hundred votes. There are two days left in this month, and the rifle will go all out to strive for another 20,000 words.

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